Jerry Carl

Updated: August 07, 2022 at 12:12 PM CST

General Information

Who is Jerry Carl?
Jerry Carl

Born in Mobile, Jerry Carl started his first company at 25 and grew that small business into numerous other companies throughout the region. In all, Jerry has started over ten different companies ranging from real estate to healthcare and timber to even the manufacturing of church furniture.

Being an entrepreneur has filled much of Jerry’s time, but nothing could take Jerry away from his wife of over 37 years, Tina. They grew their family with the births of their children and proudly watched each one of them become successful in their own rights. One son became a Marine, another a successful Insurance agent, and their only daughter heard the call to become a teacher. Today, much of their time chasing grandchildren around their family farm.

When Jerry was frustrated with the direction of Mobile’s local government, he ran for County Commission, where he still serves today. Throughout his time on the Commission, he has proven to be a vocal fiscal hawk and advocate for pro-growth, job-creating policies. He abstained from taking a tax-payer-funded salary his first two years in office, consistently votes against raising taxes, and is laser‑focused on creating economic opportunities so good-paying jobs can be created right here in our community.

Like President Trump, Jerry isn’t afraid to make unpopular decisions right for Alabama. As an avid hunter, Jerry is a lifelong supporter of our Second Amendment rights, and as a Christian saved by God’s grace, Jerry believes all human life should be protected from conception.

Alabama’s First District brings together the richness of Alabama and all its beauty. Jerry believes we need strong representation fighting for conservative values in Congress. He’s an outsider, a job creator, and a businessman looking to get things done. He doesn’t take no for an answer and works to find solutions to our problems because that’s how it works in the real world.

Status: U.S. Alabama Representative for District 1
Party: Republican
Social Media:
Birthday: June 17, 1958 66

Contact Information

Known contact information for Jerry Carl from Mobile, AL.

  • 1330 Longworth House Office Building
    Washington, DC 20515
  • Phone: 202-225-4931
  • Official Email: Unknown

Education Information

Known educational history for Jerry Carl from Mobile, AL.

  • Attended, Forestry, Lake City Community College

Political Information

Known political history for Jerry Carl from Mobile, AL.

  • Candidate, United States House of Representatives, Alabama, District 1, 2022
  • Representative, United States House of Representatives, Alabama, District 1, 2021-present
  • Commissioner, Mobile County, Alabama, District 3, 2012-present

Professions Information

Known professional history for Jerry Carl from Mobile, AL.

  • President/Chief Executive Officer, Butterfly and Cricket, 2009-present
  • Secretary/Treasurer, Family Factor, 2006-present
  • President/Chief Executive Officer, Bradberry Healthcare, 2003-present
  • President/Chief Executive Officer, Family Respiratory Service, 2003-present
  • President/Chief Executive Officer, Carl and Associates, 2000-present
  • President/Chief Executive Officer, Advance Limited Liability Company, 2000-present
  • President/Chief Executive Officer, River Oaks Landing, 2000-present

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Jerry Carl from Mobile, AL.

  • Member/Deacon, Luke 4:18 Church

Election History

Jerry Carl from Mobile, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

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