Alabama News

Tuberville Radio Ad: “God Sent Us Donald Trump”
Alabama U.S. Senate candidate Tommy Tuberville has released his first statewide radio ad.
The ad sticks to the message Tuberville has used his entire campaign, that he supports Donald Trump and believes that God…
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Guns and Socialism
An interview with an organizer from the Socialist Rifle Association
The conversation around guns is a heated one in the United States.
It’s true that it hasn’t always been. In fact, until 2008, as a…
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Leigh Corfman’s Lawsuit Against Roy Moore May Move to a Trial
During the 2017 special Senate election in Alabama between Democrat Doug Jones and Republican Roy Moore, Leigh Corfman claimed she was sexually molested by Moore in the late 1970s…
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Tuberville Praises Trump’s Attendance at the March For Life
On Friday, President Donald Trump became the first sitting U.S. President to attend the March For Life, an annual anti-abortion rights protest event. His attendance…
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Rep. Terri Collins Endorses Bradley Byrne for U.S. Senate
Rep. Terri Collins, the conservative firebrand from Decatur who has become more well known in recent days due to the controversial abortion ban bill that she introduced in the Alabama legislature and…
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AL Attorney General Steve Marshall Dead Wrong, Again
Attorney General Steve Marshall continues to show that he is all about pandering to his base, rather than putting real effort into fixing the problems that face Alabama.
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Roy Moore: Federal Government Has No Business Regulating Marijuana
At a Tuesday forum in Huntsville moderated by Jeff Poor, the host of WVNN’s “The Jeff Poor Show,” every AL GOP Senate candidate except for Roy Moore backed keeping marijuana illegal at the…
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AL-01 Candidate Bill Hightower Releases First TV Ad Touting Christian Beliefs
Alabama 1st Congressional candidate Bill Hightower released his first TV ad Thursday that touts his success as a former Alabama Senator in protecting Christian adoptions, the selling of unborn baby parts and his support…
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Jerry Carl Releases First TV Ad In AL-01 Republican Race
Jerry Carl, who is running in the Alabama 1st Congressional District Republican Primary, released his first TV ad today.
Carl is running to replace current AL-01 Representative Bradley Byrne, who is making a…
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State Sen. Orr: Congressman Byrne is the Best Candidate for Senate
Ever since State Sen. Arthur Orr (R-Decatur) endorsed Congressman Bradley Byre’s campaign for U.S. Senate back in June, a bit of a shakeup in the GOP primary has taken place. Alabama Secretary…
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