Randall Shedd

Updated: August 07, 2022 at 12:13 PM CST

General Information

Who is Randall Shedd?
Randall Shedd

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Status: Alabama State Representative for District 11
Party: Republican
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Birthday: March 5, 1953 72

Contact Information

Known contact information for Randall Shedd from Arab, AL.

  • 11 South Union Street, Suite 401-F
    Montgomery, AL 36130-2950
  • Phone: 334-261-0530
  • Official Email: [email protected]

Education Information

Known educational history for Randall Shedd from Arab, AL.

  • Attended, Samford University
  • Graduated, Wallace State College

Political Information

Known political history for Randall Shedd from Arab, AL.

  • Candidate, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 11, 2022
  • Representative, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 11, 2013-present
  • Mayor, Fairview, Alabama, 1996-2012

Professions Information

Known professional history for Randall Shedd from Arab, AL.

  • Director, Cullman County Commission on Aging, 2003-2013
  • Publisher, Cullman County Retiree & Senior News
  • Publisher, Cullman County Retiree & Senior Guide

Congressional Information

Known congressional history for Randall Shedd from Arab, AL.

  • Former Member, Joint Committee on Public Pensions, Alabama State House of Representatives
  • Former Member, Alabama Commission to Reduce Poverty, Alabama State House of Representatives
  • Former Member, Financial Services Committee, Alabama State House of Representatives
  • Former Vice Chair, Local Legislation Committee, Alabama State House of Representatives

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Randall Shedd from Arab, AL.

  • Chair, Cullman County Commission, 1977-1985
  • President, Association of County Commissions of Alabama, 1984
  • Former Member, Advisory Board, Wallace State College
  • Former Member, Board of Directors, Cullman Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Former President, North Alabama Mayors Association
  • Former President, Cullman County Mayors Association
  • Board Member, State Masters Games of Alabama
  • Member, Welcome Baptist Church

Election History

Randall Shedd from Arab, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Randall Shedd has sponsored.

Relating to Cullman County; to provide for the creation, funding, and operation of the Cullman County Legislative Delegation Fund; to provide for the distribution of the net proceeds of the state beer tax payable to Cullman County and the additional three percent of TVA in-lieu-of taxes payments received by Cullman County; to abolish the Cullman County Community Development Commission; and to repeal Section 45-22-90, Code of Alabama 1975.
Relating to the Alabama Sunset Law; to continue the existence and functioning of the Alabama Historical Commission until October 1, 2027.
Relating to the Alabama Sunset Law; to continue the existence and functioning of the Alabama Security Regulatory Board until October 1, 2027.
Relating to the Alabama Sunset Law; to continue the existence and functioning of the State Board of Licensure for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors until October 1, 2027.
Relating to the Alabama Sunset Law; to continue the existence and functioning of the Alabama State Board of Occupational Therapy until October 1, 2027.
Relating to state government; to establish the Motor Vehicle Maintenance and Replacement Fund of the Board of Pardons and Paroles; and to provide for the maintenance, lease, and purchase of motor vehicles.
Relating to sales and use tax; to establish the Alabama Broadband Investment Maximization Act; to amend Section 40-23-4, Code of Alabama 1975, to exempt the purchase of broadband equipment and supplies from sales and use tax.
Relating to the Alabama National Guard; to authorize the Governor to appoint honorary generals and provide for their duties.
Relating to state employee travel expenses; to amend Section 41-23-4, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide that employees of the Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs may be reimbursed for their actual travel expenses; and to make nonsubstantive, technical revisions to update the existing code language to current style.

Cullman Co., coroner, compensation, Sec. 45-22-60 am'd.
Blount Co., sheriff, authorized to conduct fund raising events
Broadband, authorizing the state, county, or a municipality to grant certain monies for broadband infrastructure, const. amend.
Broadband, Connect Alabama Act of 2021 amended, minimum service threshold increased, Alabama Digital Expansion Division chief authorized to enter nondisclosure agreements, Connect Alabama Fund expenditure amended, Secs. 41-23-271, 41-23-273, 41-23-274 am'd.
Cullman Co., revenue commissioner, term of office to commence on December 1, following general election in 2026, current revenue commissioner's term shortened, const. amend.

Cullman Co., lodgings tax decreased upon retirement of certain debt, Cullman County Tourism Bureau estab., Secs. 45-22-242, 45-22-242.11 am'd.
Shepherd's Cove Hospice and palliative care entities in Marshall Co., ad valorem and sales and use tax exemptions
Ad valorem tax on real property, senior property tax appraisal for persons age 70 or older on principal residence used for 10 years, appraisal value frozen on immediate prior year, exceptions, rules by Revenue Dept.
Crimes and offenses, crimes of riot and inciting to riot, harassment, and assault II, amended, crimes of assault against a first responder, aggravated riot, and unlawful traffic interference, created, mandatory holding period for certain violations, provided, mandatory incarceration period for certain violations, provided, exceptions to sovereign immunity, further provided, restrictions on distribution of revenue to defunding jurisdictions, provided, Secs. 13A-11-3.1, 13A-11-5.1, 13A-11-8.1 added; Secs. 12-25-32, 13A-6-21, 13A-6-132, 13A-11-1, 13A-11-3, 13A-11-4, 13A-11-8, 13A-11-70, 15-13-2, 36-1-12, 36-2-1 am'd.
State Seal of Biliteracy, established, recognizing graduates with the proficiency in English and at least one world language, including American sign language
Schools, public K-12, athletic events allowing competition by one biological gender against another prohibited unless the event specifically includes both genders
Pistol permits, active member of U.S. Armed Forces and an honorably discharged veteran, issuance without payment of fee, Sec. 13A-11-75.1 am'd.
Senior Services Dept., advisory board of directors, allow authorization for designee to attend meetings on behalf of an ex officio member, additonal board member, Sec. 38-3-1 am'd.
Education Dept., state property, Dept. of Edu., has authority to manange the construction and renovation of property that is part of a state educational institution, Sec. 41-4-400 am'd.
Bail, criminal cases, creates Aniah's law, const. amend
Bail, to provide for an additional offense under which an individual can be denied bail, pretrial detention hearing under certain circumstances provided, Secs. 15-13-2, 15-13-3, 15-13-7, 15-13-104, 15-13-105, 15-13-106 am'd.
Interpreters and Transliterators, Licensure Board for, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Physical Therapy, Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Interior Designers, Alabama Board for Registered, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Geologists, Board of Licensure for Professional, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Veterinary Medical Examiners, State Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.

Cullman Co., to provide for civil immunity for members of Joppa Historical Board, board may transfer property only under certain conditions, including referendum, Sec. 45-22-223 am'd.
Cullman Co., county commission, increase membership, two add'l associate commissioners, compensation, county unit system for roads, further provided for, Act 469, 1977 Reg. Sess., am'd; Sec. 45-22-71 am'd.
Driver's license, examination fee, abstract of the operating record of a person fee, increased, distribution of fees, Secs. 32-6-21, 32-7-4, am'd.
HB 100
Local Boards of Education, military dependents deemed Alabama residents for purposes of virtual education when member of US Armed Forces ordered to relocate to state, Sec. 16-46A-1 am'd.
HB 99
State government, Dept. of Senior Services, membership of advisory board further provided, Sec. 38-3-1 am'd.

HB 584
Cullman Co., sales and use tax, portion of distrib. to the Cullman Co. Fire Association Training Center, Act 81-599, 1981 Reg. Sess., am'd.
HB 573
Cullman Co., Joppa Historical Board, Joppa School property transferred to from Cullman Co. Board of Education
HB 557
Blount Co., system of county government, changed from a district system to a unit system
HB 400
Telecommunications, Broadband Using Electric Easement Accessibility Act, Secs. 37-16-1 to 37-16-8, inclusive, added.
HB 257
Legislative Oversight Committee, distinctive tag program, private two-year colleges, Sec. 32-6-67 am'd.
HB 249
Health, mentally ill persons, probate court, authorized to issue a renewal of an involuntary commitment order for treatment, after a hearing, Sec. 22-52-10.10 added; Secs. 22-52-10.2, 22-52-10.3 am'd.
HB 122
Engineers and Land Surveyors, State Board of Licensure for Professional, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2023.
HB 121
Pharmacy, Alabama State Board of, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2021.
HB 93
State employees, travel expenses, reimbursement for taxes paid while traveling, provided for, Sec. 36-7-20 am'd.
HB 92
Professional licensing Boards, self-sustaining, bds, agencies, and commissions exempted from publishing expenditures through Comptroller website, required to post expenditures on bd, agency, or commission website, Sec. 41-4-65 am'd.
HB 91
Occupational licensing boards, required to create and maintain recruitment and assistance programs, Sunset Committee to review, Secs., 41-9A-1, 41-9A-2 added; Sec. 41-20-6 am'd.
HB 90
Professional licensing Boards, self-sustaining, bds, agencies, and commissions exempted from publishing expenditures through Comptroller website, required to post expenditures on bd, agency, or commission website, Sec. 41-4-65 am'd.
HB 89
Professional licensing Boards, self-sustaining, bds, agencies, and commissions exempted from publishing expenditures through Comptroller website, required to post expenditures on bd, agency, or commission website, Sec. 41-4-65 am'd.
HB 88
Alabama Sunrise Act, created, require Sunset Committee to review proposals for regulation of additional professions or occupations, Sec. 41-20-4.1 added
HB 87
Occupational licensing boards, prohibit from assessing a monetary fine or penalty against a business entity consumer or individual consumer, 41-9A-1, 41-9A-2 added
HB 86
Telemarketers and telephone solicitations, consumer protection, Secs. 8-19A-3, 8-19C-5, 8-19C-11 am'd.

HB 446
Health care, Alabama Rural Hospital Resource Center, created, within Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham, staffing and reporting requirements, rural administrative residency program, created
HB 443
Nurse practitioners, to enable nurse practitioners to practice without collaborating with a physician, Secs. 34-21-80, 34-21-83, 34-21-92, 34-21-93 repealed; Secs. 20-2-250, 20-2-252, 20-2-254, 34-21-81, 34-21-84, 34-21-85, 34-21-86, 34-21-87, 34-21-88, 34-21-90 am'd.
HR 525
Debter, Glynn and Debter Hereford Farm, recognized
HR 506
Blountsville United Methodist Church, commended
HR 482
Broadband issues, urging county officials to designate one person as contact in each county regarding
HJR 483
Broadband issues, urging county officials to designate one person as contact in each county regarding
HB 201
Cullman Co., parks owned by county, Cullman Co. Park Event Disbursement Fund, remaining funds after disbursement to event winners made, further provided for, Sec. 45-22-222 am'd.
HJR 27
State Board of Education, urged to search nationwide for best candidate for Superintendent
HJR 26
Medicare payment formula, Alabama Congressional Delegation, urged to enact new equitable formula

State Superintendent of Education, election of, required, term of office, Amendment 284 (Section 264, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Board of Examiners for, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2021.
Athletic Trainers, Board of, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2021.
Veterinary Medical Examiners, State Board of, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2021.
Optometry, Alabama Board of, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2021.
Veterans, awarded the Silver Star or Bronze Star, distinctive license plates, requirement for proof on form DD214 deleted, Sec. 32-6-250.1 added; Secs. 32-6-250, 32-6-251 am'd.
Class 8 municipalities, elected officials, authorized to designate another person to serve on certain agencies, bds, commissions, and other entities, withdrawal authorized

Superintendent of Education, election of, required, term of office, Amendment 284 (Section 264, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Blount Co., co. commission, sales and use tax, additional, distribution, referendum
Cullman Co., cemetery board established, terms defined, members and duties, provided for, funding provided

Superintendent of Education, election of, required, term of office, Amendment 284 (Section 264, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Blount Co., co. commission, sales and use tax, additional, distribution, referendum
Cullman Co., cemetery board established, terms defined, members and duties, provided for, funding provided

Department of Senior Services, duties and functions transferred to the Bureau of Investigations within the Alabama Department of Public Health
County superintendents of education, requirement to maintain office at co. seat deleted, Sec. 16-9-24 am'd.
Separation of powers of executive, legislative, and judicial branches, Article III and Amendment 582 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, combined into one section, Article III and Amendment 582 repealed and Article III added
Performance-Based Pay Permanent Joint Committee for state agencies and departments, created to ensure compensation of positions of reponsibility are compensated based on agency performance
Motor Vehicles, distinctive license plates, Bronze Star plate, additional fee, distrib. to Veterans' Assistance Fund
Cosmetology and Barbering, Alabama Board of, schools of cosmetology and barbering, definition of Class 1 barber, provide training programs above secondary level, exempt Class 1 barbers from licensure by board, Secs. 34-7B-1, 34-7B-2, 34-7B-7, 34-7B-13, 34-7B-17, 34-7B-26 am'd.
Public education employees, two-year colleges and technical schools, cost-of-living increase authorized

Auburn University, appropriation for bird flu, Governor to release if emergency
Appropriations, transfer of funds from certain state agencies to the General Fund to offset costs, State Parks Division excluded, Sec. 29-11-1 am'd.
Soft drinks, canned or bottled, bulk syrup or powders used to produce, add'l. excise tax auth. on wholesale sale, collection and distribution by Revenue Dept.
Agriculture and Industries Dept., appropriation for bird flu, Governor to release if emergency
Priority Budgeting and Responsibility Fund created, deposit of certain funds, priority distrib. to certain state agencies and programs

Contractors, public works contracts, timely payments, contractor required to timely pay a subcontractor for work completed, Sec. 8-29-3 am'd.
Taxation, Wallace State Community College in Hanceville Future Foundation, exempt from state, county, and local ad valorem taxes, Act 2013-170, 2013 Reg. Sess., am'd.; Sec. 40-9-25.19 am'd.
Abortion, minors, definition of alt., written parental consent required, procedure by physicians required, Secs. 26-21-1 to 26-21-4, inclusive, 26-21-7 am'd., Secs. 26-21-6.1 added
Water works boards, serving counties other than co., where organized, additional board members, term, compensation, coverage by Ethics Law, notice and hearing regarding rate increases
Water works boards, serving counties other than co., where organized, additional board members, term, compensation, coverage by Ethics Law, notice and hearing regarding rate increases, subject to the Alabama Open Meetings Act
Oil and Gas Board, oil and gas wells, drainage or production units, regulation of horizontal wells in oil reservoirs and offshore wells in gas reservoirs, Secs. 9-17-1, 9-17-12 am'd.
Morgan Co., Tennessee Valley Authority distributions, allocations revised, Act 2013-328, 2013 Reg. Sess, repealed and superseded
Capital punishment, person or entity who participates in an execution or performs any ancillary function shall be confidential, Sec. 15-18-82.1 am'd.
State employee benefits, employee to receive summary of annually
Grandparents, visitation with grandchildren, petition procedure and burden of proof established, Sec. 30-3-4.1 repealed
Religious expression in schools, authorized, Alabama Student Religious Liberties Act
Judge of probate, estates, bond of conservators, executors, administrators, liability limited unless grossly negligent, judicial immunity further provided for, Secs. 26-3-13, 43-2-82 am'd.
Emergency Management Agency, surplus property, authorized to give to local emergency management agencies
Disabled veterans, distinctive tags for motorcycles provided, Secs. 32-6-130, 32-6-131, 32-6-133 am'd.
Human Resources Department, public assistance, drug testing for applicants and recipients required upon reasonable suspicion, ineligibility under certain conditions, department to implement, rulemaking authority
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Public utilities, grant moneys, Department of Economic and Community Affairs develop procedure to give priority access to grant moneys to senior citizens to provide heating and cooling assistance
Sales tax, estimated payments, average monthly tax liability threshold increased, Sec. 40-23-7 am'd.
Revenue Department, taxes and fees, suspension by administrative rule when cost of collection is higher than amount collected, periodic review, Sec. 40-1-49 added
Sovereign immunity, immunity for officers, employees, agents of the state, including certain employees of local school boards and State Board of Education, specified in official and personal capacity under certain conditions

Water works boards, serving counties other than co., where organized, additional board members, term, compensation, coverage by Ethics Law, notice and hearing regarding rate increases
Public employees, to receive annual summary of benefits received from employer

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