Mazda Toyota Manufacturing U.S.A. News & Articles

Toyota Plant in Huntsville to Start Manufacturing Face Shields
By Dakota Layton on
April 3, 2020
On Thursday, the Toyota plant in Huntsville announced that it will start producing face shields for healthcare workers as the COVID-19 pandemic increases its scope of impact across the world. This means…
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Vuteq to Create 200 Jobs at Huntsville Plant
By Brent Wilson on
August 21, 2019
Governor Kay Ivey on Wednesday announced that global automotive supplier Vuteq USA plans to invest more than $60 million to open a manufacturing facility to serve the Mazda Toyota Manufacturing U.S.A. (MTMUS) auto assembly…
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Gov. Ivey: Auto Supplier YKTA to Create 650 Jobs at Huntsville Plant
By Brent Wilson on
May 22, 2019
Governor Kay Ivey was in Huntsville today to announce auto supplier Y-tec Keylex Toyotetsu Alabama (YKTA) plans to invest $220 million to open a manufacturing facility that will create 650 jobs.
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