George Floyd News & Articles

Alabama House Democrats Actually Hear You
Republicans are no longer just ignoring your voice, they are doing everything they can to silence it.
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Calling Out AL Rep. Will Dismukes
Grand Dragoon Will Dismukes claims to be baffled by the public outcry. He simply doesn’t understand what all the fuss is about or why anyone would ask for his resignation.
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Here’s What’s in House Democrat’s Police Reform Bill
In light of protests across the globe over the brutal murder of George Floyd, House Democrats unveiled a new piece of legislation on Monday known as the “Justice in Policing Act”…
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It’s Not A Monumental Decision
The only thing monumental in the discussion about monuments is the monumental lengths that Republicans and conservatives will go in making absurd justifications for their continued existence.
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Huntsville City Council President To Introduce Resolution To Remove Courthouse Confederate Monument
On Wednesday, Huntsville City Council President Devyn Keith issued a short statement on Facebook saying that he would be introducing a resolution at Thursday’s city council meeting to support the removal of the…
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Addressing Race and Justice…Again
The inexcusable death of George Floyd at the hand of Minneapolis Police has seemingly opened festering wounds in America. These wounds are never far below the surface in our society, even after so many decades…
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An Open Letter to Mayor Tommy Battle
Mayor Battle,
I’ve been a member of the Huntsville community for all of my adult life, and a large portion of my adolescent and child life as well. I’ve taken advantage of our community’s opportunities…
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The Mutating Virus Worse Than COVID-19
Yes, racism has mutated as a virus, but it’s flaring and spiking again. Just like COVID-19, there’s no vaccine or effective treatment yet. However, we can contain it and work towards its eradication.
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