Richard Shelby News & Articles

Jones Votes “Yea” and Shelby Votes “Nay” on Motion to Subpoena Witnesses and Documents
The motion to subpoena witnesses for testimony in the impeachment trial of President Donald Trump failed last night in a 51-49 vote. Senators Susan Collins…
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Bradley Byrne Is A Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Statewide Candidate
Bradley Byrne could have spent the remainder of his life soaking up a $174,000 a year taxpayer-funded salary just a few miles from Alabama’s gorgeous beaches.
All he had to do was run for…
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Doug Jones & Richard Shelby Vote For USMCA Trade Agreement
A rare show of overwhelming bipartisanship happened in Washington, D.C. on Thursday. After passing the House in a 385-41 vote that included yeas from President…
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New Approval Ratings Released For Senators Richard Shelby and Doug Jones
According to a new survey by Morning Consult, Alabama’s senior Senator, Richard Shelby holds a 46 percent approval rating and a 26 percent disapproval…
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Sen. Richard Shelby Signs Resolution Condemning Pelosi’s Impeachment Tactics
One day after Senator Doug Jones tweeted a video, giving his latest thoughts on the impeachment process against President Trump, Senator Richard Shelby
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Alabama Elected Officials & Candidates Celebrate National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
Across the country on January 9th each year, citizens take the lead to show support on National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day.
Alabama elected officials and those seeking office took to Twitter to comment on the…
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Alabama’s Andrew Brasher Nomination to U.S. Circuit Court Sent to U.S. Senate For Vote
Andrew Brasher, who currently serves as the U.S. District Judge for the Middle District of Alabama was nominated by President Trump in November to serve…
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Birmingham Northern Beltline Construction to Continue
Governor Kay Ivey on Thursday announced that construction of the Birmingham Northern Beltline will resume soon thanks to funding secured by U.S. Senator Richard Shelby. Funding for the Appalachian Development Highway System (ADHS),…
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Jeff Sessions Attempts to Strike a Balance Between Alabama Values and Economic Issues
During an appearance on WVNN’s “The Jeff Poor Show,” former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the front-runner to take on Democratic incumbent, Doug…
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Senator Richard Shelby Awarded the UAB President’s Medal
The UAB President’s Medal, first awarded in 1985, recognizes individuals who have attained scholarly distinction and/or have rendered distinguished service to the university. This year it was awarded to Alabama’s senior U.S. Senator, Richard…
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