Oliver Robinson

Updated: August 29, 2022 at 1:54 AM CST

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Oliver Robinson

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Status: Out of Office
Party: Democrat
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Birthday: March 13, 1960 65

Election History

Oliver Robinson from Birmingham, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Oliver Robinson has sponsored.

Jefferson Co., Birmingham, mayor-council form of government, mayor, council, powers and duties, further provided for, council members prohibited from serving on other city boards, Secs. 45-37A-52.55, 45-37A-52.56, 45-37A-52.59, 45-37A-52.95, 45-37A-52.128, 45-37A-52.134, 45-37A-52.198, 45-37A-52.200, 45-37A-52.221, 45-37A-52.270 am'd.
Financial institution excise tax, allocation and apportionment formula prescribed by Dept. of Revenue, revised, Sec. 40-16-4 am'd.
Water works boards, serving counties other than where authorizing municipality located, add'l board members, members appointed from authorizing municipality to be appointed by mayor, Act 2015-164, 2015 Reg. Sess., am'd.

Jefferson Co., Birmingham, mayor-council form of government, mayor, council, powers and duties, further provided for, council members prohibited from serving on other city boards, Secs. 45-37A-52.55, 45-37A-52.56, 45-37A-52.59, 45-37A-52.95, 45-37A-52.128, 45-37A-52.134, 45-37A-52.198, 45-37A-52.200, 45-37A-52.221, 45-37A-52.270 am'd.
Financial institution excise tax, allocation and apportionment formula prescribed by Dept. of Revenue, revised, Sec. 40-16-4 am'd.
Water works boards, serving counties other than where authorizing municipality located, add'l board members, members appointed from authorizing municipality to be appointed by mayor, Act 2015-164, 2015 Reg. Sess., am'd.

Jefferson Co., sales and use tax, co. commission authorized to levy, distrib. for education and for community service grants

Taxation, certain foods exempt from sales and use tax annually at start of the season of Lent and ending last day of season
Contractors, public works contracts, timely payments, contractor required to timely pay a subcontractor for work completed, Sec. 8-29-3 am'd.
Tax exemption, Southern Research Institute exempt from certain tax
Controlled substances, Schedule I, additional synthetic controlled substances and analogue substances included in, trafficking in controlled substance analogues, requisite weight increased, Secs. 13A-12-231, 20-2-23 am'd.
Real property, affordable rental housing, appraisal of certain Class II property having restrictions by law or covenant must take into account net operating income based on restrictions, requiring Revenue Department to adopt rules to implement
Real property, affordable rental housing, appraisal of certain Class II property having restrictions by law or covenant must take into account net operating income based on restrictions, requiring Revenue Department to adopt rules to implement
Jefferson County, Indigent Care Fund, distrib. to Department of Public Health, Act 387, 1965 Reg Sess. am'd
Jefferson County, warrant recall fee, magistrate or judge authorized to recall under certain conditions a failure to appear warrant
Class 1 Municipalities, parolees and probationers of the municipal court to pay a fee to contribute to cost of his or her supervision and rehabilitation, fee not included in state income tax
Jefferson Co., (Birmingham Division and Bessemer Division) solicitor's fee, excluding municipal court of the City of Birmingham from collection of the fees, Act 2009-612, 2009 Reg Sess. am'd
Election, Class 1 municipalities, election commission required to schedule an election to fill vacancy on city council under certain circumstances, Sec. 11-46-9 am'd.
Jefferson Co., water and sewer systems, collection of sewer service charges, Act 616, 1953 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Act 886, 1961 Reg. Sess. repealed
Class 1 municipalities, municial elections, assignment of voting locations in new precincts, limit of one voting location per district in municipal and city board of education elections, Sec. 11-46-7 am'd.
Birmingham, City of, court cost, prosecutor's fee in municipal cases in lieu of any other solicitor or prosecutor's fee, distribution to general fund
Public health, stocking and administration of premeasured doses of epinephrine by schools and other authorized entities
Health care, costs, inmates, Corrections Department and Medicaid, adoption and implementation of cost, saving strategies to deal with overpayments
State employee benefits, employee to receive summary of annually
Scottsboro Boys Museum and Cultural Center, approp.
State employees, cost-of-living increase authorized
Cost of living increase for certain retirees and beneficiaries beginning Oct. 1, 2014
Individuals with disabilities, promotion of employment by state programs and services, Jeff Ridgeway Alabama Employment First Initiative Act
Wages, establish the Alabama Minimum Wage Act, to set the state minimum wage, provide for a cost of living increase, const. amend.
Community Action Association of Alabama, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Real property, affordable rental housing, appraisal of certain Class II property having restrictions by law or covenant must take into account net operating income based on restrictions, requiring Revenue Department to adopt rules to implement

Tax, tax abatement for asbestos removal, Asbestos Tax Abatement Act
Jefferson Co.,municipal judges and magistrates for municipal courts authorized to issue warrant recall fee for failure to appear for municipal ordinance or traffic violation, distrib. to municipal corrections fund
Legislature, current member who was an employee of state government or teacher on December 1, 2010, allowing continued employment indefinitely, Sec. 29-1-26 am'd.
Voter registration, to allow persons to register up to and on date of election, Sec. 17-3-50 am'd.
Veterans, permanently and totally disabled, state income tax, credit for sales tax paid up to a certain amount
Class 1 municipalities, (Birmingham), fiscal year city council authorized October 1, to move start date to deadlines for submission of budget proposal and adoption of general fund budget, budget hearing, publication of notice of meeting, Act 452, 1955 Reg. Sess.; Act 792, 1973 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Accountability Act of 2013, proposed by HB 84, 2013 Reg. Sess., Act 2013-__, 2013 Reg. Sess., repealed
Jefferson Co., co. employees, General Retirement System reenacted, numerous acts repealed
Taxation, factor presence nexus standard based on business activity established for purpose of being subject to income taxation in the state, in state residence or domicile for individuals, businesses organized in state are subject to tax, nonresident individuals and businesses organized out of state that do business in the state are subject to state tax on income, Sec. 40-18-31.27 added
Municipalities, ordinances, online access required
Colleges and universities, residency for determining admission and tuition, active duty service members, spouses, dependents, veterans and other students considered resident students under certain conditions, Sec. 16-24-2 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, annual license fee, payment date altered, increased penalty for failure to timely renew, fee for electronic processing, Sec. 28-3A-5 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, licensure, fee increased, Sec. 28-3A-4 am'd.
Pawns, further regulate pawn transactions, Secs. 5-19A-2 am'd.; Secs. 5-19A-21, 5-19A-22, 5-19A-23, 5-19A-24, 5-19A-25 added
Air pollution, require public notice before Environmental Management Department can issue certain air permits in Class 1 municipalities, Sec. 22-28-17 am'd.
Annual report, economic incentives, by Executive Branch to Legislature
Retirement, DROP reestablished, exceptions, Secs. 16-25-150, 36-27-170 am'd.
Entities, dormant, exempt from business privilege tax, Sec. 40-14A-44 added
Infants, age of majority designated as 18 years for participation in college or university research, Sec. 26-1-1 am'd.
Jefferson Co., Birmingham-Jefferson Co. Civic Center Authority, board of directors, procedures and terms for appointments by legislative delegation, Act 87-741, 1987 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Taxation, tax exemption for Class 1-5 municipalities cultural districts
Pardons and Paroles Board, Scottsboro Boys Act, posthumous pardons for certain convictions prior to 1932

Self Defense, person who actively pursues an aggressor after the initial confrontation is not justified in using physical force in self defense or in defense of another, Sec.13A-3-23 am'd
Reporting child abuse and neglect, all persons required to report with reasonable cause to suspect a child is being abused or neglected, Sec. 26-14-4 repealed; Sec. 26-14-3 am'd
Health care, licensed physician or health care provider, allowed to refuse to perform unnecessary medical services or services that could harm patient, Right to Professional Medical Judgment Act
Joint filers, relief in certain circumstances of joint filers who are jointly and severally liable for return, Sec. 40-18-27 am'd
Jefferson County, motor vehicle license plates, renewal, cities authorized to renew, bonding, audits
Jefferson County, Legislative Delegation Office, employees, participation in Retirement Systems of Alabama allowed, Merit System benefits and protections
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, Advisory Board, appointment of two additional members who are commercial fisherman, nominated by Organized Seafood Association of Alabama, Inc., Sec. 9-2-14 am'd.
Beer, cider, and wine, homebrewing in limited amounts by person 21 years of age or older for personal use authorized without taxation or licensure, penalties, convicted felon prohibited from homebrewing (2012-20414)
Crime of Looting, established, penalties, violation would be Class C felony
Prisoners, permitted to attend church at request of church pastor or leader
Relief, payment increase to wrongful incarcerated persons, Sec. 29-2-159 am'd
Corrections Department, inmates, annual report to Legislature regarding demographic information and housing costs, Sec. 14-1-13 am'd
Secondary metals recycler, additional records to be maintained, purchases of specified metal property limited, registration with ACJIC, required, database of metal property sales created, criminal penalties, purchase of specified metal property prohibited, Secs. 13A-8-30 to 13A-8-37, inclusive, 13A-8-39 am'd; Secs. 13A-8-31.1, 13A-8-31.2, 13A-8-35.1, 13A-8-37.1, 13A-8-37.2 added
Taxation, state income tax credit relating to Class 1, 2, 3 municipalities for rehabilitation of historic structures
Firefighters, exempt certain firefighters from certification by the Alabama Firefighters' Personnel Standards and Education Commission, Sec. 36-32-7 am'd
Annual sales tax holiday, sales and use tax exemption, certain energy efficient products included, Sec. 40-23-210 am'd.
Telephone service, basic telephone service, defined to be consistent with federal regulation and include cell phone service, etc., obligation to provide service removed, exception for certain time, Secs. 37-2A-2, 37-2A-8 am'd

County, city or town, or municipal authority organized under Article 9, commencing with Section 11-47-210, Chapter 47, Title 11, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the funding, refunding, process of adjustment of public debts, counties may seek bankruptcy protection under certain financial situations, Sec. 11-81-3 am'd.
Jefferson Co., county commission, sewer rate increase, exemption for households with income less than certain percent of federal poverty level
Jefferson Co., county tax proceeds pledged for health care for indigent county residents not to be diverted for other purposes, voter approval required for other use
Admission tickets, for benefit or event for charitable purposes, resale for amount in excess of price printed on face of ticket, prohibited, Sec. 8-19E-2 am'd.
Jefferson Co., occupational tax, county commission authorized to levy, referendum, Act 99-669, 1999 2nd Sp. Sess. repealed
Ethics Law, thing of value, definition to exclude things provided at certain municipality-owned, public-private facilities under certain conditions, that are not provided to a member of the Legislature, Sec. 36-25-1.5 am'd.
Ad valorem tax, property classified as residential or a homestead not affected under certain conditions when property damaged by natural disasters such as tornadoes, Secs. 40-8-1, 40-9-19 am'd.
Ad valorem tax, property classified as residential not affected under certain conditions by natural disasters such as tornadoes, Sec. 40-8-1 am'd.
Domestic violence in the first, second, and third degrees, additional crimes added to definitions of, subsequent convictions of domestic violence in the third degree, penalties increased, crimes of interference with a domestic violence emergency call and domestic violence by strangulation or suffocation, provided for, no court costs to any victim of domestic violence, stalking, or sexual assault in connection with the prosecution or warrant recall Secs. 13A-6-130, 13A-6-131, 13A-6-132, 13A-6-133, 13A-6-134 am'd.
Dental Examiners of Alabama, Board of, dentists and dental hygienists, regulation and licensure, substantially revised, Sec. 34-9-7.2 added; Secs. 34-9-2, 34-9-3, 34-9-5, 34-9-6, 34-9-6.1, 34-9-7, 34-9-8, 34-9-9, 34-9-10, 34-9-13, 34-9-15, 34-9-15.1, 34-9-16, 34-9-18, 34-9-20, 34-9-21, 34-9-22, 34-9-24, 34-9-26, 34-9-27, 34-9-28, 34-9-40, 34-9-41, 34-9-43, 34-9-44, 34-9-60, 34-9-63, 34-9-82, 34-9-89 am'd. (2011-20608)
Ad valorem tax, exemptions for principal residence and 160 adjacent acres of persons totally disabled or age 65 years or older, amount of net taxable income increased, phased in every five years, Sec. 40-9-21 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, beer, container size authorized, Sec. 28-3A-23 am'd.
Alabama Coal Mine Safety Law of 1975, state mining laws extensively revised to modernize and supplemented to comply with federal law to enhance mining safety, Secs. 25-9-31, 25-9-32, 25-9-217, 25-9-380, 25-9-400 to 25-9-407, inclusive, added; Secs. 25-9-7, 25-9-9, 25-9-20, 25-9-22, 25-9-24, 25-9-40, 25-9-60, 25-9-61, 25-9-67, 25-9-80, 25-9-81, 25-9-82, 25-9-83, 25-9-86, 25-9-88, 25-9-131, 25-9-132, 25-9-133, 25-9-210, 25-9-216, 25-9-273, 25-9-276, 25-9-277, 25-9-278, 25-9-279, 25-9-280, 25-9-282, 25-9-360, 25-9-361 am'd.; Secs. 25-9-87, 25-9-153 repealed
Divorce, waiting period for final judgment when minor children, when domestic violence or child abuse, submission of family plan, rights of noncustodial parent, legislative intent for marriage reconciliation, Sec. 30-2-8.1 am'd.
Criminal sentences, voluntary truth-in-sentencing guidelines, submission to Legislature by 2011 Reg. Sess. and approval, deadline deleted, Secs. 12-25-32, 12-25-34 am'd.
Radio/alert notification communications districts, counties authorized to establish, board of directors, members, powers, duties, opt out provision (2011-21180)
Redemption of land sold for taxes, interest rate reduced only on tax amount due on date of sale, Sec. 40-10-122 am'd.
Railroads, standards of stationary assembly points and mobile labor camps for maintenance-of-way employees, established, drinking water provided, Board of Health to adopt rules for mobile camps, investigations, inspection fees, distrib.
State income tax, federal deduction limited for individual taxpayers, state sales tax on food removed, Amendment 225 (Section 211.04, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Income tax, Alabama resident individuals, gross income includes an owner's entire allocable share of income earned from both in-state and out-of-state sources, Sec. 40-18-14 am'd.
Jefferson Co., county employees, certain positions to be employees at-will, transfer from classified to unclassified, return of unclassified employee to classified service, compensation, benefits
Contracts between a consumer and a consumer legal funding company, regulated, Consumer Legal Funding Act
Coal, excise and privilege tax, termination date extended, tax proceeds further distributed, Sec. 40-13-6, 40-13-8 am'd. (2011-20623)
Cell phone service, including prepaid, E-911 service charge, decreased, collection on prepaid on each sale, collection provided for, Prepaid Wireless 911 Charge Act, Secs. 11-98A-1 to 11-98A-7, inclusive, added; Sec. 11-98-7 am'd.
Telephone service, basic, obligation of carrier of last resort, exceptions based on arrangements with alternative carriers by property owner or developer, Sec. 37-2A-8 am'd.

Transportation Department, Good Faith Effort Committee, members subject to diversity, annual report to Legislature
Jefferson Co., one cent sales tax levied by governing body, interest to be used for academic purposes only, const. amend.
Life settlement contracts, providers, licensure and regulation, enforcement by Commissioner of Insurance Department, criminal and civil penalties, Life Settlements Act
Jefferson Co., bonds and other debt issued by county and certain swap agreements, notice, public records, requirements, competitive bids on swap agreements
Class 1 municipalities, (Birmingham), mayor and city council members election at same election
Municipalities, weed abatement, adoption of alternate procedures, Sec. 11-67-60.1 added
Municipalities, domestic violence statistics compiled and maintained by a municipality, posted on municipal website, Melanie Camp Act
Colleges and universities, sports, employment, interview of minority candidates required
Criminal history background information checks, expanded to include contractual service provider employees with access to school property when students are present, penalties, Secs. 16-22A-60 to 16-22A-67, inclusive, added
Jefferson Co., sewer fees, refunds for payments not made by tenants of property, retroactive effect, Amendment 818 (Section 12.10, Jefferson County, Local Amendments, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended) am'd., const. amend.
Accountancy, Alabama State Board of Public, certified public accountants, requirements for certification, Sec. 34-1-4 am'd.
Jefferson Co., automobile rental tax, operative date of tax immediately, Act 2001-550, 2001 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, over-the-counter products, sales further regulated, on-line electronic verification system operated by Criminal Justice Information Center, penalties, Drug Abuse Task Force, established, members, Sec. 20-2-190 am'd.; Act 2009-283, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
State agencies, boards, commissions, or any public entity with diversity mandate required to report to Legislature annually regarding compliance, legislative intent expressed
Girls and Women in the Criminal Justice System, Commission on, established, composition, duties, compensation, operation, annual report to Governor and Legislature
Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, Inc., exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Jefferson Co., criminal sex offenders, only one adult or juvenile sex offender may reside in a residence, only one adult may reside in an apartment complex under certain conditions, civil penalties, exceptions
Mental Health Department, certain institutions, leasing, transferring, or management by nongovernmental entities, approval by Legislature required, Sec. 22-50-9 am'd.
Identity theft, penalties increased, statute of limitations removed, Sec. 13A-8-192 am'd.
Railroads, standards of stationary assembly points and mobile labor camps for maintenance-of-way employees, established, drinking water provided, Board of Health to adopt rules for mobile camps, investigations, inspection fees, distrib.
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Alcoholic beverages, beer manufacturers authorized to sell alcohol on-premises for on-premises consumption, Alabama Brewpub Act changed to Brewery Modernization Act, Secs. 28-4A-1 to 28-4A-6, inclusive, am'd.
Assault in the second degree, utility workers included as a protected class, utility worker defined, Sec. 13A-6-21 am'd.; Act 2009-586, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Railroads, Mississippi-Louisiana-Alabama Rapid Rail Transit Commission, name changed to Southern High-Speed Rail Commission, Sec. 37-11-1 am'd.
Drug courts, presiding judge of judicial circuit with consent of district attorney authorized to establish, drug offenders, screening, treatment, support services, and drug testing, referrals to certain programs for treatment, Administrative Office of Courts required to assist in planning, developing, and implementing of drug courts, Drug Offender Accountability Act
Jefferson Co., sewer system, county commission to notify owners of property of delinquent sewer bill within 90 days, failure to notify makes bill uncollectible, const. amend.
Hunting, veterans with disabilities hunting license established, continuously valid with proof of permanent and total disability, issuance fee
Death penalty, moratorium on imposition and execution not to exceed three years, procedure for administering
Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of modern building and energy codes in compliance with federal law to be implemented by counties and municipalities, board members increased, certain farm structures excluded, sprinkler systems provided for, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Criminal sex offenders, Legislature by local law authorized to prohibit residing in same residence and provide that no more than one adult criminal sex offender may reside in an apartment complex unless there is a distance of 100 yards or more between residences, civil penalties, Sec. 15-20-26 am'd.; Act 2009-558, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
State income tax, federal deduction limited for individual taxpayers, state sales tax on food removed, Amendment 225 (Section 211.04, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.

Campaign contributions and expenditures, Secretary of State required to maintain electronic database searchable by the public
Principal campaign committees and political action committees, contributions and expenditures, reporting to Secretary of State, periodic full disclosures of sources and amounts of contributions, frequency of reporting of contributions Sec. 17-5-8 am'd.
Campaign contributions, PAC to PAC transfers, prohibited, Sec. 17-5-15 am'd.
Elections, printed material, publication, distribution, or display of information relating to, disclosure of responsible person or entity, required, disclosure to include information by telephone, television, radio, Internet, or other electronic mass-media advertisement, Sec. 17-5-13 am'd.
Electioneering communications and paid political advertising, disclosure of source of funding required, exceptions, contributions by political committees further provided for, Secs. 17-5-2, 17-5-8, 17-5-12 am'd.

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