James O. Gordon

Updated: August 08, 2022 at 3:53 PM CST

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James O. Gordon

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Status: Out of Office
Party: Democrat
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Birthday: July 17, 1964 60

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View legislative bills that James O. Gordon has sponsored.

Education fiscal accountability, local superintendent of education and board members personally responsible for fiscal mismanagement, Sec. 16-13A-11 am'd.
Transportation Department, Good Faith Effort Committee, members subject to diversity, annual report to Legislature
School of Mathematics and Science, appropriation for repair of flood-related damage
Mobile Co., bingo authorized by nonprofit organizations for charitable and education purposes, regulated by sheriff, penalties, Amendment 440 (Section 1, Mobile County, Local Amendments, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Insurance Department, required to collect information from insurance companies on homeowners insurance policies and premiums by counties and Zip Code and post aggregate information on website, penalties for insurance companies not in compliance, Department of Insurance Transparency Act
Teachers, local boards of education required to notify teachers of reduction in compensation due to loss of supplemental position, Sec. 16-24-12 am'd.
Entertainment districts, Class 1, 2, and 3 municipalities authorized to establish, regulation of sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, retail liquor license issued by Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, license fee levied, Sec. 28-3A-21 am'd.
Child abuse or neglect, suspected, mandatory reporting, requirements for school teachers and school officials, established, responsibilities of principals and local superintendents of education Sec. 26-14-3 am'd.
Family Resource Centers, Alabama Network of, adoption of rules regarding distribution of funds, publication of notice regarding rules in Alabama Administrative Monthly, Sec. 30-8-2 am'd.
Drugs, chemical compounds HU-210, JWH-018, JWH-073, and salvia divinorum or salvinorum A, possession prohibited, penalties (2010-20801)
Homestead exemption, increased for protection against confiscation of a homestead for debts, Sec. 6-10-2 am'd.
Prichard, supplemental appropriation for fiscal year ending September 30, 2010, for purchase of retirement benefits for current municipal retirees and credit in Employees' Retirement System for current municipal employees
Class 2 municipalities, (Mobile), state sales and use tax, aircraft reconfiguration, parts exempt under certain conditions, retroactive effect
Credit cards, banks issuing, increasing interest rates or lowering credit lines prohibited more than once every 12 months
Municipalities, domestic violence statistics compiled and maintained by a municipality, posted on municipal website, Melanie Camp Act
Human papillomavirus, State Board of Health required to provide information regarding to parents or guardians of sixth grade female students
State agencies, boards, commissions, or any public entity with diversity mandate required to report to Legislature annually regarding compliance, legislative intent expressed
Property insurance, hurricane deductible only applied on damages from named hurricane or tropical storm, certain personal lines insurance policies to offer voluntary buy-back provision, penalties
Income tax, tax credit authorized for retrofitting home due to loss from hurricane or windstorm events, for sales tax paid on retail sale of tangible personal property used to retrofit home, and for excess premium paid for property and casualty insurance, Consumer Hurricane Mitigation Tax Credit Act
Railroads, standards of stationary assembly points and mobile labor camps for maintenance-of-way employees, established, drinking water provided, Board of Health to adopt rules for mobile camps, investigations, inspection fees, distrib.
Mardi Gras, certain parades, civil immunity to certain participants under certain conditions
Municipalities, municipal courts, court costs for jails, distrib. for municipal jails, Sec. 11-47-7.1 am'd.
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Obscene material involving children, disseminate further defined, material that constitutes possession of visual obscene matter further provided for, Secs. 13A-12-190, 13A-12-192 am'd.
Assault in the second degree, utility workers included as a protected class, utility worker defined, Sec. 13A-6-21 am'd.; Act 2009-586, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Municipalities, annexation of property enclosed within corporate limits, special procedure
Drug courts, presiding judge of judicial circuit with consent of district attorney authorized to establish, drug offenders, screening, treatment, support services, and drug testing, referrals to certain programs for treatment, Administrative Office of Courts required to assist in planning, developing, and implementing of drug courts, Drug Offender Accountability Act
Prichard, bingo authorized by nonprofit organizations for charitable and education purposes, const. amend.
Death penalty, moratorium on imposition and execution not to exceed three years, procedure for administering
Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of modern building and energy codes in compliance with federal law to be implemented by counties and municipalities, board members increased, certain farm structures excluded, sprinkler systems provided for, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Class 2 municipalities (Mobile), library board, number of members the same as number of members of city council
Municipalities, fire protection sprinkler systems, not required in single-story buildings meeting certain requirements
Motor vehicles, rules of the road, distance of three feet required when passing person on bicycle, civil penalties, Three Feet Please Act
Prichard, mayors, participation in Employees' Retirement System or municipal retirement system, authorized, retroactive effect, const. amend.
Dead bodies, State Board of Health required to authorize a relative or other designee, other than the spouse, to release the body to the funeral home in certain circumstances
Prichard, mayors, participation in Employees' Retirement System or municipal retirement system, authorized, retroactive effect, const. amend.
Wrongful deaths caused by state officer or employee, State of Alabama to pay compensation to estate of decedant, attorney fees
Mobile Co. (Thirteenth Judicial Circuit), two additional district court judges, election, terms of office, duties, powers, and necessary funding for compensation and benefits, percentage from each municipality and balance from county commission, exemptions, incumbent district judges, const. amend.
Ad valorem tax, redemption of property sold for delinquent taxes, subsequent purchases, redemption payment altered, Secs. 40-10-122 am'd.; Act 2009-508, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
State income tax, federal deduction limited for individual taxpayers, state sales tax on food removed, Amendment 225 (Section 211.04, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.

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