Doug Jones News & Articles

We Love Jeff Sessions In Mobile, But Please Don’t Run For Senate
In Mobile, we love the Senator. You will have to pardon my appropriation of that infamous line in the famous Lynyrd Skynyrd song, however, when it comes to our former hometown Senator Jeff…
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Bradley Byrne Reports $408,000 In Third Quarter Fundraising
Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Bradley Byrne reported his third-quarter fundraising today. Candidates running for federal office are required to report their funding raising results on a quarterly basis. The third quarter ended at…
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Tuberville Campaign Raises Over $373,000 In Third Quarter
Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Tommy Tuberville reported his third-quarter fundraising today. Candidates running for federal office are required to report their funding raising results on a quarterly basis. The third quarter ended at…
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DNC Chair Warns Nancy Worley Against Challenging Approved Bylaws
Nancy Worley has spent the last year being hammered by not only Alabama Democrats but also the Democratic National Committee. Today was no different after the DNC Chair, Tom Perez, sent a letter to Worley…
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Doug Jones Raises Over $2 Million In 3rd Quarter
The Doug Jones campaign reported on Monday that they have raised over $2 million in the third quarter of 2019.
Jones now has over 26,000 donors and over $5 million in cash-on-hand. The Jones…
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Poll Shows Tommy Tuberville With Large Lead, Roy Moore In Second
Like in any football game, momentum can swing back and forth from one side to the next for no reason at all. However, it certainly looks like the early momentum is with the Tommy…
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Mobile Airbus Plant Avoids Impact From Trump Tariffs
The U.S. Government has spared a Mobile, AL plant from the impact of tariffs against the European planemaker.
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Alabama Rural Hospitals To Benefit From New Medicare Reimbursement Formula
Starting Tuesday, October 1st, the federal government is changing the formula that it uses to reimburse hospitals and other medical providers for healthcare services provided to Medicare patients.
The change in the formula, known…
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Doug Jones Wants To ‘Fix the Party’
The Doug Jones for Senate Campaign has launched a new site that aims to provide state Democrats, especially Democrats on the State Democratic Executive Committee, with all of the relevant information pertaining to the rules…
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Doug Jones To Colleagues: Do Your Duty, Not Politics
U.S. Senator Doug Jones (D-Ala.) took to the Senate floor this evening to express his concern about the recent allegations that have come to light involving the President of the United States and the…
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