Clete Wetli, Author at Bama Politics

AL Gov. Kay Ivey’s Terrible Decision Will Cost Lives
Gov. Ivey seems to think that her Marie Antoinette response of “let them eat cake” will suffice until the virus magically subsides on its own.
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Trump’s Manifest Incompetence
Trump’s abysmal failure as a leader is shockingly more evident by the hour as the pandemic begins to accelerate in America.
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It’s Time To Stop Voting For “Outsiders”
“Outsiders” aren’t going to save our democracy. Voters will when they begin to hold public officials accountable for incompetence and malfeasance.
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The Stupidity Behind Republican “Small Government”
The stupidity of the “small government” talking point is that it improperly correlates size with effectiveness.
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AL Prisons Reform Should Be Top Priority
Now, with the threat of a federal lawsuit and possible takeover of its prison system, Alabama is finally acknowledging that there’s a crisis.
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The Republicans’ Deplorable Cowardice
Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and many of his GOP brethren made it clear from the beginning that they were committed to blindly following Trump, whatever the cost, and that they never had any intention of honoring their oaths to consider the matter impartially.
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AL Attorney General Steve Marshall Dead Wrong, Again
Attorney General Steve Marshall continues to show that he is all about pandering to his base, rather than putting real effort into fixing the problems that face Alabama.
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Republicans Paint Themselves Into A Corner
The point is that Republicans have decided to defend Trump at all costs, no matter what, truth be damned, and until the sad, inescapably bitter end.
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Trump Wags The Dog
Soleimani was evil and deserved his fate, but the problem is the dubious timing, the profound lack of articulated Middle East policy by Trump, and the lack of indisputable evidence that he was, indeed, posing an imminent threat.
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Bradley Byrne Uses Religion to Pander for Votes, Defend Trump
If Byrne is so concerned about the darkness of the world, he and the rest of the GOP need to spend a little more time figuring out why the wealthiest aren’t paying their share of the light bill.
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