Candidate & Elected Officials Form

While we may use information you send us via this form, we will never disclose the source of the information without written consent. The only required fields are your name and email address. Please be as descriptive as possible and provide any sources for the information you have. Rather just email directly? You can email [email protected].

    (The person sending this, not the candidate/elected official, unless that is you)

    (The person sending this, not the candidate/elected official, unless that is you)

    (Please include name of person you are sending information in on)

    If the person sending this is the candidate or elected official, tells us about yourself and why you are running for office.

    General information on the candidate or elected official you are sending information on. Example: Birthday, Death date, Social Media links (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Parler, Gab, Wikipedia)

    What political party do you belong to?

    Education information on the candidate or elected official you are sending information on. Example: High School, College, Degrees. Please use a new line for each one.

    Political information on the candidate or elected official you are sending information on. Example: Current and past elected positions that the person has run for office or held office. Please use a new line for each one.

    Professions information on the candidate or elected official you are sending information on. Example: Current and past jobs held outside of politics.

    Organizations information on the candidate or elected official you are sending information on. Example: Any groups, non profits or lobbyist groups the person has been associated with.

    Provide a headshot photo to be used for your profile picture. The photo should be of a decent resolution.

    Non-Partisan election note: Municipal elections in Alabama are run as non-partisan elections, where candidates are not required to disclose their party affiliation. Where we do know the candidate’s party affiliation, either by their own public disclosure or our research, we disclose that on their profile which is displayed throughout the website where their name appears.

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