ALGOP News & Articles

There Is Nothing To See Here, Alabama
If there’s one thing that the Republican Party has undeniably mastered over the last decade, both locally and nationally, it’s the art of misdirection. A misdirection is a tool that magicians and street corner hustlers…
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Hope For A New Blue Alabama
Moving forward, the ALGOP won’t be able to make absurd claims and comments unchecked and unchallenged.
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AL Governor Ivey on “Political Charades”: It Takes One to Know One
The real charade is that the ALGOP and Gov. Ivey are trying to spin the Trump era as wildly successful, but the facts tell a much different story.
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Does it Matter Who Alabama Republicans Nominate For Senate? Probably not.
This message is for Alabama Republican Primary voters in 2020: It almost does not matter who gets your vote. You could almost blindly color in the circle and be done with it. You could almost…
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Trump Derangement Syndrome Is Strongest in Alabama
Alabama Republicans will never question Trump’s self-described “great and unmatched wisdom” that seemingly only rivals his expertise on literally every subject, or his profound display of Christian values including profanity-laced speeches and petty, obsessive political vendettas.
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Keep It Up, GOP. You’re Doing Great!
In the fall of 2016, I was having a discussion with a Republican friend who was a fan of nominee Donald Trump. We discussed the pros and cons of a Trump/Clinton administration and how they…
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In Alabama, The Poor Keep Getting Poorer
Yeah, it’s been some great economic news lately for some, but more Alabamians seem to be working harder than ever, with less to show for it.
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ALGOP Officially Sells Its Soul To Trump
Sadly, the Alabama Republican Party thinks that the president extorting Ukraine for his own personal gain, and engaging in an unprecedented cover-up, is a crisis that can be twisted into a massive fundraising effort.
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Doug Jones Wants To ‘Fix the Party’
The Doug Jones for Senate Campaign has launched a new site that aims to provide state Democrats, especially Democrats on the State Democratic Executive Committee, with all of the relevant information pertaining to the rules…
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Nancy Worley’s Last Stand
The reality is that hundreds of thousands of Alabamians still lack access to affordable healthcare. The reality is that the state has slashed unemployment benefits and continues to neglect people who genuinely need help. The reality is that Alabama needs prison and education reform. In fact, Alabama has real problems and it needs real solutions.
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