Howard Sanderford

Updated: February 27, 2023 at 12:00 PM CST

General Information

Who is Howard Sanderford?
Howard Sanderford

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Status: Out of Office
Party: Republican
Social Media:
Birthday: October 18, 1935 89

Education Information

Known educational history for Howard Sanderford from Huntsville, AL.

  • BS, Accounting, Mississippi State University, 1955-1957
  • AA, Meridian Junior College

Political Information

Known political history for Howard Sanderford from Huntsville, AL.

  • Candidate, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 20, 2018
  • Representative, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 20, 1989-present

Professions Information

Known professional history for Howard Sanderford from Huntsville, AL.

  • Executive, International Business Machines Corporation, 1969-1987
  • Officer, United States Marine Corps
  • President, Computer Leasing Company, Incorporated, present

Congressional Information

Known congressional history for Howard Sanderford from Huntsville, AL.

  • Co-Chair, Sunset Committee, present
  • Former Chair, Madison County Republican Executive Committee
  • Member, Energy Council, present
  • Member, Southern Legislative Executive Committee, present
  • Member, Madison County Legislation, present
  • Vice Chair, Boards and Commissions, present
  • Chair, Joint Legislative State Parks Committee, present
  • Chair, Joint Legislative Medal of Honor Committee, present
  • Former Co-Chair, Chamber of Commerce Free Enterprise Committee
  • Former Member, Alabama Commission on Aerospace, Science and Industries
  • Former Member, Internal Affairs Committee, Alabama State House of Representatives
  • Former Vice Chair, Technology and Research, Alabama State House of Representatives
  • Member, Judiciary Committee, present

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Howard Sanderford from Huntsville, AL.

  • Board Member, Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), present
  • Member, First Baptist Church, present
  • Board Member, Alabama Board of Medical Scholarship Awards, present
  • Board Member, Alabama Space and Rocket Center, present
  • Board Member, Alabama Management Improvement Program, present
  • Former Chairman, Volunteers of America of North Alabama, present
  • Former Chairman, Alabama Men's Hall of Fame, present
  • Former President, Huntsville Rotary Club
  • Former Vice President, Metropolitan Young Men's Christian Association Board
  • Member, BIZTECH Board
  • Member, Alabama Space Science Exhibit Commission

Election History

Howard Sanderford from Huntsville, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Howard Sanderford has sponsored.

Open Meetings Act, participation in meetings by electronic communication further provided, Sec. 36-25A-5.1 am'd.
Occupational licensing boards, a waiver process established for certain occupational licensing boards to be used to allow an employing entity, employed licensees, and certificate holders of that entity, to continue operations on a temporary basis after death of the designated qualifying representative of the employing entity, Sec. 41-9A-3 added.
Pharmacy benefits managers, practices relating to patient steering, price discrimination, fiduciary duty to client, price disclosure, etc. regulated, Dept of Insurance, duties and authorities revised, Act 2019-457, 2019 Reg. Sess., sections amended and renumbered; Secs. 27-45A-6 to 27-45A-11, inclusive, 27-45A-13 added; Secs. 27-45A-3, 27-45A-4, 27-45A-5 am'd.
Ad valorem tax on real property, senior property tax appraisal for persons age 70 or older on principal residence used for 10 years, appraisal value frozen on immediate prior year, exceptions, rules by Revenue Dept.
Taxation, County Boards of Equalization, valuation procedures further provided, Secs. 40-2-18, 40-3-21, 40-3-25, 40-7-25 am'd.
Utilities, governmental entities, prohibited from adopting or enforcing policies that prohibit the connection or reconnection of utility services
Crimes and offenses, crimes of riot and inciting to riot, harassment, and assault II, amended, crimes of assault against a first responder, aggravated riot, and unlawful traffic interference, created, mandatory holding period for certain violations, provided, mandatory incarceration period for certain violations, provided, exceptions to sovereign immunity, further provided, restrictions on distribution of revenue to defunding jurisdictions, provided, Secs. 13A-11-3.1, 13A-11-5.1, 13A-11-8.1 added; Secs. 12-25-32, 13A-6-21, 13A-6-132, 13A-11-1, 13A-11-3, 13A-11-4, 13A-11-8, 13A-11-70, 15-13-2, 36-1-12, 36-2-1 am'd.
State General Fund, requirement for annual transfers from State Licensing Board for General Contractors, the Alabama Onsite Wastewater Board, the Alabama State Board of Respiratory Therapy, and the Alabama Board of Electrical Contractors removed, Secs. 34-8-25, 34-21A-6, 34-27B-6, 34-36-17 am'd.
Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Obligation Transparency, created, membership, compensation, powers, and duties, provided
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Board of Examiners for, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Hearing Instrument Dealers, Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Midwifery, State Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Nursing, Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Polygraph Examiners, Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2023.
Home Builders Licensure Board, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Real Estate Commission, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2023.
Interpreters and Transliterators, Licensure Board for, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Physical Therapy, Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Interior Designers, Alabama Board for Registered, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Geologists, Board of Licensure for Professional, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Veterinary Medical Examiners, State Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Athletic Commission, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2023.
Podiatry, State Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Genetic Counseling, State Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Athletic Trainers, Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Dental Examiners, Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Nursing Home Administrators, Board of Examiners of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Chiropractic Examiners, State Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Manufactured Housing Commission, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Onsite Wastewater Board, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2023.
Marriage and Family Therapy, Board of Examiners in, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Optometry, Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Pharmacy, State Board of, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.
Medical Examiners, State Board of and Medical Licensure Commission, sunset law review, continued until Oct 1, 2025.

State General Fund, requirement for annual transfers from State Licensing Board for General Contractors, the Alabama Onsite Wastewater Board, the Alabama State Board of Respiratory Therapy, and the Alabama Board of Electrical Contractors removed, Secs. 34-8-25, 34-21A-6, 34-27B-6, 34-36-17 am'd.

HB 112
Athletic Commission, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2020.
HB 111
Onsite Wastewater Board, Sunset Law review, continued unitl October 1, 2020.
HB 110
General Contractors, State Licensing Board for, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2020.

HB 497
Madison Co., beer tax proceeds, distribution, Senior Citizens' Prescription Drug Program, funded, funds not expended at end of each fiscal year, provided for, Sec. 45-45-243.01 am'd.
HR 522
Dodson, Bryan, outstanding professional achievement, commended
HR 521
Madison County Republican Men's Club, commended
HR 514
Bennett, Wildon Harbin, death mourned
HR 496
Ward, Robinson J., Jr., death mourned
HR 495
Hyatt, Jeramiah Charles, death mourned
HR 442
Nathan, Robert L., death mourned
HR 441
Russell, Mark, commended
HR 440
Cramer, Vernon E., death mourned
HR 378
Boss, Philip III., death mourned
HJR 363
Nalls, Chad, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HJR 354
Nalls, Chad, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 359
Nalls, Chad, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 344
Nalls, Chad, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 305
Recognizing Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day
HR 304
Clements, Hayden; Cline, Tyler and Reed, Andy, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 303
Garlen, Joshua, and Collins, Joshua, nominees for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 302
McGhee, Greg, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 292
Wordell, Joseph, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 277
Vasilakis, Niko, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 276
Roney, Kris, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 275
Rogers, Chris, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 274
McGhee, Greg, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HJR 298
Clements, Hayden; Cline, Tyler and Reed, Andy, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 273
Garlen, Joshua, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HJR 297
Garlen, Joshua and Collins, Joshua. nominees for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HJR 296
McGhee, Greg, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HJR 293
Wordell, Joseph, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HJR 282
Vasilakis, Niko, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HJR 281
Roney, Kris, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HJR 280
Rogers, Chris, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HJR 279
McGhee, Greg, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HJR 278
Garlen, Joshua, nominee for the 2018 Alabama Legislative Medal of Honor for Law Enforcement, commended
HR 239
Coates, Robert Frank, Jr., death mourned
HJR 203
Balch, James Villard, death mourned
HJR 202
Law enforcement officers, Legislative Medal of Honor, joint session for presentation
HR 204
Balch, James Villard, death mourned
HJR 188
Balch, James Villard, death mourned
HJR 187
Military in Alabama, recognized
HJR 186
XV Winter Olympics Ambassadors, recognized
HR 190
XV Winter Olympics Ambassadors, recognized
HJR 146
Military in Alabama, recognized
HR 167
Balch, James Villard, death mourned
HJR 143
Perna, Gustave F., commended
HR 148
Military in Alabama, recognized
HR 138
Perna, Gustave F., commended
HJR 96
Legislature, joint session called for receiving the General Gustave F. Perna of the United States Army Materiel Command
HR 49
Lucas, Polly Torti, death mourned
Sprayberry, James Michael, Medal of Honor recipient, commended
HR 6
Sprayberry, James Michael, Medal of Honor recipient, commended
Adkins, Bennie G., Medal of Honor recipient, commended
HR 5
Adkins, Bennie G., Medal of Honor recipient, commended
Rose, Gary Michael, Medal of Honor recipient, commended
HR 4
Rose, Gary Michael, Medal of Honor recipient, commended

Madison Co., beer tax proceeds, distribution, Senior Citizens' Prescription Drug Program, funded, funds not expended at end of each fiscal year, provided for, Act 2003-195, 2003 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Space, Alabama Space Authority, created within Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs, membership and powers
Dental Examiners, Board of, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2019.
Pharmacy, State Board of, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2019.
Nursing, Board of, Sunset law review, continued with modification until October 1, 2021, Sec. 34-21-2 am'd.
Geologist, Board of Licensure for Professional, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2021.

State Licensing Board for General Contractors, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2019
Architects, State Board for Registration of, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2019, with modification, Sec. 34-2-33 am'd.
Historical Commission, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2016
Interagency Council for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, Sunset Law Review, continued with modification, Sec. 38-9D-3 am'd.
Elections, voter registration lists, publication by judge of probate on website of co. or Association of Co. Commissioners website, comp., Secs. 17-4-1, 17-4-10, 17-9-5 am'd.

Firearms, accessories, and ammunition manufactured in this state, under Commerce Clause of U. S. Constitution exempt from federal regulation, Firearms Freedom Act
Madison Co., county commission, expenditure of public funds for Trojan Park in Hazel Green, for public purpose, authorized
Code of Ethics, definition of principal expanded, lobbyist required to identify principals that stand to benefit from lobbyist activities, Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-18 am'd.
Controlled substances, Schedule I, additional synthetic controlled substances and analogue substances included in, trafficking in controlled substance analogues, requisite weight increased, Secs. 13A-12-231, 20-2-23 am'd.
Oil and Gas Board, oil and gas wells, drainage or production units, regulation of horizontal wells in oil reservoirs and offshore wells in gas reservoirs, Secs. 9-17-1, 9-17-12 am'd.
Criminally negligent homicide, victim under six years of age, penalties increased, Sec. 13A-6-4 am'd.
Title loan business, licensure and regulation of, charges concerning title loans, definitions, penalties, Alabama Title Loan Act
Capital punishment, person or entity who participates in an execution or performs any ancillary function shall be confidential, Sec. 15-18-82.1 am'd.
Driver's Licenses, Stage II, 16 year olds, minimum of behind-the-wheel driving practice hours increased from 30 to 50, Sec. 32-6-7.2 am'd.
Grandparents, visitation with grandchildren, petition procedure and burden of proof established, Sec. 30-3-4.1 repealed
Polygraph Examiners, applicants required to provide results of state and national criminal history background checks and two sets of fingerprints, Sec. 34-25-22 am'd
Jurors, service in criminal cases, names of sealed, contact by parties with for specified purposes prohibited, procedures for contact with jurors, penalties for violation
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, Secs. 13A-5-40, 13A-5-49 am'd.
Criminal witnesses, contact with by criminal defendant prohibited without notice to prosecutor, penalties for violations, Defense Initiated Victims Outreach initiative, funding of by public funds prohibited, Sec. 15-23-73 am'd.
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, reduce appeal time, Fair Justice Act
Human Resources Department, public assistance, drug testing for applicants and recipients required upon reasonable suspicion, ineligibility under certain conditions, department to implement, rulemaking authority
Sales tax, estimated payments, average monthly tax liability threshold increased, Sec. 40-23-7 am'd.
Insurance Department, licensing of insurance producers, title insurance agents, or independent adjusters, applicants, fingerprinting for criminal background check, provisions regarding transfer to National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC's) deleted, Secs. 27-7-4.4, 27-9A-17, 27-25-4.6 am'd.
Revenue Department, taxes and fees, suspension by administrative rule when cost of collection is higher than amount collected, periodic review, Sec. 40-1-49 added
Architects, Board of, expiration of certificate of registration changed from September 30 to December 31, time period for renewal of certificate shortened from 90 to 30 days, Sec. 34-2-33, am'd.
Elections, voter registration lists, publication by judge of probate on website of co. or Association of Co. Commissioners website, comp., Secs. 17-4-1, 17-4-10, 17-9-5 am'd.
Sovereign immunity, immunity for officers, employees, agents of the state, including certain employees of local school boards and State Board of Education, specified in official and personal capacity under certain conditions
Insurance Department, licensing of insurance producers, title insurance agents, or independent adjusters, applicants, fingerprinting for criminal background check, provisions regarding transfer to National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC's) deleted, Secs. 27-7-4.4, 27-9A-17, 27-25-4.6 am'd.
Transportation Department, director authorized to appoint assistant counsel subject to State Merit System, Sec. 23-1-26 am'd.
Transportation Department, highway projects, construction contract plan changes, approval by the Director of Transportation up to certain amounts without approval of Governor under certain conditions, Sec. 23-1-60 am'd.

Public employees, to receive annual summary of benefits received from employer
Elections, voter registration lists, publication by judge of probate on website of co. or Association of Co. Commissioners website, comp., Secs. 17-4-1, 17-4-10, 17-9-5 am'd.
Taxation, carried forward period of five years for certain projects, Sec. 40-18-194 am'd.
Motor vehicles, license plates, National Guard plates, net proceeds from sale to be distributed to the National Guard Foundation, proceeds to be used in furtherance of National Guard Foundation's program and purpose, Sec. 32-6-111.2 am'd.
Civil actions, attorney fees and costs awarded to prevailing party
Veterans, permanently and totally disabled, state income tax, credit for sales tax paid up to a certain amount
Unemployment compensation, substitute employees of schools, exempt from collecting, Sec. 25-4-10 am'd.
Public education employees, salary increase, including K-12 and certain other designated education institutions, liability insurance program to be established by Finance Department in consultation with Education Department
Huntsville, pretrial diversion program, city authorized to establish
Madison Co., law enforcement, delivery of currency seized as evidence to circuit clerk, deposit, forfeiture proceedings
Municipalities, ordinances, online access required
Colleges and universities, residency for determining admission and tuition, active duty service members, spouses, dependents, veterans and other students considered resident students under certain conditions, Sec. 16-24-2 am'd.
Pawns, further regulate pawn transactions, Secs. 5-19A-2 am'd.; Secs. 5-19A-21, 5-19A-22, 5-19A-23, 5-19A-24, 5-19A-25 added
Fishing, commercial saltwater fishing license, license further provided for, Sec. 9-12-113 am'd.
Planning and zoning, military land use planning, municipalities and counties, military installation, consideration of the effect of land use plan on, municipalities required to consider in master plan, Sec. 11-52-8 am'd.; Secs. 11-106-1 to 11-106-5, inclusive, added
Primary elections, automatic recount under certain conditions required, procedures, waiver by candidates, costs, Sec. 17-16-20 am'd.
Capital offenses, appeal directly to Alabama Supreme Court, Sec. 13A-5-53 am'd.
Madison Co., lodging tax, termination date deleted, Act 2004-418, 2004 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Military service members, credit for professional business or licensing requirements based on military training and service, licenses remain in effect for military members while on active duty
Public contracts, limited liability for a professional firm issued a certificate of authorization from the Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors Board for construction monitoring services agreed to in a public contract, exception
J.F. Drake State Technical College, name changed to J.F. Drake State Community and Technical College
County or municipality, authorities, lease of property to United States, powers of authority expanded, expenditure of funds to promote federal facilities authorized, Sec.11-101A-8 am'd.
Youthful Offender Act, persons charged with a Class A felony excluded, Sec. 15-19-1 am'd.
Gulf State Park, Legislature to approve sale or long-term lease of any state park property, development, submission of proposals, criteria, review by department, acceptance or rejection, proposal exempt from certain statutes, Chapter 14D of Title 9 repealed, Secs. 9-14D-1 to 9-14D-5, inclusive, repealed
Ten Commandments, display of on state property and at public schools, authorized, const. amend.
Flexible School Calendar Act, local board of education may opt out of calendar parameters by written notices to State Superintendent of Education, Sec. 16-13-231, as amended by Act 2012-482, 2012 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Taxation, aviation jet fuel purchased by international cargo air carriers, refund for excise tax paid on purchases of aviation jet fuel by exemption from sales and use tax, Secs. 40-17-329, 40-23-4, 40-23-62 am'd.
Elections, voter registration lists, publication by judge of probate on website of co. or Association of Co. Commissioners website, fee for lists to judge of probate repealed, absentee election manager, when circuit clerk is a candidate, comp., Secs. 17-4-1, 17-4-10, 17-8-2, 17-9-5, 17-11-2, 17-11-14 am'd.; Secs. 17-3-60, 17-11-13 repealed
Smoking, in places of employment and public places, prohibited, State Board of Health to enforce, Alabama Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Domestic violence, shelters, domestic violence defined, operation and funding of domestic violence shelters, fee for divorce petition distributed to district attorneys for funding of domestic violence shelters, Secs. 30-6-1, 30-6-6, 30-6-7, 30-6-11 am'd.
Madison Co., rock quarries, location near schools regulated outside corporate limits of municipality
Attorney General, state litigation, contingency fee contracts with private attorneys, regulated, Transparency in Private Attorney Contracts Act, Sec. 41-16-72 am'd.
Firearms, infringement on the right to keep and bear arms by federal government prohibited, federal acts violating Second Amendment declared void, Second Amendment Preservation Act
Pardons and Paroles Board, Scottsboro Boys Act, posthumous pardons for certain convictions prior to 1932
Private Investigation Board, established, licensing and regulation of private investigators, members, terms, powers, vacancies, subject to Administrative Procedure Act, civil and criminal penalties, Private Investigators Licensing and Regulatory Act
Veterinary Practice Act, definition of practice of veterinary revised to prohibit unlicensed persons from directly supervising services, spay neuter clinics included as veterinary facilities, certain nonprofit employed vets exempted from prohibition against working for unlicensed employer, Secs. 34-29-61, 34-29-87, 34-29-88 am'd.
Taxes, exemptions for Still Serving Veterans, Inc.
Motor vehicles, motorcycles, Class M motorcycle license including restricted license to operate a motor-driven cycle, issuance by Public Safety Department, knowledge test required under certain conditions, Secs. 32-5A-240, 32-12-22 am'd.
Income tax, tax credit for rehabilitation, preservation, and development of certain historic structures
Human Resources Department, TANF, food stamps, or Medicaid applicants, random tests for substance abuse based on appearance or demeanor implying under influence of controlled substances, required, ineligibility under certain conditions, positive tests not admissible in criminal proceedings, department to administer pursuant to Administrative Procedure Act
Cosmetology, Board of, Sunset Review Law, continued until October 1, 2017, with modification to further provide for the instructional credit hours for licensure, Sec. 34-7A-22 am'd.
Hearing Instrument Dealers, Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Manufactured Housing Commission, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2014
Geologists, Board of Licensure for Professional, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Landscape Architects, State Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Interior Designers, Board for Registered, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Elevator Safety Review Board, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017, with modification to delete requirements of specific certification, Sec. 25-13-7 am'd.
Dental Examiners, Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Pharmacy, Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Board of Examiners for, Sunset Law Review, Continued until October 1, 2017
Interpreters and Transliterators, Licensure Board for, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Podiatry, Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2014
Athletic Commission, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2014
Athletic Trainers, Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017, with modification to allow board to set reduced renewal fees, Sec. 34-40-8 am'd.
Physical Therapy, Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Medical Examiners, Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Chiropractic Examiners, State Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators, Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued to October 1, 2017
Marriage and Family Therapy, Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Public Service Commission, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2014
Optometry, Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017, with modification to delete requirement of high school graduation for licensure, Sec. 34-22-20 am'd.
Home Builders Licensure Board, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Veterinary Medical Examiners, Alabama State Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017
Nursing, Board of, Sunset Law Review, continued until October 1, 2017

Methamphetamine laboratories (meth labs), decontamination and certificate of inspection by Health Department, public disclosure of location required to be recorded on website
Caller ID fraud, criminal penalties for entering false information into a caller identification system in order to defraud or deceive a recipient, provided
Gulf State Park, development, submission of proposals, criteria, review by department, acceptance or rejection, proposal exempt from certain statutes
Attorney General, state litigation, contingency fee contracts with private attorneys, regulated, Transparency in Private Attorney Contracts Act, Sec. 41-16-72 am'd
Madison Co., circuit and district court, court administrator, appointment by presiding circuit judge, confidential employee under Unified Judicial System, Act 1040, 1973 Reg. Sess. am'd
Lifespan Respite Resource Network, established, Alabama Respite Coalition, established
Immigration law, provision barring unlawfully present alien from attending postsecondary school clarified, lawsuits for failure to enforce laws, procedures revised, documentation for lawful presence, military identification authorized, voter registration provisions modified, certain lawful presence verification for certain subsequent issuance and renewals of certain licenses, procedures and penalties for employing unauthorized alien, penalties for certain lawsuits relating to employment practices, Secs. 31-13-3, 31-13-5, 31-13-6, 31-13-8, 31-13-9, 31-13-13, 31-13-19, 31-13-20, 31-13-23, 31-13-26, 31-13-28, 31-13-29, 32-6-9, 32-6-10.1 am'd; Act 2011-535, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd
Economic Development, tax increment district, Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zone authorized in Class 3 municipalities, development of distressed areas, tax credit required, Secs. 11-99-1, 11-99-2, 11-99-4, 11-99-5, 11-99-6, 11-99-8, 11-99-10 am'd
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, Legion of Valor member authorized to receive license tag without cost, Secs. 32-6-250, 32-6-251 am'd.
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, hunting and fishing licenses, Alabama National Guard active members, license not required if proof of status shown, Sec. 9-11-35.2 added
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, Advisory Board, appointment of two additional members who are commercial fisherman, nominated by Organized Seafood Association of Alabama, Inc., Sec. 9-2-14 am'd.
Alabama Construction Recruitment Institute, subject to Alabama Sunset Law, construction craft industry fees, continued collection of provided, Sec. 7 of Act 2009-561, 2009 Reg. Sess., amended to delete expiration; Sec. 7 of Act 2010-220, 2010 Reg. Sess., repealed
Abortion, physician required to perform ultrasound prior to performing abortionand display the images to the pregnant woman, medical emergency excepted, civil and criminal penalties, Right to Know and See Act
Crimes and offenses, gambling, person defined, penalties, Secs. 13A-12-20, 13A-12-22, 13A-12-23, 13A-12-24, 13A-12-27 am'd
Transportation Department, deputy directors, appointment by director of department with approval of Governor
Beer, cider, and wine, homebrewing in limited amounts by person 21 years of age or older for personal use authorized without taxation or licensure, penalties, convicted felon prohibited from homebrewing (2012-20414)
Taxes, exemptions for Still Serving Veterans, Inc.
Health benefit plans, group insurance, coverage of autism spectrum disorder to age 18 under certain conditions, Secs. 10A-20-6.16, 27-21A-23 am'd
Crime of Looting, established, penalties, violation would be Class C felony
Public Works, Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act, establish, public agencies prohibited from entering contracts and making certain awards, certain terms prohibited in certain documents, certain persons prohibited from placing certain terms in certain documents, exemptions
Contracts, state or any political subdivision, use of Davis-Bacon wage provision, prohibited
Alabama Department of Environmental Management, civil immunity to water suppliers who are in compliance or receive an exemption from ADEM, Sec. 22-23-35.1 added
Secondary metals recycler, additional records to be maintained, purchases of specified metal property limited, registration with ACJIC, required, database of metal property sales created, criminal penalties, purchase of specified metal property prohibited, Secs. 13A-8-30 to 13A-8-37, inclusive, 13A-8-39 am'd; Secs. 13A-8-31.1, 13A-8-31.2, 13A-8-35.1, 13A-8-37.1, 13A-8-37.2 added
Licenses and licensing, Social Security number for license renewal repealed, Sec. 30-3-194 am'd
Taxation, state income tax credit relating to Class 1, 2, 3 municipalities for rehabilitation of historic structures
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 13A-8-10 am'd.
Alabama Marine Corps League exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Madison County, (Twenty-Third Judicial Circuit) of Alabama, Pretrial Diversion Program, fees further provided for, Act 94-392, 1994 Reg. Sess., am'd
Judge of probate may publish a list of qualified electors in a newspaper of general circulation in the county, Sec. 17-4-1 am'd.
Motor vehicles, driver's licenses, law enforcement authorized to issue citation if reasonable suspicion that driver was driving a motor vehicle without license even without personal observation of the person driving, request to see driver's license authorized under certain conditions, Sec. 32-6-9.1 added (2012-20486)
Thrift Shops located on military installation in Alabama, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Municipal public housing authorities in certain Class 3 municipalities, purchase of real property authorized only for public housing purposes after notice to certain surrounding property owners, power of eminent domain removed, Secs. 24-1-28 am'd.
Income tax credit for qualifying projects or new or expanding businesses creating new jobs, tax credits claimed authorized to be carried over up to four tax years, Sec. 40-18-194 am'd.
Health Care Compact established, consent of U. S. Congress secured for return of authority to member states to regulate health care, Interstate Advisory Health Care Commission established, membership, duties, terms, funding
Aircraft, certain, any parts, components, and systems used in the conversion, reconfiguration, or maintenance of, exempt from sales tax, not applicable to local sales tax unless approved, Sec. 40-23-4 am'd.
Immigration, legal status and/or proof of citizenship, verification of eligibility to enter into business transactions with state or political subdivision, Uniformed Services Privilege and Identification card authorized, Act 2011-535, 2011 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 31-13-29 am'd.

Economic Development, tax increment district, Major 21st Century Manufacturing Zone authorized in Class 3 municipalities, development of distressed areas, tax credit required, Secs. 11-99-1, 11-99-2, 11-99-4, 11-99-5, 11-99-6, 11-99-8, 11-99-10 am'd

Admission tickets, for benefit or event for charitable purposes, resale for amount in excess of price printed on face of ticket, prohibited, Sec. 8-19E-2 am'd.
Electronic Security Board of Licensure, alarm installers and locksmiths, inspections of unlicensed operations, licensure dates, criminal and civil enforcement, exemption of counties with population of 30,000 or less repealed, Secs. 34-1A-3, 34-1A-5, 34-1A-7 am'd.; Sec. 34-1A-10 repealed
Madison Co., alcoholic beverages, licensure and regulation, county commission authorized by resolution to levy privilege or license fee, collection, distrib.
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, Legion of Valor member authorized to receive license tag without cost, Secs. 32-6-250, 32-6-251 am'd.
Madison Co., sheriff, pistol permits, fee increased, Act 489, 1975 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Alabama Marine Corps League exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Nursing, Board of, investigators granted power of peace officers, and authorized to enforce controlled substance laws, Secs. 20-2-90, 34-21-2 am'd.
Health care providers, physicians, etc., requiring disclosure regarding firearm ownership, prohibited, medical record inclusion of firearm information or disclosure of information about firearm ownership, prohibited, civil penalties, exceptions
Underground storage tanks and aboveground storage tanks storing motor fuels currently subject to the Alabama Uniform Environmental Covenants Act, exempt from requirements of, Sec. 35-19-2 am'd.
Education employees, procedures regarding employment actions of revised, Teacher Tenure Law and Fair Dismissal Act repealed, Students First Act, Sec. 16-24B-7, 16-24-1 to 16-24-22, inclusive, 36-26-100 to 36-26-116, inclusive, repealed
Dental Examiners of Alabama, Board of, dentists and dental hygienists, regulation and licensure, substantially revised, Sec. 34-9-7.2 added; Secs. 34-9-2, 34-9-3, 34-9-5, 34-9-6, 34-9-6.1, 34-9-7, 34-9-8, 34-9-9, 34-9-10, 34-9-13, 34-9-15, 34-9-15.1, 34-9-16, 34-9-18, 34-9-20, 34-9-21, 34-9-22, 34-9-24, 34-9-26, 34-9-27, 34-9-28, 34-9-40, 34-9-41, 34-9-43, 34-9-44, 34-9-60, 34-9-63, 34-9-82, 34-9-89 am'd. (2011-20608)
Motor vehicles and commercial motor vehicles, traffic violations, notification by court to Public Safety Department of convictions of state or local traffic offenses, time period decreased, notification by Public Safety Department to other jurisdictions of convictions of drivers, time period decreased, Secs. 32-5A-195, 32-6-49.14 am'd.; Act 2010-599, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Madison Co., dogs, dangerous dogs in unincorporated areas of county, county commission by resolution may establish procedure for determining, dog required to be kept in fenced enclosure, civil penalties, const. amend.
Public schools, K-12 instructional days, local board of education with approval of State Superintendent of Education authorized to make up cancelled instructional days by adjusting the hours of actual instruction, Sec. 16-13-231 am'd.
County commission, county solid waste disposal service, volunteer fire department exempt from fees, Sec. 22-27-3 am'd.
Motor vehicles, driving under the influence, penalties to include mandatory use of ignition interlock device under certain conditions, Forensic Sciences Department to approve devices, Public Safety Department to issue restricted driver's license, fee, provisions for indigent defendants, Sec. 32-5A-191.4 added; Sec. 32-5A-191 am'd.
Home Medical Equipment Services Providers, Board of, name changed to Home Medical Equipment, Board of, duties revised, licensure and regulation, disciplinary hearings, administrative fines, injunctions, penalties, Secs. 34-14C-1, 34-14C-2, 34-14C-4, 34-14C-4.1, 34-14C-6, 34-14C-8 am'd.; Act 2010-148, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Court Reporting, Board of, members, compensation eliminated, requirement for annual report to Governor and Secretary of State eliminated, written knowledge exam, entities that may administer added, education requirements changed, grandfathering deadline added, temporary license further provided for, certain fees authorized, Secs. 34-8B-4, 34-8B-5, 34-8B-10, 34-8B-14, 34-8B-15, 34-8B-17 am'd.
Alabama Development Office and Director of Development changed to Commerce Department and Secretary of Commerce, assistant secretaries of commerce, employment of certain persons outside of Merit System, authorized, Secs. 41-9-201, 41-9-202, 41-9-202.1, 41-9-203, 41-9-204 am'd. (2011-20679)
Public education employees and law enforcement officers, offenses committed in the line of duty, arrest warrants, procedures for arrest
Court-ordered restitution, victim compensation assessments, fines, collection fee paid first out of funds collected, Sec. 12-17-225.4 am'd.
Corrections Department, prison industries, sale of products further provided for, operation of joint venture with private businesses, authorized, Secs. 14-7-7, 14-7-22 am'd.
Stalking in the first and second degree, aggravated stalking in the first and second degree, crimes further provided for, Tracy's Law, Secs. 13A-6-90.1, 13A-6-91.1 added; Secs. 13A-6-90, 13A-6-91 am'd.
Income tax credit authorized for employers creating jobs, under certain conditions, Full Employment Act, Secs. 40-18-270, 40-18-271, 40-18-272 repealed; Act 2010-557, 2010 Reg. Sess. repealed
Economic development, financial commitments to build or expand in Alabama, written contracts required within certain time period, existing commitments without written contract void after certain period of time
Teachers, educational support personnel, and other certified educational employees and student teachers, professional liability insurance, Education Department and Finance Department to purchase or provide by July 1, 2012, rules authorized, Teacher and Education Employee Protection Act
Polling places, proximity of persons to door of building, distance increased, Sec. 17-9-50 am'd.
Circuit courts, civil matters, presiding circuit judge may authorize certain hearings to be held by audio-video telecommunications, requirements
Ad valorem tax, definition of residential property expanded to include single family dwellings and lots under construction, Sec. 40-8-1 am'd.
Forever Wild Land Trust, payments into extended 20 years
Security Regulatory Board, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications, board members required to be citizens of this state, applicants for licensure required to be United States citizens or legally present in the United States, Secs. 34-27C-2, 34-27C-4 am'd. (2011-20329)
Motor vehicles, licensing and registration of trucks and truck tractors, motor vehicle wreckers (tow trucks), licensing and registration based on gross vehicle weight not to include vehicle towed, Sec. 40-12-248 am'd.
Underwater Cultural Resources Act, definition of cultural resources amended to specify articles associated with shipwrecks, artifacts defined, recovery of abandoned artifacts not cultural resources in certain locations authorized, Secs. 41-9-291, 41-9-292 am'd. (2011-20030)
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Motor vehicles, text messaging or operating a handheld wireless telecommunication device while operating a motor vehicle on public street, road, or highway prohibited, penalties, law enforcement agencies to report statistical information to Public Safety Department and Attorney General
Municipal public housing authorities, exercise of power of eminent domain with approval of municipal council, Sec. 24-1-28 am'd. (2011-20195)
Municipal public housing authorities in certain Class 3 municipalities, purchase of real property authorized only for public housing purposes after notice to certain surrounding property owners, Secs. 24-1-28 am'd.
Elections, right of individuals to vote by secret ballot for public office, referenda, employee representation, guaranteed, Amendment 579 (Section 177, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Elections, photo identification required to register to vote, Secretary of State required to issue identification cards to persons without photo identification at no cost, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.; Act 2010-687, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Ethics Commission, annual appropriation to be certain percentage of General Fund Appropriations Act, reduction only by approval of House and Senate
Income tax, qualifying employers and qualifying employees authorized tax deductions for 100 percent of amounts paid for health insurance premiums, Sec. 40-18-15.3 am'd.
Health care, persons, employers, or health care providers, mandatory participation in any health care system prohibited, const. amend.
Retirement under Employees' Retirement System and Teachers' Retirement System, Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) repealed, participants electing DROP prior to effective date not affected, Secs. 16-25-150, 16-25-151, 16-25-152, 16-25-153, 16-25-154, 36-27-170, 36-27-171, 36-27-172, 36-27-173, 36-27-174, 36-27-175 repealed
Public officials or spouses of public officials, names and compensation of those who are employed by or have contracts with a municipality, a county, or the state, public disclosure required, filing with Ethics Commission, Sec. 36-25-5.1 added
Education Trust Fund, appropriations in education budget act capped, Budget Stabilization Fund, Capital Fund, established, transfer of certain funds to Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account, transfer of funds from Budget Stabilization Fund under certain conditions, Education Trust Fund Rolling Reserve Act, Sec. 40-1-32.1 repealed
Illegal immigrants, presence, employment, and benefits regulated, concealing, or protecting illegal aliens, prohibited, verification of legal status, penalties, Alabama Department of Homeland Security to establish E-Verify employer agent service, citizenship status of students required, eligibility and requirements for voter registration, certain business transactions prohibited, Beason-Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, Sec. 32-6-9 am'd. (2011-21101)
Athletic Trainers, Board of, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications until October 1, 2013, notice to licensees of meeting for election of new board members, clarification of expiration of licenses annually, Secs. 34-40-3, 34-40-8 am'd.
State Bar, Board of Examiners on Admission to the, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications, board members required to be citizens of this state, applicants for licensure to practice law in this state required to be a United States citizen or legally present in the United States, Secs. 34-3-2, 34-3-6 am'd. (2011-20327)
Massage Therapy, Board of, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications to require representation on board from congressional districts and to delete requirement of accreditation by Education Department, Secs. 34-43-3, 34-43-6 am'd.
Occupational Therapy, Alabama State Board of, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications, board members required to be citizens of this state, applicants for licensure required to be United States citizens or legally present in the United States, Secs. 34-39-6, 34-39-8 am'd. (2011-20325)
Polygraph Examiners, Board of, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications, board authorized to establish the qualifications of consultants by rule, applicants for licensure required to be United States citizens or legally present in the United States, Sec. 34-25-4, 34-25-21 am'd. (2011-20324)
Architects, State Board for Registration of, Sunset Law review, continued (2011-20681)
Engineers and Land Surveyors, State Board of Licensure for Professional, Sunset Law review, continued (2011-20680)
Landscape Architects, Alabama Board of Examiners of, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications until October 1, 2013, board members required to be citizens of this state; applicants for licensure required to be United States citizens or legally present in the United States, Secs. 34-17-2, 34-17-21 am'd. (2011-20321)
Historical Commission, Sunset Law review, continued
Athlete Agents Commission, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications, applicants for registration required to be United States citizens or legally present in the United States, Sec. 8-26A-5 am'd. (2011-20320)
Onsite Wastewater Board, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications, applicants for licensure required to be United States citizens or legally present in the United States, Sec. 34-21A-14 am'd.; Act 2010-258, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd. (2011-20319)
Prosthetists and Orthotists, State Board of, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2014
Plumbers and Gas Fitters Examining Board, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications until October 1, 2012, plumbing work performed by property owner on own property exempt from board certification, Sec. 34-37-15 am'd. (2011-20187)
General Contractors, State Licensing Board for, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications, Secs. 34-8-2, 34-8-7, 34-8-28 am'd. (2011-20317)
Securities Commission, Sunset Law review, continued
Sickle Cell Oversight and Regulatory Commission, Sunset Law review, continued until October 1, 2014
Alabama Athletic Commission, Sunset Law review, continued with modifications until October 1, 2013, amateur and professional mixed martial arts regulated, board members required to be citizens of this state, applicants for licensure required to be United States citizens or legally present in the United States, Secs. 41-9-1021, 41-9-1023, 41-9-1024, 41-9-1029, 41-9-1030 am'd., Secs. 41-9-90.1, 41-9-96, relating to State Athletic Commission, repealed; Act 2010-222, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd. (2011-20581)

Health care, persons, employers, or health care providers, mandatory participation in any health care system prohibited, const. amend.
Motor vehicles, license tags and registration fees, active military, exempt from license tax and fees, Sec. 40-12-244 am'd.
Corrections Department, certain employees who work inside a security fence under certain conditions, compensation increased
Engineers and Land Surveyors, State Board of Licensure for Professional, licensure, graduation and experience qualifications for professional engineers, Sec. 34-11-4 am'd.
Madison Co., dogs, dangerous dogs, areas outside corporate limits of any municipality, procedure for determining and humanely destroying or returning to owner, dog required to be kept in secure enclosure, penalties, const. amend.
City of Huntsville Federal Building Authority, BRAC distributions from State of Alabama authorized for financing infrastructure and improvements in certain areas of North Alabama impacted by 2005 Base Realignment and Closure
Housing authorities, municipal and county, authorized to purchase property for public housing, approval of city council or county commission, Secs. 24-1-28, 24-1-67 am'd.
Health, smoking prohibited in enclosed public places, places of employment, private clubs, enclosed residential facilities, outdoor areas, exceptions, posting of signs, enforcement by State Board of Health, fines, Smokefree Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Onsite Wastewater Board, membership, definitions, classes of licenses, application and issuance procedures, records, disciplinary powers, penalties increased, Secs. 34-21A-1, 34-21A-2, 34-21A-3, 34-21A-4, 34-21A-7, 34-21A-10, 34-21A-12, 34-21A-13, 34-21A-14, 34-21A-15, 34-21A-16, 34-21A-17, 34-21A-21, 34-21A-22, 34-21A-24, 34-21A-25 am'd.
First Stop, Inc., exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Businesses or public employers, reguired to verify legal status of new employees through federal E-verify program, penalties
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, over-the-counter products, sales further regulated, on-line electronic verification system operated by Criminal Justice Information Center, penalties, Drug Abuse Task Force, established, members, Sec. 20-2-190 am'd.; Act 2009-283, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Institutions of higher education, requiring students to live on campus, prohibited
Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, Inc., exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Criminal homicide, common law doctrine requiring death to occur within one year and a day abolished, Sec. 13A-3-4 added
Municipalities, municipal courts, court costs for jails, distrib. for municipal jails, Sec. 11-47-7.1 am'd.
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Aliens, illegal, forfeiture of property acquired while illegal alien, procedures, exceptions
Motor vehicles, driving without license or insurance or proof of legal entry into the United States, motor vehicle may be impounded, Secs. 32-6-18, 32-7A-4 am'd.
Child custody, parent deployed in military service outside of state, not construed to waive any rights or protections with regard to custody of or visitation with the deployed parent's child or children, exception (2010-20334)
Saltwater pier fishing licenses, nonresident license provided for, expiration date altered for public fishing pier license and saltwater pier fishing license, Sec. 9-11-56.3 am'd.
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Madison Co., rock quarries, location near schools regulated outside corporate limits of municipality
Counties and municipalities, development of blighted areas, tax increment districts, extended to enhanced use lease areas which are under utilized areas on military base leased by secretary of a military department, taxes on incremental increase in value of development paid to finance development, Enhanced Use Lease Area Act, Secs. 40-9E-1, 40-9E-2 added; Secs. 11-99-1, 11-99-2, 11-99-4, 11-99-5, 11-99-6, 11-99-10, 40-18-70 am'd.
Veterans, education benefits, qualifications altered, Sec. 31-6-11 am'd.
Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of modern building and energy codes in compliance with federal law to be implemented by counties and municipalities, board members increased, certain farm structures excluded, sprinkler systems provided for, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Interagency Council for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, established, members, duties, subject to Sunset Law, reports to Chief Justice of Supreme Court, Governor, and Legislature, Elder Abuse Prevention Act
Public education employees and law enforcement officers, offenses committed in the line of duty, arrest warrants, procedures for arrest
Elections, photo identification required, Public Safety Department required to issue identification cards to persons without photo identification, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.
Corrections Department, certain correctional officers authorized to participate in Deferred Retirement Option Plan after meeting certain requirements, Sec. 36-27-170 am'd.
State of Alabama, counties and municipalities prohibited from issuing business licenses without proof of citizenship or legal status in United States
Public K-12 education, responsibilities of state and local boards of education and schools, authorizers, and charter schools provided for, application process and renewal, revocation and closure of schools as public schools, application of existing law and exemptions from provided, Innovative Charter Schools Act
Income tax, employer's deduction for health insurance premiums, compensation paid to qualifying employees for calculation of employer's deduction further provided for, Sec. 40-18-15.3 am'd.
Professional and commercial licenses, state or political subdivisions of state prohibited from issuing or renewing license of person not lawfully and physically present in United States, confidentiality of verification documents
Public benefits, citizens age 18 or over required to prove lawful presence in United States to receive, verification process, penalties
Alabama Development Office, economic incentives prohibited for employers employing illegal immigrants, Sec. 41-9-202.2 added
Tennessee Valley Authority, payments in-lieu-of-taxes, redistribution of the payments to dry counties and municipalities under existing law to counties served by TVA, certain increases in liquor tax receipts distributed to dry counties and municipalities, Sec. 40-28-2 am'd.
Motor vehicles, text messaging or operating a handheld global positioning system (GPS) while operating a motor vehicle on public street, road, or highway prohibited, penalties

Appropriations, pass-through appropriations, defined and prohibited, exception for valid support of agency programs, administrative and criminal penalties for violations by agencies, line-item appropriations authorized, reporting requirements, Budget Accountability Act
Political action committees, transfer of funds between prohibited, transfers between principal campaign committees, prohibited, exceptions, certain receipts and expenditures of campaign funds from federal candidates limited, penalties, Congressman Mike Rogers/Jeff McLaughlin Campaign Finance Transparency Act, Secs. 17-5-7, 17-5-15 am'd. (2010-21164)

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