Bradley Byrne News & Articles

Bradley Byrne Opposes Coronavirus Relief Package Supported by Trump
On Friday, the House of Representatives passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The vote was 363 in favor and 40 opposed.
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Club For Growth PAC Airs Ad Attacking Byrne For His Past Criticism of Trump
As the March 3 Republican primary draws even closer, tensions are heating up. The Club for Growth PAC is airing an ad attacking Congressman Bradley Byrne’s bid for the U.S. Senate due to his…
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The Stupidity Behind Republican “Small Government”
The stupidity of the “small government” talking point is that it improperly correlates size with effectiveness.
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Liz Cheney Endorses Bradley Byrne For Senate
Liz Cheney, the Republican Rep. from Wyoming, House Republican Conference Chair, and daughter of former Vice-President Dick Cheney, has announced she is endorsing Bradley Byrne in the Alabama Republican primary for U.S. Senate.

Byrne: We Better Pick The Right Person To Be Our Republican Nominee
During a stop at St. Clair County on Thursday, Congressman and GOP Senate candidate Bradley Byrne argued that the Republican party can’t just nominate any candidate to take on Doug Jones. He…
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New Poll: Tuberville Takes the Lead
In a new poll released by Club for Growth Action, the Federal Super PAC associated with the conservative Club for Growth, former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville has taken the lead as the GOP…
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Adair, Byrne, Mooney, and Tuberville Campaign At Madison County Republican Men’s Club
With less than a month away from the primaries, four GOP Senate candidates visited the Madison County Republican Men’s Club at their monthly breakfast on Saturday. Each candidate presented their own vision of what…
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It’s Not Really About The Wall…
On February 12, the current administration notified Congress that it would divert $3.8B slated for the Pentagon (including $261M earmarked for Mobile) toward construction of “The Wall”. One of the bedrock pieces of the…
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Poll Finds Sessions Has 5 Point Lead Over Tuberville
A new poll released on Thursday by Club for Growth Action, a super PAC associated with the conservative Club for Growth found that former Attorney General Jeff Sessions is still the front-runner to…
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Bradley Byrne Wants To Abolish the U.S. Department of Education
In an op-ed written for Yellowhammer News, Congressman and GOP Senate candidate Bradley Byrne argued that we should abolish the U.S. Department of Education and leave education to state and local governments.
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