Steve Hurst

Updated: August 07, 2022 at 12:13 PM CST

General Information

Who is Steve Hurst?
Steve Hurst

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Status: Alabama State Representative for District 35
Party: Republican
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Contact Information

Known contact information for Steve Hurst from Munford, AL.

  • 11 South Union Street, Suite 413-A
    Montgomery, AL 36130-2950
  • Phone: 334-261-0415
  • Official Email:

Education Information

Known educational history for Steve Hurst from Munford, AL.

  • Diploma, Talladega High School

Political Information

Known political history for Steve Hurst from Munford, AL.

  • Candidate, Alabama House of Representatives, District 35, 2018
  • Representative, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 35, 1998-present

Professions Information

Known professional history for Steve Hurst from Munford, AL.

  • Employed, Georgia Pacific Corporation, present
  • Owner, Haynes Street Pawn & Gun, 2011-present
  • Owner, Atlas Fence Limited Liability Cooperation, 1989-present

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Steve Hurst from Munford, AL.

  • Member, Calhoun County Chamber of Commerce, present
  • Former Commissioner, Talladega County, 1984-1992
  • Member, Talladega County Chamber of Commerce, present
  • Member, Quarterback Club
  • Member, Golden Kiwanis
  • Member, Home Builders Association
  • Member, Cattlemen's Association
  • Member, Who So Ever Will Bible Study Class
  • Member, Munford Baptist Church
  • Member, National Federation of Independent Business

Other Relevant Notes

The below information is relevant to Steve Hurst from Munford, AL and was found via our own research, sent to us from Steve Hurst, or sent to us from readers like you.

  • Switched from Democrat to Republican, 2010

Election History

Steve Hurst from Munford, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

View legislative bills that Steve Hurst has sponsored.

Education, public K-12 schools, school sports, requires public K-12 schools and local boards of education to accept certain forms of payments for admission to school sporting events
Munford, corp. limits alt.
Prosthetists and Orthotists Board, orthosis, further defined to include custom-fitted orthosis, off-the-shelf orthotic device further defined, Sec. 34-25A-3 am'd.

Pubic safety, emergency telephone service, procedure for responding to emergency calls by 911 operator, further provided, reasonable alternative method for responding under certain circumstances, required, Sec. 11-98-11 am'd.
Clay Co., animal control authority created, to provide animal control shelter in county for dogs, cats, and other domestic animals
Education, local board of education, required to post information relating to work-based learning on the website of the local board and any school under the jurisdiction of the local board
Cheaha Road in Talladega, Clay, and Cleburne Counties, road to Cheaha State Park, transferred to Transportation Dept. jurisdiction as state highway
Legislature, to call itself into a special session under certain conditions authorized, const. amend.
Talladega County, Juvenile Justice Fund Committee dissolved, further provide for expenditure from fund, Act 90-430, 1990 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Pharmacy benefits managers, practices relating to patient steering, price discrimination, fiduciary duty to client, price disclosure, etc. regulated, Dept of Insurance, duties and authorities revised, Act 2019-457, 2019 Reg. Sess., sections amended and renumbered; Secs. 27-45A-6 to 27-45A-11, inclusive, 27-45A-13 added; Secs. 27-45A-3, 27-45A-4, 27-45A-5 am'd.
Ad valorem tax on real property, senior property tax appraisal for persons age 70 or older on principal residence used for 10 years, appraisal value frozen on immediate prior year, exceptions, rules by Revenue Dept.
County and municipal jails, allows inmates to pick up litter to earn deduction in sentence time
Taxation, County Boards of Equalization, valuation procedures further provided, Secs. 40-2-18, 40-3-21, 40-3-25, 40-7-25 am'd.
Utilities, governmental entities, prohibited from adopting or enforcing policies that prohibit the connection or reconnection of utility services
Crimes and offenses, crimes of riot and inciting to riot, harassment, and assault II, amended, crimes of assault against a first responder, aggravated riot, and unlawful traffic interference, created, mandatory holding period for certain violations, provided, mandatory incarceration period for certain violations, provided, exceptions to sovereign immunity, further provided, restrictions on distribution of revenue to defunding jurisdictions, provided, Secs. 13A-11-3.1, 13A-11-5.1, 13A-11-8.1 added; Secs. 12-25-32, 13A-6-21, 13A-6-132, 13A-11-1, 13A-11-3, 13A-11-4, 13A-11-8, 13A-11-70, 15-13-2, 36-1-12, 36-2-1 am'd.
Talladega Co., sheriff, additional expense allowance and salary
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Obligation Transparency, created, membership, compensation, powers, and duties, provided
Schools, public K-12, athletic events allowing competition by one biological gender against another prohibited unless the event specifically includes both genders
Elections, qualified visually impaired voters may vote absentee ballot under certain conditions, Sec. 17-11-3.1 am'd.

Education, school calendar, local board of education to specify length of summer break and establish its local school calendar

HB 583
Civil practice, civil actions, satisfaction of judgements, procedure provided, Secs. 6-9-213, 6-9-222 added.
HB 379
Crimes and offenses, sex offenses, mandatory condition of parole, chemical castration treatment authorized as mandatory condition of parole for certain sex offenders
HB 248
Clay Co. Community Corrections Program, director and employees, power of arrest under certain conditions

HB 258
Education, public, providing that Biblical theory of creation be taught in public K-12 schools under certain conditions
HR 455
Whitaker, Dante, commended
HB 169
Talladega Co., county engineer, residency requirement, waiver by co. commission, Act 91-522, 1991 Reg. Sess., am'd.
HB 168
Clay Co., sheriff prohibited from participating in supernumerary program, participation in Employees' Retirement System authorized, Act 2017-193, 2017 Reg. Sess., repealed, const. amend.
HB 116
Criminal sex offenders over age 21, sex offenses against child 12 years of age or younger, surgical castration required prior to release from custody of Corrections Department

Criminal sex offenders over age 21, sex offenses against child 12 years of age or younger, surgical castration required prior to release from custody of Corrections Department
Clay Co., sheriff, participation in Employees' Retirement System, prohibited from participating in supernumerary program, const. amend.
Talladega Co., sales and use tax, continued, distrib. of portion for library in Munford, Act 91-533, 1991 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Talladega Co., pistol permit fee reduced for individuals over age 65, Act 87-416, 1987 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Talladega Co., sheriff, credit and debit card purchases, provided for
Counties and municipalities, competitive bids, heavy equipment or vehicle, add exception for repair by dealer or authorized service center, Sec. 41-16-52 am'd.

Organ donation, Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) required to provide information regarding designation on driver's licenses
Criminal sex offenders over age 21, sex offenses against child 12 years of age or younger, surgical castration required prior to release from custody of Corrections Department

Organ donation, Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) required to provide information regarding designation on driver's licenses
Criminal sex offenders over age 21, sex offenses against child 12 years of age or younger, surgical castration required prior to release from custody of Corrections Department

Sheriff, deputies who are attorneys, authorized to practice civil law, Sec. 34-3-14 am'd.

Talladega Co., sales and use tax in unincorporated areas, distrib. of revenue from shooting ranges for resurfacing co. roads, Act 91-533, 1991 Reg. Sess., am'd.

Sex offenders, convictions for certain felonies, service of term of imprisonment required without consideration of probation, parole, or good time credits, under certain conditions, Sec. 14-9-41 am'd.
Taxation, certain foods exempt from sales and use tax annually at start of the season of Lent and ending last day of season
Anniston, employees of city, police and fire to remain under civil service, new employees and certain other employees made at-will employees, Act 404, 1953 Reg. Sess., Act 592, 1953 Reg. Sess., am'd.; Secs. 45-8A-22.01, 45-8A-22.02, 45-8A-22.03, 45-8A-22.08, 45-8A-22.09, 45-8A-22.10, 45-8A-22.11, 45-8A-22.12, 45-8A-22.13, 45-8A-23.091 am'd.
Firearms, exempt sales and use taxes on firearms, ammunition, and firearm supplies for limited period each year
Contractors, public works contracts, timely payments, contractor required to timely pay a subcontractor for work completed, Sec. 8-29-3 am'd.
Game and Fish, turkey hunting season, Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources to restore
Schools, students taught at home by either private tutor or under church school law may participate in public K-12 extracurricular activities, Equal Access to Athletics Act
Sex offenders, sex offender convicted of crime with a minor prohibited within 500 feet of public school K-12 property during instructional hours, Class C felony, Sec. 15-20A-17 am'd.
Foundation Program, average daily membership changed from just 20 scholastic days after Labor Day of preceding school year to first 20 scholastic days of the preceding year for the particular school, Sec. 16-13-231 am'd.
State employee benefits, employee to receive summary of annually
Schools, study of Congress to include opening prayer of session of Congress
Grandparents, visitation with grandchildren, petition procedure and burden of proof established, Sec. 30-3-4.1 repealed
Rape, sodomy, burglary in the first degree, person convicted of these crimes under certain conditions sentenced to minimum of 20 yrs in prison if victim is 65 yrs old or older, Secs. 13A-6-61, 13A-6-63, 13A-7-5 am'd.
Jurors, service in criminal cases, names of sealed, contact by parties with for specified purposes prohibited, procedures for contact with jurors, penalties for violation
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, Secs. 13A-5-40, 13A-5-49 am'd.
Criminal witnesses, contact with by criminal defendant prohibited without notice to prosecutor, penalties for violations, Defense Initiated Victims Outreach initiative, funding of by public funds prohibited, Sec. 15-23-73 am'd.
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, reduce appeal time, Fair Justice Act
Talladega Co., sales and use tax outside of cities, distrib. of a portion of revenue, definition of legislative delegation further provided for, Act 91-533, 1991 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Agriculture and Industries Dept, public warehouses, permits, bonds filed with Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, recording in office of judge of probate repealed, Sec. 8-15-8 repealed
Revenue Department, taxes and fees, suspension by administrative rule when cost of collection is higher than amount collected, periodic review, Sec. 40-1-49 added
Sovereign immunity, immunity for officers, employees, agents of the state, including certain employees of local school boards and State Board of Education, specified in official and personal capacity under certain conditions
Motor vehicles, farm tags for truck tractors, provision limiting a farmer to one farm tag for truck tractors deleted, Sec. 40-12-248 am'd.
Criminal sex offenders over age 21, sex offenses against child 12 years of age or younger, surgical castration required prior to release from custody of Corrections Department

Criminal sex offenders over age 21, sex offenses against child 12 years of age or younger, surgical castration required prior to release from custody of Corrections Department
Talladega Co., school construction projects, exempt certain projects from competitive bidding laws
Veterans, permanently and totally disabled, state income tax, credit for sales tax paid up to a certain amount
Jacksonville, civil service system, employees exempt, professional librarian removed from exemptions, Sec. 45-8A-71.02 am'd.
Jacksonville, civil service board, vacation of office for failure to attend meetings under certain conditions, Sec. 45-8A-71.04 am'd.
Pawns, further regulate pawn transactions, Secs. 5-19A-2 am'd.; Secs. 5-19A-21, 5-19A-22, 5-19A-23, 5-19A-24, 5-19A-25 added
Capital offenses, appeal directly to Alabama Supreme Court, Sec. 13A-5-53 am'd.
Motor vehicles, heavy vehicles required to pay federal heavy vehicle excise tax, proof of payment required for registration, statute clarified to delete outdated weight, commercial motor vehicles, superseded statute regarding registration deadline repealed, Sec. 32-6-58 am'd.; Sec. 40-12-267 repealed
Supernumerary ad valorem tax officials, cap on compensation increased, Sec. 40-6-3 am'd.
State Board of Education, required to adopt rule requiring second adult on all school buses while transporting students, Sec. 16-27-1 am'd.
Motor vehicles, mandatory electronic and titling system established, Commissioner of Revenue Department to contract, terms of contracts specified, fees, rule making authority
Co. commissions, purchasing, use of credit or debit cards, rebates distrib. to co. general fund
Highway Finance Corporation, borrowing power clarified, Governor added as member of authority, proceeds of bonds, use by counties and municipalities to match federal funds, Secs. 23-1-174, 23-1-177, 23-1-178, 23-1-181 am'd.
Agriculture and Industries Dept, public warehouses, permits, bonds filed with Commissioner of Agri and Industries, recording in office of judge of probate repealed, Sec. 8-15-8 repealed

Talladega County, tobacco tax, distribution to Talladega County Volunteer Program, Act 90-424, 1990 Reg. Sess. am'd
Electricians, licensure of certain electricians licensed by a municipality prior to January 1, 2010, license limited, Sec. 34-36-7 am'd
Farm to School Procurement Act, established, coordination effort between Department of Education and Department of Agriculture and Industries to provide local grown food to schools, certain purchases of food by local board exempt from competitive bid law, Sec. 16-13B-2 am'd
Immigration law, provision barring unlawfully present alien from attending postsecondary school clarified, lawsuits for failure to enforce laws, procedures revised, documentation for lawful presence, military identification authorized, voter registration provisions modified, certain lawful presence verification for certain subsequent issuance and renewals of certain licenses, procedures and penalties for employing unauthorized alien, penalties for certain lawsuits relating to employment practices, Secs. 31-13-3, 31-13-5, 31-13-6, 31-13-8, 31-13-9, 31-13-13, 31-13-19, 31-13-20, 31-13-23, 31-13-26, 31-13-28, 31-13-29, 32-6-9, 32-6-10.1 am'd; Act 2011-535, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd
Motor vehicles, heavy vehicles required to pay federal heavy vehicle excise tax, proof of payment required for registration, statute clarified to delete outdated weight, commercial motor vehicles, superseded statute regarding registration deadline repealed, Sec. 32-6-58 am'd.; Sec. 40-12-267 repealed
Employees' Retirement System, reopened for purchase by Oxford Emergency Medical Services, Inc., employee for prior nonqualified service for employment rendered to Oxford Emergency Medical Services, Inc.
Sales tax, estimated payments, average monthly tax liability threshold increased, Sec. 40-23-7 am'd.
Lincoln, corp. limits alt.
Transportation Dept, chief engineer, appointment by Director of Transportation as an exempt position under the state Merit System, Sec. 23-1-22, 23-1-23, 23-1-24 am'd
Crime of Looting, established, penalties, violation would be Class C felony
Elections, election officers, Legislature by local law authorized to appoint alternate election officers, Sec. 17-8-1 am'd.
Residency, declaration by persons outside the state on military duty, mission assignment, etc., filing with judge of probate, not effective for election purposes

Employees' Retirement System, reopened for purchase by Oxford Emergency Medical Services, Inc., employee for prior nonqualified service for employment rendered to Oxford Emergency Medical Services, Inc.
Calhoun Co., circuit, district, and municipal courts, court costs, additional in certain cases, distrib. for drug courts
Talladega Co., E-911 Board, appointment of additional member (2011-20824)
Calhoun Co., court costs, drug and violent crime reduction fee in all criminal cases in circuit, district, municipal courts, distrib. to municipal and circuit court clerks, chief of police, county commission, and Calhoun/Cleburne Drug and Violent Crime Task Force
Talladega Co., lodging tax, removed, Act 2008-494, 2008 Reg. Sess. repealed
Public schools, K-12 instructional days, 180 instructional days or hourly equivalent for Foundation Program, local board of education with approval of State Superintendent of Education authorized to make up cancelled instructional days by adjusting the hours of actual instruction, flexibility for local boards of education in establishing school calendar by instructional hours and date parameters, Flexible School Calendar Act, Sec. 16-13-231 am'd.
Health care providers, physicians, etc., requiring disclosure regarding firearm ownership, prohibited, medical record inclusion of firearm information or disclosure of information about firearm ownership, prohibited, civil penalties, exceptions
County roads, forestry harvesting operations, prior notice to county commission, limitations, civil fines, other permits, bonds prohibited, Sec. 23-1-80.1 added
Dental Examiners of Alabama, Board of, dentists and dental hygienists, regulation and licensure, substantially revised, Sec. 34-9-7.2 added; Secs. 34-9-2, 34-9-3, 34-9-5, 34-9-6, 34-9-6.1, 34-9-7, 34-9-8, 34-9-9, 34-9-10, 34-9-13, 34-9-15, 34-9-15.1, 34-9-16, 34-9-18, 34-9-20, 34-9-21, 34-9-22, 34-9-24, 34-9-26, 34-9-27, 34-9-28, 34-9-40, 34-9-41, 34-9-43, 34-9-44, 34-9-60, 34-9-63, 34-9-82, 34-9-89 am'd. (2011-20608)
Firearms, soliciting or encouraging a licensed dealer or private seller of firearms or ammunition to transfer a firearm or ammunition if the person knows the transfer violates state and federal law and providing false information to dealer or seller of firearms or ammunition with intent to deceive, crimes established, exceptions, penalties
Firearms, seized by law enforcement agency, disposal at auction to certain persons, proceeds for law enforcement purposes (2011-20970)
Motor vehicles, heavy vehicles required to pay federal heavy vehicle excise tax, proof of payment required for registration, statute clarified to delete outdated weight, commercial motor vehicles, superseded statute regarding registration deadline repealed, Sec. 32-6-58 am'd.; Sec. 40-12-267 repealed
Persons, defined to include all humans from moment of fertilization, const. amend.
Persons, defined to include all humans from moment of fertilization
Radio/alert notification communications districts, counties authorized to establish, board of directors, members, powers, duties, opt out provision (2011-21180)
Railroads, standards of stationary assembly points and mobile labor camps for maintenance-of-way employees, established, drinking water provided, Board of Health to adopt rules for mobile camps, investigations, inspection fees, distrib.
Capital offenses, sex crimes, certain against children included, sentencing to life imprisonment without parole, Sec. 13A-5-6 am'd. (2011-20458)
Criminal sex offenders over age 21, sex offenses against child 12 years of age or younger, surgical castration required prior to release from custody of Corrections Department
Stalking in the first and second degree, aggravated stalking in the first and second degree, crimes further provided for, Tracy's Law, Secs. 13A-6-90.1, 13A-6-91.1 added; Secs. 13A-6-90, 13A-6-91 am'd.
Income tax credit authorized for employers creating jobs, under certain conditions, Full Employment Act, Secs. 40-18-270, 40-18-271, 40-18-272 repealed; Act 2010-557, 2010 Reg. Sess. repealed
Boats, including outboard motors and parts, vessel trailer, identification numbers and registration, altering prohibited, penalties including illegal possession, forfeiture
Public Safety Department, Blue Alert System, established, director to oversee, duties to department, director, and law enforcement agencies, notification when suspect wanted for injuring law enforcement officer or if officer is missing
Bullet-proof police vests, sale to general public prohibited, penalties
Law enforcement officers, assaults of while performing lawful duty, classified as assault in the second degree, to include off-duty officers employed by a private entity, Sec. 13A-6-21 am'd.; Act 2010-565, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Political campaigns, use of digitally altered pictures in negative way, prohibited, Sec. 17-5-16 am'd.
Fertilizers, local ordinance, rule, or regulation pertaining to prohibited, entire subject matter of Agriculture and Industries Department, exception
Pesticides and pesticide devices, registration biennially, new fee schedule, Sec. 2-27-9 am'd. (2011-20170)
Dental services, certain health insurance policies and health maintenance organizations plans, setting fees for services not covered by the plan, prohibited
Agricultural tourist attractions, to be defined by rule and approved by Agriculture and Industries Department, application and renewal fees, directional signs under certain conditions (2011-20698)
Motor carriers, federal Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005, responsibility for administration transferred from Public Service Commission to Revenue Department, distrib. of net fees to Public Safety Department, Sec. 37-3-32.1 amended and renumbered as Sec. 40-12-435
Anniston, council-manager form of government, investigations by city council or city manager, provisions for repealed, Section 9.03 of Article IX of Act 404, 1953 Regular Session repealed, Sec. 45-8A-23.262 repealed,
Residency, declaration by persons outside the state on military duty, mission assignment, etc., filing with judge of probate, not effective for election purposes
Elections, election officers, Legislature by local law authorized to appoint alternate election officers, Sec. 17-8-1 am'd.

Counties, 78,000 to 81,000, (Talladega Co.), transient occupancy tax (lodging tax), not applicable to certain camping
Calhoun Co., sales persons, door-to-door, business license required, license commissioner to issue, penalties
Calhoun Co., sex offenders registry, registration fee required, distrib. for sheriff's office
Federal cap and trade regulations, goods produced and distributed only in Alabama (intrastate), exempt from cap and trade regulations
Talledega Co., alcoholic beverages, draft or keg beer, sale authorized
Talladega Co., board of equalization, county commission authorized to provide supplemental compensation
Ad valorem tax, reappraisal, Class II and Class III property, time period limited, const. amend.
Motor carriers, federal Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005, responsibility for administration transferred from Public Service Commission to Revenue Department, distrib. of net fees to Public Safety Department, Sec. 37-3-32.1 amended and renumbered as Sec. 40-12-435
Oxford, civil service board, members, compensation, Sec. 45-8A-112.05 am'd.
Polygraph examiners, applicants for license required to submit to criminal background checks by Public Safety Department and Federal Bureau of Investigation, Sec. 34-25-22 am'd.
Corrections Department, prison industries, contracts with private industry for on-site work projects, authorized, additional vocational training and rehabilitation, Secs. 14-7-7, 14-7-8, 14-7-12, 14-7-13, 14-7-14, 14-7-15, 14-7-18, 14-7-19, 14-7-20, 14-7-21, 14-7-22 am'd.; Secs. 14-7-9, 14-7-10, 14-7-11 repealed
Junkyards, licensing and regulation of junkyards by counties and municipalities outside of the corporate limits, public forum and joint resolution required prior to licensing in police jurisdiction of municipality, county to regulate after licensure, Sec. 11-80-10 am'd.
Colleges and universities, boards of trustees, authorized to participate in meetings by telephone or video conference under certain conditions
Talladega Co., board of registrars, meeting days increased, Sec. 17-3-8 am'd.
Sex crimes, person over age 21 convicted of rape in the first degree, sodomy in the first degree, or sexual torture in the first degree of a child age 6 or younger, sentence of life without possibility of parole required
Law enforcement officers, fleeing or attempting to elude, injury or death to law enforcement officer included in felony enhancement provision of law, Sec. 13A-10-52 am'd.; Act 2009-616, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, Inc., exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Municipalities, municipal courts, court costs for jails, distrib. for municipal jails, Sec. 11-47-7.1 am'd.
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Aliens, illegal, forfeiture of property acquired while illegal alien, procedures, exceptions
Motor vehicles, driving without license or insurance or proof of legal entry into the United States, motor vehicle may be impounded, Secs. 32-6-18, 32-7A-4 am'd.
Motor vehicles, heavy vehicles required to pay federal heavy vehicle excise tax, proof of payment required for registration, statute clarified to delete outdated weight, commercial motor vehicles, superseded statute regarding registration deadline repealed, Sec. 32-6-58 am'd.; Sec. 40-12-267 repealed
Criminal sex offenders over age 21, sex offenses against child 12 years of age or younger, surgical castration required prior to release from custody of Corrections Department
Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of modern building and energy codes in compliance with federal law to be implemented by counties and municipalities, board members increased, certain farm structures excluded, sprinkler systems provided for, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Paroles and probation, revocation hearing, disputed positive urine or blood tests, testing agency required to verify through confirmation test, individual requesting responsible for testing costs (2010-20174)
Elections, election officers, Legislature by local law authorized to appoint alternate election officers, Sec. 17-8-1 am'd.; Act 2009-638, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Short-barreled rifles or short-barreled shotguns, possession, sale, receipt, obtaining, or use, in violation of federal law, prohibited, exceptions, penalties, Sec. 13A-11-63 am'd.
State income tax, federal deduction limited for individual taxpayers, state sales tax on food removed, Amendment 225 (Section 211.04, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.

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