Ronald Grantland

Updated: August 08, 2022 at 3:53 PM CST

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Who is Ronald Grantland?
Ronald Grantland

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Status: Out of Office
Party: Democrat
Birthday: March 11, 1947 78

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View legislative bills that Ronald Grantland has sponsored.

Infants, sudden unexplained infant death, Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation Team, established, duties, coordination of county officials, law enforcement, medical or emergency personnel, immunity, Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation Act
Morgan Co., Hartselle, Falkville, and Decatur, bingo further defined, bingo permit holders authorized to advertise bingo sessions with municipal governing body approval, Act 96-648, 1996 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Motor carriers, federal Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005, responsibility for administration transferred from Public Service Commission to Revenue Department, distrib. of net fees to Public Safety Department, Sec. 37-3-32.1 amended and renumbered as Sec. 40-12-435
Child abuse or neglect, suspected, mandatory reporting, requirements for school teachers and school officials, established, responsibilities of principals and local superintendents of education Sec. 26-14-3 am'd.
Methamphetamine laboratories (meth labs), decontamination and certificate of inspection by Health Department, public disclosure of location required to be recorded on website
City of Huntsville Federal Building Authority, BRAC distributions from State of Alabama authorized for financing infrastructure and improvements in certain areas of North Alabama impacted by 2005 Base Realignment and Closure
Health, smoking prohibited in enclosed public places, places of employment, private clubs, enclosed residential facilities, outdoor areas, exceptions, posting of signs, enforcement by State Board of Health, fines, Smokefree Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
State employees, annual leave, payment for certain amount of accrued and unused leave under certain conditions, Sec. 36-26-35 am'd.
Alabama Coal Mine Safety Law of 1975, state mining laws extensively revised to modernize and supplemented to comply with federal law to enhance mining safety, Secs. 25-9-31, 25-9-32, 25-9-217, 25-9-380, 25-9-400 to 25-9-407, inclusive, added; Secs. 25-9-7, 25-9-9, 25-9-20, 25-9-22, 25-9-24, 25-9-40, 25-9-60, 25-9-61, 25-9-67, 25-9-80, 25-9-81, 25-9-82, 25-9-83, 25-9-86, 25-9-88, 25-9-131, 25-9-132, 25-9-133, 25-9-210, 25-9-216, 25-9-273, 25-9-276, 25-9-277, 25-9-278, 25-9-279, 25-9-280, 25-9-282, 25-9-360, 25-9-361 am'd.; Secs. 25-9-87, 25-9-153 repealed
Cullman Co., court costs, additional for domestic violence cases in the circuit, district, and municipal courts, distrib. for domestic violence shelter, Harbor Haus
Supernumerary ad valorem tax officials, cap on compensation increased, Sec. 40-6-3 am'd.
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, over-the-counter products, sales further regulated, on-line electronic verification system operated by Criminal Justice Information Center, penalties, Drug Abuse Task Force, established, members, Sec. 20-2-190 am'd.; Act 2009-283, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Cullman Co., sheriff and county revenue commissioner authorized to participate in Employees' Retirement System in lieu of supernumerary program, const. amend.
Railroads, standards of stationary assembly points and mobile labor camps for maintenance-of-way employees, established, drinking water provided, Board of Health to adopt rules for mobile camps, investigations, inspection fees, distrib.
Municipalities, municipal courts, court costs for jails, distrib. for municipal jails, Sec. 11-47-7.1 am'd.
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Assault in the second degree, utility workers included as a protected class, utility worker defined, Sec. 13A-6-21 am'd.; Act 2009-586, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Emergency medical services, definitions, regulation by Health Department further provided for, licensure category added for advanced emergency medical technicians, Secs. 22-18-1, 22-18-2, 22-18-3, 22-18-4, 22-18-6, 22-18-8, 22-18-40, 22-18-41, 22-18-42 am'd.
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, new categories for members and former members of U. S. Air Force, Army, Navy, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marines, established, fees, designs by Veterans' Affairs Department
Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of modern building and energy codes in compliance with federal law to be implemented by counties and municipalities, board members increased, certain farm structures excluded, sprinkler systems provided for, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Hartselle, board of education, election of members, qualifications, terms, compensation, chair, referendum
State income tax, federal deduction limited for individual taxpayers, state sales tax on food removed, Amendment 225 (Section 211.04, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.

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