Trip Pittman

Updated: August 29, 2022 at 2:12 AM CST

General Information

Who is Trip Pittman?
Trip Pittman

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Status: Out of Office
Party: Republican
Social Media:
Birthday: March 26, 1960 65

Education Information

Known educational history for Trip Pittman from Montrose, AL.

  • BS, Commerce and Businesses Administration, University of Alabama, 1982

Political Information

Known political history for Trip Pittman from Montrose, AL.

  • Senator, Alabama State Senate, District 32, 2007-2018

Professions Information

Known professional history for Trip Pittman from Montrose, AL.

  • Owner, Pittman Tractor Company, 1988-present

Congressional Information

Known congressional history for Trip Pittman from Montrose, AL.

  • Former Member, Tourism and Marketing Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Rules Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Joint Legislative Committee on State Parks, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Governmental Affairs Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Development Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Finance and Taxation General Fund Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Finance and Taxation Education Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Education & Youth Affairs Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, County and Municipal Government Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Contract Review Permanent Legislative Oversight Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Constitution, Ethics, and Elections Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Banking and Insurance Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Permanent Joint Transportation Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Joint Legislative Fiscal Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Joint Legislative Committee on State Parks, Alabama State Senate

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Trip Pittman from Montrose, AL.

  • Baldwin County, Planning and Zoning Commission, present
  • Member, Fairhope United Methodist Church, present
  • Reserve Commission, Second Lieutenant from Army ROTC Program, 1983
  • 1st Platoon Leader, Troop E, 31st Armor Brigade
  • Affiliate, Coastal Conservation Association
  • Affiliate, National Federation of Independent Businesses
  • Affiliate, Alabama Policy Institute
  • Baldwin County, Compass Bank Board
  • Baldwin County, United Board of Directors
  • Bayside Academy, Board of Trustees
  • Member, Eastern Shore Sertoma Club
  • Member, Alabama Commission on Higher Education

Election History

Trip Pittman from Montrose, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Trip Pittman has sponsored.

SB 376
Firearms, Voluntary Alabama Firearms Do Not Sell List, created
SB 374
Retailers, refund policy, required to print on sales receipt
SB 323
Education Trust Fund Rolling Reserve Act, Education Trust Fund Budget Stabilization Fund, authorize funds to be used for school security, Sec. 29-9-4 am'd.
SB 307
Sales and use tax, Simplified Sellers Use Tax Remittance Program, out-of-state vendors, physical presence through acquisition of in-state company authorized, sales of tangible personal property subject to sales tax, marketplace facilitators, collection, Secs. 40-23-190, 40-23-191 am'd.
SB 272
Capital defendant, execution of, elect to be executed by nitrogen hypoxia if lethal injection is unavailable, Secs. 15-18-82, 15-18-82.1 am'd.
SB 222
Pilotage Commission, State, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2020, add'l nonvoting member appt. by Governor, Sec. 33-4-1 am'd.
SB 221
Ethics, legislators engaged in professional services, opinion of Ethics Commission required, Sec. 36-25-7.1 added
SB 203
Securities, registration fees for agents and investment advisor representative increased, filing fees for certain management investment companies revised, Secs. 8-6-3, 8-6-10 am'd.
SB 201
First-time home buyers, to establish ability to open first-time home buyer savings accounts to save funds for a down payment and closing costs and establish a tax deduction for contributions to the account
SB 178
General Fund budget, appropriations for other functions of government, debt service, and capital outlay for fiscal year ending September 30, 2019.
SB 177
Children First Trust Fund, appropriations from for fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, use of allocation pursuant to Section 41-15B-2.2 and this act, tobacco settlement revenues deposited in fund within 30 days of receipt, Finance Director to notify each agency of allocation, appropriations conditional on tobacco revenues, appropriation of additional tobacco settlement funds, audit, Children's Affairs Department to report to Legislature and Children's Policy Council, appropriations from General Fund to various entities
SB 176
Coalition Against Domestic Violence, appropriation, operations plan and audited financial statement required, quarterly and end-of-year reports required
SB 175
Supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2018, approp. to Corrections Dept., Departmental Emergency Fund, and Forensic Sciences Dept.
SB 132
General Fund Rainy Day Account , established, re-establishing the Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account, const. amend.
SB 131
Taxation, state tax revenues, distribution further provided for, Secs. 9-13-84, 22-9A-23, 22-21-24, 27-4A-3, 28-3-74, 28-3-184, 28-3-201, 28-3-202, 28-3-204, 28-7-16, 38-4-12, 38-4-12.1, 40-1-31, 40-8-3, 40-21-51, 40-21-87, 40-23-35, 40-23-50, 40-23-77, 40-25-23 am'd.
SB 130
Taxation, Simplified Sellers Use Tax Program, affiliate restriction against participation eliminated, certain tangible personal property specified as subject to sales tax, Simplified Seller Use Tax Remittance Act, Secs. 40-23-191, 40-23-193 am'd.
SB 129
Vacancies, United States Senator, temporary appointment by Governor until next general election authorized, Sec. 36-9-7 repealed; Sec. 36-9-8 am'd
SB 128
Capital defendant, execution of, elect to include by nitrogen hypoxia, capital defendant allowed to choose life without parole in-lieu-of a death sentence, Secs. 15-18-82, 15-18-82.1 am'd.
SJR 84
Graham, Billy, death mourned
SB 50
Vessels, Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency, procedure for seizure and disposal of abandoned and derelict vessels, Alabama Abandoned and Derelict Vessel Fund, created, crimes and offenses, crime of refusing or failing to remove a derelict vessel from waters of this state, created
SB 49
Neighborhood Infrastructure Authorities, municipalities, assessments for neighborhood infrastructure revitalization projects, income tax credits, expiration date deleted, tax credits extended until 2022, Secs. 11-71-11, 11-71-12 am'd.
SB 48
Environmental Management Dept., centralized waste treatment facilities, permits, bond or financial assurance further provided for, provisions for fees based on cost to treat repealed, Secs. 22-25C-1, 22-25C-2 am'd.
SB 47
Revenue Dept., sale of state land, employment of auction company, Sec. 40-10-134 am'd.
SJR 54
Coleman, John, death mourned
SB 28
Schools, public K-12 teachers and employees, charged with certain sexual crimes against students, paid administrative leave and discipline of school employees charged removed, Sec. 13A-6-83 repealed

Lodging, taxation, exemption for rooms not intended for overnight sleeping, Sec. 40-26-1 am'd.
Economic development, Alabama Jobs Act, incentives continued, cap on outstanding incentives, eliminated, Secs. 40-18-370, 40-18-382, 40-18-383 am'd.
Fraudulent claims, treble damages for persons filing false claims, civil penalties, Attorney General required to investigate and initiate civil actions, retaliatory action by employers prohibited, limitation of actions, Medicaid False Claims Act
Drug tests; falsification of; crime established; sale of synthestic urine. Crime established with exception
Schools, public K-12 teachers and employees, charged with certain sexual crimes against students, paid administrative leave and discipline of school employees charged removed, Sec. 13A-6-83 repealed
Toll roads and bridges, electronic assessment and collection of tolls, assessment to account holder or by photo-monitoring, administrative fees for nonpayment, judgements, suspension of driver's licenses and registration, Secs 23-2-165 to 23-2-175, inclusive, added; Sec. 23-2-163 repealed
Revenue Dept., sale of state land, employment of auction company, Sec. 40-10-134 am'd.
Neighborhood Infrastructure Authorities, municipalities, assessments for neighborhood infrastructure revitalization projects, income tax credits, expiration date deleted, Secs. 11-71-11, 11-71-12 am'd.
Ad valorem taxes, homestead exemption for retired due to disability, Secs. 40-9-19, 40-9-21 am'd.
General Fund budget, appropriations for other functions of government, debt service, and capital outlay for fiscal year ending September 30, 2018.
Coalition Against Domestic Violence, appropriation, operations plan and audited financial statement required, quarterly and end-of-year reports required
Appropriations, supplemental for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2017, appropriations to the Alabama Forestry Commission, Forensic Sciences Dept., Insurance Dept., and Board of Prosthetics and Orthotics
Children First Trust Fund, appropriations from for fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, use of allocation pursuant to Section 41-15B-2.2 and this act, tobacco settlement revenues deposited in fund within 30 days of receipt, Finance Director to notify each agency of allocation, appropriations conditional on tobacco revenues, appropriation of additional tobacco settlement funds, audit, Children's Affairs Department to report to Legislature and Children's Policy Council, appropriations from General Fund to various entities contingent upon adoption of const. amend. proposed by SB147, 2012 Reg. Sess.
Community College System, established as body corporate, eligibility of employees of system and colleges to participate in TRS and PEEHIP clarified, board authorized to acquire and dispose of property, Secs. 16-60-110.1, 16-60-111.4, 16-60-111.10 am'd.
Environmental Management Dept., centralized waste treatment facilities, permits, bond or financial assurance further provided for, provisions for fees based on cost to treat repealed, Secs. 22-25C-1, 22-25C-2 am'd.
Real property, tax sales, excess funds, redemption payments, application to all funds held by a county, retroactive effect regardless of when tax sale occurred, Sec. 40-10-28 am'd.
Prisons and prisoners, Pardons and Paroles Bd., medical parole docket, eligibility for certain prisoners suffering from chronic life-threatening illnesses, Corrections Dept. to provide list for consideration
Use tax, simplified sellers, procedures for collection and distribution of proceeds from out-of-state sellers, six month deferral deleted, disclosures re eligible sellers, reporting, Sec. 40-23-197.1 added; Secs. 40-2-11, 40-23-191, 40-23-193, 40-23-195 am'd.
Medicaid fraud, crime of further provided for, penalty, made Class C felony, statutes of limitations revised for certain fraudulent activity, Sec. 22-1-11 am'd.
Homicide, crime of homicide by vehicle or vessel, created, penalties, Marshall James Walton Highway Safety Act
Baldwin Co., gasoline and motor fuel, excise tax, add'l, county commission authorized to levy, Sec. 45-2-244.044 am'd.
Term limits, members of Senate and House of Representatives limited to three consecutive full terms, const. amend.
Capital defendants, execution of, elect to include by firing squad, Secs. 15-18-82, 15-18-82.1 am'd.

Baldwin Co., municipalities, toll road authority, Legislature by local law may provide for, issuance of bonds, const. amend.
Medical malpractice, administrative Patient Compensation System created to provide for an administrative process for certain medical injuries, Patient Compensation Board established, annual contributions by certain health care providers required
Baldwin Co., municipalities, toll road authority, Legislature by local law may provide for, issuance of bonds, const. amend.
Baldwin Co., toll road authority, authorize by local law, bonds, const. amend.
Homicide, crime of homicide by vehicle or vessel, created, penalties, Marshall James Walton Highway Safety Act
Revenue Dept., sale of state land, employment of auctioneer, Sec. 40-10-134 am'd.
Insurance, premium tax on insurance premiums, credits for certain employees altered, Alabama real property investment credit eliminated, insurance office facility credit eliminated, Sec. 27-4A-3 am'd.
Foundation program, annual appropriation, method of calculating average number of students revised, Secs. 16-13-231, 16-13-232 am'd.
Appropriation, Forever Wild Land Trust, expenditures of funds prohibited for advertising, const. amend.
Prisons, Alabama Prison Transformation Initiative Act, construction of new facilities provided for, Joint Legislative Prison Committee, reporting requirements increased, Alabama Corrections Institution Finance Authority, bonds authorized for prison facilities, construction agreements, renovating and demolishing existing prison facilities, proceeds on existing one mill tax, distribution further provided for, Secs. 14-2-1, 14-2-12, 14-2-13.1, 14-2-14, 14-2-16, 14-2-19, 14-2-21, 14-2-28, 14-2-34, 38-4-12, 40-8-3 am'd.
Interest, due or paid on properties reduced subject to tax sale, Secs. 40-10-75, 40-10-76, 40-10-77, 40-10-83, 40-10-121, 40-10-122 am'd.
Medicaid fraud, crime of further provided for, statutes of limitations revised for certain fraudulent activity, Sec. 22-1-11 am'd.
Term limits, members of Senate and House of Representatives, board, commission, or public office receiving state funding, limited to three consecutive full terms
Community College System, establish as a body corporate, employees hired after January 1, 2017 not subject to Students First Act of 2011, board of trustees of system to establish procedures for discipline and tenure, powers re acquisition of property provided, Act 2015-125, 2015 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 16-60-110.1, 16-60-111.4, 16-60-111.10 am'd.
Sales and use taxes, application of taxes, wholesale sale, definition amended to require component to become part of finished product, definition of tangible personal property and digital goods included, including electronic data, digital products or services, Secs. 40-23-1, 40-23-2, 40-23-60, 40-23-61 am'd.
Taxation, transient occupancy tax, definitions, application clarified, Sec. 40-26-1 am'd.
Sales and use tax, simplified seller use tax remittance, definition of seller, continued participation if physical address established, Secs. 40-23-191, 40-23-198 am'd.
Alabama Lottery estab., participation in multi-state lottery games only, constitutional amendment
Motor vehicles, crime of endangerment of a highway worker in a construction zone, created, exceptions, penalties, Marshall James Walton Highway Worker Safety Act, established
State agencies, construction or building projects, rules, specifications, etc., changes not to apply after start of project
Supplemental appropriations, SBI Cost of Evidence Fund to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, Act 2015-540, 2nd Sp. Sess., am'd.
General Fund budget, appropriations for other functions of government, debt service, and capital outlay for fiscal year ending September 30, 2017.
Children First Trust Fund, appropriations from for fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, use of allocation pursuant to Section 41-15B-2.2 and this act, tobacco settlement revenues deposited in fund within 30 days of receipt, Finance Director to notify each agency of allocation, appropriations conditional on tobacco revenues, appropriation of additional tobacco settlement funds, audit, Children's Affairs Department to report to Legislature and Children's Policy Council, appropriations from General Fund to various entities contingent upon adoption of const. amend. proposed by SB147, 2012 Reg. Sess.
Term limits, members of Senate and House of Representatives limited to three consecutive full terms, const. amend.
Legislative authority vested in a Legislature consisting of one chamber, const. amend.

Baldwin Co., municipalities, toll road authority, Legislature by local law may provide for, issuance of bonds, const. amend.
Medical malpractice, administrative Patient Compensation System created to provide for an administrative process for certain medical injuries, Patient Compensation Board established, annual contributions by certain health care providers required
Baldwin Co., municipalities, toll road authority, Legislature by local law may provide for, issuance of bonds, const. amend.
Baldwin Co., toll road authority, authorize by local law, bonds, const. amend.
Homicide, crime of homicide by vehicle or vessel, created, penalties, Marshall James Walton Highway Safety Act
Revenue Dept., sale of state land, employment of auctioneer, Sec. 40-10-134 am'd.
Insurance, premium tax on insurance premiums, credits for certain employees altered, Alabama real property investment credit eliminated, insurance office facility credit eliminated, Sec. 27-4A-3 am'd.
Foundation program, annual appropriation, method of calculating average number of students revised, Secs. 16-13-231, 16-13-232 am'd.
Appropriation, Forever Wild Land Trust, expenditures of funds prohibited for advertising, const. amend.
Prisons, Alabama Prison Transformation Initiative Act, construction of new facilities provided for, Joint Legislative Prison Committee, reporting requirements increased, Alabama Corrections Institution Finance Authority, bonds authorized for prison facilities, construction agreements, renovating and demolishing existing prison facilities, proceeds on existing one mill tax, distribution further provided for, Secs. 14-2-1, 14-2-12, 14-2-13.1, 14-2-14, 14-2-16, 14-2-19, 14-2-21, 14-2-28, 14-2-34, 38-4-12, 40-8-3 am'd.
Interest, due or paid on properties reduced subject to tax sale, Secs. 40-10-75, 40-10-76, 40-10-77, 40-10-83, 40-10-121, 40-10-122 am'd.
Medicaid fraud, crime of further provided for, statutes of limitations revised for certain fraudulent activity, Sec. 22-1-11 am'd.
Term limits, members of Senate and House of Representatives, board, commission, or public office receiving state funding, limited to three consecutive full terms
Community College System, establish as a body corporate, employees hired after January 1, 2017 not subject to Students First Act of 2011, board of trustees of system to establish procedures for discipline and tenure, powers re acquisition of property provided, Act 2015-125, 2015 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 16-60-110.1, 16-60-111.4, 16-60-111.10 am'd.
Sales and use taxes, application of taxes, wholesale sale, definition amended to require component to become part of finished product, definition of tangible personal property and digital goods included, including electronic data, digital products or services, Secs. 40-23-1, 40-23-2, 40-23-60, 40-23-61 am'd.
Taxation, transient occupancy tax, definitions, application clarified, Sec. 40-26-1 am'd.
Sales and use tax, simplified seller use tax remittance, definition of seller, continued participation if physical address established, Secs. 40-23-191, 40-23-198 am'd.
Alabama Lottery estab., participation in multi-state lottery games only, constitutional amendment
Motor vehicles, crime of endangerment of a highway worker in a construction zone, created, exceptions, penalties, Marshall James Walton Highway Worker Safety Act, established
State agencies, construction or building projects, rules, specifications, etc., changes not to apply after start of project
Supplemental appropriations, SBI Cost of Evidence Fund to the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, Act 2015-540, 2nd Sp. Sess., am'd.
General Fund budget, appropriations for other functions of government, debt service, and capital outlay for fiscal year ending September 30, 2017.
Children First Trust Fund, appropriations from for fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, use of allocation pursuant to Section 41-15B-2.2 and this act, tobacco settlement revenues deposited in fund within 30 days of receipt, Finance Director to notify each agency of allocation, appropriations conditional on tobacco revenues, appropriation of additional tobacco settlement funds, audit, Children's Affairs Department to report to Legislature and Children's Policy Council, appropriations from General Fund to various entities contingent upon adoption of const. amend. proposed by SB147, 2012 Reg. Sess.
Term limits, members of Senate and House of Representatives limited to three consecutive full terms, const. amend.
Legislative authority vested in a Legislature consisting of one chamber, const. amend.

Privilege or license tax on a contractors' gross receipts, certain exemptions eliminated, distrib. of proceeds further provided for, Sec. 40-23-50 am'd.
Baldwin Co., revenue commissioner, operation of office, compensation, Sec.45-2-241 am'd.
Board of Education, State, term limits set, compensation provided, Secs. 16-3-1, 16-3-8 am'd.
Motor vehicles, truck weights, dump trucks not required to meet axle spacing requirements under certain conditions, Sec. 32-9-20 am'd.
Motor vehicles, truck weights, dump trucks not required to meet axle spacing requirements under certain conditions, Sec. 32-9-20 am'd.
Municipalities, counties, other local government entities, employees, liability limited under certain conditions, Sec. 11-93-4 added
Foundation program, calculation of average daily memberships revised, Secs. 16-13-231, 16-13-232 am'd.
Non-nexus sellers use tax, method for remittance on behalf of customer, provided, Non-Nexus Use Tax Remittance Act, Secs. 40-23-191 to 40-23-199, inclusive, added
State employees, review of dismissal decisions under State Merit System revised, venue for review of action by State Personnel Board specified, Sec. 36-26-27 am'd.
School buses, change depreciation and fleet renewal schedule to 12 year cycle, Sec. 16-13-233 am'd.
Article V Convention, appointment of delegates to represent Alabama by Legislature, qualifications, duties, criminal penalty for exceeding scope of appointment
State property, work product by professional for governmental entity becomes state property, use by other governmental entities authorized
Interest, due or paid on properties reduced subject to tax sale, Secs. 40-10-75, 40-10-76, 40-10-77, 40-10-83, 40-10-121, 40-10-122 am'd.
Permits issued by state agencies, minimum duration of two years, required
Governmental immunity for officers and employees of the state, official capacity and personal capacity, term includes governmental entities such as counties and municipalities as defined in Sec. 11-93-1, Code of Alabama 1975, Act 2014-124, 2014 Reg. Sess., am'd; Sec. 36-1-12 am'd.
Uniform Condominium Act, define terms, required in state escrow agent, withdrawals limited, written notice required, Sec. 35-8A-410 am'd.
Education Trust Fund, maximum amount appropriated annually, budget stabilization fund and capital fund, established, const. amend.
Redemption of land sold for taxes, eliminate the requirement to pay interest on excess bid, Sec. 40-10-122 am'd.
Tax credit, for certain voluntary assessments, Sec. 11-71-11 am'd.
Postsecondary Education, State Board of, established, transfer of responsibility over two-year institutions of higher education from the State Board of Education and the State Department of Education to the State Board of Postsecondary Education and the State Department of Postsecondary Education, Secs. 16-60-110.1, 16-60-111, 16-60-111.10, 16-60-111.11, 16-60-111.12, 16-60-111.13, 16-60-111.14, 16-60-111.15, 16-60-111.16, 16-60-116, 16-60-117 added; Secs. 16-60-110, 16-60-111.1, 16-60-111.2, 16-60-111.3, 16-60-111.4, 16-60-111.5, 16-60-111.6, 16-60-111.7, 16-60-111.8, 16-60-111.9, 16-60-112, 16-60-113, 16-60-114, 16-60-115 am'd.
Lyman Ward Military Academy, appropriation
Tuskegee University, appropriation
Appropriations, supplemental appropriations for fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, from Education Trust Fund to the Legislature, Department of Veterans' Affairs, and Department of Human Resources
Talladega College, appropriation
Education budget, appropriations for the support, maintenance, and development of public education
Brown shrimp, designated as official state crustacean
Term limits, members of Senate and House of Representatives limited to three consecutive full terms, const. amend.
State agencies, persons or entities providing services, rules, specifications, requirements, changes prohibited during project
Administrative Procedure Act, amending rule ten years from its adoption, prohibited, Sec. 41-22-5.2 am'd.
Public education, civics instruction required in grades 7-12 as part of existing courses
Redemption of land sold for taxes, interest rate reduced only on tax amount due on date of sale, Sec. 40-10-122 am'd.

Grocery items, tobacco products, beer, sales not taxed at time of sale reported to Department of Revenue
Taxation, sales and lodging, certificate of exemption required, report to Revenue Department required
State parks, Gulf State Park Improvements Financing Authority, incorporation, issuance of bonds for capital improvements assignment of certain sales and use tax, revenue allocated to Conservationa nd Natural Resources Dept., Sec 9-14E-9 am'd.
State employees, review of dismissal decisions under State Merit System revised, venue for review of action by State Personnel Board specified, Sec. 36-26-27 am'd.
Motor vehicle, remote sales, sales and use tax, distribution to General Fund, Secs. 40-23-61, 40-23-85, 40-23-174 am'd.
Education Trust Fund, Rolling Reserve, to provide further for appropriation cap; ETF Budget Stabilization Fund authorizes further uses of revenues, including payments to the PACT Fund; to prohibit appropriations from holding or clearing accounts; Secs. 29-9-3, 29-9-4, 29-9-5, 29-9-6 am'd.

Insurance premium tax, credits against, repealed, Sec. 27-4A-3 am'd.
Motor vehicles, ad valorem taxes, deferral of certain taxes on certain new motor vehicles removed, Motor Vehicle Ad Valorem Tax Fairness Act, Sec. 40-12-253 am'd.
Education Trust Fund, Rolling Reserve, to provide further for appropriation cap; ETF Budget Stabilization Fund authorizes further uses of revenues, including payments to the PACT Fund; to prohibit appropriations from holding or clearing accounts; Secs. 29-9-3, 29-9-4, 29-9-5, 29-9-6 am'd.
Taxation, distribution of use tax funds, Sec. 40-23-85 am'd.

Public K-12 Education, moratorium on further adoption of common core until 1/1/17, local board of education may opt out and use alternative curriculum, advisory commission created
HIV clinics, redispensing of prescription drugs not used by patients, pharmacies allowed
Baldwin Co., court employees, compensation increase from Law Library and Judicial Administration Fund under certain conditions
Trails Commission, and advisory board, members, terms, commission may be transferred from Department of Economic and Community Affairs to another agency, Secs. 41-23-140, 41-23-141 am'd.
Common Core Curriculum Standards, terminated, prior courses of study to be implemented
Summerdale, municipal courts, warrant recall fee, distrib. to municipal corrections fund
Administrative Procedure Act, proposed rule changes, posting on website, business authorized to object, agency required to file a Business Economic Impact Statement with committee and Legislative Reference Service, review of all rules, Red Tape Reduction Act, Sec. 41-22-5.1 am'd.
Disorderly conduct, definition revised, carrying a pistol in a vehicle without a pistol permit, authorized, discretion of sheriff in concealed pistol licensing eliminated under certain conditions, certain provisions of concealed pistol licensing revised, Secs. 13A-11-7, 13A-11-73, 13A-11-74, 13A-11-75 am'd.
Subdivisions, contracts to pre-sale lots prior to recording plat, laws applicable to counties and municipalities amended and made consistent, Secs. 11-19-1, 11-19-15, 11-24-1, 11-24-2, 11-24-3, 11-52-1, 11-52-33 am'd.
Taxation, tax deduction for taxpayers who made contributions to a catastrophe savings account, increase in state tax deduction, technical corrections to remove ambiguities, Homeowner's Insurance Catastrophic Event Planning Act, Secs. 40-18-311, 40-18-312 am'd.
Employment regulation, counties, municipalities, or other political subdivision may not require employers to grant vacation or other leave to employees
Sex offenders, convicted of crime with a minor, prohibited within 500 feet of public school K-12 property during instructional hours, Class C felony, Sec. 15-20A-17 am'd.
Controlled substances, additional penalties for convictions of, addition drug-related crimes included, driver's license suspension required for additional convictions for drug-related convictions, Secs. 13A-12-281, 13A-12-291 am'd.
Voter registration, board of registrars, prohibited time of registering any person as a qualified elector extended from 10 to 17 days prior to election, probate judge required to print voter list within 10 days of an election, Sec. 17-3-50, 17-4-2 am'd.
Legislature, members, required to be tested if reasonable suspicion person might be using controlled substances, Section 47 (Section 47, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Article V Convention, appointment of delegates by the Legislature, qualifications, recall, oath
Article V Convention, appointment of delegates to represent Alabama by Legislature, qualifications, duties, criminal penalty for exceeding scope of appointment
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, reduce appeal time, Fair Justice Act
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, Secs. 13A-5-40, 13A-5-49 am'd.
Education budget, appropriations for the support, maintenance, and development of public education
Appropriations, 2013-2014 fiscal year, Education Trust Fund, Auburn University Aviation Program and Rainy Day Account Repayment, Act 2013-264, 2013 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Talladega College, appropriation
Lyman Ward Military Academy, appropriation
Tuskegee University, appropriation
Government disclosure of certain information regarding purchase of property by state or local government
Health, smoking prohibited in places of employment, public places and private clubs, outdoor areas, exceptions, responsibilities of Health Department and State Board of Health, penalties, Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Airbag fraud, crime created, penalties, enhanced penalties for physical injury, Sec. 13A-11-270 am'd, Sec. 13A-11-271 repealed
Property, Alabama Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act, created
Public works, Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act, public agencies prohibited from entering contracts and making certain awards based on collective bargaining agreements, certain terms prohibited in certain documents, exemptions
Term limits, members of Senate and House of Representatives limited to three consecutive full terms, const. amend.
University of South Alabama, board of trustees, members, term decreased, chair pro tempore authorized to call special meetings, Secs. 16-55-2, 16-55-5, 16-55-6 am'd.
Public assistance benefits, purchase of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and lottery tickets with, prohibited, use of benefit funds in certain establishments prohibited, penalties for violations, Human Resources Department required to perform monthly matches to determine eligibility regarding incarceration or whether recipient is deceased
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), applicants for required to apply for at least three positions of unsubsidized employment, ineligibility under certain conditions, Secs.38-4-2, 38-4-4, 38-11A-2 am'd.
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 40-18-100 am'd.
Motor vehicle license tags, renewals, additional time for deployed military, Sec. 32-6-65 am'd.
Baldwin Co., sheriff, qualifications, law enforcement service further provided for, Act 2013-227, 2013 Reg. Sess., am'd; Sec. 45-2-238 am'd.
Human Resources Department, public assistance, drug testing for applicants and recipients required upon reasonable suspicion, ineligibility under certain conditions, department to implement, rulemaking authority
Fair Ballot Commission created, membership and terms provided for, require Secretary of State provide explanation of measures and post on website, Alabama Informed Voter Act created
Finance Department, Division of Purchasing, authorized to purchase personal property from vendors not on statewide contract under certain conditions, exemption, Sec. 41-4-110 am'd.
Alabama Open Meetings Act, members of governmental bodies may participate in meetings and deliberation electronically
State agencies, Sunset bills, omnibus bill for agencies continued without modification, Sec. 41-20-11 am'd.

Individuals with disabilities, promotion of employment by state programs and services, Alabama Employment First Initiative Act
Court costs, criminal cases, entry of judgment by probate judge upon presentment by clerk of court
Legislature, members, required to be tested if reasonable suspicion person might be using controlled substances, Section 47 (Section 47, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Foundation for Local Schools, dissolved and monies disbursed to local schools and trust accounts, Secs. 16-26C-1 to 16-26C-13 repealed
Baldwin Co., leasing tax, distrib. to Historic Blakeley Authority, further provided for, Sec. 45-2-244.183 am'd.
Controlled substances, additional penalties for convictions of, addition drug-related crimes included, driver's license suspension required for additional convictions for drug-related convictions, Secs. 13A-12-281, 13A-12-291 am'd.
Unemployment compensation, substitute employees of schools, exempt from collecting, Sec. 25-4-10 am'd.
Baldwin Co., court costs in circuit and district court, deposit in Law Library and Judicial Administration Fund, expiration date altered, Sec. 45-2-80.87 am'd.
Baldwin Co., judge of probate and tax collector, co. comm. auth. to reimburse for good faith errors and worthless checks
Fairhope, corp. limits, alt.
Baldwin Co., court costs, assessment against persons incarcerated in the co. jail, amount per day authorized to be increased, Sec. 45-2-80.60 am'd.
Monetary Settlement, oil spill- Deep Water Horizon, use of settlement to repay Alabama Trust Fund and Rainy Day account, prohibited, deposit into General Fund
Government disclosure of certain information regarding purchase of property by state or local government
Foley, corp. limits alt.
Foley, corp. limits alt.
Foley, corp. limits alt.
Judges of probate to use same on-line filing system as Secretary of State, Sec. 10A-1-4.02 am'd.
Baldwin Co., sheriffs, additional qualifications, continuing education
Elections, crime of paying for or accepting payment for a vote reclassified from Class C misdemeanor to Class C felony. Sec. 17-17-34 am'd.
Elections, absentee ballots, Sec. of State by emergency rule may permit first responders to vote absentee, expenses paid by state, Secs. 17-11-3, 17-11-7 am'd.
Business personal property, Revenue Department required to recalculate the composite factors for
Firearms, concealed pistol permits, lifetime permit authorized, fees for issuance, Secs. 11-45-1.1, 13A-11-52, 13A-11-59 repealed; Secs. 11-80-11, 13A-11-7, 13A-11-73, 13A-11-75, 13A-11-85 am'd.
Children and incapacitated persons, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle prohibited, criminal penalties, Amiyah White Act
Gulf State Park, sale of project site precluded, Governor to approve long-term lease of any state park property, development, submission of proposals, criteria, review by department, acceptance or rejection, Gulf State Park Project Committee established, proposal exempt from certain statutes, contingent upon market feasibility study by the Gulf State Park Project Committee, Chapter 14B of Title 9 repealed, Secs. 9-14B-1 to 9-14B-22, inclusive, Chapter 14D of Title 9 repealed, Secs. 9-14D-1 to 9-14D-5, inclusive, repealed
Taxation, only Alabama Legislature may levy an occupational tax in a Class 3, 4, and 5 municipality
Alabama Ahead Act. commencing with 2013-2014 school year, revised to delete pen-enabled requirement, phase-in requirement and reassignment provisions, advisory committee revised, schools given question of participating, local school systems to contribute 25 percent of funding, Secs. 16-16B-1, 16-16B-2 am'd.
Industrial Development and Training Institute, transfer from Postsecondary Education Department to Commerce Department, funding from Education Trust Fund, confidentiality of project information, Secs. 41-9-1080 to 41-9-1086, inclusive, added
Business license tax, rental of residential real estate tax, not to be on a per unit basis, const. amend.
Motor vehicles, child passenger restraints, Alabama Head Injury Foundation, 15 percent of funds distributed to Alabama Head Injury Foundation earmarked to cover administrative costs, Sec. 32-5-22 am'd.
Local governmental entities, counties, municipalities and political subdivisions, employees included in definition of government entity, Sec. 11-93-1 am'd.
Highway Finance Corporation, borrowing power clarified, Governor added as member of authority, proceeds of bonds, use by counties and municipalities to match federal funds, Secs. 23-1-174, 23-1-177, 23-1-178, 23-1-181 am'd.
Human Resources Department, public assistance, drug testing for applicants and recipients required upon reasonable suspicion, ineligibility under certain conditions, department to implement, rulemaking authority
Common Core Standards, State Board of Education prohibited from adopting or implementing
Insurance, out-of-state insurers, investments, cash equivalents exempted from quality and diversity requirements, Sec. 27-41-39 am'd.
Schools, students taught at home by either private tutor or under church school law may participate in public K-12 extracurricular activities, Tim Tebow Act
Beer, cider, and wine, homebrewing in limited amounts by person 21 years of age or older for personal use authorized without taxation or licensure, penalties, convicted felon prohibited from homebrewing
Use of force in defense of a person, authorized by an owner, employee, or other person authorized to be on business premises if another person is attempting or committing robbery or burglary on the premises, Sec, 13A-3-23 am'd.
Lyman Ward Military Academy, appropriation
Tuskegee University, appropriation
Appropriations, supplemental appropriations for fiscal year ending September 30, 2013, from Education Trust Fund to Department of Commerce Department of Veterans' Affairs, certain appropriations to Jacksonville State University and State Education Department, extended
Education budget, appropriations for the support, maintenance, and development of public education
Talladega College, appropriation
Judge of probate, mental commitments, report to Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center, use for federal background checks regarding purchase of firearms, petition for reinstatement after release from mental commitment to circuit court, appeals to circuit court, use of ACJIC records by probate court, Law Enforcement Information Act, Sec. 22-52-10.8 am'd.
Firearms, right to bear arms, strict scrutiny standard required for certain denials of right, const. amend.
State Treasurer, State Treasury Operations Fund created for operation of Unclaimed Property program and SAFE program, Secs. 35-12-81, 41-14A-12, 41-14A-14 am'd.
Information Technology, Office of, coordination of information technology of state agencies created, Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology established, power and duties, secretary exempt from Sunset Law, Secs. 16-61D-1 to 16-61D-6, inclusive, repealed; Sec. 41-4-221 am'd.
Alabama Technology Authority, create state entity to coordinate with the Office of Information Technology
Controlled substances, deceptively obtaining same or similar substance from two or more practitioners prohibited, criminal penalties
Voter registration list, notification to persons purged from voter registration list for conviction of crime by U.S. mail rather than certified mail, Sec. 17-4-3 am'd.
Law Enforcement Agency, state, created, secretary appointed by Governor, law enforcement and investigative, and homeland security functions of, consolidated and reorganized, secretary to serve as chair of the Criminal Justice Information Center Commission, certain Public Safety Funds, created, Secs. 41-9-592, 41-9-593 am'd.
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 13A-8-10 am'd.
Legislative immunity, constitutional provision regarding privilege from arrest, eliminated, Section 56, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, (Section 56, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Alabama Open Meetings Act, members of governmental bodies may participate in meetings and deliberation electronically
Early Graduation Scholarship Program and Fund, established to provide grants to students who graduate from high school early, Foundation Program to provide funds, duties to Education Department and Commission on Higher Education
Motor vehicles, commercial driver's licenses, military commercial motor vehicle, exempt from skills test under certain conditions, Sec. 32-6-49.8 am'd.
Veterans, family educational benefits, limited to tuition only for family members granted benefits for the first time after August 1, 2012, Secs. 31-6-2, 31-6-4, 31-6-5, 31-6-6, 31-6-15 am'd.
Fair Ballot Commission created, membership and terms provided for, require Secretary of State provide explanation of measures and post on website, Alabama Informed Voter Act created
Local Control School Flexibility Act of 2013, provides for creation of innovative K-12 schools, flexibility contracts between local boards of education and the State Board of Education, and authorize State Board of Education to promulgate rules
Public Safety, Secretary of Public Safety created; Public Safety Fund created, certain investigative and law enforcement function of various state entities consolidated, Department of Public Safety reorganized, Homeland Security Department eliminated, uniform changes by Code Commissioner required
Unfunded mandates, remove exception for local boards of education from Amendment 621, Amendment 621, (Section 111.05 of Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Veterinarians, employed by 501(c)(3) entity exempt from certain employment and ownership restrictions, Secs. 34-29-61, 34-29-87, 34-29-88 am'd.
Term limits, members of Senate and House of Representatives limited to three consecutive full terms, const. amend.
Higher Education Commission, programmatic review for approval of non-Alabama instructional programs offered in state fees, Sec. 16-5-10 am'd.
Alabama Trust Fund, transfer of funds to State General Fund pursuant to const. amend., repayment required within certain timeframe, appropriation, People's Trust Act
Legislative costs, appropriation made for unexpended funds, required appropriation repealed, Sec. 29-1-22, repealed

Third Party Prescription Program Act, not applicable to Public Education Employees' Health Insurance Plan, Sec. 34-23-116 am'd.
Veterans, family educational benefits, limited to tuition only for family members granted benefits for the first time after August 1, 2012, Secs. 31-6-2, 31-6-4, 31-6-5, 31-6-6, 31-6-7, 31-6-15 am'd
Gulf State Park, development, submission of proposals, criteria, review by department, acceptance or rejection, proposal exempt from certain statutes
Elections, party registration required in primary elections, Secretary of State maintain voters affiliation on voter registration form
Foundation Program Fund, local boards of education authorized to establish local school calendar providing 180 instructional days for computation of benefits, Flexible School Calendar Act, Sec. 16-13-231 am'd.; Act 2011-235, 2011 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Business personal property, Revenue Department required to recalculate the composite factors for
Right to Body Data Privacy Act, unlawful to deny rights due individual for refusal to disclose certain personal data, exceptions, civil sanctions
Insurance Department, required to collect information from insurance companies on homeowners insurance policies and premiums and post aggregate information on website, penalties for insurance companies not in compliance, Property Insurance Clarity Act
Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (PACT) Program, PACT Board authorized to revise program to meet actuarial requirements, Sec. 16-33C-23 added; Secs. 16-33C-17, 16-33C-19 repealed; Secs. 16-33C-16, 16-33C-20 am'd
Insurance Department, adjusters, public adjusters licensed and regulated, adjustment of claims on behalf of insured party, license fees, Sec. 27-4-2 am'd.
State Employees' Health Insurance Plan, certain persons serving in legislative, judicial, or executive branch authorized to participate under certain conditions, Sec. 36-29-16 am'd.
Children, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle unless supervised by person of certain age prohibited, penalties determined by first, second, or subsequent conviction and whether child is injured or fatally injured, Amiyah White Unattended Children in Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Taxation, exempt certain military personnel from income tax, Jason Barfield Act
Retirement, Teachers (TRS) and State Employees (ERS), new defined benefit plan for persons entering TRS and ERS on or after January 1, 2013; contributions, minimum retirement ages, and benefits provided, Secs. 16-25-1, 16-25-3, 16-25-11.1, 16-25-14, 16-25-21, 36-26-36.1, 36-27-1, 36-27-4, 36-27-16, 36-27-24, 36-27-59 am'd
Baldwin Co., economic development, counties and municipalities authorized to purchase, sell, or lease property, appraisal required prior to transaction, Amendment 750 (Section 5, Baldwin County, Local Amendments, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Real property, state, county, municipality, and any other governmental entity appraisal obtained, purchase price must not be more than appraisal
Pretrial Diversion Programs, district attorneys throughout the state without local act authorized to establish discretionary pretrial diversion programs, basic operating standards provided for, fees distrib., database of pretrial diversion offender by Office of Prosecution Services, required
Alabama School Flexibility Act of 2012, established to allow local board of education to apply for programmatic or budgetary flexibility from state law and State Board of Education rules
Higher education, National Guard classified as residents for purposes of in-state tuition, Sec. 16-64-2 am'd.
Baldwin Co., police jurisdiction and planning, zoning, and other land use jurisdiction, not to extend outside corp. limits, const. amend.
Highway Authority, issuance of $650 million in revenue bonds for highways, roads, and bridges, Public Road and Bridge Construction Council created, duties to Transportation Department
Firearms and ammunition in motor vehicles, certain persons and entities prohibited from establishing policies against persons transporting or storing firearms or ammunition in motor vehicles under certain conditions, civil actions authorized for certain violations, limited immunity for certain injuries.
Election, expenses of county reimbursement by the state, specified, Election Expense Reimbursement Committee, makeup and functions altered, Secs. 17-16-2, 17-16-2.1 am'd; Act 2011-147, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd
Public Works, Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act, establish, public agencies prohibited from entering contracts and making certain awards, certain terms prohibited in certain documents, certain persons prohibited from placing certain terms in certain documents, exemptions
Tuskegee University, appropriation
Unemployment compensation, compensable week further defined, Sec. 25-4-73 am'd
Legislature, basic compensation for members, median annual household income in Alabama, legislators submit signed vouchers for reimbursement, proposed const, amend.
Talladega College, appropriation
Lyman Ward Military Academy, appropriation
Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association, Coastal Area defined, credit for insurance writings in Coastal Area, Sec. 27-1-24 am'd.
Health Care Compact established, consent of U. S. Congress secured for return of authority to member states to regulate health care, Interstate Advisory Health Care Commission established, membership, duties, terms, funding
Public schools, grades K to 12, classroom supplies, appropriation out of Education Trust Fund, State Superintendent of Education to promulgate rules re
Property insurance, hurricane deductible only applied on damages from named hurricane or tropical storm, certain personal lines insurance policies to offer voluntary buy-back provision, penalties
Property insurers, commercial and residential, disclosure of discounts for construction or improvements to property to withstand windstorm damage
Homeowners insurance, counties contiguous to Mobile Bay and Gulf of Mexico, credits against insurance premium taxes for private property carriers who write coverage in Zones 1, 2, 3, and 4, geographic areas covered by Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association
Homeowners insurance, rate filings and related actuarial information for homeowners property insurance coverage in Alabama are public record, review available in office of Insurance Commissioner and via Insurance Department Internet website, exceptions regarding confidential information
Homeowners insurance, carriers required to disclose actual costs of each item of coverage in annual renewal policy package, both as cost per $1,000 coverage and actual cost of each item of coverage, Homeowner's Insurance Cost Transparency Act
Catastrophe savings account, established, to cover insurance deductibles and other uninsured portions of risks of loss to owners of residential property owners from windstorm events, income tax deduction for deposits made to account
Immigration, legal status and/or proof of citizenship, valid documents for voter registration, same documents applicable for business transaction, military identification added as valid document, Act 2011-535, 2011 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 31-13-29 am'd.
Insurance Department, required to collect information from insurance companies on homeowners insurance policies and premiums by counties and zip code and post aggregate information on website, penalties for insurance companies not in compliance, Property Insurance Clarity Act
Legislature, compensation, expense allowance authorized by Act 2007-75, legislator may refuse, funds distributed to local boards of education of legislator for school supplies
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Alabama Trust Fund, unrealized capital gains, oil and gas capital payments received during fiscal year, excluded from the calculation, clarified, realized gains from a public exchange traded equity asset, purchased and sold in same fiscal year, calculation method established, Amendment 666 (Section 219.04, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Motor vehicles, text messaging or operating a handheld wireless telecommunication device while operating a motor vehicle on public street, road, or highway prohibited, penalties, law enforcement agencies to report statistical information to Public Safety Department
Supplemental appropriations from Education Trust Fund to Education Department for teachers certified by National Board of Professional Teaching Standards
Term limits, members of Senate and House of Representatives limited to three consecutive full terms, const. amend.
Criminal history background checks, Human Resources Department and Public Safety Department, duties clarified, transmission of criminal history reports via FBI-certified channeler, suitability determinations, types considered for reversal, clarified, Secs. 38-13-2, 38-13-3, 38-13-4, 38-13-7 am'd.
Contract Review Permanent Legislative Oversight Committee, emergency contracts treatment, Secs. 29-2-41.1, 41-16-72 am'd.; Act 2011-577, 2011 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Commission on Higher Education, required to establish a programmatic review fee schedule for approval of non-Alabama instructional program offerings in state, Sec. 16-5-10 am'd.
Comptroller, establishment and maintenance of statewide database for bids or proposals for public contracts, required, database accessible through Internet

Baldwin Co., Stockton Landmark District, boundaries defined, annexation by local law prohibited, Act 2011-316, 2011 Reg. Sess., repealed, const. amend
Education budget, appropriations for the support, maintenance, and development of public education

Garnishments, garnishee authorized to retain portion of funds withheld from wages as a processing fee, Sec. 6-10-7 am'd.
Commission on Higher Education, required to establish a programmatic review fee schedule for approval of non-Alabama instructional program offerings in state, Sec. 16-5-10 am'd.
Congressional redistricting, pursuant to 2010 federal census, Sec. 17-14-70 repealed and reenacted (2011-21173)
State Board of Education, redistricting pursuant to 2010 federal census, Sec. 16-3-1.1 repealed and reenacted
Gulf Shores, corp. limits alt.
Elevator Safety Review Board, regulation of elevators and inspection of elevators in private residences, authority to place elevators out of service, local regulation preempted, Sec. 25-13-18 am'd.
Legislative Compensation Commission, established, members, quadrennial recommendations for the compensation and expenses to be paid to members of Legislature, Sec. 29-1-8 repealed; Act 1196, 1971 Reg. Sess., Act 87-209, 1987 Reg. Sess.; Act 90-490, 1990 Reg. Sess.; Act 91-95, 1991 Reg. Sess.; Act 91-108, 1991 Reg. Sess.; Act 2007-75, 2007 Reg. Sess. repealed, const. amend.
Auctioneers, State Board of, licensing further provided for, definitions, inactive status, reciprocity, investigations, Secs. 34-4-2, 34-4-20, 34-4-21, 34-4-23, 34-4-25, 34-4-27, 34-4-28, 34-4-29, 34-4-30, 34-4-31, 34-4-33, 34-4-50, 34-4-52, 34-4-54 am'd.; Sec. 34-4-22 repealed
Candidates for public office having a minimum age requirement, required to provide certified copy of birth certificate
Catastrophe savings account, established, to cover insurance deductibles and other uninsured portions of risks of loss to owners of residential property owners from windstorm events, income tax deduction for deposits made to account
Insurance Department, required to collect information from insurance companies on homeowners insurance policies and premiums by counties and zip code and post aggregate information on website, penalties for insurance companies not in compliance, Property Insurance Clarity Act
Homeowners insurance, carriers required to disclose actual costs of each item of coverage in annual renewal policy package, both as cost per $1,000 coverage and actual cost of each item of coverage, Homeowner's Insurance Cost Transparency Act
Homeowners insurance, counties contiguous to Mobile Bay and Gulf of Mexico, credits against insurance premium taxes for private property carriers who write coverage in Zones 1, 2, 3, and 4, geographic areas covered by Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association
Property, income tax deduction the lesser of 50 percent of costs or $3,000 for retrofit improvements to homes to help withstand hurricane and windstorm damages, rate filings and related actuarial information for homeowners insurance coverage to be public information available on Internet (2011-21133)
Property insurers, commercial and residential, disclosure of discounts for construction or improvements to property to withstand windstorm damage
Strengthen Alabama Homes Program, established within Insurance Department, funding for retrofitting insurable property to resist future loss due to hurricanes or windstorms
Vessels, derelict, leaving in waters of this state in counties bordering on Gulf of Mexico, prohibited under certain conditions, penalties, procedures for exercising authority over derelict vessels and selling at public auction (2011-20640)
Strengthen Alabama Homes Program, established within Insurance Department, funding for retrofitting insurable property to resist future loss due to hurricanes or windstorms
Baldwin Co., court costs in circuit and district court, deposit in Law Library and Judicial Administration Fund, expiration extended, Sec. 45-2-80.87 am'd.
Economic development, tax incentives authorized to certain companies and educational institutions for locating new or expanding business in state, or a retention project, capital investment and job requirements, Alabama Development Office and Revenue Department to recommend to Governor, Industrial Development Authority to approve project for incentive (2011-20540)
Public Service Commission, transfer of certain amount of funds from Dual Party Relay Fund to Education Trust Fund before certain designated dates, Sec. 37-1-80.2 am'd.
School bus drivers, use of electronic device, mobile telephone, cellular telephone prohibited while operating school bus, penalties
Education employees, procedures regarding employment actions of revised, Teacher Tenure Law and Fair Dismissal Act repealed, Students First Act, Sec. 16-24B-7, 16-24-1 to 16-24-22, inclusive, 36-26-100 to 36-26-116, inclusive, repealed (2011-20831)
Abortion, physician required to perform ultrasound prior to performing abortion, medical emergency excepted, civil and criminal penalties, Right to Know and See Act
Contractors and subcontractors performing highway, road, street repairs, construction, or maintenance work, injuries resulting, liability and responsibility terminated by Transportation Department or county or local government upon acceptance that highway, road, or street project is in substantial compliance with contract documents, plans, and specifications
Persons, defined to include all humans from moment of fertilization
Mental Health Department, licensure for care or treatment for mental or emotional illness or intellectual disability, licensed professional counselor and a church or ministry providing religious services excepted, mental illness and substance abuse treatment defined, Secs. 22-50-1, 22-50-17 am'd. (2011-20664)
Public elementary and secondary schools, start date of academic year, specified, School Start and End Date Act
Alabama Trust Fund, unrealized capital gains, oil and gas capital payments received during fiscal year, excluded from the calculation, clarified, realized gains from a public exchange traded equity asset, purchased and sold in same fiscal year, calculation method established, Amendment 666 (Section 219.04, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Drugs, prescription, exempt from business license tax based on gross receipts, Sec. 40-23-4.1 am'd.
Illegal immigrants, presence, employment, and benefits regulated, concealing, or protecting illegal aliens, prohibited, verification of legal status, penalties, Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, Sec. 32-6-9 am'd. (2011-20575)
Teacher tenure, procedure for contract cancellation by a teacher redefined, procedure for reemployment of teachers clarified, Secs. 16-24-11, 16-24-12 am'd.
Gambling devices, possession, penalty increased, Sec. 13A-12-27 am'd.
Honor and Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE) programs, established as an offender supervision program to reduce probation violations, reports to Sentencing Commission, Honor and Opportunity Probation with Enforcement Act
Child custody, parenting plan required, requirements, shared parenting unless parent found not fit by court, appellate review, Children's Family Act, Sec. 30-3-158 added; Secs. 30-3-150 to 30-3-155, inclusive, 30-3-157 am'd.; Secs. 30-3-1, 30-3-2, repealed
Talladega College, appropriation
Lyman Ward Military Academy, appropriation
Tuskegee University, appropriation
Income tax credit authorized for employers creating jobs, under certain conditions, Full Employment Act, Secs. 40-18-270, 40-18-271, 40-18-272 repealed; Act 2010-557, 2010 Reg. Sess. repealed
Income tax, qualifying employers and qualifying employees authorized tax deductions for 100 percent of amounts paid for health insurance premiums, Sec. 40-18-15.3 am'd.
Municipalities, neighborhood infrastructure authorities, establishment by homeowners and business owners authorized, to manage and coordinate financing for neighborhood projects, tax credits, Neighborhood Infrastructure Incentive Plan Act (2011-20524)
Public Education Employees' Health Insurance Plan, not subject to Alabama Insurance Code, Sec. 16-25A-5 am'd.
Elections, expenses reimbursable by state, Election Expense Reimbursement Committee, established, Sec. 17-16-2.1 added; Secs. 17-16-2, 17-16-4 am'd.
Education budget, appropriations for the support, maintenance, and development of public education
Private corporations, railroads, canals, constitutional provisions in Article XII, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, amended and repealed, Sections 229, 240 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901 as amended), am'd., Sections 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 243, 244, 245, 246 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Term limits, members of Senate and House of Representatives limited to three consecutive full terms, const. amend.
Income tax refunds approved by Revenue Department, state Controller required to give priority to payment of refund over any other payment
Education Trust Fund, appropriations in education budget act capped, Budget Stabilization Fund, Capital Fund, established, transfer of certain funds to Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account, transfer of funds from Budget Stabilization Fund under certain conditions, Education Trust Fund Rolling Reserve Act, Sec. 40-1-32.1 repealed
Poll taxes and segregation of schools by race, constitutional provisions regarding deleted, portions of Section 256 and Section 256 as amended by Amendment 111, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, (Section 256, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., Section 259, (Section 259, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), Amendment 90, and Amendment 109, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, repealed, const. amend.
Baldwin Co., occupational tax, levy prohibited, const. amend.
Children, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle unless supervised by person of certain age prohibited, penalties determined by first, second, or subsequent conviction and whether child is injured or fatally injured, Amiyah White Unattended Children in Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Elections, political campaigns, phone banks, fraudulent misrepresentation regarding candidates or committees prohibited, investigation and enforcement by Attorney General, penalties, Sec. 17-5-16 am'd.
Ethics, lobbyists required to report any item excluded from definition of thing of value whatever the actual cost, Sec. 36-25-19 am'd.
Elections, photo identification required to register to vote, Secretary of State required to issue identification cards to persons without photo identification at no cost, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.; Act 2010-687, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Retirement, Deferred Retirement Option Plan, new participation prohibited, limits on interest paid on DROP accounts, Secs. 16-25-150, 36-27-170 am'd.
Property insurers, commercial and residential, disclosure of discounts for construction or improvements to property to withstand windstorm damage
Coastal area properties, income tax deduction the lesser of 25 percent of costs or $1,500 for retrofit improvements to homes to help withstand hurricane and windstorm damages
Homeowners insurance, counties contiguous to Mobile Bay and Gulf of Mexico, credits against insurance premium taxes for private property carriers who write coverage in Zones 1, 2, 3, and 4, geographic areas covered by Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association
Homeowners insurance, rate filings and related actuarial information for homeowners property insurance coverage in Alabama are public record, review available in office of Insurance Commissioner and via Insurance Department Internet website, exceptions regarding confidential information (2011-21029)
Homeowners insurance, carriers required to disclose actual costs of each item of coverage in annual renewal policy package, both as cost per $1,000 coverage and actual cost of each item of coverage, Homeowner's Insurance Cost Transparency Act
Insurance Department, required to collect information from insurance companies on homeowners insurance policies and premiums by counties and zip code and post aggregate information on website, penalties for insurance companies not in compliance, Property Insurance Clarity Act
Catastrophe savings account, established, to cover insurance deductibles and other uninsured portions of risks of loss to owners of residential property owners from windstorm events, income tax deduction for deposits made to account

Baldwin Co., Stockton Landmark District, boundaries defined, annexation by local law prohibited, const. amend.
Foundation Program, funding prerequisite to participation in, local boards of education not required to provide an amount greater than five percent of total amount contributed during prior fiscal year for fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, Sec. 16-13-231 am'd.
Insurance Department, process for consumer assistance, established, posting of certain information on Internet, legislative reports, Secs. 27-2-8.1, 27-2-8.2 added; Sec. 27-2-9 am'd.
Baldwin Co., county-owned solid waste landfills, only landfills which may be used for the disposal of garbage, household waste, industrial solid waste, and solid waste in county, certain contracts and disposal of certain inert debris and construction materials by municipalities exempt, on-site and privately owned industrial landfills exempt, criminal penalties for violations, rates regulated, Baldwin County Solid Waste Management Authority, established, penalties, implementation and administration by local law authorized, const. amend. (2010-20977)
Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association, reference to beach pool prohibited, Sec. 27-1-24 am'd.
Income tax refunds approved by Revenue Department, state Controller required to give priority to payment of refund over any other payment
Baldwin Co. (28th Judicial Circuit), circuit court judge, appointment of additional, conditional appropriations
Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center Commission and the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center, members, operation, powers, duties, fees, crime of misuse of ACJIC information established, Alabama Statistical Analysis Center established, background checks by licensing agencies, interstate exchange of criminal history information, ratification of compact, penalties, Secs. 41-9-590, 41-9-591, 41-9-592, 41-9-594, 41-9-597, 41-9-600, 41-9-601, 41-9-621, 41-9-622, 41-9-623, 41-9-630 am'd. (2010-20820)
Restaurants, smoking prohibited in, Secs. 22-15A-3, 22-15A-5, 22-15A-6 am'd.
Illegal aliens, illegal to hire, Industrial Relations Department reguired to verify employment eligibility of all employees through federal E-Verify program and to report to U. S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, penalties
Insurance Department, required to collect information from insurance companies on homeowners insurance policies and premiums by counties and Zip Code and post aggregate information on website, penalties for insurance companies not in compliance, Department of Insurance Transparency Act
Secretary of State and probate judges, authorized to refuse for filing any false, fraudulent or unlawfully issued document, removal, expungement, correction, crime of offering a false instrument for recording against a public employee or public official, established, penalties, Sec. 36-14-18 added; Secs. 12-13-40, 13A-9-12 am'd.
Legislative record, Secretary of the Senate to establish procedure to record and archive videos of session of Senate
Discrimination or preferential treatment based on sex or race by state, public colleges and universities, counties and municipalities, prohibited
Alzheimer's Disease Task Force, established to assess the current and future impact of Alzheimer's disease in Alabama, members, duties, Mental Health Department to provide administrative support, report of findings to Governor and Legislature, termination date
Banks and banking, Section 247 (Section 247, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd. to prohibit establishment of a bank except by general banking law, to provide for unlimited duration, to prohibit political subdivisions from owning stock or lending credit, and to provide for examination requirements; Sections 248, 249, 251, 252, 253, 254 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Legislature, eligibility requirements to include minimum credit score of certain number, Section 47 (Section 47, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Private corporations, railroads, canals, constitutional provisions in Article XII, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, amended and repealed, Sections 229, 240 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901 as amended), am'd., Sections 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 243, 244, 245, 246 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Businesses or public employers, reguired to verify legal status of new employees through federal E-verify program, penalties
Postsecondary Instructional and Support Workers Act, established, probationary, nonprobationary, and full-time employees, defined, termination procedures, disciplinary actions, suspensions, hearings, Secs. 16-24C-1 to 16-24C-8 added
Private schools, use of terms profit and nonprofit in definition clarified, baseline exemption date changed, Secs. 16-46-1, 16-46-3 am'd.
Legislative immunity, grant of repealed, Section 56 (Section 56, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Legislative immunity, repealed, Sec. 29-1-7 repealed
Baldwin Co., occupational tax, levy prohibited, const. amend.
Human trafficking, crime established, coercion or deception to perform labor or certain sexual activities, prohibited, criminal penalties
Municipalities, Neighborhood Revitalization Authorities, establishment by homeowners and businesses authorized, to manage and coordinate financing for neighborhood projects, tax credits, Neighborhood Revitalization Act
Children, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle unless supervised by person of certain age prohibited, penalties determined by first, second, or subsequent conviction and whether child is injured or fatally injured, Amiyah White Unattended Children in Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Teachers, principals, and education employees, State Superintendent of Education, revocation of education certificate or termination of employment required for conviction of felony or sex offense involving a child, regarding Teacher Tenure Law, Teacher Accountability Act, and Fair Dismissal Act, Secs. 16-24-8.1, 16-24B-3.1, 36-26-102.1 added; Sec. 16-23-5 am'd.
Health Care Rights of Conscience Act, health care providers, institutions, and payers right to decline to perform services that violate their consciences, injunctive relief
Term limits, members of Senate and House of Representatives limited to three consecutive full terms, const. amend.
Elections, photo identification required, Public Safety Department required to issue identification cards to persons without photo identification, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.
Trails Commission, established in Economic and Community Affairs Department, promotion of Alabama Trails System, advisory board established
State Docks Bulk Handling Facility Trust Fund, excess funds, all transfers removed except transfer to General Fund, Sec. 40-13-6 am'd.
Health care, persons, employers, or health care providers, mandatory participation in any health care system prohibited, const. amend.
Property insurers, commercial and residential, disclosure of discounts for construction or improvements to property to withstand windstorm damage
Coastal area properties, income tax credit the lessor of 25 percent of costs or $1,500 for retrofit improvements to homes to help withstand hurricane and windstorm damages
Ethics Code, Chapter 25 of Title 36, substantially revised and reorganized, Secs. 36-25-5, 36-25-11, 36-25-12, 36-25-14, 36-25-15, 36-25-16, 36-25-20, 36-25-21, 36-25-22, 36-25-23, 36-25-24, 36-25-25, 36-25-26, 36-25-31, 36-25-32, 36-25-40, 36-25-42, 36-25-43, 36-25-83 added; Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-2 am'd.; Secs. 36-25-3, 36-25-4, 36-25-5, 36-25-6, 36-25-7, 36-25-9, 36-25-10, 36-25-11, 36-25-13, 36-25-14, 36-25-15, 36-25-16, 36-25-17, 36-25-18, 36-25-19, 36-25-20, 36-25-21, 36-25-22, 36-25-23, 36-25-24, 36-25-26, 36-25-27, 36-25-29, 36-25-30 amended and renumbered; Secs. 36-25-8, 36-25-28 repealed
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, veterans, Purple Heart and Medal of Honor recipients and former prisoners of war, and surviving spouses, additional tags without payment of license tax or registration fee, including ad valorem tax, authorized, Sec. 32-6-250 am'd.
Homestead exemption, cost-of-living adjustment, Sec. 40-9-19 am'd.
Homeowners insurance, rate filings and related actuarial information for homeowners property insurance coverage in Alabama are public record, review available in office of Insurance Commissioner and via Insurance Department Internet website
Homeowners insurance, carriers required to disclose actual costs of each item of coverage in annual renewal policy package, both as cost per $1,000 coverage and actual cost of each item of coverage, Homeowner's Insurance Cost Transparency Act
Homeowners insurance, counties contiguous to Mobile Bay and Gulf of Mexico, credits against insurance premium taxes for private property carriers who write coverage in Zones 1,2,3, and 4, geographic areas covered by Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association
Alabama Insurance Underwriting Association, Coastal Area defined, credit for insurance writings in Coastal Area, Sec. 27-1-24 am'd.
Teachers, principals, and education employees, State Superintendent of Education, revocation of education certificate or termination of employment required for conviction of felony or sex offense involving a child, regarding Teacher Tenure Law, Teacher Accountability Act, and Fair Dismissal Act, Secs. 16-24-8.1, 16-24B-3.1, 36-26-102.1 added; Sec. 16-23-5 am'd.
Appropriations, pass-through appropriations, defined and prohibited, agency director guilty of Class C misdemeanor for violations, line-item appropriations expressed authorized, Budget Accountability Act
Insurance, surplus lines insurance, foreign and alien insurers, requirement for transacting insurance for minimum of five years in its state or country of domicile, exception under certain conditions, Sec. 27-10-26 am'd.
Ad valorem tax, homestead exemption, increased, Sec. 40-9-19 am'd.
Homestead exemption, cost-of-living adjustment, Sec. 40-9-19 am'd.
Homestead exemption for the disabled and the aged, minimum income limit increased, Sec. 40-9-21 am'd.
Catastrophe savings account, established, to cover insurance deductibles and other uninsured portions of risks of loss to owners of residential property owners from windstorm events, income tax credit for deposits made to account
Property insurance, hurricane deductible only applied on damages from named hurricane or tropical storm, certain personal lines insurance policies to offer voluntary buy-back provision, penalties
Ethics Code, Chapter 25 of Title 36, substantially revised and reorganized, Secs. 36-25-5, 36-25-11, 36-25-12, 36-25-14, 36-25-15, 36-25-16, 36-25-20, 36-25-21, 36-25-22, 36-25-23, 36-25-24, 36-25-25, 36-25-26, 36-25-31, 36-25-32, 36-25-40, 36-25-42, 36-25-43, 36-25-83 added; Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-2 am'd.; Secs. 36-25-3, 36-25-4, 36-25-5, 36-25-6, 36-25-7, 36-25-9, 36-25-10, 36-25-11, 36-25-13, 36-25-14, 36-25-15, 36-25-16, 36-25-17, 36-25-18, 36-25-19, 36-25-20, 36-25-21, 36-25-22, 36-25-23, 36-25-24, 36-25-26, 36-25-27, 36-25-29, 36-25-30 amended and renumbered; Secs. 36-25-8, 36-25-28 repealed (2009-21167)
Insurance fraud, defined, investigations by Insurance Department, civil immunity for reporting fraud, Insurance Fraud Unit and fund created in Insurance Department, civil and criminal penalties, six year filing limit, certain continuing education required, Secs. 27-12A-1 to 27-12A-8, incl., 27-12A-20 to 27-12A-24, incl., 27-12A-40 to 27-12A-42, incl., added; Secs. 10-4-115, 27-21A-23 am'd.

Ethics Commission, members, appointment and confirmation, investigation of complaints, subpoena power, post-investigation referral and status reports by Attorney General or district attorney, Secs. 36-25-3, 36-25-4, am'd.
Ethics Law, lobbying, definition to include activity with any branch of state government, maintenance of electronic database, mandatory ethics training for public officers or employees and lobbyists, certain representation by legislators prohibited, Sec. 36-25-1.5 added
Ethics, lobbyists, may not offer anything of value to certain public officials, employees, family, and candidates; definitions, State Ethics Commission to report to Legislature regarding strengthening ethics laws in other states, Sec. 36-25-7.5 added; Sec. 36-25-1 am'd.
Political action committees, state and local governmental employees, a local school board, or other governmental agency prohibited from arranging for contributions by payroll deduction or otherwise, Sec. 17-17-5 am'd.
Ethics Law, members of legislature, employment as employee or teacher in other government job, prohibited, exceptions, liability for any compensation received in violation, Attorney General to enforce, Legislative Double Dipping Prohibition Act
Ethics Law, definitions, public officials and employees, acceptance of things of value regulated, lobbyists and principals, regulated, definitions, Ethics Commission to report to Legislature regarding other states' ethics laws, Sec. 36-25-5.5 added; Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-7 am'd. (2010-21261)
Campaign finance disclosure reports, electronic filing required, Secretary of State to maintain electronic database, Sec. 17-5-8 am'd.
Retirement, Employees' Retirement System or the Teachers' Retirement System, future participants, state-paid portion and interest on retirement forfeited upon felony conviction, Retirement Systems of Alabama granted civil and criminal immunity
Legislators, employment with other branch of state government or other state agencies, etc., including public education, during the time in office, prohibited, exceptions, liability for any violations, Attorney General to enforce, Legislative Double Dipping Prohibition Act (2010-21257)
Elections, public employees, payroll deductions, state and local governmental agencies, including school boards, prohibited from arranging for payments by payroll deduction to political action committees or dues for membership organizations that use funds for political activities, Sec. 17-17-5 am'd. (2010-21197)
Ethics Commission, members, appointment and confirmation, investigation of complaints, subpoena power, post-investigation referral and status reports, penalties, Secs. 36-25-3, 36-25-4, 36-25-27 am'd. (2010-21255)

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