Mac McCutcheon News & Articles

Alabama Medical Marijuana Bill Likely To See Major Changes
The CARE Act, Alabama’s medical marijuana bill, saw a relatively easy path through the Senate but the House is poised to completely change the current bill.
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Dustin Chandler: If Alabama’s Medical Marijuana Bill Fails, Carly’s Law Will Go Away
Dustin Chandler appeared on the Matt & Aunie Show today to discuss the Medical Marijuana bill which he fears may be in danger of not getting a vote in the House.
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Alabama Medical Marijuana Bill Could Die At The Hands of Rep. Paul Lee
An update today from the Facebook page of Carly’s Law shows that the CARE Act is being held up in Committee, possibly an attempt by State Rep. Paul Lee (R-Dothan) to prevent the bill from having enough time to be debated on the House floor this session.
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Alabama Medical Marijuana Bill Passes Senate
Alabama took a big step today to becoming the 34th state with Medical Marijuana.
The Alabama Senate has passed a medical marijuana bill, known as the CARE Act. SB 236, sponsored by…
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Alabama State Rep. Mike Ball Talks CARE Act
In 2014, Rep. Mike Ball (R – Madison) introduced legislation that would go on to become Carly’s Law – a bill that authorized the University of Alabama in Birmingham to conduct a study…
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CARE Act – Alabama’s Medical Marijuana Legalization Bill
UPDATE: The bill described in this article has been replaced with a substitute bill. You can view the new bill here.
Follow our latest updates on the CARE Act…
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