Sheila Tyson
General Information

The Birmingham native is a business accountant, former president of the West End community, and the Birmingham Citizens Advisory Board. Commissioner Tyson studied business accounting at the Quartermaster School operated by the U.S. Army.
Commissioner Tyson maintains a reputation as a community leader for the people. Her most proud and notable accomplishment is the act of leading the Alabama Coalition on Black Civic Participation in its pursuit to concentrate on the formerly incarcerated population to engage and mobilize them to participate in the 2008 presidential election. The Secretary of State office purged 9,000 ex-felons from the registration rolls, which was further complicated because of the confusion and difficulty in identifying which ex-felons were allowed to register and vote, and which ones were not. While the law stated ex-felons, who were not convicted of crimes of moral turpitude were allowed to vote, it failed to identify precisely which crimes were excluded from this definition. Coalition members visited local jails in Birmingham and registered more than 500 offenders currently serving time, and delivered absentee ballots. All 500 voted.
With hopes to create a better footprint for the southwestern district, Commissioner Tyson assisted in passing laws that removed alcoholic coolers from convenience storefronts so minors no longer have access, helped pass a smoke-free ordinance for four cities in the state of Alabama, completed a one-year training program for Organizing Project, started a walking team for 99 communities, and was selected to host a webinar for Equal Voices, which was shown in 27 states across the country. She is certified facilitator by the International Research Board and UAB and was one of 13 people chosen to lead a webinar about getting influenza vaccination grassroots efforts up and running. She has also assisted with starting eight gardens within the West End community and helped several uninsured women receive breast cancer screenings through the Reach Us program. She fought to save Cooper Green Mercy Hospital before it ended inpatient operations and continues to work to stop sewer rates from increasing. Currently, she assists with feeding needy citizens of Birmingham three meals a day.
During her years of service, she has received numerous awards: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr Keeper of the Dream Award, NAACP, and the SCLC award. Other awards that Councilor Tyson has received include the Martin Parents Against Violence Award, Metro Birmingham Women’s History Award, Metro Birmingham Branch NAACP 2012 Believers Award, First Responders Award, Birmingham Police Department Community Award, Voting Rights and Social Justice Round table from the National Black Women Round table, and Woman of the Year Award from NAACP for the state of Alabama, Outstanding Community Service award, Odessa Wool folk Community Service, Stars Fell on Alabama, Black Women’s Round table Phenomenal Award, Alla’s Elite Person Award, NAACP Outstanding Community Service Glen Iris Elementary School –Recognition for her outstanding community support, Booker T. Washington School-Recognition for excellent community support, Brenda Brown Bosom Buddies –Dedication, Award for Neighborhood Elective, City of Birmingham Proclamation for A Night out on Crime, Census Bureau for 2010 partnership, and Certificate of Appreciation for Arlington West End and West End Communities.
Her participation in several year-long conferences like Alabama Grassroots Leadership Development and National Organization of Black Elected Legislative women enabled her to become a more effective leader, allows her to create relationships with other women in politics, helps other women rise to leadership roles, and most importantly enhances the lives around her community. She has also attended many different workshops, including Tandeka’s program on childhood obesity prevention. Commissioner Tyson is also a member of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Neighborhood USA, Birmingham Board of Education Executive Committee, UAB Minority Health& Health Disparities Research, a lifetime AIDS and HIV advocate, a part of nine PTA’s, started a nonprofit called Building Healthy Communities. In July 2017, she was selected to travel to Kenya and empower women in politics abroad.
Commissioner Tyson not only cares about her community, but Alabama as a whole. Working overtime to insure her community and surrounding communities are safe. Hoping residents will feel proud of the area they call home.
Contact Information
Known contact information for Sheila Tyson from Birmingham, AL.
- 716 Richard Arrington Jr Boulevard North - Suite 250Birmingham, AL 35203
- Phone: 205-325-5074
- Official Email: tysons%[email protected]
Political Information
Known political history for Sheila Tyson from Birmingham, AL.
- Council Member, City of Birmingham, Alabama, District 6, 2013-2018
Election History
Sheila Tyson from Birmingham, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.
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