Doug Jones News & Articles

Corruption Is Corrosive, And It’s Starting With The Birds
Whether you live in rural southwest Alabama like me or on University Boulevard in Mobile, we Alabamians have come to understand a simple truth: Our government is manipulated by big money and special interests….
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New Poll: Jones Trails Sessions, Tuberville, and Byrne; Beats Moore and Mooney
A new poll released by JMC Analytics surveyed a group of voters between December 16-18. 14% of the voters were between the ages of 18 and 34, 29% were between 35 and 54, 21% were…
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Doug Jones: The American People Deserve A Full, Fair, and Complete Trial
Senator Doug Jones was interviewed Sunday morning on ABC’s “This Week” by Martha Raddatz. Their conversation revolved around the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump and Senator Jones had a lot to say. In…
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Alabama Senate Race A “Toss Up” According To Cook Political Report
Cook Political Report rated U.S. Senator Doug Jones’ re-election race as a “toss-up,” reflecting Jones’ strong Q3 fundraising and recent legislative victories…
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Senator Doug Jones on Impeachment: Policy Before Politics
On Thursday afternoon, Senator Doug Jones (D-AL) tweeted:
In the past week, Congress has passed my bills to end the military…
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Jeff Sessions Goes On a Twitter Tirade Against House Democrats After Impeachment Articles Pass
On Wednesday, former Attorney General and 2020 Alabama GOP Senate front-runner, Jeff Sessions went on an 8-part Twitter tirade against House Democrats after both articles of impeachment passed the House on a party-line vote…
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Senator Doug Jones’ ‘Military Widows Tax’ Repeal Provision Passes The U.S. Senate
Senator Doug Jones partnered with Senator Susan Collins of Maine on the Widow’s Tax Elimination Act of 2019. This bipartisan policy priority became a provision of the National Defense Authorization Act. The bill will…
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Doug Jones Campaign Partners With Birmingham Nonprofit for Holiday Service Day
On Wednesday, December 18, The Doug Jones for Senate campaign joined the local nonprofit Be a Blessing Birmingham to help prepare donations for distribution this holiday season. Be a Blessing Birmingham partners…
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Jeff Sessions Attempts to Strike a Balance Between Alabama Values and Economic Issues
During an appearance on WVNN’s “The Jeff Poor Show,” former U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the front-runner to take on Democratic incumbent, Doug…
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2020 Alabama Senate Candidates React to Articles of Impeachment
On Tuesday, House Democrats unveiled two articles of impeachment against President Donald J. Trump. The first article alleges that President Trump abused his power as the President of the United States “Donald J. Trump…
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