Tommy Tuberville News & Articles

AL GOP Senate Candidates Slam Doug Jones After Impeachment Votes
Doug Jones arguably made the toughest vote of his political career when he voted to convict President Trump on both articles of impeachment yesterday. It was expected to draw much backlash from his GOP…
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Alabama Republicans Say Jones Continues to Take “Marching Orders” from Pelosi and Schumer After Impeachment Vote
Democratic Senator Doug Jones defied political pressure from conservatives in his home state and voted “yea” on both articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump. The first article alleges that President Trump abused the…
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Tuberville Releases First TV Ad: “I’m Looking to Save This Country with Donald J. Trump!”
In his heavily cinematic first television ad, former Auburn football coach and GOP Senate candidate, Tommy Tuberville portrayed himself as a Christian Conservative fighter who is “a politicians worst nightmare,” and someone who will…
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Tuberville Ties Sessions to John Bolton Amidst Sessions’ Efforts to Tie Himself to Trump
In light of new revelations against President Trump in his former national security advisor, John Bolton’s new book, Jeff Sessions sent out a series of tweets in which he gave his own thoughts on…
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Bradley Byrne Is A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Statewide Candidate
Bradley Byrne could have spent the remainder of his life soaking up a $174,000 a year taxpayer-funded salary just a few miles from Alabama’s gorgeous beaches.
All he had to do was run for…
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Tuberville Radio Ad: “God Sent Us Donald Trump”
Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Tommy Tuberville has released his first statewide radio ad.
The ad sticks to the message Tuberville has used his entire campaign, that he supports Donald Trump and believes that God…
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Tuberville Praises Trump’s Attendance at the March For Life
On Friday, President Donald Trump became the first sitting U.S. President to attend the March For Life, an annual anti-abortion rights protest event. His attendance…
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Roy Moore: Federal Government Has No Business Regulating Marijuana
At a Tuesday forum in Huntsville moderated by Jeff Poor, the host of WVNN’s “The Jeff Poor Show,” every AL GOP Senate candidate except for Roy Moore backed keeping marijuana illegal at the…
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Jeff Sessions Endorsed By Eight Alabama Sheriffs
At a joint press conference on Monday in Montgomery, eight Alabama sheriffs endorsed Jeff Sessions for U.S. Senate.
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Bradley Byrne’s Latest Campaign Tactic: It’s Us vs Them
Republican primary voters in Alabama will head to the ballot box in 45 days to decide who they will select to take on Democratic incumbent, Doug Jones. While former Attorney General, Jeff Sessions is…
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