Randy Wood

Updated: August 07, 2022 at 12:14 PM CST

General Information

Who is Randy Wood?
Randy Wood

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Status: Alabama State Representative for District 36
Party: Republican
Social Media:
Birthday: March 25, 1947 78

Contact Information

Known contact information for Randy Wood from Anniston, AL.

  • 11 South Union Street, Suite 417-H
    Montgomery, AL 36130-2950
  • Phone: 334-261-0552
  • Official Email: [email protected]

Education Information

Known educational history for Randy Wood from Anniston, AL.

  • Graduate, Southern Union College

Political Information

Known political history for Randy Wood from Anniston, AL.

  • Candidate, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 36, 2022
  • Representative, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 36, 2002-present

Professions Information

Known professional history for Randy Wood from Anniston, AL.

  • Served, Alabama National Guard
  • Owner, Wood's Auto Body Shop, present

Congressional Information

Known congressional history for Randy Wood from Anniston, AL.

  • Former Chair, Internal Affairs Committee, Alabama State House of Representatives
  • Former Chair, Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee, Alabama State House of Representatives
  • Former Member, State Government Committee, Alabama State House of Representatives
  • Former Member, Contract Review Permanent Legislative Oversight Committee, Alabama State House of Representatives

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Randy Wood from Anniston, AL.

  • Member, Weaver Lions Club, present
  • Member, Saks Civitan Club, present
  • Member, Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #4, present
  • Commissioner, Calhoun County, 1998-2002

Election History

Randy Wood from Anniston, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Randy Wood has sponsored.

Relating to Talladega County; to create and provide for the distribution of an additional motor vehicle registration fee of two dollars; and to create the Sheriff's Law Enforcement Fund for the deposit of the proceeds from the fee.
Relating to Calhoun County, to create and provide for the distribution of an additional motor vehicle registration fee of two dollars; and to create a new fund for the proceeds of the fee.
Relating to Calhoun County; to authorize the sheriff and commissioner of licenses to obtain and use a credit card for official uses.
Relating to crimes and offenses; to amend Section 13A-10-11, Code of Alabama 1975, to further provide for the definition of "peace officer" regarding the crime of impersonating a peace officer; and in connection therewith would have as its purpose or effect the requirement of a new or increased expenditure of local funds within the meaning of Section 111.05 of the Constitution of Alabama of 2022.
Relating to crimes and offenses; to amend Section 13A-11-62, as last amended by Act 2022-133 and Act 2022-438, 2022 Regular Session, and 13A-11-63, Code of Alabama 1975, to prohibit the possession and use of a trigger activator and provide criminal penalties for a violation; to amend Section 5 of Act 2022-133, 2022 Regular Session, now appearing as Section 13A-11-97, Code of Alabama 1975, to further provide for the duties of a law enforcement officer during an investigatory stop involving a firearm; and in connection therewith would have as its purpose or effect the requirement of a new or increased expenditure of local funds within the meaning of Section 111.05 of the Constitution of Alabama of 2022.
Relating to Calhoun County; to authorize the license commissioner to void a motor vehicle license plate, decal, sales and use tax, issuance fees, interest, penalties, and costs when a check or credit card tendered by an individual, company, or other entity for payment of any motor vehicle license is found non-collectible at the time of deposit; and to provide for the reimbursement from the General Fund of Calhoun County to the License Commissioner for losses by the office of the license commissioner for errors and omissions.
Relating to motor vehicles; to amend Sections 32-5A-350, 32-5A-351, and 32-5A-352, Code of Alabama 1975, and to add Sections 32-5A-350.1 and 32-5A-353 to 32-5A-359, inclusive, to the Code of Alabama 1975, to provide prohibitions on the use of a wireless telecommunications device while operating a motor vehicle, with exceptions; to further provide criminal penalties; to provide exemptions; to distribute a portion of any fines collected to the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs for the purchase of devices to enable substantially hands-free voice-based communications in a motor vehicle and to provide the devices to certain low-income families in the state; and in connection therewith would have as its purpose or effect the requirement of a new or increased expenditure of local funds within the meaning of Section 111.05 of the Constitution of Alabama of 2022.

State employees, retired under ERS or TRS, compensation increased which does not affect retirement, Secs. 16-25-26, 36-27-8.2 am'd.
Wastewater treatment facilities, loan payback period by local governing bodies extended, Sec. 22-34-11 am'd.
Sentencing, to further provide for procedures relating to voluntary sentencing standards worksheets, Sec. 12-25-35 am'd.
Judicial Retirement Fund, notice deadline for transferring any creditable service and contributions removed, Sec. 12-18-110 am'd.

Judicial Retirement Fund, notice deadline for transferring any creditable service and contributions removed, nonsubstantive technical revisions, Sec. 12-18-110 am'd.
Security, House and Senate, security of the Alabama State House, provided further, Alabama State Law Enforcement Agency to provide security of the perimeter and entry points of the State House, Sec. 29-4-4 am'd.
Crimes and offenses, crimes of riot and inciting to riot, harassment, and assault II, amended, crimes of assault against a first responder, aggravated riot, and unlawful traffic interference, created, mandatory holding period for certain violations, provided, mandatory incarceration period for certain violations, provided, exceptions to sovereign immunity, further provided, restrictions on distribution of revenue to defunding jurisdictions, provided, Secs. 13A-11-3.1, 13A-11-5.1, 13A-11-8.1 added; Secs. 12-25-32, 13A-6-21, 13A-6-132, 13A-11-1, 13A-11-3, 13A-11-4, 13A-11-8, 13A-11-70, 15-13-2, 36-1-12, 36-2-1 am'd.
Sentencing, to further provide for procedures relating to voluntary sentencing standards worksheets, Sec. 12-25-35 am'd.
National Guard, extend access to facilities owned by National Guard to certain veterans and their caregivers
Talladega Co., sheriff, additional expense allowance and salary
Supernumerary status, district attorneys, qualifications, removing minimum years of service and age requirement, Sec. 12-17-213 am'd.
Motor vehicles, certificates of title, certain notarization requirements waived, collection of commissions, further provided, issuance of new certificates of title, further provided, Secs. 32-8-3, 32-8-7, 32-8-35, 32-8-43, 32-20-3, 32-20-5, 32-20-23, 32-20-29 am'd.
Absentee voting, eliminating requirement that affidavit accompanying absentee ballot be witnessed or notarized, Sec. 17-11-7, 17-11-10 am'd.
Wastewater treatment facilities, loan payback period by local governing bodies extended, Sec. 22-34-11 am'd.
Motor vehicle dealers and motorcycle dealer, used vehicle license plates, combined total increased, Sec. 40-12-264 am'd.
Motor vehicle dealers and motorcycle dealer, used vehicle license plates, combined total increased, Sec. 40-12-264 am'd.
Chiropractic Examiners, St. Bd. of, fees for services, bd authorized to charge by rule, Sec. 34-24-146 added

National Guard, extend access to facilities owned by National Guard to certain veterans and their caregivers
Law enforcement officers, reserve deputies and reserve police officers, educational assistance provided, peace officer definition further defined, Secs. 36-21-102, 36-30-1 am'd.
Supernumerary status, district attorneys, qualifications, removing minimum years of service and age requirement, Sec. 12-17-213 am'd.
Absentee voting, eliminating requirement that affidavit accompanying absentee ballot be witnessed or notarized, Sec. 17-11-7 am'd.
Revenue and taxation, motor vehicle wholesale auction licensing, auction transit license plates, provided, Secs. 40-12-264, 40-12-447 am'd.
HB 16
Child care facilities, required to call child's parent or guardian if child does not arrive by 9:30 a.m. and hasn't been reported absent
HB 13
Wastewater treatment facilities, loan payback period by local governing bodies extended, Sec. 22-34-11 am'd.

HB 641
Pell City, corp. limits alt.
HB 597
Law enforcement officers, murdered in line of duty, state employee granted administrative leave for trial under certain conditions
HB 551
Cemeteries, in operation in this state, required to provide and maintain a list of all charges for burial services and burial merchandise offered in place of business, provide printed or electronic copy upon request, Sec. 8-30-2 am'd.
HB 532
Motor vehicles, speed limits, enforcement by municipal police officers on interstate and in police jurisdiction, authorized, Sec. 32-5A-171 am'd.
HB 405
Supernumerary district attorneys, qualifications altered, removing minimum years of service and age requirement, Sec. 12-17-213 am'd.
HB 394
Motor vehicles, unclaimed motor vehicles, title hold, further provided, bond requirement, provided, Secs. 32-8-84, 32-13-2, 32-13-3 am'd.
HB 393
Motor vehicle dealer licensing, master regulatory dealer license, provided, wholesale motor vehicle auction license provided, Secs. 40-12-445 to 40-12-450, inclusive, added; Secs. 40-12-264, 40-12-390 to 40-12-393, incl., 40-12-395, 40-12-398 am'd.
HB 53
Calhoun Co., bingo, authorizing games, not near residential area outside city limits, Amendment 508, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, (Section 1, Local Amendments, Calhoun Co., Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901), am'd., const. amend.
HB 52
Law enforcement officers, reserve deputies and reserve police officers, educational assistance provided, peace officer definition further defined, Secs. 36-21-102, 36-30-1 am'd.
HB 51
Workers' compensation, occupational disease further defined, Sec. 25-5-110 am'd.

HB 481
Beneficiaries, permit Supernumerary Circuit Clerk or Register to change beneficiary, seek refund under certain circumstances, Secs. 12-17-142, 12-17-143 am'd.
HB 418
Motor vehicles and manufactured housing titles, appeal of competing ownership, filed in circuit court
HJR 46
Transportation Department, urged to reduce speed limit on Highway 431 in Alexandria
HR 47
Transportation Department, urged to reduce speed limit on Highway 431 in Alexandria
HJR 15
Tracy Sanders Memorial Highway, portion of State Highway 77 in Calhoun Co., named
HJR 14
Curbstoning, task force to combat, created

Calhoun Co., sheriff, booking fee in county jail, collection by clerk
Beneficiaries, permit Supernumerary Circuit Clerk or Register to change beneficiary, seek refund under certain circumstances, Secs. 12-17-142, 12-17-143 am'd.
Engineers and Land Surveyors Board, definitions, board duties, disciplinary actions, revised, Secs. 34-11-1.1, 34-11-9.1, 34-11-11.1, 34-11-11.2 added; Sec. 34-11-16 repealed; Secs. 34-11-1 to 34-11-15, inclusive, 34-11-30, 34-11-31, 34-11-32, 34-11-34 to 34-11-37, inclusive, am'd
Talladega Co., sheriff, qualifications, continuing education required
Contracts, regulating automatic renewal of certain contracts, exemptions
Tier II correctional officers, firefighters and law enforcement officers authorized to retire with full benefits after 25 years of service, Secs. 16-25-14, 16-25-21, 36-27-16, 36-27-24 am'd.
Motor vehicles, license plates, validation decals to include year and month, electronic format for receipts, dealers, issuance of temporary plates, renewals not required to verify vehicle identification number, Secs. 32-6-63, 32-6-65, 32-6-211, 32-7A-17, 40-12-253, 40-12-258, 40-12-260 am'd.
Real property, tax sales, excess funds, redemption payments, application to all funds held by a county, retroactive effect regardless of when tax sale occurred, Sec. 40-10-28 am'd.
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, Retired Law Enforcement Officer tag, design of tag, distrib to State Fraternal Order of Police and Peace Officer's Annuity and Benefit Fund

Gas, natural gas, conversion of motor vehicles for operating on compressed natural or liquefied gas, extended weight allowances, Sec. 32-9-20 am'd.
Tier II correctional officers, firefighters and law enforcement officers authorized to retire with full benefits after 25 years of service, Secs. 16-25-14, 16-25-21, 36-27-16, 36-27-24 am'd.
Calhoun Co., unincorporated areas, subject only to police jurisdiction and planning of municipality in co., const. amend.
Motor vehicles, mandatory liability insurance, enforcement by Law Enforcement Agency, civil procedure, civil penalties under certain conditions, appeals, suspension of driver's licenses
Motor vehicles, certificates of title, issuance by Revenue Dept., exemptions further provided for, penalties for violations by dealers, involuntary transfers, notice to Revenue Dept. required, Secs. 32-8-30, 32-8-31, 32-8-42, 32-8-46 am'd.
Elections, ballots, reorder offices and candidates names, Sec. 17-6-25 am'd.

Gas, natural gas, conversion of motor vehicles for operating on compressed natural or liquefied gas, extended weight allowances, Sec. 32-9-20 am'd.
Tier II correctional officers, firefighters and law enforcement officers authorized to retire with full benefits after 25 years of service, Secs. 16-25-14, 16-25-21, 36-27-16, 36-27-24 am'd.
Calhoun Co., unincorporated areas, subject only to police jurisdiction and planning of municipality in co., const. amend.
Motor vehicles, mandatory liability insurance, enforcement by Law Enforcement Agency, civil procedure, civil penalties under certain conditions, appeals, suspension of driver's licenses
Motor vehicles, certificates of title, issuance by Revenue Dept., exemptions further provided for, penalties for violations by dealers, involuntary transfers, notice to Revenue Dept. required, Secs. 32-8-30, 32-8-31, 32-8-42, 32-8-46 am'd.
Elections, ballots, reorder offices and candidates names, Sec. 17-6-25 am'd.

Talladega Co., alcoholic beverages sold in state ABC stores, sales and use tax, add, distrib. for district attorney
Transportation Department Fleet Management Program, vehicles purchased with state funds required to be purchased from dealerships located in state, Sec. 23-1-50.1 am'd.
Pardons and Paroles Board, supervision fee, scheduled reduction, repealed, Sec. 15-22-2 am'd.
Chiropractic Examiners, Board of, licensing of chiropractors, fees, grace period for renewal, reinstatement, installment payments of fines, board member's qualifications, Secs. 34-24-140, 34-24-161, 34-24-165, 34-24-166, 34-24-176, 34-24-177 am'd; Sec. 34-24-172 repealed
Law Enforcement Agency, Secretary authorized to appoint a designee as Homeland Security Advisor, Sec. 41-27-2.1 added
Calhoun Co., alcoholic beverages sold in state ABC stores, sales and use tax, add, distrib. for district attorney
Workers' compensation, Employees' Retirement System of Alabama members authorized to purchase service credit for compensation period

Motor vehicles, National Guard tags, exemption applicable to other plates, insurance, evidence by electronic format, Revenue Department authorized to send notices in electronic format, Sec. 32-7A-26 added; Secs. 31-2-12, 32-6-110, 32-7A-6, 40-12-244 am'd.

St. Clair Co., food pantries, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use taxes under certain conditions
Elections, boards of registrars, co. commission to designate holidays for which compensated, registrars compensated on days where co. commission closes government, Sec. 17-3-5 am'd.
Alabama Retired Education Employees' Health Care Trust, percentage of full market value of trust allowed to be distributed, increased, Sec. 36-36-6 am'd.
Anniston, employees of city, police and fire to remain under civil service, new employees and certain other employees made at-will employees, Act 404, 1953 Reg. Sess., Act 592, 1953 Reg. Sess., am'd.; Secs. 45-8A-22.01, 45-8A-22.02, 45-8A-22.03, 45-8A-22.08, 45-8A-22.09, 45-8A-22.10, 45-8A-22.11, 45-8A-22.12, 45-8A-22.13, 45-8A-23.091 am'd.
Firearms, exempt sales and use taxes on firearms, ammunition, and firearm supplies for limited period each year
Campaign contributions, date when received, clarified, Sec. 17-5-2 am'd.
Code of Ethics, definition of principal expanded, lobbyist required to identify principals that stand to benefit from lobbyist activities, Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-18 am'd.
Authorities formed to develop former military installations, competitive bids, requirement that authority bid contracts removed, Sec.11-92B-24 am'd.
Crimes, felonies, mandatory minimum sentences when committed while wearing a bullet proof vest or other body armor, Sec. 13A-5-6 am'd.
Controlled substances, Schedule I, additional synthetic controlled substances and analogue substances included in, trafficking in controlled substance analogues, requisite weight increased, Secs. 13A-12-231, 20-2-23 am'd.
Oil and Gas Board, oil and gas wells, drainage or production units, regulation of horizontal wells in oil reservoirs and offshore wells in gas reservoirs, Secs. 9-17-1, 9-17-12 am'd.
Criminally negligent homicide, victim under six years of age, penalties increased, Sec. 13A-6-4 am'd.
Sex offenders, sex offender convicted of crime with a minor prohibited within 500 feet of public school K-12 property during instructional hours, Class C felony, Sec. 15-20A-17 am'd.
Sex Offenders, registration and community notification, technical revisions and citations update various sections, petition for relief from employment, residency living restriction, civil division of circuit courts, absconding without registering, penalty, Secs. 12-15-107, 12-15-116, 13A-5-2, 13A-5-6, 14-9-41, 15-18-8, 15-19-7, 15-20A-4 to 15-20A-7, incl., 15-20A-9, 15-20A-11, 15-20A-14, 15-20A-16, 15-20A-18, 15-20A-21 to 15-20A-26, incl., 15-20A-28, 15-20A-29, 15-20A-32, 15-20A-34, 15-20A-35, 15-20A-37, 15-20A-39, 15-20A-40, 15-20A-43, 15-20A-45, 15-20A-46, 15-22-27.3, 32-6-49.24, 36-18-24, 36-18-25, 38-13-2, 38-13-4
Motor vehicles, ignition interlock device, reduction of period of license suspension or revocation authorized, distribution of fees collected from defendants opting for installation of device, Secs. 32-5A-191, 32-5A-191.4, 32-5A-301, 32-5A-304 am'd.
County roads, vacation of co. dirt road, appeals, finding of fact required, Secs. 23-4-5, 23-4-20 am'd.
Airbag fraud, crime of created, penalties, enhanced penalties for physical injury, Sec. 13A-11-270 am'd, Sec. 13A-11-271 repealed
State employee benefits, employee to receive summary of annually
Hunting and fishing, right to clarified, subject to reasonable rules that promote conservation and management, const. amend.
Driver's Licenses, Stage II, 16 year olds, minimum of behind-the-wheel driving practice hours increased from 30 to 50, Sec. 32-6-7.2 am'd.
Trussville, corp. limits alt., transitional provisions
Grandparents, visitation with grandchildren, petition procedure and burden of proof established, Sec. 30-3-4.1 repealed
Individuals with disabilities, promotion of employment by state programs and services, Jeff Ridgeway Alabama Employment First Initiative Act
Polygraph Examiners, applicants required to provide results of state and national criminal history background checks and two sets of fingerprints, Sec. 34-25-22 am'd
Judge of probate, estates, bond of conservators, executors, administrators, liability limited unless grossly negligent, judicial immunity further provided for, Secs. 26-3-13, 43-2-82 am'd.
Jurors, service in criminal cases, names of sealed, contact by parties with for specified purposes prohibited, procedures for contact with jurors, penalties for violation
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, Secs. 13A-5-40, 13A-5-49 am'd.
Criminal witnesses, contact with by criminal defendant prohibited without notice to prosecutor, penalties for violations, Defense Initiated Victims Outreach initiative, funding of by public funds prohibited, Sec. 15-23-73 am'd.
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, reduce appeal time, Fair Justice Act
Airbag fraud, crime of created, penalties, enhanced penalties for physical injury, Sec. 13A-11-270 am'd, Sec. 13A-11-271 repealed
Motor vehicle license tags, renewals, additional time for deployed military, Sec. 32-6-65 am'd.
Human Resources Department, public assistance, drug testing for applicants and recipients required upon reasonable suspicion, ineligibility under certain conditions, department to implement, rulemaking authority
Crimes and offenses, public safety communications, interference with, crime established, interferences with a public safety communication or damage to equipment, penalties
Law enforcement officers, murdered in line of duty, state employee granted administrative leave for trial under certain conditions
Public safety communications, interference with, crime established, interferences with a public safety communication or damage to equipment, penalties
St. Clair Co., food pantry, sales and use tax exemption from state, county, and municipal taxes
Crimes, felonies, mandatory minimum sentences when committed while wearing a bullet proof vest or other body armor, Sec. 13A-5-6 am'd.
Workers' compensation, all employees who are absent from work to make-up retirement contributions
Burglary in the second degree, requirement that dwelling-house be lawfully occupied, removed, Sec. 13A-7-6 am'd.

Calhoun Co., East Alabama Community Development Corp., exempt from county and municipal sales and use taxes
Public Authorities, formed from former military installations, competitive bids, requirement that authority bid contracts removed, Sec.11-92B-24 am'd.
Calhoun Co., school construction projects, exempt certain projects from competitive bidding laws
Springville, corp. limits alt.
St. Clair Co., pretrial diversion program, city located within authorized to establish, basic operating standards provided
Water works boards, serving counties other than co., where organized, additional board members, term, compensation, coverage by Ethics Law, notice and hearing regarding rate increases
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 13A-8-10 am'd.
Distinctive License tags, law enforcement memorial honor officers killed in line of duty, fees, distrib. to State Law Enforcement Memorial and National Police Memorial
Taxation, exempt tangible assets, exempt real property whose original acquisition cost was less than $250.00, Sec. 40-9-1 am'd.
St. Clair Co., judge of probate, expense allowance, Act 80-195, 1980 Reg. Sess., am'd.
St. Clair Co., judge of probate, marriage ceremony, additional fee
Civil actions, attorney fees and costs awarded to prevailing party
Motor vehicles, scrap vehicles, 12 years old, lien expires after 3 years, all liens released to Department of Revenue electronically effective January 1, 2014, Sec. 32-8-64.2 am'd.
Veterans, permanently and totally disabled, state income tax, credit for sales tax paid up to a certain amount
Calhoun Co., gasoline tax, distrib. municipalities, deleted, Act 393, 1971 Reg. Sess., repealed
Calhoun Co., business licenses, issuance of required for door-to-door commercial sales, license fee, penalties, Secs. 45-8-70.01, 45-8-241 am'd.
Public education employees, salary increase, including K-12 and certain other designated education institutions, liability insurance program to be established by Finance Department in consultation with Education Department
Jacksonville, civil service system, employees exempt, professional librarian removed from exemptions, Sec. 45-8A-71.02 am'd.
Jacksonville, civil service board, vacation of office for failure to attend meetings under certain conditions, Sec. 45-8A-71.04 am'd.
Colleges and universities, residency for determining admission and tuition, active duty service members, spouses, dependents, veterans and other students considered resident students under certain conditions, Sec. 16-24-2 am'd.
Crimes, felonies, mandatory minimum sentences when committed while wearing a bullet proof vest or other body armor, Sec. 13A-5-6 am'd.
Blessings in a Backpack, sales and use tax exemption
Driver's Licenses, Stage II, 16 year olds, minimum of behind-the-wheel driving practice hours increased from 30 to 50, Sec. 32-6-7.2 am'd.
Capital offenses, appeal directly to Alabama Supreme Court, Sec. 13A-5-53 am'd.
Hunting licenses, disabled veterans, military appreciation hunting license, three day trip event hunting license authorized, Secs. 9-11-44, 9-11-49 am'd.
Chiropractic Examiners, State Board of, practice of chiropractic, licensure and regulation further provided for, permit holders, state at-large member, fingerprinting for applicants, exam for clinic permit applicants, subpoena power, judicial review, fees, unpaid checks, Sec. 34-24-162 added; Secs. 34-24-121, 34-24-123, 34-24-140, 34-24-143, 34-24-160, 34-24-161, 34-24-165, 34-24-166, 34-24-168, 34-24-170, 34-24-172, 34-24-175, 34-24-176 am'd.
Aircraft, manufacturers of commercial aircraft or aircraft parts, statute of limitations, statute of repose, forum non conveniens provided in civil liability actions, allocation of fault, Alabama Commercial Aviation Business Improvement Act of 2013
Criminal justice employees, including judges, district attorneys, law enforcement officers, etc., protection against disclosure of personal information, disclosure of by State Ethics Commission prohibited, Secs. 36-25-4.3, 41-13-7 am'd.
Retirement, retirees of Employees' Retirement System limited to certain annual amount, annual compensation limitation removed for certain law enforcement officers who are retired, Sec. 36-27-8.2 am'd.
Sales tax, exempting ammunition manufactured for firearms from sales tax, Sec. 40-23-4 am'd.
Animals, criminal penalties for the purchase or sale of domestic animals or fowl between sunrise and sunset, repealed, Sec. 3-1-20 repealed
Employees' Retirement System, State Policeman, definition to include capitol police officers, Sec. 36-27-1 am'd.
Crimes and offenses, public safety communications, interference with, crime established, interferences with a public safety communication or damage to equipment, penalties
Smoking, in places of employment and public places, prohibited, State Board of Health to enforce, Alabama Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Business license tax, rental of residential real estate tax, not to be on a per unit basis, const. amend.
Co. commissions, purchasing, use of credit or debit cards, rebates distrib. to co. general fund
Attorney General, state litigation, contingency fee contracts with private attorneys, regulated, Transparency in Private Attorney Contracts Act, Sec. 41-16-72 am'd.
Taxation, East Alabama Regional Planning and Development Commission exempt from certain state and local taxes
Motor vehicles, motorcycles, Class M motorcycle license including restricted license to operate a motor-driven cycle, issuance by Public Safety Department, knowledge test required under certain conditions, Secs. 32-5A-240, 32-12-22 am'd.
Hazardous waste disposal, fee for certain hazardous wastes, decreased, Secs. 22-30-4, 22-30B-2, 22-30B-2.1, 22-30B-4, 22-30B-4.1 am'd.
Income tax, tax credit for rehabilitation, preservation, and development of certain historic structures
Municipalities, public utilities, contracts between governing body and registered service providers authorized to build, maintain, repair utility systems, Sec. 11-47-3 am'd.
Burglary in the second degree, requirement that dwelling-house be lawfully occupied, removed, Sec. 13A-7-6 am'd.
Workers' compensation, all employees who are absent from work to make-up retirement contributions

St. Clair Co., warrant recall fee for City of Moody
Abortion, Women's Right to Know Act, additional findings provided for, ultrasound of unborn child displayed on screen within women's line of vision seeking abortion, Secs. 26-23A-2, 26-23A-4 am'd
Caller ID fraud, criminal penalties for entering false information into a caller identification system in order to defraud or deceive a recipient, provided
Motor vehicles, security interests, older model vehicles, time before considered satisfied reduced, Sec. 32-8-64.2 am'd
Board of Adjustment, State, limitation for certain claims affected by Ex Parte Hale County Board of Education extended, Sec. 41-9-65 am'd.
Employees' Retirement System, reopened for purchase by Oxford Emergency Medical Services, Inc., employee for prior nonqualified service for employment rendered to Oxford Emergency Medical Services, Inc.
Sales tax, estimated payments, average monthly tax liability threshold increased, Sec. 40-23-7 am'd.
County commission, forestry operations, use of roads, regulation by, procedures, Sec. 23-1-80.1 added (2012-20510)
Calhoun Co., judge of probate, marriage licenses and petitions for adoption, additional fee, portion distrib. to Calhoun/Cleburne Children's Center
Motor vehicles, salvage vehicles, to provide that a certificate of title may be issued for a motorcycle where the frame was obtained from a junk vehicle, Act 2011-633, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd; Sec. 32-8-87 am'd.
Probation and parole, supervision fee raised, requirement that employer submit by fifth of month eliminated, Sec. 15-22-2 am'd
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, Advisory Board, appointment of two additional members who are commercial fisherman, nominated by Organized Seafood Association of Alabama, Inc., Sec. 9-2-14 am'd.
Employees' Retirement System, State Policeman, definition to include capitol police officers, Sec. 36-27-1 am'd.
Abortion, physician required to perform ultrasound prior to performing abortionand display the images to the pregnant woman, medical emergency excepted, civil and criminal penalties, Right to Know and See Act
Crimes and offenses, gambling, person defined, penalties, Secs. 13A-12-20, 13A-12-22, 13A-12-23, 13A-12-24, 13A-12-27 am'd
Transportation Department, deputy directors, appointment by director of department with approval of Governor
Taxes, exemptions for Still Serving Veterans, Inc.
Crime of Looting, established, penalties, violation would be Class C felony
Public Works, Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act, establish, public agencies prohibited from entering contracts and making certain awards, certain terms prohibited in certain documents, certain persons prohibited from placing certain terms in certain documents, exemptions
Contracts, state or any political subdivision, use of Davis-Bacon wage provision, prohibited
Architects, registered, engineers and land surveyors, licensed professional, civil action alleging negligence requires third-party certificate of merit affidavit
Alabama Department of Environmental Management, civil immunity to water suppliers who are in compliance or receive an exemption from ADEM, Sec. 22-23-35.1 added
Election, expenses of county reimbursement by the state, specified, Election Expense Reimbursement Committee, makeup and functions altered, Secs. 17-16-2, 17-16-2.1, 17-16-4 am'd
Public Safety Department, Blue Alert System, established, director to oversee, duties to department, director, and law enforcement agencies, notification when suspect wanted for injuring law enforcement officer or if officer is missing
Fire protection sprinkler systems, State Fire Marshal authorized to issue permits for installation, Secs. 34-33-1, 34-33-2, 34-33-3, 34-33-4, 34-33-5 am'd.
Unemployment compensation, compensable week further defined, Sec. 25-4-73 am'd
Secondary metals recycler, additional records to be maintained, purchases of specified metal property limited, registration with ACJIC, required, database of metal property sales created, criminal penalties, purchase of specified metal property prohibited, Secs. 13A-8-30 to 13A-8-37, inclusive, 13A-8-39 am'd; Secs. 13A-8-31.1, 13A-8-31.2, 13A-8-35.1, 13A-8-37.1, 13A-8-37.2 added
Government, local, prohibited from competing with private sector in waste management
Taxation, state income tax credit relating to Class 1, 2, 3 municipalities for rehabilitation of historic structures
Taxation, Beer tax revenues to St. Clair further provided for, Sec. 28-3-190 am'd
Alabama Liquefied Petroleum Gas Board, posting of rules, posting of bond by administrator request deleted, board authorized to issue nontraffic citations for transportation violations, provides further for Class A and Class F permits and general and automobile liability insurance, Secs. 9-17-101, 9-17-103, 9-17-104, 9-17-105, 9-17-106, 9-17-107, 9-17-109, 9-17-121, 9-17-122, 40-17-161, 40-17-164 am'd
Abortion, require physician involvement, define terms, express intent, require certain standard in treatment and care, require reporting, require Board of Health adopt rules and provide penalties
Judge of probate may publish a list of qualified electors in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, Sec. 17-4-1 am'd.
Human Resources Dept, TANF, drug testing for substance abuse based on reasonable suspicion for eligibility for benefits, required, ineligibility under certain conditions, department to implement
Controlled substances, Schedule I, cathinone compounds, synthetic cannabinoid, controlled analog substances, included and subject to regulation and penalties, penalties for trafficking in controlled analog substances, Sec. 13A-12-214.1, 13A-12-231, 20-2-23, am'd
Data processing centers and warehousing and storage facilities locating in Alabama, certain ad valorem tax and construction related transaction tax abatements authorized, requirements, Data Processing Center Economic Incentive Enhancement Act, Secs. 40-9B-3, 40-9B-4, 40-18-190, 40-18-193 am'd.
Veterans, additional tax credits for previously unemployed veterans who became employed or began a business, "Heroes for Hire " Act
Administrative Procedure Act, rules affecting small business, small business economic impact and regulatory flexibility analysis required under certain conditions, agencies to review rules every five years for effect on small businesses, Secs. 41-22-5.1, 41-22-5.2 added
Chiropractic Examiners, State Board of, practice of chiropractic, licensure and regulation further provided for, permit holders, state at-large member, fingerprinting for applicants, exam for clinic permit applicants, subpoena power, judicial review, fees, unpaid checks, Sec. 34-24-162 added; Secs. 34-24-121, 34-24-123, 34-24-140, 34-24-143, 34-24-160, 34-24-161, 34-24-165, 34-24-166, 34-24-168, 34-24-170, 34-24-172, 34-24-175, 34-24-176 am'd.
Income tax credit for qualifying projects or new or expanding businesses creating new jobs, tax credits claimed authorized to be carried over up to four tax years, Sec. 40-18-194 am'd.
Impersonating state or local official or law enforcement officer, false assertion of authority, acting as a judge or other official with authority to adjudicate disputes, and falsely asserting authority of law to intimidate, harass, threaten, or hinder a state or local official or law enforcement officer, crimes established, penalties, Sec. 13A-10-132 added
Burglary in the second degree, requirement that dwelling-house be lawfully occupied, removed, Sec. 13A-7-6 am'd.
Higher education, National Guard classified as residents for purposes of in-state tuition, Sec. 16-64-2 am'd.
Immigration, legal status and/or proof of citizenship, verification of eligibility to enter into business transactions with state or political subdivision, Uniformed Services Privilege and Identification card authorized, Act 2011-535, 2011 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 31-13-29 am'd.

Chiropractic Examiners, State Board of, practice of chiropractic, licensure and regulation further provided for, permit holders, state at-large member, fingerprinting for applicants, exam for clinic permit applicants, subpoena power, judicial review, fees, unpaid checks, Sec. 34-24-162 added; Secs. 34-24-121, 34-24-123, 34-24-140, 34-24-143, 34-24-160, 34-24-161, 34-24-165, 34-24-166, 34-24-168, 34-24-170, 34-24-172, 34-24-175, 34-24-176 am'd.

Judge of probate, estates, bond of conservators, executors, administrators, liability limited unless grossly negligent, Secs. 26-3-13, 43-2-82 am'd.
Calhoun Co., circuit, district, and municipal courts, court costs, additional in certain cases, distrib. for drug courts
Calhoun Co., court costs, drug and violent crime reduction fee in all criminal cases in circuit, district, municipal courts, distrib. to municipal and circuit court clerks, chief of police, county commission, and Calhoun/Cleburne Drug and Violent Crime Task Force
Motorcycles and bicycles, red lights, authorized to proceed while red under certain conditions if light controlled by traffic-control device, Sec. 32-5A-32 am'd.
Chiropractic Examiners, State Board of, practice of chiropractic, licensure and regulation further provided for, permit holders, state at-large member, fingerprinting for applicants, exam for clinic permit applicants, subpoena power, judicial review, Sec. 34-24-162 added; Secs. 34-24-121, 34-24-123, 34-24-140, 34-24-143, 34-24-160, 34-24-165, 34-24-166, 34-24-168, 34-24-170, 34-24-172, 34-24-175, 34-24-176 am'd.
Health care providers, physicians, etc., requiring disclosure regarding firearm ownership, prohibited, medical record inclusion of firearm information or disclosure of information about firearm ownership, prohibited, civil penalties, exceptions
Salvage vehicles, secondary metals recyclers may acquire without title under certain conditions, statement of ownership, value, and identifying characterists required, lien verification system provided by Revenue Department, penalties, Sec. 32-8-64.2 added; Sec. 32-8-87, 40-12-412, 40-12-116 am'd.; Act 2010-748, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Employees' Retirement System, State Policeman, definition to include capitol police officers, Sec. 36-27-1 am'd.
Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (PACT) Program, limit on cost of tuition for certain PACT plan contract participants, repealed, Act 2010-725, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Secs. 16-33C-17, 16-33C-18 repealed
Education employees, procedures regarding employment actions of revised, Teacher Tenure Law and Fair Dismissal Act repealed, Students First Act, Sec. 16-24B-7, 16-24-1 to 16-24-22, inclusive, 36-26-100 to 36-26-116, inclusive, repealed
Architects, registered, engineers and land surveyors, licensed professional, civil action alleging negligence requires third-party certificate of merit affidavit
Motor vehicles and commercial motor vehicles, traffic violations, notification by court to Public Safety Department of convictions of state or local traffic offenses, time period decreased, notification by Public Safety Department to other jurisdictions of convictions of drivers, time period decreased, Secs. 32-5A-195, 32-6-49.14 am'd.; Act 2010-599, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Insulin, insulin syringes, and related items to treat diabetes, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax, prescription drug exemption from state gross sales tax continued, Sec. 40-9-30.1 added; Sec. 40-23-4.1 repealed
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, prohibition against licensee, agent, or employee from being employed by another licensee, deleted, Sec. 28-3A-25 am'd.
Pardons and Paroles Board, requirement for unanimous affirmative vote to grant parole to a prisoner who has not served certain amount of sentence, eliminated, Sec. 15-22-28 am'd.
County commission, county solid waste disposal service, volunteer fire department exempt from fees, Sec. 22-27-3 am'd.
Radio/alert notification communications districts, counties authorized to establish, board of directors, members, powers, duties, opt out provision (2011-21180)
Feral swine, hunting further provided for
Nursing scholarships, qualifications altered, funding increased, appropriation, Secs. 34-21-60, 34-21-61, 34-21-62, 34-21-63 am'd.
Gun shows, business license tax levied on organizer not participants under certain conditions, Sec. 40-12-143 am'd.
Alabama Development Office and Director of Development changed to Commerce Department and Secretary of Commerce, assistant secretaries of commerce, employment of certain persons outside of Merit System, authorized, Secs. 41-9-201, 41-9-202, 41-9-202.1, 41-9-203, 41-9-204 am'd. (2011-20679)
Salvage vehicles, secondary metals recyclers may acquire without title under certain conditions, statement of ownership, value, and identifying characterists required, lien verification system provided by Revenue Department, penalties, Sec. 32-8-87 am'd.; Act 2010-748, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Sales and use tax, governmental entities that are tax exempt, construction projects, certain contractors and subcontractors to be granted certificates of exemption by Revenue Department to purchase materials
Assault in the third degree, if assault is committed by a person 21 years of age or older against a person who is less than 18 years of age on school property, school bus, or at a school-sponsored function, penalties increased, Sec. 13A-6-22 am'd.
Stalking in the first and second degree, aggravated stalking in the first and second degree, crimes further provided for, Tracy's Law, Secs. 13A-6-90.1, 13A-6-91.1 added; Secs. 13A-6-90, 13A-6-91 am'd.
Income tax credit authorized for employers creating jobs, under certain conditions, Full Employment Act, Secs. 40-18-270, 40-18-271, 40-18-272 repealed; Act 2010-557, 2010 Reg. Sess. repealed
Boats, including outboard motors and parts, vessel trailer, identification numbers and registration, altering prohibited, penalties including illegal possession, forfeiture
Public Safety Department, Blue Alert System, established, director to oversee, duties to department, director, and law enforcement agencies, notification when suspect wanted for injuring law enforcement officer or if officer is missing
Bullet-proof police vests, sale to general public prohibited, penalties
Law enforcement officers, assaults of while performing lawful duty, classified as assault in the second degree, to include off-duty officers employed by a private entity, Sec. 13A-6-21 am'd.; Act 2010-565, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Economic development, financial commitments to build or expand in Alabama, written contracts required within certain time period, existing commitments without written contract void after certain period of time
Teachers, educational support personnel, and other certified educational employees and student teachers, professional liability insurance, Education Department and Finance Department to purchase or provide by July 1, 2012, rules authorized, Teacher and Education Employee Protection Act
Fire protection sprinkler systems, State Fire Marshall authorized to issue permits for installation, Secs. 34-33-1, 34-33-2, 34-33-3, 34-33-4, 34-33-5 am'd.
Public schools, proof of citizenship of any child enrolling in elementary or secondary school, being tutored at home or through a church school, notification of local law enforcement for violations, required
Motor carriers, federal Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005, responsibility for administration transferred from Public Service Commission to Revenue Department, distrib. of net fees to Public Safety Department, Sec. 37-3-32.1 amended and renumbered as Sec. 40-12-435
Anniston, council-manager form of government, investigations by city council or city manager, provisions for repealed, Section 9.03 of Article IX of Act 404, 1953 Regular Session repealed, Sec. 45-8A-23.262 repealed,
Euthanasia of cats and dogs in animal shelters, gas chambers prohibited, delayed effective date, Beckham's Act, Sec. 34-29-131 am'd.
Motor vehicles, licensing and registration of trucks and truck tractors, motor vehicle wreckers (tow trucks), licensing and registration based on gross vehicle weight not to include vehicle towed, Sec. 40-12-248 am'd.
Underwater Cultural Resources Act, definition of cultural resources amended to specify articles associated with shipwrecks, artifacts defined, recovery of abandoned artifacts not cultural resources in certain locations authorized, Secs. 41-9-291, 41-9-292 am'd. (2011-20030)
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Motor vehicles, text messaging or operating a handheld wireless telecommunication device while operating a motor vehicle on public street, road, or highway prohibited, penalties, law enforcement agencies to report statistical information to Public Safety Department and Attorney General
Elections, expenses reimbursable by state, Election Expense Reimbursement Committee, established, Sec. 17-16-2.1 added; Secs. 17-16-2, 17-16-4 am'd.

Federal cap and trade regulations, goods produced and distributed only in Alabama (intrastate), exempt from cap and trade regulations
Health care, persons, employers, or health care providers, mandatory participation in any health care system prohibited, const. amend.
Calhoun Co., municipal business licenses, rental of residential real estate tax, not to be on a per unit basis, const. amend.
Infants, sudden unexplained infant death, Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation Team, established, duties, coordination of county officials, law enforcement, medical or emergency personnel, immunity, Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation Act
Corrections Department, certain employees who work inside a security fence under certain conditions, compensation increased
Calhoun Co., revenue commissioner, county commission authorized to reimburse for monetary losses for good faith errors and worthless checks
Stroke Registry Task Force, established by Health Department, statewide system for stroke response and treatment, reports to Governor and Legislature, Stroke Improvement Act
Motor carriers, federal Unified Carrier Registration Act of 2005, responsibility for administration transferred from Public Service Commission to Revenue Department, distrib. of net fees to Public Safety Department, Sec. 37-3-32.1 amended and renumbered as Sec. 40-12-435
Locksmiths, locksmiths with certain experience exempt from continuing education requirements
Junkyards, licensing and regulation of junkyards by counties and municipalities outside of the corporate limits, public forum and joint resolution required prior to licensing in police jurisdiction of municipality, county to regulate after licensure, Sec. 11-80-10 am'd.
Housing authorities, municipal and county, authorized to purchase property for public housing, approval of city council or county commission, Secs. 24-1-28, 24-1-67 am'd.
Health, smoking prohibited in enclosed public places, places of employment, private clubs, enclosed residential facilities, outdoor areas, exceptions, posting of signs, enforcement by State Board of Health, fines, Smokefree Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Ethics Law, prohibition of public officials or public employees from serving in certain employment for two years after leaving employment, state certified water and waste water treatment plant operators exempt, Sec. 36-25-13 am'd.
Coroners and deputy coroners, duties, reimbursement of physicians and surgeons, delivery of deceased's possessions to county treasurer, limitations on coroner's investigation, power and authority of peace officer, provision for fees for certain examinations by physicians and surgeons repealed, penalties, Secs. 15-4-2, 15-4-10 am'd.; Sec. 15-4-11 repealed
Businesses or public employers, reguired to verify legal status of new employees through federal E-verify program, penalties
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, over-the-counter products, sales further regulated, on-line electronic verification system operated by Criminal Justice Information Center, penalties, Drug Abuse Task Force, established, members, Sec. 20-2-190 am'd.; Act 2009-283, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Girls and Women in the Criminal Justice System, Commission on, established, composition, duties, compensation, operation, annual report to Governor and Legislature
Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, Inc., exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Alcoholic beverages, draft or keg beer defined for ABC Board licensing purposes, Sec. 28-3-1 am'd.; Act 2009-771, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Real Estate Appraisal Management Companies, subject to regulation by Real Estate Appraisers Board, Real Estate Appraisers Act, renamed the Alabama Real Estate Appraisers and Appraisal Management Company Registration and Regulation Act, Secs. 34-27A-50 to 34-27A-64, inclusive, added; Secs. 34-27A-1, 34-27A-2 am'd.
Board of Adjustment, State, limitation for certain claims affected by Ex Parte Hale County Board of Education extended, Sec. 41-9-65 am'd.
Mental Health Department, licensure for care or treatment for mental or emotional illness or individuals with an intellectual disability, non-clinical religious treatment excepted, Sec. 22-50-17 am'd.
Civil procedure, civil defendants required to inform court of current address and name and address of employer, in contempt for failure to report
Fire protection sprinkler systems, State Fire Marshall authorized to issue permits for installation, Secs. 34-33-1, 34-33-2, 34-33-3, 34-33-4, 34-33-5 am'd.
Alabama Firefighters Annuity and Benefit Fund, established, voluntary participation established for paid and volunteer firefighters, board of commissioners to administer, investment of assets by Employees' Retirement System, qualified service, disability and death benefits, annual audits and reports, voluntary contributions of policyholders of property and casualty insurance, duties to Insurance Department
Municipalities, municipal courts, court costs for jails, distrib. for municipal jails, Sec. 11-47-7.1 am'd.
Obscene material involving children, disseminate further defined, material that constitutes possession of visual obscene matter further provided for, Secs. 13A-12-190, 13A-12-192 am'd.
Nursing scholarships, qualifications altered, funding increased, appropriation, Graduate Degree Scholarship for Nurses, Secs. 34-21-60, 34-21-61, 34-21-62, 34-21-63 am'd.
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Boats, including outboard motors and parts, vessel trailer, identification numbers and registration, altering prohibited, penalties including illegal possession, forfeiture
Forests and grasslands, arson, further defined to include the attempt to set fire to forests, grasses, or woodlands, possession of incendiary paraphernalia prohibited, reckless burning of property of another prohibited, penalty, Sec. 9-13-11 am'd.
Voting rights, conditions for restoration of for person convicted of felony, Section 104 and Section 177, Constitution of Alabama of 1901 (Section 104 and Section 177, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended) am'd., const. amend.
Gambling, illegal, civil action to recover monetary penalties, distrib. of proceeds
Secondary metals recyclers, definition, pawnbrokers excluded, records, limits on cash transactions, person selling stolen metal property, penalties increased based on value of transaction, copper, certain cash transactions for prohibited, certain municipal ordinances in effect not affected, Secs. 13A-8-30, 13A-8-31, 13A-8-37, 13A-8-39 am'd.
Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of modern building and energy codes in compliance with federal law to be implemented by counties and municipalities, board members increased, certain farm structures excluded, sprinkler systems provided for, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Public education employees and law enforcement officers, offenses committed in the line of duty, arrest warrants, procedures for arrest
Elections, photo identification required, Public Safety Department required to issue identification cards to persons without photo identification, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.
Corrections Department, certain correctional officers authorized to participate in Deferred Retirement Option Plan after meeting certain requirements, Sec. 36-27-170 am'd.
State of Alabama, counties and municipalities prohibited from issuing business licenses without proof of citizenship or legal status in United States
Occupational tax, levy by county or municipality, prohibited, const. amend.
Social Security number and birth date, person recording required and judge of probate authorized to redact, remove or make illegible on marriage licenses and public documents, Sec. 12-13-22 am'd.
Competitive bids, exemption granted to Legislature, certain colleges and universities, and Postsecondary Education Department for professional services, removed, Sec. 41-16-72 am'd.
Municipal public housing authorities, eminent domain power deleted, purchase of property authorized only for public housing purposes, five-year plan and annual recommendations, submission to city council and county commission if authority serves part of county, public hearing and approval, Secs. 24-1-28, 24-1-43 am'd.
Initiative, constitutional amendments, proposed by people, authorized, Legislature may offer alternate proposal, const. amend.
Campaign contributions, reports required to include occupation and name of employer of contributor, Sec. 17-5-8 am'd.; Act 2009-751, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
State agencies, Internet database of state expenditures, Comptroller to include subcontracts and purchase orders, Act 2009-750, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 41-4-65 am'd.
Secretary of State, required to post on website proposed statewide constitutional amendments and to provide a discussion platform with the capability to allow readers to offer comments in an interactive format
Elections, political candidates, campaign contributions and expenditures, failure to file final or annual campaign finance report, penalties, Sec. 17-17-35 am'd. (2010-20086)
Income tax, employer's deduction for health insurance premiums, compensation paid to qualifying employees for calculation of employer's deduction further provided for, Sec. 40-18-15.3 am'd.
Public employees, discrimination or discipline for communicating with elected public official, prohibited, Public Employee Representative Political Freedom Act
Law enforcement officers, assaults of while performing lawful duty, classified as assault in the second degree, to include off-duty officers employed by a private entity, Sec. 13A-6-21 am'd.
Motor vehicles, state, county, municipal, and volunteer fire departments, license tags, fees to be set by Revenue Department, issuance fee, replacement tags, transfers, Revenue Department to retain fees, Sec. 40-12-250 am'd.
Motor vehicles, text messaging or operating a handheld global positioning system (GPS) while operating a motor vehicle on public street, road, or highway prohibited, penalties

Appropriations, pass-through appropriations, defined and prohibited, exception for valid support of agency programs, administrative and criminal penalties for violations by agencies, line-item appropriations authorized, reporting requirements, Budget Accountability Act
Political action committees, transfer of funds between prohibited, transfers between principal campaign committees, prohibited, exceptions, certain receipts and expenditures of campaign funds from federal candidates limited, penalties, Congressman Mike Rogers/Jeff McLaughlin Campaign Finance Transparency Act, Secs. 17-5-7, 17-5-15 am'd. (2010-21164)

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