Calhoun County News & Articles

2020 Alabama General Election Sample Ballots
The Alabama Secretary of State has released sample primary ballots for the upcoming November 3, 2020 Alabama general election. Find your county below to prepare yourself for when you walk into your voting precinct.

2020 Alabama Primary Runoff Sample Ballots By County
The Alabama Secretary of State has released sample primary ballots for the upcoming July 14, 2020 Alabama Republican and Democratic primary runoff races. Find your county below to prepare yourself for when you walk into…
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Jeff Sessions Endorsed By Eight Alabama Sheriffs
At a joint press conference on Monday in Montgomery, eight Alabama sheriffs endorsed Jeff Sessions for U.S. Senate.
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2020 Alabama Primary Election Sample Ballots By County
The Alabama Secretary of State has released sample primary ballots for the upcoming March 3, 2020 Alabama Republican and Democratic primaries. Find your county below to prepare yourself for when you walk into your voting…
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Gov. Ivey Announces $46 Million in Grants to Help Families Pay Energy Bills
On Thursday, Governor Kay Ivey announced that twenty-one community service agencies in Alabama will receive $46.2 million in grants to assist low-income families by helping pay their energy bills. The grants were provided by…
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Gov. Ivey Awards More Than $2.5 Million For Emergency Housing Assistance
Governor Kay Ivey on Tuesday announced that she has awarded grants totaling more than $2.5 million to help homeless Alabamians with immediate housing assistance and to help others who are in danger of becoming…
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Doug Jones Kicks Off Statewide Campaign Tour
U.S. Senator Doug Jones’ re-election campaign has kicked off a statewide “Road to Ready” tour to hear from Alabamians across the state, train volunteers and engage with voters on issues that matter most…
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Calhoun County Elected Officials Enjoy Decades of Tax Payer Paychecks Despite Continued Decline
In a recent USA today article, five Alabama towns were listed among the 50 worst place to live in America. My hometown of Anniston, AL managed to sneak in the top 10 at…
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Anniston City Council Member Ben Little Indicted On Ethic Charges
A Calhoun County grand jury filed an indictment Jan. 22 in which Ben Little is charged with voting on city legislation in which he knew he had a conflict of interest and on…
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