Red Flag Laws News & Articles

Chilton County Becomes First 2nd Amendment Sanctuary In Alabama
By Brent Wilson on
February 28, 2020
Chilton County became the first county in Alabama to declare itself a 2nd Amendment sanctuary for gun owners Tuesday.
Chilton County Commissioners joined a growing national movement in which counties are declaring themselves Second…
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Stop Scapegoating Mental Illness for Mass Shootings
By Clete Wetli on
September 2, 2019 | Opinion
Indeed, if mental illness was to blame for mass shootings, then other countries would have the same issues we face in the Unites States.
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How Many Alabamians Need to Die Before We Regulate Guns?
By Clete Wetli on
June 3, 2019 | Opinion
How many people in Alabama need to die before we have a real debate about these issues? Right now, Republicans won’t even acknowledge the problem, much less discuss it.
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