Alabama Opinion Editorials

Alabama Needs Common Core Standards, Not More Bureaucratic Obstacles
Marsh and his conservative legislator cronies are doing their best to politicize education rather than improve it. Instead of letting educators make informed decisions and do their jobs, Marsh and company seem more interested in forcing public schools to offer Bible classes and to reinsert outdated education standards that are decades old.
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Alabama Needs To Decriminalize Marijuana Possession
H.B. 96 is a major first step in reforming harsh sentencing laws that have had a devastating impact on our state. It would certainly relieve pressure on our overburdened courts and judges. Passing H.B. 96 would be a great bipartisan win for our state.
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Congressman Mo Brooks’ No Vote On Bigotry Resolution Fuels Division
Just as Democrats need to be honest and call out Omar for her comments that were clearly anti-Semitic, Republicans need to call out Brooks for his continual fear-mongering language and his disturbing advocacy of a make-believe “War on Whites”.
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Trump CPAC Speech Shows GOP Is Lost
The GOP is no longer the party of conservatism. It’s certainly not the party of Lincoln anymore and it’s not the fabled, shining city on a hill envisioned by Reagan. It’s now more like a gaudy casino that has been hijacked by Trump and his enablers.
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Alabama GOP About To Eat Crow Over Proposed Gas Tax
After years of vociferously attacking any type of taxation or revenue increase for public services as inherently evil, the Alabama GOP is awkwardly poised to battle a rhetorical nightmare of its own creation. It ironically…
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Calhoun County Elected Officials Enjoy Decades of Tax Payer Paychecks Despite Continued Decline
In a recent USA today article, five Alabama towns were listed among the 50 worst place to live in America. My hometown of Anniston, AL managed to sneak in the top 10 at…
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Alabama Bill Allowing Bible Elective Courses Raises Concerns
In late January, Republican Alabama State Senator Tim Melson pre-filed SB 14 in the Alabama legislature. This bill would grant public schools the permission to offer Bible-based elective courses to their students. More…
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