William “Bill” M. Beasley

Updated: August 07, 2022 at 12:13 PM CST

General Information

Who is William "Bill" M. Beasley?
William "Bill" M. Beasley

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Status: Alabama State Senator for District 28
Party: Democrat
Social Media:
Birthday: March 19, 1940 85

Contact Information

Known contact information for William "Bill" M. Beasley from Clayton, AL.

  • 11 South Union Street, Suite 737
    Montgomery, AL 36130-4600
  • Phone: 334-261-0868
  • Official Email: [email protected]

Education Information

Known educational history for William "Bill" M. Beasley from Clayton, AL.

  • BS, Pharmacy, Auburn University, 1962

Political Information

Known political history for William "Bill" M. Beasley from Clayton, AL.

  • Candidate, Alabama State Senate, District 28, 2022
  • Senator, Alabama State Senate, District 28, 2010-present
  • Representative, Alabama State House of Representatives, 1998-2010

Professions Information

Known professional history for William "Bill" M. Beasley from Clayton, AL.

  • Operator, Clayton Drug Company, present
  • Served, Captain, Medical Services Corp, United States Army
  • Operator, Clio Drug Company, present
  • Operator, Louisville Drug Store, present
  • President, Pratts Station, Limited Liability Company, present

Congressional Information

Known congressional history for William "Bill" M. Beasley from Clayton, AL.

  • Former Member, Joint Legislative Committee on New National Veterans Cemetery, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Joint Interim Legislative Committee on Open Meetings Legislation, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Legislative Oversight Commission, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Rules Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Tourism and Marketing Committee, Alabama State Senate

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for William "Bill" M. Beasley from Clayton, AL.

  • Former President, Clayton Rotary Club
  • Former President/Member, Alabama Pharmaceutical Association
  • Member, Clayton United Methodist Church
  • Member, National Association of Retail Pharmacists
  • Member, Barbour County Hospital Board
  • Member, Auburn Alumni Association
  • Member, Board of Directors, Eufaula/Barbour County Chamber of Commerce
  • Member, National Community Pharmacist Association

Election History

William "Bill" M. Beasley from Clayton, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that William "Bill" M. Beasley has sponsored.

Relating to the Board of Pharmacy; to amend Section 34-23-32 of the Code of Alabama 1975, requiring a manufacturer, bottler, packager, wholesale drug distributor, and other entities in the supply chain for pharmaceutical products to obtain an annual permit from the board; to require each permit holder to designate a representative of the permit holder who would be required to register with the board; and to provide for an additional annual registration fee.
Relating to the Alabama Job Creation and Military Stability Commission; to amend Sections 31-14-2 and 31-14-3, Code of Alabama 1975, to expand the membership of the commission.
Relating to the State Board of Prothetists and Orthotists; to amend Sections 34-25A-3, 34-25A-5, and 34-25A-8 of the Code of Alabama 1975, to require national boards making certifications

Pharmacists, authorized to prescribe vaccines and immunizations allowed to administer, required to recommend annual well-child visits for certain children administered a vaccine or immunization, Sec. 34-23-13 added.
Plumbers and gas fitters, journeyman plumber replaced with a residential plumber as a member of the board, expand examination options for a journeyman plumber or gas fitter, definitions, Secs. 34-37-1, 34-37-3, 34-37-6, 34-37-8, 34-37-12 am'd.
Bullock Co., judge of probate, operation of the office of, provide special recording fee for documents in probate office, Sec. 45-6-82.21 am'd.
Bullock Co., judge of probate, motor vehicle tags, issue by mail and over the Internet, fees
Counties, license taxes, prohibited on farmers
Bullock Co., sheriff, salary and expense allowance, provided for
Radiation Control Agency of Public Health Dept., radiography, diagnostic imaging, and radiation therapy, health care personnel performing, licensing and reg. advisory, committee established
Code of Alabama, procedure for transmitting sets to members of Legislature, revised, Sec. 41-21-1 am'd.
Small Business Relief and Revitalization Act of 2022, cancellation of indebtedness income exempt from income tax, financial institution excise tax and corporate income tax due date extension, certain business tangible personal property ad valorem tax exemption, deposit of certified funds with Revenue in lieu of one-time surety bond for licensure, average monthly sales tax liability for estimated payments increased, Secs. 40-16-3.1, 40-18-39.1 added; Secs. 40-9-1, 40-23-6, 40-23-6.1, 40-23-7 am'd.
Abuse, registry for individuals convicted of certain crimes against elders, require certain care providers to query the registry, criminal penalties, Sec. 38-9-8 am'd.
Controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, exception for items used to test for the presence of fentanyl drugs, Sec. 13A-12-260 am'd.
State holidays, list of state holidays revised, Sec. 1-3-8 am'd.
Revenue Department, writs of garnishment, authorized to be issued by mail, Sec. 40-2-11am'd.
Taxation, income tax, exclusion of enhanced federal child tax credits from American Rescue Plan Act from calculation of federal income tax deduction for tax year 2021, extension of the due date for certain taxpayers, Secs. 40-16-3.1, 40-18-39.2 added.
Education, constitutional amendment, public K-12 schools required to play Star-Spangled Banner on schools and at school athletic events, const. amend.
Optometrists, practice of optometry further provided, Board of Optometry to regulate, to issue advisory opinions and declaratory rulings, Secs. 20-2-2, 34-22-1, 34-22-42 am'd.
Henry Co., law enforcement, authorized to take an individual with mental illness into protective custody under certain conditions, protection from civil and criminal liabilities
Pharmacy Board, prescriptions, dispensing and compounding, intern or extern permits for college students and graduates serving internships, restrictions, fees, Sec. 34-23-50 am'd.
Podiatry, scope of practice expanded to include foot and ankle, Sec. 34-24-230 am'd.
Pharmacy Bd., pharmacist and permit holders, delivery of charges, election of board, delivery of ballots, Secs. 34-23-34, 34-23-90 am'd.
State employees' retirement, to classify a K9 officer as a state police officer, to provide for retroactive effect, Sec. 36-27-1 am'd.
Public contracts, exemption from certain bid requirements for certain educational entities providing meals under the Child Nutrition Program, Secs. 16-13B-2.1, 41-16-51.2 added.
Health Benefit Plans, to require coverage of continued glucose monitoring for patients with diabetes, Secs. 10A-20-6.16, 27-21A-23 am'd.
Boards of Registrars, require diversity of membership, Sec. 17-3-2 am'd.
Pardons and Paroles Board, establishment of pilot program for small business development for ex-offenders, appropriations, at J.F. Ingram State Technical College, Sec. 41-29-320 repealed and superseded
Prosthetists and Orthotists Board, orthosis, further defined to include custom-fitted orthosis, off-the-shelf orthotic device further defined, Sec. 34-25A-3 am'd.

Bullock Co., revenue commissioner, tax sales, redemption fee, add'l
Firearms, background checks, requirements provided on certain transfers
Alcoholic beverages, winery in dry county, Alcoholic Beverage Board authorized to issue manufacturer license, distribution only to distributor or out-of-state, Sec. 28-7A-10.1 add; Sec. 28-3A-3 am'd.
Breweries, distilleries, daily limit on amount beer or liquor sold to customers revised, Sec. 28-3A-6 am'd.
Elections, early voting, authorize voting during four to six day period immediately preceding election day
Absentee voting, authorize without providing excuse, Secs. 17-11-3, 17-11-7 am'd.
Voting, curbside voting authorized
State parks, Alabama State Parks Enhancement Authority created and authorized to issue bonds for support of state parks, const. amend.
Pharmacy benefits managers, practices relating to patient steering, price discrimination, fiduciary duty to client, price disclosure, etc. regulated, Dept of Insurance, duties and authorities revised, Act 2019-457, 2019 Reg. Sess., sections amended and renumbered; Secs. 27-45A-6 to 27-45A-11, inclusive, 27-45A-13 added; Secs. 27-45A-3, 27-45A-4, 27-45A-5 am'd.
Family leave and adoption, reduce period for relinquishment of parental rights for child placed for adoption from five days to four days, provisions for family leave time for adoptive parents and biological parents to care for child in certain cases, Secs. 16-25-11.12, 26-10A-13, 36-26-35.2, 36-26-36.2 am'd.
State holidays, Robert E. Lee Day observed on second Monday in October, Sec. 1-3-8 am'd.
Small farm wineries, authorize to sell to consumers or distribute to retailers
Taxation, tax credit, authorized for the cost of acquisition and construction of a qualified storm shelter
Covid-19 Recovery Capital Credit Protection Act of 2021, created, employment and wage requirements for qualifying projects extended, compensation amounts for exemption purposes increased, Sec. 40-18-19.1 am'd.
Veterans' Affairs, State Board of, adding a Gold Star Family member to the board, updating existing code, making nonsubstantive, technical revisions, Sec. 31-5-3 am'd.
Prosthetists and Orthotists Board, orthosis, further defined to include custom-fitted orthosis, off-the-shelf orthotic device further defined, Sec. 34-25A-3 am'd.
Discrimination, hair and ethicity, relating to discrimination, to prohibit discrimination in employment, public accomodations, housing, and to create cause of action against employer who discriminates
Motor vehicles, authorized volunteer firefighter vehicles, authorized to be equipped with emergency lights, certain operating privileges, provided, Sec. 32-5A-7.1 added.
Department of Public Health, reconstituted, State Board of Health, State Committee of Public Health, State Health Officer abolished, State Health Advisory Board, Secretary of ADPH, medical director established, county boards of health, membership revised, Secs. 22-2-9, 22-2-10, 22-2-11, 22-2-12, 22-2-13, 22-3-8 repealed; Secs. 22-1-1, 22-1-3, 22-2-1, 22-2-2, 22-2-3, 22-2-4, 22-2-5, 22-2-6, 22-2-7, 22-2-8, 22-3-1, 22-11A-38, 22-22A-2, 22-29-1, 22-37A-2, 34-15-2, 34-15-5 am'd.
Pharmacy benefits managers, practices relating to patient steering, price discrimination, fiduciary duty to client, price disclosure, etc. regulated, Dept of Insurance, duties and authorities revised, Act 2019-457, 2019 Reg. Sess., sections amended and renumbered; Secs. 27-45A-6 to 27-45A-11, inclusive, 27-45A-13 added; Secs. 27-45A-3, 27-45A-4, 27-45A-5 am'd.
Pharmacists, revise licensure requirements, authorize Board of Pharmacy to set continuing education requirements, Secs. 34-23-51, 34-23-52 am'd.
Appropriations, supplemental appropriations for fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, from the Education Trust Fund Advancement and Technology Fund to various school systems and colleges and universities, and other entities
Talladega College, appropriation
Lyman Ward Military Academy, appropriation
Appropriations, supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2020, from Education Trust Fund to the State Dept. of Education, Alabama Community College System, Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium, Commerce Dept., and the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind, approp. for Coucil on Arts earmarked, approp. for School of Cyber Technology and Engineering carried forward, Act 2019-403, 2019 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Education budget, appropriations for the support, maintenance, and development of public education
Public education employees, including K-12, postsecondary education, and AIDB, salary increase
Controlled substance database, access by board of nursing authorized for monitoring licensees, Sec. 20-2-214 am'd.
Tuskegee University, appropriation
Optometrists, practice of optometry defined, Board of Optometry to regulate, Secs. 20-2-2, 34-22-1 am'd.
Taxation, Victims of Crime and Leniency, Incorporated, exempt from state, county and municipal sales and use taxes
Health of personnel performing radiologic imaging on radiation therapy, licensing and reg. by Radiation Control Agency of Public Health Dept. civil penalties, advisory bd. estab.
Elections, Sec. of State authorized to conduct a one-time post-election audit of vote count
Secretary of State, authorized to provide digital copies of all bills, resolutions, and memorials electronically to the Legislature, eliminate binding requirements, Sec. 36-14-1 am'd.
Public K-12 schools, Seizure Safe Schools Act, Secs. 16-30C-1 to 16-30C-6, inclusive, added.

Russell Co., judge of probate, salary supp, expirations
Russell Co., revenue commissioner, exp. allow. and comp.
Alcoholic beverages, liquor, tastings in liquor stores, revise serving size, Sec. 28-3A-20.2 am'd.
Elections, Sec. of State authorized to conduct a one-time post-election audit of vote count
Public K-12 schools, Seizure Safe Schools Act, Secs. 16-30C-1 to 16-30C-6, inclusive, added.
Secretary of State, authorized to provide digital copies of all bills, resolutions, and memorials electronically to the Legislature, eliminate binding requirements, Sec. 36-14-1 am'd.
SB 171
Health of personnel performing radiologic imaging on radiation therapy, licensing and reg. by Radiation Control Agency of Public Health Dept. civil penalties, advisory bd. estab.

SB 421
Macon Co., bingo, may be played on electronic machines authorized by the National Indian Gaming Commission, const. amend.
SB 418
Macon Co., occupational privilege license fee, authorized, application of the fee further provided, Act 97-522, 1997 Reg. Sess., am'd; Sec. 45-44-244.31 am'd.
SB 409
Barbour Co., sheriff, service of process fee, deposit in sheriff's fund, Secs. 45-3-233.01, 45-3-233.02 am'd.
SB 403
Baker Hill, corp. limits, alt.
SB 402
Barbour Co., law enforcement, authorized to take an individual with mental illness into protective custody under certain conditions, protection from civil and criminal liabilities
SB 401
Macon Co., sales and use tax, co. commission to levy, distrib. of proceeds to fund ambulance service for citizens, penalties
SB 400
Barbour Co., sheriff's pistol permit, deposit in Sheriff's Fund, use for law enforcement purposes, Sec. 45-3-232 am'd.
SB 371
Supernumerary court reporters, death benefits for surviving spouse provided
SB 322
Macon Co., bingo, may be played on electronic machines authorized by the National Indian Gaming Commission, const. amend.
SB 310
Barbour Co., elected officials authorized to participate in Employees' Retirement System, supernumerary program phased out, const. amend.
SB 300
Taxation, sales and use taxes, lodging taxes, provide those taxpayers option to file reports on quarterly, semiannual, or annual basis, Secs. 40-23-7, 40-23-68, 40-26-3 am'd.
SB 201
Taxation, Victims of Crime and Leniency, Incorporated, exempt from state, county and municipal sales and use taxes
SB 200
Tuskegee University, appropriation
SB 152
Vessels, certificate of title, uniform act, requirements, issuance by State Law Enforcement Agency, security agreement, perfection
SB 139
Eminent domain, condemnation actions, land acquisitions of rights-of-way, waiver valuations authorized under certain conditions, Secs. 18-1A-3, 18-1A-22 am'd.
SB 100
Prosthetic and orthotic devices, health benefit plans, coverage the same as Medicare, coverage under health care service plans and health maint. organizations, Secs. 10A-20-6.16, 27-21A-23 am'd.
SB 93
Hurtsboro, alcoholic beverages, Sunday sales under certain conditions
SJR 65
Adams, Jesse David, attaining rank of Eagle Scout, commended
SJR 56
Burnette, Suzanne Girard, outstanding professional achievement, commended
SB 51
Midway, alcoholic beverages, Sunday sales under certain conditions
SB 50
Baker Hill, alcoholic beverages, Sunday sales under certain conditions
SB 49
Union Springs, alcoholic beverages, Sunday sales under certain conditions, Act 2018-191, 2018 Reg. Sess., repealed
SB 39
Prescription drugs, pharmacists, dispensing of generic drugs further provided for, specified prescription form deleted, provision prohibiting prescription of specific brand drug deleted, Sec. 34-23-8 am'd.

SB 396
Macon Co., tobacco tax, distrib. of portion for recreational purpose, Sec. 45-44-246 am'd.
SB 392
Baker Hill, alcoholic beverages, Sunday sales under certain conditions
SB 382
Appropriations, supplemental appropriations for fiscal year ending September 30, 2018, from Security Certification Fund to the Alabama Security Regulatory Board
SB 349
Drugs, prescription, exempt from business license tax based on gross receipts, Sec. 40-23-4.1 am'd.
SB 348
Pharmacies, pharmacy records, auditing procedures, further provided for, recoupment limited under certain conditions, Secs. 34-23-181, 34-23-184, 34-23-185, 34-23-186 am'd.
SB 279
Union Springs, alcoholic beverages, Sunday sales authorized, referendum required
SB 241
Clio, alcoholic beverages, Sunday sales under certain conditions
SB 240
Louisville, alcoholic beverages, Sunday sales under certain conditions
SB 224
Historic Chattahoochee Commission and Compact, participation terminated, Sec. 41-9-311 repealed
SB 207
Taxation, Victims of Crime and Leniency, Incorporated, exempt from state, county and municipal sales and use taxes
SJR 148
Nix, David S., outstanding professional achievement, commended
SJR 86
Sanders, Senator Henry "Hank", professional achievement, commended
SB 45
Day care centers, influenza vaccine, information to parents, required
SJR 56
Harold Deon Powell Memorial Highway, portion of U.S. Highway 80 in Macon Co., named
SJR 53
Matthew Cox Blue Memorial Highway, portion of Alabama Highway 223, named
SB 32
Pharmacy, State Board of, outsourcing facilities, annual permit required, Secs. 34-23-1, 34-23-32 am'd
SJR 17
Ross, Senator Quinton T., professional service, recognized
SB 12
Prosthetists and Orthotists Board, licensure, exemptions further provided for, Sec. 34-25A-5 am'd.

Macon County, elected county officials, expense allowance for certain officials
State employees, one-time lump-sum bonus, provided for, fiscal year beginning Oct. 1, 2017.
Clayton, alcoholic beverages, Sunday sales under certain conditions
Eufaula, alcoholic beverages, Sunday sales authorized
Medicaid, expanded to include persons for whom matching funds are available under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Alabama Medicaid Agency to implement, appropriation
Prosthetists and Orthotists Board, licensure, exemptions further provided for, Sec. 34-25A-5 am'd.
Tuskegee University, appropriation
Suicide, training of public school educators to provide mental health first aid to students
Pharmacy, State Board of, inspectors renamed investigators, maximum fees increased, frequency of drug supply chain registration increased, further regulation of entities within drug supply chain provided, resale of compound drug products prohibited, Sec. 34-23-32.2 added; Secs. 34-23-152 to 34-23-157, inclusive, repealed; Secs. 20-2-9, 20-2-190, 34-23-1, 34-23-3, 34-23-9, 34-23-30, 34-23-32, 34-23-32.1, 34-23-33, 34-23-70, 34-23-92, 34-23-131, 34-23-159, 34-23-160, 34-23-162 am'd
Counties and municipalities, add instrumentalities such as water works, competitive bids, heavy equipment or vehicle, add exception for repair by dealer or authorized service center, Sec. 41-16-52 am'd.
Drugs, prescription, exempt from business license tax based on gross receipts, Sec. 40-23-4.1 am'd.

Class 5 municipalities, organized under Act 71, 1977 Reg. Sess. (Phenix City), operation of council manager form of government, further provided, Act 71, 1977 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Drugs, prescription, exempt from business license tax based on gross receipts, Sec. 40-23-4.1 am'd.
Macon Co., bingo, may be played on electronic machines authorized by the National Indian Gaming Commission
Teachers' Retirement System, cost-of-living increase authorized
State Board of Pharmacy, powers and duties of board, rulemaking authority clarified with regard to anticompetitive rules that prioritize patient safety and wellness, Sec. 34-24-92.1 added
Pharmacy, State Board of, training of pharmacy technicians regulated, Sec. 34-23-92 am'd.
Law Enforcement Agency, sale of vehicles and equipment authorized, distrib. of proceeds, Sec. 32-2-83 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, permit a retail licensee and state liquor store to conduct distilled liquor and wine tastings, Sec. 28-3A-25 am'd.
Lane Cake, designated as official state dessert
Medicaid, expanded to include persons for whom matching funds are available under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Alabama Medicaid Agency to implement, appropriation

Class 5 municipalities, organized under Act 71, 1977 Reg. Sess. (Phenix City), operation of council manager form of government, further provided, Act 71, 1977 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Drugs, prescription, exempt from business license tax based on gross receipts, Sec. 40-23-4.1 am'd.
Macon Co., bingo, may be played on electronic machines authorized by the National Indian Gaming Commission
Teachers' Retirement System, cost-of-living increase authorized
State Board of Pharmacy, powers and duties of board, rulemaking authority clarified with regard to anticompetitive rules that prioritize patient safety and wellness, Sec. 34-24-92.1 added
Pharmacy, State Board of, training of pharmacy technicians regulated, Sec. 34-23-92 am'd.
Law Enforcement Agency, sale of vehicles and equipment authorized, distrib. of proceeds, Sec. 32-2-83 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, permit a retail licensee and state liquor store to conduct distilled liquor and wine tastings, Sec. 28-3A-25 am'd.
Lane Cake, designated as official state dessert
Medicaid, expanded to include persons for whom matching funds are available under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Alabama Medicaid Agency to implement, appropriation

Russell Co. volunteer fire departments, fire protection service fees authorized for certain property outside corp. limits of City of Phenix City, exemptions, collection, purposes, uses, distribution of funds, provided for, referendum
Barbour Co., levy two mil ad valorem tax, distrib., election
Macon Co., gasoline and motor fuel tax, co. comm. auth. to levy, collection, distrib., enforcement, penalties
Bullock Co., allowing judge of probate to process ad valorem taxes
Motor vehicles, abandoned and unclaimed, disposition of further provided for, sale at public auction, pre- and post-sale appeal procedures, criminal penalties, Secs. 32-13-9, 32-13-10 added; Secs. 32-8-84, 32-13-1, 32-13-2, 32-13-3, 32-13-4, 32-13-6 am'd.
Bullock Co., judge of probate, add'l recording fee and tag issuance fee, distrib.
Controlled Substances Prescription Database, access by certain employees of the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency authorized, disclosure of certain data for certain educational and research activities, Secs. 20-2-91, 20-2-214, 20-2-215 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, permit a retail licensee and state liquor store to conduct distilled liquor and wine tastings, Sec. 28-3A-25 am'd.
Henry Co., age for retirement of probate judge extended to 72, const. amend.
Hospitals, elderly, influenza vaccine required to be offered to inpatients between October and March
Prosthetists and Orthotists Board, powers of board, subpoena powers re board hearing and complaints against licensees, Sec. 34-25A-7.1 am'd.
Physicians, registration and fees for physicians providing pain management services, single annual fee including for additional locations, Sec. 34-24-604 am'd.
Lane Cake, designated as official state dessert
Prosthetists and Orthotists, Board of, regulation of practice of prosthetics, orthotics, and pedorthics, exemption of persons employed in certain facilities deleted, Sec. 34-25A-5 am'd.
Medicaid, expanded to include persons for whom matching funds are available under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Alabama Medicaid Agency to implement, appropriation
Animals, animal shelters, animal control, animal shelter owner, operator, manager, or director required to compile monthly report detailing number of animals entering facility and the disposition, report made available to public upon request, required

Medicaid, expanded to include persons for whom matching funds are available under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Alabama Medicaid Agency to implement, appropriation
Russell Co. volunteer fire departments, fire protection service fees authorized for certain property outside corp. limits of Phenix City, exemptions, collection, purposes, uses, distribution of funds, provided for, referendum
Russell Co., board of registrars, working days increased, Sec. 17-3-8 am'd.

Medicaid, expanded to include persons for whom matching funds are available under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Alabama Medicaid Agency to implement, appropriation

Macon Co., Little Texas Volunteer Fire Department, assess a service charge for fire protection services, collection, referendum
Midfield, motor vehicles, automated photographic speeding enforcement, authorized, procedures, posting of informational signs, adoption of municipal ordinances, civil fines, record keeping, municipal court jurisdiction, appeals, Midfield Speed Limit Safety Act
HIV clinics, redispensing of prescription drugs not used by patients, pharmacies allowed
Victims of Crime and Leniency, Inc., exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use taxes
Deferred presentment transactions, customer repayment period revised, extensions prohibited, collection of a bad check fee under certain conditions, use of database by licensees required, Secs. 5-18A-2, 5-18A-12, 5-18A-13 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, distillers, rectifers authorized to sell souvenir bottles of distilled spirits
Retirement, DROP reestablished, exceptions, Secs. 16-25-150, 36-27-170 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, liquor tastings at state liquor stores, Sec. 28-3A-25 am'd.
Tobacco Master Settlement agreement, deposit of funds into escrow, certain cigarette sales included, tobacco importers liable for escrow deposit obligations under certain conditions, seizure and forfeiture of cigarettes under certain conditions, permitting and bond requirements, Secs. 6-12-2, 6-12-3, 6-12A-2, 6-12A-3, 6-12A-5 am'd.
Sex offenders, convicted of crime with a minor, prohibited within 500 feet of public school K-12 property during instructional hours, Class C felony, Sec. 15-20A-17 am'd.
Elections, computerized statewide voter registration list, residential address of domestic violence victims omitted, Secs. 11-46-36, 11-46-107, 17-4-33, 17-9-15, 17-11-5 am'd.
Local constitutional amendments, adoption procedure by Legislature revised, three negative votes in Senate and nine in House to require local amendment to be voted on statewide, Amendments 425 and 555, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, repealed, const. amend.
Municipalities, weeds, abatement, alternative procedures to declare a public nuisance after prior abatement
Cotton producers, assessments to promote cotton, referendum without refund provisions authorized, Sec. 2-8-193 am'd.
Cotton producers, assessments for promotion of cotton, refund provisions deleted, Amendment 388, Sec. 93.06 of Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, const. amend.
Professional Bondsman, certification and examination of required, continuing education required, fees, disbursement of fees, suspension
Municipalities, business license tax on residential rental property, levy on per unit basis prohibited, Sec. 11-51-90.3 added
Fishing, additional licenses, new resident and nonresident state lake fishing license, new nonresident 3-day license, public fishing pier and annual saltwater fishing pier licenses, disabled 3-day fishing license, Sec. 9-11-56.3 am'd.
Workers' compensation, medicines, employee may choose his or her own pharmacy, Sec. 25-5-77 am'd.
Jurors, persons 70 years of age or older authorized to request exemption from jury service, removal from master list of potential jurors, reinstatement
Government disclosure of certain information regarding purchase of property by state or local government
Health, smoking prohibited in places of employment, public places and private clubs, outdoor areas, exceptions, responsibilities of Health Department and State Board of Health, penalties, Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Election, photo identification, operative for 2014 General Election, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.
Medicaid, expanded to include persons for whom matching funds are available under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Alabama Medicaid Agency to implement, appropriation
Kyle Graddy Act, possession and self-administration of auto-injectable epinephrine by students permitted, Sec. 16-1-39 am'd
Environment, Alabama Drought Assessment and Planning Team established, power and duties, the Monitoring and Impacts Group Subcommittee established, membership, duties, responsibilities

Individuals with disabilities, promotion of employment by state programs and services, Alabama Employment First Initiative Act
Local Control School Flexibility Act of 2013, provides for creation of innovative K-12 schools, flexibility contracts between local boards of education and the State Board of Education, and authorize State Board of Education to promulgate rules, Act 2013-64, 2013 Reg. Sess., repealed
Accountability Act of 2013, proposed by HB 84, 2013 Reg. Sess., Act 2013-__, 2013 Reg. Sess., repealed
Sex Offenders, registration and community notification, technical revisions and citations update various sections, petition for relief from employment, residency living restriction, civil division of circuit courts, absconding without registering, penalty, Secs. 12-15-107, 12-15-116, 13A-5-2, 13A-5-6, 14-9-41, 15-18-8, 15-19-7, 15-20A-4 to 15-20A-7, incl., 15-20A-9, 15-20A-11, 15-20A-14, 15-20A-16, 15-20A-18, 15-20A-21 to 15-20A-26, incl., 15-20A-28, 15-20A-29, 15-20A-32, 15-20A-34, 15-20A-35, 15-20A-37, 15-20A-39, 15-20A-40, 15-20A-43, 15-20A-45, 15-20A-46, 15-22-27.3, 32-6-49.24, 36-18-24, 36-18-25, 38-13-2, 38-13-4
Elections, absentee ballots, Sec. of State by emergency rule may permit first responders to vote absentee, expenses paid by state, Secs. 17-11-3, 17-11-7 am'd.
Child abuse and neglect, mandatory reporting by education employees, postsecondary and higher education employees, and physical therapists included, protection of employees for reporting, criminal penalties, Sec. 26-14-3 am'd.
Weights and measures, registered service agent to conduct testing and inspection of devices, Agriculture and Industries Department to provide registration and regulation of agents, Board of Agriculture and Industries authorized to adopt a schedule of civil fines for violations, Secs. 8-16-1, 8-16-6, 8-16-7, 8-16-18 am'd.
Medicaid, expanded to include persons for whom matching funds are available under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Alabama Medicaid Agency to implement, appropriation
Children and incapacitated persons, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle prohibited, criminal penalties, Amiyah White Act
Forestry Commission, administrative rules, violations pertaining to conduct of persons on land designated as state forest, penalties, Sec. 9-3-9 am'd.
Sales and use tax, durable medical equipment, prosthetics and orthotics, and certain medical supplies, exempt when covered and paid by third party
Taxpayers' Bill of Rights, Uniform Revenue Procedures Act, broader "innocent spouse" relief, taxpayer appeals, revenue rulings from Department of Revenue, Alabama Tax Appeals Commission, Secs. 40-2A-3, 40-2A-4, 40-2A-5, 40-2A-7, 40-2A-8, 40-2A-11, 40-18-27 am'd.; Sec. 40-2A-9 repealed; Secs. 40-2B-1 to 40-2B-25, inclusive, added
Industrial Development and Training Institute, transfer from Postsecondary Education Department to Commerce Department, funding from Education Trust Fund, confidentiality of project information, Secs. 41-9-1080 to 41-9-1086, inclusive, added
Business license tax, rental of residential real estate tax, not to be on a per unit basis, const. amend.
Elections, absentee voting, allow any qualified elector to vote by absentee ballot, Secs. 17-11-3, 17-11-5, 17-11-7 am'd.
Environment, Alabama Drought Assessment and Planning Team established, power and duties, the Monitoring and Impacts Group Subcommittee established, membership, duties, responsibilities
Municipalities, weeds and overgrown grass, abatement, alternative procedures may be adopted by city council in lieu of procedures under other laws, liens, Sec. 11-67-80 am'd.
Motor vehicles, child passenger restraints, Alabama Head Injury Foundation, 15 percent of funds distributed to Alabama Head Injury Foundation earmarked to cover administrative costs, Sec. 32-5-22 am'd.
Agriculture, irrigation equipment, income tax credit for installation of, qualified reservoir defined, carry forward and pass through of tax credits, further provided for, shareholders authorized to claim pro rata share of tax credit, Sec. 40-18-342 am'd.
Health, smoking prohibited in places of employment, public places and private clubs, outdoor areas, exceptions, responsibilities of Health Department and State Board of Health, penalties, Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Supernumerary ad valorem tax officials, cap on compensation increased, Sec. 40-6-3 am'd.
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, whitetail deer, hunting season extended, pilot program
Municipalities, public utilities, contracts between governing body and registered service providers authorized to build, maintain, repair utility systems, Sec. 11-47-3 am'd.
Retirement, retirees of Employees' Retirement System limited to certain annual amount, annual compensation limitation removed for certain law enforcement officers who are retired, Sec. 36-27-8.2 am'd.
Veterans, family educational benefits, limited to tuition only for family members granted benefits for the first time after August 1, 2012, Secs. 31-6-2, 31-6-4, 31-6-5, 31-6-6, 31-6-15 am'd.

Senate, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, venue for legal action challenging to be in Montgomery County Circuit Court, official maps of districts retained in Secretary of State Office and printed with Acts, use for Legislative intent, Sec. 29-1-2.3 repealed; Sec. 29-1-2.3 added
Education Trust Fund (ETF), transfer of certain funds to State General Fund and to provide for repayment to the ETF, Sec. 29-9-2, 29-9-3 am'd
Political Action Committee, regulation of contribution, criminal penalties, Secs. 17-5-3.1, 17-5-8.1, 17-5-17.1 added; Secs. 17-5-11, 17-17-35 am'd
Taxation, one year income tax deduction for Medicaid providers authorized contingent upon rule change by Alabama Medicaid Agency
Pharmacies, disposition of unused or expired dispensed medication for destruction, Sec. 34-23-70 am'd
Victim notification, responsibility of Pardons and Parole Board to update contact information of victims of certain crimes specified, Sec. 15-22-36 am'd
Commercial development authorities, formation, requirement that incorporator be a natural person or qualified elector remove; Secs. 11-54-171, 11-54-173, 11-54-174, 11-54-178, 11-54-190 am'd
Barbour Co., sales and use tax, county commission authorized to levy additional, 1/2 cent sales tax with distribution to county general fund, penalties
Barbour Co., county board of education, School Tax District No. 1, ad valorem tax, increased, distrib. for education, referendum
Health care, licensed physician or health care provider, allowed to refuse to perform unnecessary medical services or services that could harm patient, Right to Professional Medical Judgment Act
Indian Affairs Commission, Kawita Creeks in Russell County recognized, one member from tribe appointed to commission, Sec. 41-9-708 am'd.
Appropriation from Alabama Indian Children's Scholarship Fund in State Treasury to the Alabama Indian Affairs Commission to process and distribute educational scholarships
Children, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle unless supervised by person of certain age prohibited, penalties determined by first, second, or subsequent conviction and whether child is injured or fatally injured, Amiyah White Unattended Children in Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Taxation, exempt certain military personnel from income tax, Jason Barfield Act
Real property, state, county, municipality, and any other governmental entity appraisal obtained, purchase price must not be more than appraisal
Pharmacies, records, audit, minimum and uniform standards established, procedures, appeals, Pharmacy Audit Integrity Act
Pretrial Diversion Programs, district attorneys throughout the state without local act authorized to establish discretionary pretrial diversion programs, basic operating standards provided for, fees distrib., database of pretrial diversion offender by Office of Prosecution Services, required
Alabama School Flexibility Act of 2012, established to allow local board of education to apply for programmatic or budgetary flexibility from state law and State Board of Education rules
Alabama Uniform Environmental Covenants Act, exempt underground and aboveground storage tanks storing motor fuel from requirements of, Sec. 35-19-2 am'd
Alabama Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act, to provide a statutory method whereby Alabama courts legally recognize foreign judgments
Mortgages, Alabama Residential Mortgage Satisfaction Act, provides for timely payoff statements and timely recording of mortgage satisfaction, Secs. 35-10-26, 35-10-30 am'd
Forestry Commission, administrative rules, violations pertaining to conduct of persons on land designated as state forest, penalties, Sec. 9-3-9 am'd.
Corporate income tax, taxpayer who is part of unitary business, taxable income to include any amounts in excess of federal domestic production activities deduction, Revenue Commissioner authorized to require additional information in alternative reporting format, Secs. 40-2A-17, 40-18-1, 40-18-34 am'd.
Retirement Sytems of Alabama, contributions to Employees' and Teachers' Retirement System, overtime compensation, included in earning compensation for retirement, Secs. 16-25-1, 36-27-1 am'd
Food stamps and welfare, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), persons with felony drug conviction, federal law provisions making ineligible, provision for persons to be eligible under certain conditions
Volunteer fire departments or rescue squads, state, counties, municipalities, donation of property, disposal after donation further provided for, Sec. 9-3-18 am'd.
Judicial offices, maximum age for election or appointment to judicial office increased to 75 years, Section 6.16 (Section 155, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, hunting and fishing licenses, Alabama National Guard active members, license not required if proof of status shown, Sec. 9-11-35.2 added
Motor vehicles, Insurance, discount for seniors (55 and over) who complete motor vehicle accident prevention course, Sec 27-13-121 am'd
Deed recording, judge of probate, person must present proof of actual purchase price, Sec. 40-22-1 am'd (2012-20320)
Retirement, DROP reestablished, exceptions, Secs. 16-25-150, 36-27-170 am'd; Act 2011-27, 2011 Reg. Sess. am'd
Marijuana (sic), synthetic cannabinoid, certain additional chemical compounds prohibited, Sec. 13A-12-214.1 am'd.
Health, smoking prohibited in places of employment, public places and private clubs, outdoor areas, exceptions, responsibilities of Health Department and State Board of Health, penalties, Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Health, smoking prohibited in places of employment, public places and private clubs, outdoor areas, exceptions, responsibilities of Health Department and State Board of Health, penalties, Smoke-free Air Act, const. amend., Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Department of Corrections, correctional officers carrying firearms when supervising inmates on work squads outside of secured facility
Human trafficking, penalties enhanced for subsequent convictions, sex offenders required to disclose Internet service providers, additional fines authorized for persons convicted of human trafficking, Act 2011-640, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 13A-6-152, 13A-6-153, 15-20A-7 am'd
Education Trust Funds, repeal Education Trust Fund Rolling Reserve Act, reenact Education Trust Fund Proration Account, Sec. 40-1-32.1 reenacted; Act 2011-3, 2011 Reg. Sess., repealed
Small Business and Job Creation Fund, established, funded with annual transfer from Alabama Trust Fund for three years, exceptions, administration of fund by Alabama Development Office, const. amend.
Elections, political contributions, limited to certain amount per election that the candidate's name is on the ballot, Sec. 17-5-8 am'd; Act 2011-697, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd
Contracts, Preference given to in-state bidder on certain public works contracts
Corporations prohibited from contributing to a political action committee, Sec. 10A-21-1.02 am'd
Taxation, income tax credit for purchase and installation of irrigation systems, water wells and reservoirs by agricultural entities
Immigration, Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, Act 2011-535, 2011 Reg. Sess. repealed

Taxation, one year income tax deduction for Medicaid providers authorized contingent upon rule change by Alabama Medicaid Agency

Rental property, tenants authorized to vacate and terminate rental agreement on dwelling damaged by weather disaster of April 2011, Sec. 35-9A-406 am'd.
Congressional redistricting, pursuant to 2010 federal census, Sec. 17-14-70 repealed and reenacted
Ad valorem tax, property classified as residential or a homestead not affected under certain conditions when property damaged by natural disasters such as tornadoes, Secs. 40-8-1, 40-9-19 am'd.
State Board of Education, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, Sec. 16-3-1.1 repealed and reenacted
Elected state officials, Legislature authorized to recall by general law, const. amend.
Elected state officials, Legislature authorized to recall by general law, const. amend.
Elevator Safety Review Board, regulation of elevators and inspection of elevators in private residences, authority to place elevators out of service, local regulation preempted, Sec. 25-13-18 am'd.
Lee Co., fire districts, definition of dwelling, rates, emergency medical services, employment of paid firefighters, ballots, Act 89-390, 1989 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Search warrants, criminal, issuance by Justice of Supreme Court, judge of Court of Civil Appeals or Court of Criminal Appeals, authorized, Secs. 15-5-1 am'd.
Legal notices, by counties and municipalities, electronic publication on Internet website, authorized
Capital offenses, murder of a person with a protection order issued against the defendant, included, Sec. 13A-5-40 am'd.
Legislative Compensation Commission, established, members, quadrennial recommendations for the compensation and expenses to be paid to members of Legislature, Sec. 29-1-8 repealed; Act 1196, 1971 Reg. Sess., Act 87-209, 1987 Reg. Sess.; Act 90-490, 1990 Reg. Sess.; Act 91-95, 1991 Reg. Sess.; Act 91-108, 1991 Reg. Sess.; Act 2007-75, 2007 Reg. Sess. repealed, const. amend.
Medicaid Agency, procurement procedures, exempt for health professionals for task forces, boards, committees, Sec. 41-16-72 am'd.
Alabama National Guard, disciplinary authority and procedures revised, new model military code similar to federal Uniform Code of Military Justice, Secs. 31-2-92 to 31-2-98, inclusive, 31-2-101, 31-2-103, 31-2-127 repealed
Opelika, motor vehicles, automated traffic infraction device, use for red light enforcement authorized, procedures, posting of informational signs, civil fines and court costs, additional court costs for record keeping by Criminal Justice Information Center, appeals, penalties for intentional tampering with device, Opelika Red Light Safety Act
Motor carrier, broker, or freight forwarder, fuel surcharges of, certain fuel cost disclosures and fuel cost reimbursements required, false or misleading information prohibited, certain information regarding timber and timber products required, Good Faith and Fair Practices Act
Pharmacies, records, audit, minimum and uniform standards established, procedures, appeals, Pharmacy Audit Integrity Act
Hospital Funding Program, private hospital assessment and Medicaid funding program extended for fiscal years 2012 and 2013, assessment rate changed, Secs. 40-26B-71, 40-26B-73, 40-26B-75, 40-26B-76, 40-26B-77, 40-26B-79, 40-26B-80, 40-26B-81, 40-26B-82, 40-26B-84, 40-26B-88 am'd.
Equal Pay Remedies and Enforcement Act, established, legislative findings regarding wage differentials between minorities and nonminorities and males and females, Equal Pay Commission established, members, duties, powers, report to Governor and Legislature
Economic development, tax incentives authorized to certain companies and educational institutions for locating new or expanding business in state, or a retention project, capital investment and job requirements, Alabama Development Office and Revenue Department to recommend to Governor, Industrial Development Authority to approve project for incentive (2011-20540)
Health, smoking prohibited in places of employment, public places and private clubs, outdoor areas, exceptions, responsibilities of Health Department and State Board of Health, penalties, Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Lee Co., additional circuit judge, conditioned on funding for compensation and benefits by county commission, election
Indian Affairs Commission, appropriation from Indian Children's Scholarship Fund for fiscal year ending September 30, 2012
State income tax, federal deduction limited for individual taxpayers, state sales tax on food removed, Amendment 225 (Section 211.04, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Oil and gas, taxation, depletion allowance altered, limited to federal depletion allowance, Sec. 40-18-35 am'd.
Public works or works for businesses obtaining state or local incentive tax credits, abatements, or preferences, employment of certain amount of resident workers, penalties
Income tax, Alabama resident individuals, gross income includes an owner's entire allocable share of income earned from both in-state and out-of-state sources, Sec. 40-18-14 am'd.
Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (PACT) Program, limit on cost of tuition for certain PACT plan contract participants, repealed, Act 2010-725, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Secs. 16-33C-17, 16-33C-18 repealed
Redemption of land sold for taxes, interest rate reduced only on tax amount due on date of sale, Sec. 40-10-122 am'd.
Entities with tax exempt status operating dental clinics, exempt from Dental Practice Act, required to register with State Board of Dental Examiners, professional employees of clinics to comply with dental licensing law, Sec. 34-9-7.2 added
Elder Abuse, Interagency Council for the Prevention of, established, members, duties, subject to Sunset Law, reports to Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Governor, and Legislature, Elder Abuse Prevention Act
Individual Development Account Program, established in Human Resources Department, created for individuals with low income
Lee Co., constable, office abolished
Lee Co., sheriff, authorized to sell certain abandoned, unclaimed, or stolen firearms, Act 98-577, 1998 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Lee Co., coroner, vehicle allowance provided for, Act 2001-638, 2001 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Marijuana (sic), synthetic cannabinoids, certain additional chemical compounds prohibited, Sec. 13A-12-214.1 am'd.; Act 2010-717, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Public elementary and secondary schools, start date of academic year, specified, School Start and End Date Act
Drugs, prescription, exempt from business license tax based on gross receipts, Sec. 40-23-4.1 am'd.
Felony offenders, certain defendants without prior felony conviction or youthful offender adjudication allowed to apply for special status as first offender under certain conditions, First Time Felony Offender Act
Sales tax, estimated payments, average monthly tax liability threshold increased, Sec. 40-23-7 am'd.
Gambling devices, possession, penalty increased, Sec. 13A-12-27 am'd.
Honor and Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE) programs, established as an offender supervision program to reduce probation violations, reports to Sentencing Commission, Honor and Opportunity Probation with Enforcement Act
Domectic violence, protection orders, violations, mandatory term of imprisonment increased, jurisdiction extended to orders issued by Indian tribes and U. S. territories, domestic Violence Protection Order Enforcement Act, Secs. 30-5A-1, 30-5A-2, 30-5A-3, 30-5A-4 amended and renumbered as 13A-6-140, 13A-6-141, 13A-6-142, 13A-6-143
Animals, fighting dogs, procedures for seizing, disposition process expedited, bond required under certain conditions, forfeiture of dog under certain conditions, Sec. 3-1-29 am'd.
Tuskegee University, appropriation
Euthanasia of cats and dogs in animal shelters, gas chambers prohibited, delayed effective date, Beckham's Act, Sec. 34-29-131 am'd.
Pharmacy, Alabama State Board of, prescription drugs for patients in residential care facilities such as nursing homes and assisted living facilities, repackaging and storing of noncontrolled legend drugs, board may provide by rule
Judicial system officer or employee, threatening harm or violence against, crime established, death penalty, Secs. 13A-5-40, 13A-5-49 am'd.
Income tax refunds approved by Revenue Department, state Controller required to give priority to payment of refund over any other payment
Controlled substances, Schedule I, cathinone compounds, included and subject to regulation and penalties, duties to State Board of Health
Poll taxes and segregation of schools by race, constitutional provisions regarding deleted, portions of Section 256 and Section 256 as amended by Amendment 111, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, (Section 256, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., Section 259, (Section 259, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), Amendment 90, and Amendment 109, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, repealed, const. amend.
Public contracts, awarding authority to issue secondary award to certain companies owned and operated by individuals certified under federal HUBZone Program or small business enterprise, not to exceed certain percent of original contract value, exceptions, Sec. 41-16-57 am'd.
Public contracts, awarded contractor required to utilize certain subcontractors certified under federal HUBZone Program or small business enterprise fulfilling percentage of original contract award, Sec. 39-2-2 am'd.
Rebates, submission of within certain time by issuer, required, violation deemed deceptive trade practice, Sec. 8-19-5.1 added
Children, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle unless supervised by person of certain age prohibited, penalties determined by first, second, or subsequent conviction and whether child is injured or fatally injured, Amiyah White Unattended Children in Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Elections, political campaigns, phone banks, fraudulent misrepresentation regarding candidates or committees prohibited, investigation and enforcement by Attorney General, penalties, Sec. 17-5-16 am'd.
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Public contracts, awarding authority to issue secondary award to certain companies owned and operated by individuals certified under federal HUBZone Program or small business enterprise, not to exceed certain percent of original contract value, exceptions, Sec. 41-16-27 am'd.

Barbour Co., sheriff, pistol permits, county commission authorized to increase fee, distrib. for vehicles for sheriff's office, Sec. 45-3-232 am'd.
Bullock Co., sheriff, jail vending machines authorized, distrib. of proceeds to sheriff's fund for law enforcement purposes
Corrections Department, certain employees who work inside a security fence under certain conditions, compensation increased
Health benefit plans and prescription drugs, same copayment, coinsurance, deductible, and quantity limits within same employer group, drug changes
Lamar Co., court costs, drug enforcement fee, Legislature authorized to provide by local law, distrib. to clerk of the court and drug enforcement fund, const. amend.
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, over-the-counter products, sales further regulated, on-line electronic verification system operated by Criminal Justice Information Center, penalties, Drug Abuse Task Force, established, members, Sec. 20-2-190 am'd.; Act 2009-283, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Mental Health Department, certain institutions, leasing, transferring, or management by nongovernmental entities, approval by Legislature required, Sec. 22-50-9 am'd.
Motor carrier, broker, or freight forwarder, fuel surcharges of, certain fuel cost disclosures and fuel cost reimbursements required, false or misleading information prohibited, certain information regarding timber and timber products required, Trust in Reliable Understanding of Consumer Costs Act or the TRUCC Act
Municipalities, municipal courts, court costs for jails, distrib. for municipal jails, Sec. 11-47-7.1 am'd.
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Alabama G.I. and Dependents' Educational Benefit Act, children of certain disabled veterans eligible for education benefits for certain time period, retroactive effect, Sec. 31-6-6 am'd.; Act 2009-559, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Motor vehicles, used motor vehicle dealer or motor vehicle wholesaler, licensure and regulation, additional training required for new applicants, Revenue Department to enforce, Secs. 40-12-390, 40-12-391 am'd.
Motor vehicles, accident response service fee imposed by law enforcement officer or agency on or from insurance company or driver or owner of motor vehicle, prohibited
Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of modern building and energy codes in compliance with federal law to be implemented by counties and municipalities, board members increased, certain farm structures excluded, sprinkler systems provided for, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Highways and other roads, Alabama Trust Fund, $100 million transferred annually in 2010 to 2019, inclusive, distrib. of portion after appropriation to Transportation Department, distrib. of portion to counties and municipalities for transportation purposes, const. amend.
Water and sewer services, municipal corporation boards of directors, and municipal and county boards of directors of water, sewer, and fire protection authorities, compensation increased, Prichard excepted, Secs. 11-50-15, 11-50-313, 11-88-6 am'd.
Motor vehicles, new and used vehicles clarified, titles, fees for certain records further provided for, exemption from titling of vehicles authorized, inspections, alternative method of lien release authorized when lienholder no longer in business, Secs. 32-8-2, 32-8-6, 32-8-31, 32-8-32, 32-8-36, 32-8-64 am'd.
State income tax, federal deduction limited for individual taxpayers, state sales tax on food removed, Amendment 225 (Section 211.04, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.

Lobbyists, registration with Ethics Commission, annual fee increased, reduced fee for lobbyist paid by tax exempt organization, Sec. 36-25-18 am'd.
Elections, campaign contributions, individual contributions to a candidate, limited, campaign funds expended by a candidate, limited
Ethics Law, legislators, acceptance of any thing of value, prohibited, campaign contributions excepted, penalties
Ethics Law, lobbyist includes a person attempting to influence a state official, department, agency, or entity to enter into a contract that is not competitively bid
Contracts, not competitively bid, Legislature by joint resolution may void ab initio
Contributions raised for a federal campaign, use in a campaign for state or local office, prohibited, penalties
Governor, a member of Governor's family, or a member of the Governor's cabinet, prohibited from contracting, lobbying, and working for companies that contract or lobby with the Executive Branch for two years following departure from public service, Sec. 36-25-19 am'd.

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