Jeremy Jeffcoat, Author at Bama Politics

Addressing Race and Justice…Again
The inexcusable death of George Floyd at the hand of Minneapolis Police has seemingly opened festering wounds in America. These wounds are never far below the surface in our society, even after so many decades…
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Our Weaknesses Are Laid Bare
Our weaknesses are laid bare, Alabama. At times, there are passionate debates about what issues need to be addressed first in our state. We spend a great deal of time chasing our tails over issues…
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Kay Ivey’s Decisions Will Be Judged By History
Governor Kay Ivey is now entering the “re-opening” phase of the COVID-19 crisis, with Ivey announcing her phased re-opening plan on Tuesday. Fair or not, these decisions over the next weeks and months will…
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Reflections On A Pretty Good Easter
Just as it was for everyone, our Easter was different this year. No church service to attend, no large family gathering, or huddling close for pictures. The COVID 19 outbreak has temporarily taken all of…
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Dear Gov. Ivey: Let’s Not Be Wisconsin
Governor Kay Ivey and Secretary of State John Merrill need to immediately review the footage of yesterday’s primary elections in Wisconsin. Long lines of voters in masks, standing far…
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Putting Partisan Priorities Aside… For Now
So often, we hear that our leaders should put partisanship aside and “get something done”. I’ve never believed that was the best way. First of all, we have to decide what “things” are to be…
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The Risk Mitigation Proclamation – Let’s Have Witnesses
I am not generally given to original “words of wisdom”. Most of the wisdom that I have accumulated and tried to pass on to our children is from books, or speeches, or old sayings of…
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Ruminations on Dr. King, Faith, and the Greatest Commandment
Over the weekend, I had the opportunity to attend a couple of events honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I have always considered him among the three most impactful Americans in history…along with Thomas Jefferson…
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Race, Politics, and Transformation in Alabama – Part 4
I consider myself a center-left individual. Interestingly, I considered myself a center-right individual for many years. However, as the right moved further from the center, my self-identification had to move with it. As a center-left,…
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Race, Politics, and Transformation in Alabama – Part 3
I consider myself a center-left individual. Interestingly, I considered myself a center-right individual for many years. However, as the right moved further from the center, my self-identification had to move with it. As a center-left,…
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