ALGOP News & Articles

Roy Moore: Ilhan Omar Should Go Back “From Whence She Came”
Former Judge and Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore on Wednesday said Rep. Ilhan Omar should go back to Somalia after the Minnesota Democrat called him a child molester while criticizing the Alabama GOP…
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Ilhan Omar Fires Back At ALGOP: You Supported An Accused Child Molester
The ALGOP recently voted to support a resolution that asked Alabama’s elected Congressional delegation to “proceed with the expulsion process” for Ilhan Omar….
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An Open Letter To AL Dem Chair Nancy Worley
It’s time for you to step down. It’s time for you to let someone else lead the party. Under your tenure, no one knows the party message, candidates aren’t supported or recruited, and you’ve left nothing but a trail of embarrassing media gaffes.
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Alabama College Free Speech Law Opens Door for Extremism and Hate
This was just more absurdist political theater from the Republicans, but it also clearly shows that they have a real problem finding the courage to denounce prejudice and bigotry.
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How Many Alabamians Need to Die Before We Regulate Guns?
How many people in Alabama need to die before we have a real debate about these issues? Right now, Republicans won’t even acknowledge the problem, much less discuss it.
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AL Republicans Refusal to Fix Revenue Problem Hurts the State
Alabama’s revenue problem isn’t new. We’ve been doing nothing about it for over a decade. Each time a sensible reform or creative solution is proposed, it’s killed by right-wing hardliners.
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Alabama 49th Worst State, Conservatives Bear the Blame
Alabama Republicans should take a long, hard look at this ranking because it’s their report card. They can’t blame Democrats for their incompetence or inability to solve problems.
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Rebuild Alabama Act Signed Into Law 5 Days After Introduced
That’s all folks. In one of the largest tax hikes in Alabama’s recent history, Kay Ivey signed into law the Rebuild Alabama Act just five days after it was introduced in a…
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Alabama GOP About To Eat Crow Over Proposed Gas Tax
After years of vociferously attacking any type of taxation or revenue increase for public services as inherently evil, the Alabama GOP is awkwardly poised to battle a rhetorical nightmare of its own creation. It ironically…
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