Ken Kubik

Updated: November 03, 2022 at 7:05 PM CST

General Information

Who is Ken Kubik?
Ken Kubik

With great enthusiasm and humility, I announce my candidacy for Superintendent of Madison County Schools. My sole reason for running is because I genuinely believe that nothing matters more than our children, as they are the future of our community. I want the opportunity to lead our school district is focusing on what matters most: the safety of our children, the future of our community, and educational opportunities for our families. Empowering the 29 schools in our district with the resources and leadership necessary will make the most significant impact on the future of Madison County, because Madison County’s future starts in our schools!

Over the past 26 years, I have been blessed with many opportunities to make a difference in the lives of children, parents, and staff. I began my journey as a sixth-grade teacher, and from that beginning, I have had multiple opportunities to learn and grow as an educator. With over 22 years of experience as a school administrator and a district director, I have the skills, knowledge, and understanding needed to lead our district. Additionally, working in multiple roles across the K-12 spectrum has allowed me to have a unique perspective on the importance of every staff member in the district and the vital role that each plays in a child’s K-12 education. Furthermore, the chance to lead from the district level allows me to see and value each of our schools' unique qualities and cultures and how these both play a vital role in creating an excellent place for children to learn and grow.

I am a former police officer with degrees in Criminology and Forensic Science. However, I realized that my passion was educating our youth, so I attained an education degree. My wife, Jamie, is also a 26-year veteran educator of the Madison County School System and currently serves as the Madison County Virtual Academy counselor. Together, we have four sons who graduated from our school system, and they have blessed us with eight grandchildren.

Lastly, I want you to know that I believe effective leadership is hard work, and leaders must be prepared to do whatever it takes to ensure our students are equipped for the future. I am prepared and ready to accept this challenge and be the next Superintendent of Madison County Schools. I know without a doubt that Madison County can be the leading school district in the State of Alabama, and I am ready to partner with students, educators, and families to make this happen!

Status: Out of Office
Party: Republican
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Election History

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