2nd Amendment News & Articles

Controversial AL Pastor Dean Odle To Run For Governor
Qualifying for Alabama’s 2022 Governor race runs from Jan 07, 2022 – Jun 07, 2022 but that hasn’t stopped Dean Odle of Cusseta, AL from announcing his plans to seek Alabama’s highest office….
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Chilton County Becomes First 2nd Amendment Sanctuary In Alabama
Chilton County became the first county in Alabama to declare itself a 2nd Amendment sanctuary for gun owners Tuesday.
Chilton County Commissioners joined a growing national movement in which counties are declaring themselves Second…
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Concealed Carry Supporters Slam Alabama Sheriffs Association
A large gun-rights organization in Alabama is taking to social media to call for opposition to three bills filed in Alabama that would create a centralized database of citizens that are approved for a concealed…
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AL Sheriffs Release Statement On Changes To Concealed Carry Permits
In the past 13 months, Alabamians have encountered a terrible onslaught of violent conduct towards law enforcement officers. We have suffered a record seven deaths of law enforcement officers in Alabama alone as a result…
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Mo Brooks Introduces “Lawful Interstate Transportation of Firearms Act”
On Friday, Congressman Mo Brooks (AL-05) introduced the Lawful Interstate Transportation of Firearms Act along with 13 cosponsors.
The 13 cosponsors are Congressman Brian Babin (TX-36), Congressman Steve Watkins (KS-02), Congressman Steve King (IA-04),…
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Bradley Byrne: 2019 – A Year in Review
At this time last year, I predicted that the upcoming year with a Democrat majority in the House would be much different. While most activity in the House centered around efforts to impeach our President,…
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John Castorani To Socialists: I’m Your Worst Nightmare
“If you elect me, I will fix that.” Have you heard that phrase before?
Career politicians ask you for your vote and pledge to bring about real change. You see them come back when…
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Stop Scapegoating Mental Illness for Mass Shootings
Indeed, if mental illness was to blame for mass shootings, then other countries would have the same issues we face in the Unites States.
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Alabama Gun Worship Must End
So, instead of recognizing the obvious epidemic and widespread carnage of growing gun violence, Alabama politicians keep pushing bills to make gun ownership easier and less accountable. In fact, the cliché of all clichés in Alabama is to watch a conservative campaign ad with the candidate firing a gun.
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How Many Alabamians Need to Die Before We Regulate Guns?
How many people in Alabama need to die before we have a real debate about these issues? Right now, Republicans won’t even acknowledge the problem, much less discuss it.
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