Alabama News

Governor Ivey Announces $7 Million for Local Road and Bridge Projects
Governor Kay Ivey and the Alabama Department of Transportation on Thursday announced that $7 million in funding is being awarded to cities and counties for various local road and bridge projects.
The funding is…
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Doug Jones & Richard Shelby Vote For USMCA Trade Agreement
A rare show of overwhelming bipartisanship happened in Washington, D.C. on Thursday. After passing the House in a 385-41 vote that included yeas from President…
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Jeff Coleman Overwhelming Favorite To Win AL-02 In Latest Polling
Following Congresswoman Martha Roby’s decision to not seek re-election, Republicans in the 2nd congressional district have no shortage of options as her replacement. However, Dothan business Jeff Coleman appears to be the clear choice…
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New Approval Ratings Released For Senators Richard Shelby and Doug Jones
According to a new survey by Morning Consult, Alabama’s senior Senator, Richard Shelby holds a 46 percent approval rating and a 26 percent disapproval…
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Rep. Terri Sewell Endorses Former VP Joe Biden For President
After receiving endorsements from prominent Alabama Democrats like Senator Doug Jones and Birmingham Mayor, Randall…
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Republicans Paint Themselves Into A Corner
The point is that Republicans have decided to defend Trump at all costs, no matter what, truth be damned, and until the sad, inescapably bitter end.
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2020 Alabama Primary Election Sample Ballots By County
The Alabama Secretary of State has released sample primary ballots for the upcoming March 3, 2020 Alabama Republican and Democratic primaries. Find your county below to prepare yourself for when you walk into your voting…
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Jeff Sessions Releases First Ad Targeting Socialism, Open Borders & Free Healthcare For Illegal Immigrants
Jeff Sessions has released his first ad since he announced he would seek his old U.S. Senate seat that he gave up to be Attorney General of the United States under Donald Trump. Sessions…
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State Sen. Steve Clouse Explains Challenges to Eliminating the Grocery Tax
Alabama, Mississippi, and South Dakota are the only states to levy the full sales tax on groceries. In Alabama, it is 4%, and when combined with other local sales taxes, the amount can be up…
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Tommy Tuberville: Democrats Are Trying To Create A Civil War And Want A Dictatorship
During a Tuesday appearance on 99.5’s “Matt and Aunie Show,” former Auburn football coach and 2020 Alabama GOP Senate candidate, Tommy Tuberville gave a dire warning at the consequences of hyper-partisanship, but at the…
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