Alabama News

Alabama Launches COVID-19 Search Engine Tool
Governor Kay Ivey on Thursday announced the launch of a COVID-19 search engine tool that enhances the state’s official resource site, Through a public-private partnership between Yext and the state of Alabama, this…
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Dear Gov. Ivey: Let’s Not Be Wisconsin
Governor Kay Ivey and Secretary of State John Merrill need to immediately review the footage of yesterday’s primary elections in Wisconsin. Long lines of voters in masks, standing far…
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Florence Mayor Declares State of Emergency To Receive Money, Not To Save Lives
Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, which has already killed over 12,000 Americans at the time of writing, one Alabama city has finally declared a state of emergency, but only as a method to receive taxpayer money….
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Synergy Wellness Clinic in Huntsville Offering 10-Minute, Drive-Thru COVID-19 Testing
Synergy Wellness is a clinic in Huntsville that offers a variety of treatments including hormone replacement, suboxone treatment for opioid addiction, ketamine infusion therapy for depression, and other forms of “wellness…
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Jones Secures COVID-19 Funding for Alabama; AL Dem. Party Chair Praises Dem. Leaders
The Alabama Democratic Party praised Senator Doug Jones’ leadership in discussions over the $2 trillion stimulus package that was passed in Congress and signed into law by President Trump.
“In case you missed it,…
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Toyota Plant in Huntsville to Start Manufacturing Face Shields
On Thursday, the Toyota plant in Huntsville announced that it will start producing face shields for healthcare workers as the COVID-19 pandemic increases its scope of impact across the world. This means…
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AL Gov. Kay Ivey’s Terrible Decision Will Cost Lives
Gov. Ivey seems to think that her Marie Antoinette response of “let them eat cake” will suffice until the virus magically subsides on its own.
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Gov. Ivey Awards $9.5 Million in Grants to Expand Broadband Access
As the coronavirus pandemic becomes more devastating across the United States, students are continuing their academic studies online. Public schools and universities across the country have closed their campuses and fully transitioned to an online…
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Alabama’s Healthcare System Isn’t Built to Withstand A COVID-19 Pandemic
As of today, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has confirmed 103,321 cases of COVID-19 within the United States of America and they…
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Republican Lawmakers Criticize Governor Ivey’s Plan to Close Non-Essential Businesses
On Friday, Governor Kay Ivey delivered an update to her State of Emergency declaration for the state of Alabama. Beginning at 5:00 on Saturday, all non-essential businesses in Alabama must close during the course…
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