Mack N. Butler

Updated: February 27, 2023 at 1:00 PM CST

General Information

Who is Mack N. Butler?
Mack N. Butler

Mack began his business career at age 11 as a “paper boy” for the Gadsden Times, and he and his wife founded and run Butler Electrical Contractors and Butler Properties. Mack served two terms in the State House of Representatives as well as ten years on the Etowah County School Board. He served as Chairman of the Etowah Republican Party and served as a Trump Delegate in 2016 and 2020.

Mack and Connie are parents of four children: Morgan, Caleb, and identical twins, Connor and Carson. The Family worships at Church of the Highlands.

Status: Alabama State Representative for District 28
Party: Republican
Social Media:
Birthday: April 27, 1963 61

Contact Information

Known contact information for Mack N. Butler from Rainbow City, AL.

Education Information

Known educational history for Mack N. Butler from Rainbow City, AL.

  • Attended, Jefferson County Sheriffs Academy, 2009
  • Attended, Gadsden State Community College

Political Information

Known political history for Mack N. Butler from Rainbow City, AL.

  • Candidate, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 28, 2022
  • Representative, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 30, 2012-2018
  • Delegate, National Republican Convention, 2008
  • Alternate Delegate, National Republican Convention, 2004

Professions Information

Known professional history for Mack N. Butler from Rainbow City, AL.

  • Butler Properties, Limited Liability Company, 2002-present
  • Employee, Butler Electrical Contractors

Congressional Information

Known congressional history for Mack N. Butler from Rainbow City, AL.

  • Member, State Republican Executive Committee
  • Member, Etowah County Republican Executive Committee
  • Former Member, State Government Committee, Alabama State House of Representatives
  • Former Member, Education Policy Committee, Alabama State House of Representatives
  • Former Vice Chair, Financial Services Committee, Alabama State House of Representatives
  • Member, Alabama Textbook Committee

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Mack N. Butler from Rainbow City, AL.

  • Member, Alabama Public Library Executive Board
  • Member, Etowah County Board of Education
  • Member, Electrical Contractors Board
  • Member, Cross Point Baptist Church

Election History

Mack N. Butler from Rainbow City, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Mack N. Butler has sponsored.

Relating to the Alabama Board of Electrical Contractors; to amend Sections 34-36-3, 34-36-4, 34-36-6, 34-36-7, 34-36-8, 34-36-9, 34-36-13, and 34-36-16, Code of Alabama 1975; to provide further for definitions, to delete references to master electrician; to provide further for the election of board officers; to provide further for the duties of the board, including the subpoena of witnesses, the investigation of complaints, and providing for reciprocity; to provide an individual previously issued a provisional license three years to take the licensure examination, and require the board to waive the examination fee for one sitting; to lessen the time frame for restoring an expired license from five years to two years; to provide further for exemptions; to remove the authority of a county or municipality to require an additional electrical contracting proficiency examination before issuing a local license to work within the county or municipality; and in connection therewith would have as its purpose or effect the requirement of a new or increased expenditure of local funds within the meaning of Section 111.05 of the Constitution of Alabama of 2022.
Relating to financial institutions; to amend Section 5-5A-43, Code of Alabama 1975, to prohibit financial institutions from disclosing certain customer financial records of firearms transactions with certain exceptions; to allow the Department of Finance to disqualify a financial institution from any selection process for state contracts for violation of this prohibition; and to provide civil penalties and criminal penalties for violation of the act.
Relating to Etowah County; to provide that the director and employees of The Etowah County Punishment and Corrections Authority have arrest powers and may make arrests in certain circumstances.

HB 520
Etowah Co., sheriff, feeding of prisoners further provided for, Prisoner Food Fund established, const. amend.
HB 495
Motor vehicles, distinctive license plates, provide for "person with autism" motor vehicle plate
HB 424
Gadsden, board of education, election at the same time and from the same districts as city council, qualifications, terms, compensation, filling vacancies, referendum
HB 393
Sewer systems, solid waste, septic tank sewage-systems, regulated by Dept. of Public Health, rules limiting systems based on types of materials used in treatment superseded
HB 375
Custodial sexual misconduct, crimes further defined, community corrections program, alcohol or drug abuse court referral and treatment program included, Secs. 14-11-30, 14-11-31 am'd.
HB 316
Credit Unions, regulation of; voting and notice requirements for board meetings, provided for, conversion of credit unions chartered in other states to Alabama state chartered credit union, provided for, access provided to certain third-party examination reports, executive session of boards, provided for, certain public disclosures, provided for, Secs. 5-17-22, 5-17-40, 5-17-45, 5-17-56, 5-17-60, am'd.
HB 256
Animals, cruelty to dogs and cats, shelter defined, Sec. 13A-11-240 am'd.
HB 245
Human trafficking, increase criminal penalties for obstructing enforcement of, Secs. 13A-6-152, 13A-6-153 am'd.
HR 223
Hagedorn, Donna, outstanding professional achievement, commended

Custodial sexual misconduct, crimes further defined, community corrections program, alcohol or drug abuse court referral and treatment program included, Secs. 14-11-30, 14-11-31 am'd.
Schools, allow school district to educate students about traditional winter celebrations and offer traditional greetings
Firearms, to clarify prohibition of firearms in certain places, Secs. 9-11-304, 13A-11-52, 13A-11-59, 13A-11-85 repealed; Secs. 13A-11-61.2 13A-11-73 am'd.
Education, inappropriate conduct, public K-12, annual inservice training for teachers to recognize behavior of students
Memorial Preservation Act, monuments prohibited from relocation or removal, Alabama Committee on Memorial Preservation created
Statement of economic interest, personal information of law enforcement officers included on form exempt from public disclosure, Secs. 36-25-14, 41-13-7 am'd.
Public K-12 education, absence for student playing Taps at funeral of veteran is excused, Sec. 16-28-13 am'd.
Mandatory reporting of child abuse or neglect, firefighters required to report, Sec. 26-14-3 am'd.
Suicide, Assisted Suicide Ban Act, established, person or health care provider prohibited from deliberately providing aid in dying under certain conditions, civil and criminal penalties

Glencoe, alcoholic beverage Sunday sales, referendum
Etowah Co., coroner, use of vehicle, retroactive effect
Rainbow City, alcoholic beverage Sunday sales, referendum
Abortion, Alabama Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act, prohibits and punishes person performing unless necessary to prevent serious health risk to mother
Education, inappropriate conduct, public K-12, annual inservice training for teachers to recognize behavior of students
Controlled substances, additional compounds included in Schedule I, Sec. 20-2-23 am'd.
Colleges and universities, carrying of concealed pistols on campuses under certain conditions authorized, const. amend.

Glencoe, alcoholic beverage Sunday sales, referendum
Etowah Co., coroner, use of vehicle, retroactive effect
Rainbow City, alcoholic beverage Sunday sales, referendum
Abortion, Alabama Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act, prohibits and punishes person performing unless necessary to prevent serious health risk to mother
Education, inappropriate conduct, public K-12, annual inservice training for teachers to recognize behavior of students
Controlled substances, additional compounds included in Schedule I, Sec. 20-2-23 am'd.
Colleges and universities, carrying of concealed pistols on campuses under certain conditions authorized, const. amend.

Sex offenders, residency requirements, prohibit residence within 2,000 feet of a camp facility used by children, Sec. 15-20A-11 am'd.
Etowah Co., personnel board created for employees of office of the sheriff, terms, compensation, and duties provided, operation of board financed by co. commission
Science courses in public schools, encourage students to explore scientific evidence, develop critical thinking, analyze, critique and review scientific theories
Auctioneers, Board of, fines for violations increased, quorum defined, Secs. 34-4-29, 34-4-52 am'd.
Etowah Co., Sheriff office, Personnel Department for employees, auth., const. amend.
Chemical endangerment, reporting by doctor or healthcare professional, oral report within two hours of suspicion regardless of whether blood or urine test results are available, Sec. 26-14-3 am'd.
Contractors, State Licensing Board for General Contractors, one board member to be a subcontractor, Sec. 34-8-20 am'd.
Parental right, to make decisions regarding child's education, upbringing, and care
Credit Union Board, membership, name of entity changed to League of Southeastern Credit Union, Sec. 5-17-55 am'd.
Transportation Department, director authorized to appoint assistant counsel subject to State Merit System, Sec. 23-1-26 am'd.
Attorneys, certain non attorneys allowed to represent certain entities in court, Sec. 34-3-7 am'd.
Religious expression in schools, authorized, adoption of policy by local boards of education required, Alabama Student Religious Liberties Act of 2015

Attorneys, certain non attorneys allowed to represent certain entities in court, Sec. 34-3-7 am'd.
Alabama Retired Education Employees' Health Care Trust, percentage of full market value of trust allowed to be distributed, increased, Sec. 36-36-6 am'd.
Firearms, exempt sales and use taxes on firearms, ammunition, and firearm supplies for limited period each year
Electrical contractors, person holding municipal or county license or permit required to obtain provisional license from Board of Electrical Contractors, date for license under nationally standardized examination, extended, journeyman electrician, licensure further provided for, Secs. 34-36-7, 34-36-16 am'd.
Minors, Internet post, removal under certain circumstances
Code of Ethics, definition of principal expanded, lobbyist required to identify principals that stand to benefit from lobbyist activities, Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-18 am'd.
Fetal Heartbeat Act, prohibits physician from performing abortion without first determining fetal heartbeat, physician who does not make determination or who performs abortion when heartbeat detected is guilty of Class C felony
Abortions, information required to be provided to a woman prior to abortion, time period increased from 24 hours to 48 hours, Sec. 26-23A-4 am'd.
Water works boards, serving counties other than co., where organized, additional board members, term limits
Controlled substances, Schedule I, additional synthetic controlled substances and analogue substances included in, trafficking in controlled substance analogues, requisite weight increased, Secs. 13A-12-231, 20-2-23 am'd.
Public education, reduction-in-force policies, contents further provided for, significant factors specified, compliance with antidiscrimination laws required, Sec. 16-1-33 am'd.
Athletic scholarships, limit of 4 awarded to out-of-state students at junior colleges
Criminally negligent homicide, victim under six years of age, penalties increased, Sec. 13A-6-4 am'd.
Cosmetology and Barbering, Alabama Board of, name changed to State Board of Cosmetology, barbers removed from licensure and regulation by the board, board membership revised, Sec. 34-7B-17 repealed; Secs. 34-7B-1, 34-7B-2, 34-7B-6, 34-7B-7, 34-7B-13, 34-7B-26, 34-7B-27, 34-7B-29 am'd.
Capital punishment, person or entity who participates in an execution or performs any ancillary function shall be confidential, Sec. 15-18-82.1 am'd.
Examiners of Public Accounts Department, placed in Office of State Auditor, appointment of Chief Examiner of the department, Secs. 36-16-1, 41-5-1, 41-5-3, 41-5-6, 41-5-6.1, 41-5-7, 41-5-8, 41-5-10 am'd; Secs. 41-5-4, 41-5-5, 41-5-9, 41-5-18, 41-5-19, 41-5-20 repealed
Hunting and fishing, right to clarified, subject to reasonable rules that promote conservation and management, const. amend.
Trussville, corp. limits alt., transitional provisions
Grandparents, visitation with grandchildren, petition procedure and burden of proof established, Sec. 30-3-4.1 repealed
Religious expression in schools, authorized, Alabama Student Religious Liberties Act
Jurors, service in criminal cases, names of sealed, contact by parties with for specified purposes prohibited, procedures for contact with jurors, penalties for violation
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, Secs. 13A-5-40, 13A-5-49 am'd.
Criminal witnesses, contact with by criminal defendant prohibited without notice to prosecutor, penalties for violations, Defense Initiated Victims Outreach initiative, funding of by public funds prohibited, Sec. 15-23-73 am'd.
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, reduce appeal time, Fair Justice Act
Public works, Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act, public agencies prohibited from entering contracts and making certain awards based on collective bargaining agreements, certain terms prohibited in certain documents, exemptions
Human Resources Department, public assistance, drug testing for applicants and recipients required upon reasonable suspicion, ineligibility under certain conditions, department to implement, rulemaking authority
Auctioneers, Board of, fees for reciprocity, Board of Auctioneers Account, renamed, Secs. 34-4-21, 34-4-25, 34-4-54 am'd.
Sales tax, estimated payments, average monthly tax liability threshold increased, Sec. 40-23-7 am'd.
Revenue Department, taxes and fees, suspension by administrative rule when cost of collection is higher than amount collected, periodic review, Sec. 40-1-49 added
Sovereign immunity, immunity for officers, employees, agents of the state, including certain employees of local school boards and State Board of Education, specified in official and personal capacity under certain conditions
St. Clair Co., food pantry, sales and use tax exemption from state, county, and municipal taxes

Springville, corp. limits alt.
St. Clair Co., pretrial diversion program, city located within authorized to establish, basic operating standards provided
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 13A-8-10 am'd.
Taxation, exempt tangible assets, exempt real property whose original acquisition cost was less than $250.00, Sec. 40-9-1 am'd.
Religious expression in schools, authorized, Alabama Student Religious Liberties Act
St. Clair Co., judge of probate, expense allowance, Act 80-195, 1980 Reg. Sess., am'd.
St. Clair Co., judge of probate, marriage ceremony, additional fee
Civil actions, attorney fees and costs awarded to prevailing party
Veterans, permanently and totally disabled, state income tax, credit for sales tax paid up to a certain amount
Contractors and subcontractors, provide further for compliance of subcontractors with licensing requirements, Secs. 34-8-6, 34-8-7 am'd.
Unemployment compensation, substitute employees of schools, exempt from collecting, Sec. 25-4-10 am'd.
Public education employees, salary increase, including K-12 and certain other designated education institutions, liability insurance program to be established by Finance Department in consultation with Education Department
Pawns, further regulate pawn transactions, Secs. 5-19A-2 am'd.; Secs. 5-19A-21, 5-19A-22, 5-19A-23, 5-19A-24, 5-19A-25 added
Electrical contractors, person holding municipal or county license or permit required to obtain provisional license from Board of Electrical Contractors, date for license under nationally standardized examination, extended, journeyman electrician, licensure further provided for, Secs. 34-36-7, 34-36-16 am'd.
Use of force in defense of a person, authorized by an owner, employee, or other person authorized to be on business premises if another person is attempting or committing robbery or burglary on the premises, Sec, 13A-3-23 am'd.
Capital offenses, appeal directly to Alabama Supreme Court, Sec. 13A-5-53 am'd.
Hunting licenses, disabled veterans, military appreciation hunting license, three day trip event hunting license authorized, Secs. 9-11-44, 9-11-49 am'd.
Aircraft, manufacturers of commercial aircraft or aircraft parts, statute of limitations, statute of repose, forum non conveniens provided in civil liability actions, allocation of fault, Alabama Commercial Aviation Business Improvement Act of 2013
Sales tax, exempting ammunition manufactured for firearms from sales tax, Sec. 40-23-4 am'd.
Public assistance, TANF benefits, a person convicted of a felony ineligible for benefits, disclosure of felony conviction by applicant required
Firearms, infringement on the right to keep and bear arms by federal government prohibited, federal acts violating Second Amendment declared void, Second Amendment Preservation Act
Pardons and Paroles Board, Scottsboro Boys Act, posthumous pardons for certain convictions prior to 1932
Private Investigation Board, established, licensing and regulation of private investigators, members, terms, powers, vacancies, subject to Administrative Procedure Act, civil and criminal penalties, Private Investigators Licensing and Regulatory Act

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