Russ Goodman
General Information

Russ was born and raised in Dothan, AL. He is a graduate of Northview High School, Auburn University, and Cumberland School of Law. Russ has been a member of Covenant United Methodist Church since 2006, a board member for Dothan National Baseball at Westgate Park since 2016, and a board member for the Exchange Center for Child Abuse and Prevention since 2021.
With 12 years in criminal defense and prosecuting criminal cases, Russ has knowledge of our court and legal system from multiple perspectives. Russ has successfully prosecuted cases ranging from traffic violations, burglary, and drug-related crimes, to child abuse, elderly abuse, rape and murder.
An Assistant District Attorney (ADA) is a member of law enforcement who conducts criminal prosecutions on behalf of the district attorney’s office. Russ is the only candidate who has put the time in as an ADA to develop the necessary skills, wisdom, and judgment required to become an effective District Attorney.
Russ has served as Assistant District Attorney under two District Attorneys with excellent success records in criminal prosecution (Doug Valeska and Tom Anderson) as well as under the current DA. This unique opportunity to mentor under multiple leadership styles has allowed me an understanding of what it takes to be an effective District Attorney. Russ has worked tirelessly to gain the necessary experience, and he is the most qualified candidate for District Attorney of Henry & Houston Counties.
Election History
Russ Goodman from Dothan, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.
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