Patricia Todd News & Articles

Alabama Political Winds Starting to Shift
What began as a breeze is starting to shape up as a strong political wind. If Alabama Democrats continue along their new path, the state may be in for some big and positive changes soon.
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Doug Jones Reacts to Judge Dismissing Nancy Worley’s Lawsuit
Yesterday, Montgomery Circuit Court Judge Greg Griffin dismissed a lawsuit filed by the former chairwoman of the Alabama Democratic Party, Nancy Worley, who filed the lawsuit because of the DNC revoking her credentials and…
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Hope For A New Blue Alabama
Moving forward, the ALGOP won’t be able to make absurd claims and comments unchecked and unchallenged.
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Alabama State Rep. Mike Ball Talks CARE Act
In 2014, Rep. Mike Ball (R – Madison) introduced legislation that would go on to become Carly’s Law – a bill that authorized the University of Alabama in Birmingham to conduct a study…
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Alabama HB 96 Would Treat One Ounce of Marijuana As Simple Fine
Representative Laura Hall wants to change Alabama’s marijuana laws. Hall has introduced HB 96 which will change what defines unlawful possession of marijuana in the first degree and second degree while also creating…
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