Malika Sanders-Fortier
General Information

Malika Sanders Fortier loves Alabama. Fortier is a Christian, wife, mom, attorney, community leader, business owner, and Alabama State Senator. As an Alabama State Senator, she has experience in working with both Democrats and Republicans for the good of the whole state. Even in the senate, while reviewing bills, she has been known to look for solutions that are a win/win for all involved. Fortier worked full-time, while attending law school, and mothering 6 children, inspired by a proverbs 31 woman. She has attained level 3 certification in the training that lays the foundation for building the Beloved Community. She has experience in facilitating and bringing leaders together from around the world to envision a better tomorrow. She has 35 years of experience as a change agent.
Over the years Fortier has advocated and worked in areas such as education, environmental justice, youth development and leadership, women’s freedoms, citizenship engagement and voting rights, programs to help low-income people prosper, supporting small business owners, and anointed to govern. She has been a radio talk show host and a public speaker. She loves innovation and creativity.
Education Information
Known educational history for Malika Sanders-Fortier from Selma, AL.
- BA, Psychology, Spelman College
- JD, Birmingham School of Law
Political Information
Known political history for Malika Sanders-Fortier from Selma, AL.
- Candidate, Governor of Alabama, 2022
- Senator, Alabama State Senate, District 23, 2018-present
Professions Information
Known professional history for Malika Sanders-Fortier from Selma, AL.
- Attorney, Chesnut, Sander, and Sanders, Limited Liability Company, present
- Executive Director, 21st Century Youth Leadership Movement, 1995-2003
Organizations Information
Known organizational history for Malika Sanders-Fortier from Selma, AL.
- Member, Black Belt Lawyers Association
- Member, Alabama Bar Association
- Member, Army of Mothers
- Member, Beloved Community Ministries
Election History
Malika Sanders-Fortier from Selma, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.
Sponsored Bills
View legislative bills that Malika Sanders-Fortier has sponsored.
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