Greg Albritton News & Articles

AL Republicans Seek License Plate Scanners For Police
Pre-filed bill SB2, sponsored by six Alabama Republican State Senators, could allow police officers and other law enforcement officers to use license plate scanners on public highways.
The bill is sponsored by…
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Alabama Constitutional Carry Bill Passes Senate Committee
A bill that would remove the requirement for citizens in Alabama to obtain a permit to conceal carry a firearm has passed a Senate Committee on a 6-4 vote.
The bill, SB1, was filed…
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A Look Back At The 2019 Alabama Legislative Session
The 2019 Alabama Legislative Session was one of the most controversial sessions in Alabama history so let’s look at what all was accomplished and what was left on the table this year.
What Passed…
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Bill To End Alabama Marriage Licenses Heads To Governor’s Desk
The House approved a Senate bill that would end marriage licenses in Alabama.
The bill now goes to Governor Kay Ivey. If she signs SB 69 into law, Alabama will officially be out…
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Alabama Lottery Bill Passes Senate
The Alabama Senate has passed SB 220, a “clean” paper lottery bill.
The bill, sponsored by Greg Albritton (R – Atmore) and supported by Del Marsh (R – Anniston), would…
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Alabama Medical Marijuana Bill Passes Senate Committee
The Senate version of the CARE Act, a medical marijuana bill, has passed its first hurdle. The Senate Committee voted in favor of the CARE Act by a vote of 6-2, with three people…
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Alabama Bill Bans Abortion In All Cases Except When Mother’s Life At Risk
Alabama Rep. Terri Collins (R-Decatur) introduced HB 314 today to ban abortions in Alabama.
The bill would make abortion and attempted abortion a Class A Felony offense except in cases where…
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Alabama Lottery 2019 – Everything You Need To Know
The Alabama Lottery bill will not be voted on in 2019.
The Alabama Lottery debate is officially back. In the 2019 Legislative Regular Session, Alabama lawmakers will have at least…
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