Jim Zeigler News & Articles

It’s Time To Stop Voting For “Outsiders”
“Outsiders” aren’t going to save our democracy. Voters will when they begin to hold public officials accountable for incompetence and malfeasance.
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Committee on Governmental Affairs Considers Bill Eliminating Office of State Auditor
On Tuesday, The Alabama Senate Committee on Governmental affairs considered a bill, SB83, sponsored by State Senator Andrew Jones (R-Centre) that would eliminate the Office of State Auditor in Alabama. The bill…
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Kay Ivey Should Listen To Alabama Voters When It Comes To Toll Roads
Governor Ivey, your people are hurting. They are crying out for help and starving for leadership and starving for the direction that only you can provide. Your lack of listening to Alabamians up until…
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Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler Attacks Kyrsten Sinema’s Appearance As “Improperly Attired”
Update: Jim Zeigler has edited his original post to remove “improperly attired”.
Recently reelected Alabama State Auditor Jim Zeigler and potential future candidate for United States Senator took to Facebook to attack…
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