Greg Albritton

Updated: August 07, 2022 at 12:13 PM CST

General Information

Who is Greg Albritton?
Greg Albritton

Greg was born and raised near Atmore, AL. He married Deborah Whitlock in 1974, and they have six children. Greg earned a degree in Business Administration from Weber State University in 1981. In 1995 he graduated from Thomas B. Goode School of Law and has managed an independent law practice since. He has served the community as a municipal judge in Evergreen, an attorney for the town of Castleberry, a prosecutor for Excel, and a State Representative for District 64.

As a believing Christian, Greg Albritton is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He has served in numerous capacities and positions as an active participant. His values of the protection of life, frugal use of funds, self-reliance, and preparation have developed through his church participation.

In 1974, Greg met Deborah Whitlock in the church foyer. They were married in June of 1974. They were blessed with six children and now have 18 grandchildren. Relocating due to military orders, education development, and work requirements have resulted in residing in the western U.S., along the east coast, returning to Alabama for a time in 1981, and finally, settling here in 1987.

Greg has served in various military capacities. He started active duty by enlisting in the USAF, afterward serving in various reserve units during college, then returning to active duty through the OCS of the U.S. Navy. Learning the duty and the devotion required during these experiences has developed a life-long ideal of serving his country and community.

Being a lifelong conservative, Greg strongly supports the clear Constitutional rights as originally written. These include the right of every citizen to keep and bear arms, to worship God without government interference, and the right to private property ownership.

Status: Alabama State Senator for District 22
Party: Republican
Social Media:
Birthday: March 18, 1952 73

Contact Information

Known contact information for Greg Albritton from Range, AL.

  • 11 South Union Street, Suite 727
    Montgomery, AL 36130-4600
  • Phone: 334-261-0785
  • Official Email: [email protected]

Education Information

Known educational history for Greg Albritton from Range, AL.

  • JD, Jones Law School, 1995
  • BS, Business Management, Weber State University, 1981
  • Attended, Okaloosa-Walton Junior College

Political Information

Known political history for Greg Albritton from Range, AL.

  • Candidate, Alabama State Senate, District 22, 2022
  • Senator, Alabama State Senate, District 22, 2014-present
  • Candidate, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 64, 2006
  • Representative, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 64, 2002-2006

Professions Information

Known professional history for Greg Albritton from Range, AL.

  • Member, USS Alabama Battleship Commission, 2006-present
  • Served, United States Naval Reserves, 1977-2005
  • Commanding Officer, United States Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Center, 1987-1990
  • Surface Warfare Officer, United States Navy, 1982-1987
  • Served, Utah National Guard, 1977-1981
  • Served, United States Air Force, 1973-1977
  • Attorney, Cities of Evergreen, Castleberry, Repton, and Excel
  • Former Employee, General Electric Credit Corporation
  • Municipal Judge, City of Evergreen

Congressional Information

Known congressional history for Greg Albritton from Range, AL.

  • Former Chair, Permanent Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Contract Review, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Transportation and Energy Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Joint Legislative Task Force on Budget Reform, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Constitution, Ethics, and Elections Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Local Legislation Mobile County Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Tourism and Marketing Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Vice Chair, Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee, Alabama State Senate

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Greg Albritton from Range, AL.

  • Member, Range Fire Department Board, present
  • Member, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, present
  • Member, Conecuh County Industrial Development Board
  • Member, Coastal Gateway Economic Development Board

Election History

Greg Albritton from Range, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Greg Albritton has sponsored.

Relating to use of industrial access roads and bridges; to amend Section 23-6-9, Code of Alabama 1975, to exclude certain industrial access roads constructed by certain public corporations from the public highway and street system of the state; and to make nonsubstantive, technical revisions to update the existing code language to current style.
Relating to Medicaid; to amend Section 40-26B-26, Code of Alabama 1975, to revise the circumstances under which the Alabama Medicaid Agency may revise the ceiling for the Medicaid reimbursement rate to nursing facilities during a given fiscal year; and to make nonsubstantive, technical revisions to update the existing code language to current style.
Relating to the Department of Corrections; to create the Corrections Motor Vehicle Replacement Fund; to allow the Commissioner of the Department of Corrections to dispose of department vehicles and equipment and to provide for the proceeds of the sales; and to provide for certain notice requirements.
Relating to the Department of Corrections; to add Section 14-1-21 to the Code of Alabama 1975, to provide that the Department of Corrections may expend funds to further the mission of the department.
Relating to environmental funding, to assess an environmental fee on each customer of a community water system to be deposited into the Environmental Management Fund.
To make appropriations for the ordinary expenses of the executive, legislative, and judicial agencies of the State, for other functions of government, for debt service, and for capital outlay for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024.
To make supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023: from the Veterans' Assistance Fund to the Department of Veterans' Affairs in the amount of $10,000,000, and from the State General Fund to various agencies and entities a total amount of $188,573,865.
To provide a cost-of-living increase for state employees for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2023.
To make an appropriation of $39,097,848 from the Children First Trust Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, to the entities and for the purposes designated in Section 41-15B-2.2, Code of Alabama 1975; to provide for the deposit of tobacco settlement revenues into the Children First Trust Fund; to require written notification of anticipated agency allocations by the State Director of Finance; to require quarterly allocations; to condition allocations on receipt of tobacco revenues; to provide for the transfer to the State General Fund during fiscal year 2024 that portion of Children First Trust Fund receipts currently allocated for the State Board of Education; to make an appropriation of $50,511,261 from other tobacco settlement funds for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024; and to make a conditional appropriation and allocation of additional tobacco revenues upon the recommendation of the Director of Finance, the Chairman of the House Ways and Means General Fund Committee and the Chairman of the Senate Finance and Taxation-General Fund Committee, and the approval of the Governor.
To make an appropriation of $169,633 from the State General Fund to the Coalition Against Domestic Violence for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, to require an operations plan and an audited financial statement prior to the release of any funds, and to require quarterly and end of the year performance reports.
To create the Medicaid Emergency Reserve Fund and to provide for the withdrawal and use of amounts deposited into the fund.
Relating to the Board of Physical Therapy; to amend Sections 34-24-191, 34-24-193, 34-24-194, 34-24-196, 34-24-210, 34-24-210.1, 34-24-211, 34-24-212, 34-24-213, 34-24-214, and 34-24-217, Code of Alabama 1975; to give the board authority over certain physical therapy professionals licensed in other states.
Relating to construction contracts; to provide regulations for indemnification agreements in certain construction contracts.
To amend Section 12-17-81 of the Code of Alabama 1975, to further provide for the salary of all circuit clerks in the Unified Judicial System based on the pay plan adopted by the personnel system of the Unified Judicial System.
Relating to podiatry; to amend Section 34-24-230, Code of Alabama 1975; to expand the scope of the practice of podiatry to include treatment of disorders of the foot and ankle.
To alter, rearrange, and extend the boundary lines and corporate limits of the City of Bay Minette in Baldwin County.
To alter, rearrange, and extend the boundary lines and corporate limits of the City of Bay Minette in Baldwin County.

Baldwin Co., South Baldwin Regional Workforce Development Authority, established.
Gaming, Alabama Education Lottery and Gambling Commission, established, issuance of casino gaming licenses, casino sports betting licenses, lottery retailer licenses and charitable fundraising raffle licenses, provided, criminal penalties for violations, provided, Secs. 13A-12-32 to 13A-12-39, inclusive, 41-30-1 to 41-30-51, inclusive, added; Secs. 11-47-111, 13A-12-29, 13A-12-50 to 13A-12-58, inclusive, 13A-12-70 to 13A-12-76, inclusive, 13A-12-90 to 13A-12-92, inclusive, repealed; Secs. 13A-11-9, 13A-12-20 to 13A-12-28, inclusive, 13A-12-30 am'd.
Gaming, Alabama Education Lottery and Gambling Commission, established, Alabama Education Lottery, established, casino-style games, sports betting, bingo, and charitable raffle authorized to be conducted subject to licensure and supervision by the commission, const. amend.
Business privilege tax, minimum business privilege tax for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022, reduced a full exemption on amounts due of $100 or less for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2023, Section 40-14A-22 am'd.
Construction contracts, indemnification provision for damages caused by another party, prohibited
Teachers, St. Superintendent of Education, authorized to issue temporary senior educator certificates to certain individuals age 65 and over, Sec. 16-23-3 am'd.
Solid waste management sites, local approval, Sec. 22-27-48 am'd.
Employees' Retirement System, retirement benefits for Tier II plan members modified to provide 30-year service retirement, conversion of sick leave, and hazardous duty time for firefighters, law enforcement, and correctional officers, contribution rate increased, Secs. 36-26-36.1, 36-27-16, 36-27-24, 36-27-59 am'd.
Supplemental appropriations, from the American Rescue Plan Act - State Small Business Credit Initiative Fund for fiscal year ending September 30, 2022.
Redistricting, legal challenges against statewide plans, establish venue before 3-judge panel to hear challenge, Sec. 29-1-2.5 am'd.
State Employee Retirees' Trust Fund Funding Act, State Employee Retirees' Trust Fund created in State Treasury as permanent trust and investment account to fund periodic bonus checks for state employee retirees
State holidays, list of state holidays revised, Sec. 1-3-8 am'd.
Rural economic development, Rural Logging Support Act, established, taxpayers authorized to receive a tax credit for contributions to logging support organizations, exceptions for weight restrictions for certain vehicles used in forest commerce
Education, education savings accounts, Parent's Choice Program created, membership and duties provided, process for awarding education savings accounts, requirements for education service providers
Education, constitutional amendment, public K-12 schools required to play Star-Spangled Banner on schools and at school athletic events, const. amend.
Optometrists, practice of optometry further provided, Board of Optometry to regulate, to issue advisory opinions and declaratory rulings, Secs. 20-2-2, 34-22-1, 34-22-42 am'd.
Employees' Retirement System, compensation, providing a longevity bonus addition to retirement benefits of certain retirees and beneficiaries
State employees, cost-of-living increase for fiscal year beginning October 1, 2022.
Coalition Against Domestic Violence, appropriation, operations plan and audited financial statement required, quarterly and end-of-year reports required
Supplemental appropriations, from the Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling Fund to the Alabama Board of Examiners in Counseling, from the Alabama Board of Examiners of Assisted Living Administrators Fund to the Alabama Board of Examiners of Assisted Living Administrators, and from the State General Fund to various agencies and entities. for the fiscal year September 30, 2022.
Children First Trust Fund, appropriations from for fiscal year ending September 30, 2023, use of allocation pursuant to Section 41-15B-2.2 and this act, tobacco settlement revenues deposited in fund within 30 days of receipt, Finance Director to notify each agency of allocation, appropriations conditional on tobacco revenues, appropriation of additional tobacco settlement funds, audit, Children's Affairs Department to report to Legislature and Children's Policy Council, appropriations from General Fund to various entities
General Fund budget, appropriations for other functions of government, debt service, and capital outlay for fiscal year ending September 30, 2023.
Economic tax incentives, reporting requirements of state agencies, Sec. 40-1-50 am'd.
Insurance Risk Management and Insurance Center, Insurance Dept. to establish at state university and support, fund estab., approp. for center, Sec. 27-2-39 am'd.
Oil and Gas Board, underground gas storage facilities, regulation, gas further defined to include abandonment of underground storage facilities, performance bonds, fees by board, Secs. 9-17-150, 9-17-151 am'd.
Labor, prohibits state and political subdivisions from teaching divisive concepts relating to race or sex in training, prohibits same for state contractors, Dept. of Labor to review state agency training programs

State Employee Retirees' Trust Fund Funding Act, State Employee Retirees' Trust Fund created in State Treasury as permanent trust and investment account to fund periodic bonus checks for state employee retirees
State parks, implementation of bonding authority of the Alabama State Parks Enhancement Authority, improvement and maintenance of state parks, Sec. 40-23-35 am'd.
Labor Dept., adoption of policies to recover improper overpayments of unemployment benefits
State parks, Alabama State Parks Enhancement Authority created and authorized to issue bonds for support of state parks, const. amend.
Pardons and Paroles Board, may expend funds for recruitment and training of law enforcement officers, Sec. 15-22-24 am'd.
District attorneys, compensation further provided, Sec. 12-17-182 am'd.
Taxation, due dates for certain taxes, revise excise and income taxes dute dates to coincide with due dates for federal taxes, Dept of Revenue to delay due dates for filing certain taxes for taxpayers
Bail bonds, fees, filing fee to be assessed on each defendant, authorize to pay filing fees by business check, money order, or cash, nonsubstantive technical revisions made to update existing code language, Sec. 12-19-311 am'd.
Family leave and adoption, reduce period for relinquishment of parental rights for child placed for adoption from five days to four days, provisions for family leave time for adoptive parents and biological parents to care for child in certain cases, Secs. 16-25-11.12, 26-10A-13, 36-26-35.2, 36-26-36.2 am'd.
Courts, Twenty-eighth Judicial Circuit, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, Twenty-third Judicial Circuit, Thirty-Seventh Judicial Circuit, Seventeenth Judicial Circuit, Eleventh Judicial Circuit, additional circuit judge, compensation, election
State holidays, Robert E. Lee Day observed on second Monday in October, Sec. 1-3-8 am'd.
Judicial compensation, to establish a uniform pay plan for circuit judges, district judges, appellate court judges, supreme court justices, and the chief justice of the supreme court, eliminate salary supplements and expense allowance, Sec. 12-17-68 repealed
Madison Co., Twenty-third Judicial Circuit, additional circuit judge, compensation and benefits, election, Sec. 12-9A-5 repealed
Public contract, to provide prohibitions on the Governor and executive agencies of the state from entering into certain public contracts without approval by the Legislature, const. amend.
Tort claims, limitation of liability of government entities, further provided to include certain public mental health facilities, Sec. 11-93-1 am'd.
Covid-19 Recovery Capital Credit Protection Act of 2021, created, employment and wage requirements for qualifying projects extended, compensation amounts for exemption purposes increased, Sec. 40-18-19.1 am'd.
Veterans' Affairs, State Board of, adding a Gold Star Family member to the board, updating existing code, making nonsubstantive, technical revisions, Sec. 31-5-3 am'd.
Legislature, to call itself into a special session under certain conditions authorized, const. amend.
Community College System, bd. of trustees, terms, may serve two full terms, Sec. 16-60-111 am'd.
Department of Public Health, reconstituted, State Board of Health, State Committee of Public Health, State Health Officer abolished, State Health Advisory Board, Secretary of ADPH, medical director established, county boards of health, membership revised, Secs. 22-2-9, 22-2-10, 22-2-11, 22-2-12, 22-2-13, 22-3-8 repealed; Secs. 22-1-1, 22-1-3, 22-2-1, 22-2-2, 22-2-3, 22-2-4, 22-2-5, 22-2-6, 22-2-7, 22-2-8, 22-3-1, 22-11A-38, 22-22A-2, 22-29-1, 22-37A-2, 34-15-2, 34-15-5 am'd.
Board of Medical Examiners, membership and duties revised, Medical Licensure Commission abolished, Secs. 34-24-54.1, 34-24-54.2, 34-24-71.1, 34-24-71.2, 34-24-71.3 added; Secs. 34-24-50.1, 34-24-310, 34-24-311, 34-24-311.1, 34-24-312, 34-24-313, 34-24-314, 34-24-330, 34-24-331, 34-24-332, 34-24-333, 34-24-334, 34-24-335, 34-24-338, 34-24-339, 34-24-341, 34-24-342, repealed; Secs. 13A-6-201, 13A-9-21, 27-1-17.1, 34-24-50, 34-24-51, 34-24-52, 34-24-53, 34-24-53.1, 34-24-54, 34-24-56, 34-24-57, 34-24-60, 34-24-70, 34-24-71, 34-24-73, 34-24-75, 34-24-75.1, 34-24-336, 34-24-337, 34-24-340, 34-24-343, 34-24-360, 34-24-360.1, 34-24-361, 34-24-361.1, 34-24-362, 34-24-363, 34-24-365, 34-24-366, 34-24-367, 34-24-381, 34-24-382, 34-24-383, 34-24-384, 34-24-501, 34-24-502, 34-24-503, 34-24-506, 34-24-507, 34-24-508, am'd.
Criminal procedure, asset forfeiture for drug offenses provided, Alabama Criminal Forfeiture Process Act, Secs. 20-2-93 repealed
Appropriations, supplemental appropriations for fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, from the Education Trust Fund Advancement and Technology Fund to various school systems and colleges and universities, and other entities
Talladega College, appropriation
Lyman Ward Military Academy, appropriation
Appropriations, supplemental appropriations for fiscal year 2020, from Education Trust Fund to the State Dept. of Education, Alabama Community College System, Marine Environmental Sciences Consortium, Commerce Dept., and the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind, approp. for Coucil on Arts earmarked, approp. for School of Cyber Technology and Engineering carried forward, Act 2019-403, 2019 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Education budget, appropriations for the support, maintenance, and development of public education
Public education employees, including K-12, postsecondary education, and AIDB, salary increase
State Health Officer, order issued in response to outbreak of a disease has full force of law if approved by Governor and filed with Secretary of State in state of emergency, Secs. 22-2-8, 31-9-8, 31-9-13 am'd.
State government, Office of Chief Procurement Officer, established, Division of Purchasing within the Dept. of Finance, abolished, Secs. 41-4-110 to 41-4-161, inclusive, 41-16-20 to 41-16-32, incl., 41-16-70 to 41-16-79, incl., repealed; Secs. 41-4-110 to 41-4-116, incl., 41-4-120 to 41-4-151, incl., 41-4-155, 41-4-160 to 41-4-168, incl., 41-4-170 to 41-4-178, incl., added; Sec. 41-4-66, 41-16-50 am'd.
Wireless telecommunications, installation and deployment of small wireless facilities and associated poles, towers, and base stations on the public rights-of-way, authorized
Parole and Probation violations, limits of confinement for parole and probation violations further revised, provide that the Dept. of Corrections shall reimburse the counties for health care costs of state parolees and probationers, require the Dept. of Corrections to designate county jails for confinement of parole and probation violators, require courts to send electronic notification when a defendant sentenced to Dept. of Corrections, Secs. 14-3-30, 15-22-29, 15-22-32, 15-22-52, 15-22-54 am'd.
Trusts, Alabama Uniform Trust Decanting Act, failure to receive notice further provided, Secs. 19-3D-7, 19-3D-9 am'd.
Coronavirus, immunity for certain entities from claims relating to contraction of or exposure to coronovirus
License plate scanners, limited use of on public highways by law enforcement agencies, confidentiality, destruction of information collected, criminal penalties
Contact tracing, privacy protections established

Employees' Retirement System, retirement benefits for Tier II plan members modified to provide 30-year service retirement, conversion of sick leave, and hazardous duty time for firefighters, law enforcement, and correctional officers, contribution rate increased, Secs. 36-26-36.1, 36-27-16, 36-27-24, 36-27-59 am'd.
Community College System, bd. of trustees, terms, may serve two full terms, Sec. 16-60-111 am'd.
Gaming, Alabama Education Lottery and Education Lottery Corporation estab.; Alabama Education Lottery and Gaming Commission established to license and regulate gaming; negotiation of gaming compact with Poarch Creek Indians required; const. amend.
Privilege assessments, assessment increased, methodology for recalculation of assets provided, quality incentive program for nursing facilities, Secs. 40-26B-21, 40-26B-26, 40-26B-27 am'd.
Courts, to require the Judicial Resources Allocation Commission to meet and make determination on whether to reallocate a judgeship within a specified period of time, and to remove the provision preventing a judical circuit from losing more than one judgeship within a specified period of time, Secs., 12-9A-2, 12-9A-5 am'd.
Parole and probation violations, limits of confnement for parole and probation violations further revised, provide that the Dept. of Corrections shall reimburse the counties for health care costs of state parolees and probationers, require Dept. of Corrections to designate regional facilities for the confinement of parole and probation violators, Secs. 15-22-29, 15-22-32, 15-22-52, 15-22-54 am'd.
County jails, require courts to provide electronic notification to the Dept. of Corrections when a defendant is sentenced, provide for transportation of inmates, to provide that counties are not responsible for health care costs of inmates sentenced to the Dept. of Corrections, to establish the Inmate Housing Cooperative, to establish procedures for participation in cooperative, Secs. 14-16-1 to 14-16-10, inclusive, added; Sec. 14-3-30 am'd.
Estates, without heirs, escheats to state, judge of probate to pay one-half of amount over $250,000 to county where prohibited, remainder to State Treasurer, funds used for education purposes, Sec. 43-6-7 am'd.
SB 161
Supplemental appropriations, Home Builders Property Acquisition Fund to Home Builders Licensure Board; Alabama State Board of Midwifery Fund to the Alabama State Board of Midwifery; and Alabama Behavior Analyst Licensing Board Fund to the Alabama Behavior Analyst Licensing Board, supp. approp. for fiscal year 2019
SB 160
Coalition Against Domestic Violence, appropriation, operations plan and audited financial statement required, quarterly and end-of-year reports required
SB 159
State employees, cost-of-living increase for fiscal year beginning October 1, 2020.
SB 158
Children First Trust Fund, appropriations from for fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, use of allocation pursuant to Section 41-15B-2.2 and this act, tobacco settlement revenues deposited in fund within 30 days of receipt, Finance Director to notify each agency of allocation, appropriations conditional on tobacco revenues, appropriation of additional tobacco settlement funds, audit, Children's Affairs Department to report to Legislature and Children's Policy Council, appropriations from General Fund to various entities
SB 157
General Fund budget, appropriations for other functions of government, debt service, and capital outlay for fiscal year ending September 30, 2020.
SB 149
Electronic poll books, provide further for the use of and provide for reimbursement of costs relating to acquisition and use of electronic poll books, Secs. 17-4-2.1, 17-16-2 am'd.
SB 148
Motor vehicle dealers and motorcycle dealer, used vehicle license plates, combined total increased, Sec. 40-12-264 am'd.
SB 117
Solid waste disposal, definition of landfill provided, Sec. 22-27-2 am'd.

SB 426
Wrongful incarcerated, Committee on Compensation for Wrongful incarceration, Legislature authorized to negotiate and appropriate lump sum payout in lieu of certified amount, Secs. 29-2-159, 29-2-165 am'd.
SB 413
Grand jury, prohibit polygraph evidence before grand jury, Sec. 12-16-200 am'd.
SB 367
Baldwin Co., lease tax, distrib of proceeds, Sec. 45-2-244.183 am'd.
SB 332
Baldwin Co., judge of probate, employment of Chief Admin. of Motor Vehicle Tags and Licenses, appt, duties, compensation
SB 331
Baldwin Co., judge of probate authorized to exercise equity jurisdiction under certain conditions, const. amend.
SB 330
Public Health, require Dept of Public Health to provide education to public regarding care for Alzheimer's and dementia patients, provide funding, Secs. 22-50-70, 22-50-71, 22-50-72, 22-50-73, 22-50-74 repealed
SB 282
Fire districts, exempting timber lands from fire district service charges, responsibility for fire services under the Alabama Forestry Commission
SB 233
Occupational licensing, providing for waiver of licensing fees for certain applicants, requiring licensing authorities to clarify crimes for which a conviction could result in a denial of an application, providing for a denial review process and an avenue to challenge denials, Sec. 31-1-6 am'd.
SB 230
Ethics, thing of value definition revised, lobbyists required to report the gifts to the Ethics Commission, penalties, Secs. 13A-10-61.1, 13A-10-61.2, 36-25-1.3, 36-25B-1 to 36-25B-25, inclusive, added; Secs. 36-25-1 to 36-25-30, inclusive, repealed; Secs. 13A-10-60,13A-10-61 am'd.
SB 220
Alabama Lottery estab., Alabama General Fund Lottery, participation in multi-state lottery games only, constitutional amendment
SB 218
Relating to simplified sellers use tax; to modify certain definitions; to clarify when certian taxes can or cannot be remitted; and to provide for adjustments to simplified sellers use tax. Amended code sections: 40-23-191, 40-23-192, 40-23-193, 40-23-195, 40-23-199.2
SB 217
Courts, Alabama Court Cost Commission, established, const. amend.
SB 211
Abortion, make abortion a Class A felony and attempted abortion a Class C felony
SB 204
Administrative procedures, terminology updated, business impact analysis further specified when agency is required to prepare, revise the name of the Joint Committee on Administrative Regulation Review, Secs. 41-22-2, 41-22-3, 41-22-5, 41-22-5.1, 41-22-5.2, 41-22-6, 41-22-7, 41-22-8, 41-22-22, 41-22-22.1, 41-22-23, 41-22-27 am'd.
SB 184
Peace officers and firefighters, injury or death benefits, certain wildland firefighters eligible, Peace Officers' and Firefighters' Death Benefit Fund, created, conditional appropriation, Sec. 36-30-6.1 added; Secs. 36-30-1, 36-30-6 am'd.
SB 121
State employees, cost-of-living increase for fiscal year beginning October 1, 2018.
SB 99
Supplemental appropriations, Corrections Dept., Departmental Emergency Fund, and Forensic Sciences, supp. approp. for fiscal year 2018
SB 87
Children First Trust Fund, appropriations from for fiscal year ending September 30, 2019, use of allocation pursuant to Section 41-15B-2.2 and this act, tobacco settlement revenues deposited in fund within 30 days of receipt, Finance Director to notify each agency of allocation, appropriations conditional on tobacco revenues, appropriation of additional tobacco settlement funds, audit, Children's Affairs Department to report to Legislature and Children's Policy Council, appropriations from General Fund to various entities
SB 86
Coalition Against Domestic Violence, appropriation, operations plan and audited financial statement required, quarterly and end-of-year reports required
SB 85
General Fund budget, appropriations for other functions of government, debt service, and capital outlay for fiscal year ending September 30, 2019.
SB 70
Aggravated fraud, provide for the crime of, commercial law and consumer protection, securities, crimes and offenses, theft, Sec. 13A-8-220 added
SB 69
Marriage license, recording by judge of probate, transmission to Vital Statistics office, Secs. 30-1-9, 30-1-10, 30-1-11, 30-1-13, 30-1-14 repealed; Secs. 22-9A-17, 30-1-5, 30-1-12, 30-1-16 am'd.

SB 395
Coastal areas, shoreline restoration, living shoreline techniques, use of sand and sediment by riparian property owners without fee or charge by Conservation and Natural Resources Dept. and Environmental Management Dept.
SB 380
Administrative procedures, terminology updated, business impact analysis further specified when agency is required to prepare, revise the name of the Joint Committee on Administrative Regulation Review, Secs. 41-22-2, 41-22-3, 41-22-5, 41-22-5.1, 41-22-5.2, 41-22-6, 41-22-7, 41-22-8, 41-22-22, 41-22-22.1, 41-22-23, 41-22-27 am'd.
SB 360
Conecuh Co., county commission authorized to create voting centers, existing county voting center validated
SB 320
Corrections Dept., correctional officer retention, pilot program for bonuses, expiration
SB 288
Courts Judicial Resources Allocation, Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Alabama, require to reassign judges for prompt administration of justice, presiding circuit judge, authorized to reassign judges within circuit, Secs. 12-9A-7, 12-9A-8 added
SB 287
Sewer systems, solid waste, septic tank sewage-systems, regulated by Dept. of Public Health, rules limiting systems based on types of materials used in treatment superseded
SB 286
Revenue Department, prosecutions for tax law violations, reimbursement of to Attorney General or district attorney for costs, Sec. 40-2-11 am'd.
SB 285
Elected state officials, prohibited from placing his or her likeness on materials printed with federal, state, or local funds
SB 260
Corrections Dept., Dept. of Finance, Purchasing Division, to provide exemptions from purchasing requirements, Sec. 14-7-8 am'd.
SB 252
Grove Hill, corp. limits alt.
SB 227
Trusts, Uniform Trust Decanting Act, enacted, decanting power of fiduciaries of certain trusts to distribute assets of the trusts to other trusts, fiduciary duties, procedures, notice, limitations, trusts for the care of animals, authorized
SB 199
Forestry Commission, authorized to adopt rules concerning state forests and other land it controls, penalties; Sec. 9-13-10.2 added
SB 170
Poarch Creek Indians, granted police powers under certain conditions, employment of police officers , Secs. 36-21-120 to 36-21-124, inclusive, am'd.
SB 150
Income tax, check-off of contribution for the Alabama State Veterans Cemetery at Spanish Fort, Sec. 40-18-140 am'd.
SJR 67
Sergeant William Wayne Seay Memorial Highway, portion of Highway 31 in Escambia County, named
SJR 66
Corporal Sidney E. Manning Memorial Highway, portion of Highway 31 in Escambia County, named
SJR 57
Davis, Don and his congregation, First Assembly of God in Atmore, commended
SB 43
Alabama Disaster Recovery Program, established to assist counties and municipalities with disaster recovery, committee to administer, Sec. 31-9-86 added; Secs. 31-9-10, 31-9-83 am'd.
SB 31
Municipal courts, municipal judges, bail, to require defendants to be released as an unsecured appearance bond or on personal recognizance, with exceptions, Sec. 12-14-5 am'd.
SB 25
Education, membership of St. Bd of Ed. revised and changed from elected to appointed by State Super of Ed., State Super of Ed. changed from appointed by State Bd of Ed. to by Governor with confirmation by Senate, qualifications and terms of board members, Secs. 16-3-1.1, 16-4-1.1 repealed; Secs. 16-2-1, 16-2-2, 16-2-3, 16-3-1 to 16-3-5, inclusive, 16-3-7, 16-3-8, 16-3-9, 16-4-1am'd.
SB 24
Education, State Bd. of Ed, appointed by State Superintendent of Education, St. Super of Ed. appointed by Governor with confirmation by Senate, terms of currently serving shorten, Amendment 284 (Section 262 of Recompiled Constutiton of Alabama of 1901, as amended) am'd., const. amend.
SB 13
Marriage license, recording by judge of probate, transmission to Vital Statistics office, Secs. 30-1-9, 30-1-10, 30-1-11, 30-1-13, 30-1-14 repealed; Secs. 22-9A-17, 30-1-5, 30-1-12, 30-1-16 am'd.
St. Stephens, Territorial Capital of Alabama, recognized

Escambia Co., extradition, tribal fugitive, 21st Jud. Cir. district attorney authorized to extradite to Poarch Band of Creek Indians under certain conditions, procedures, extradition proceedings, confinement in county jail authorized
Municipal courts, municipal judges, to require defendants to be released as an unsecured appearance bond or on personal recognizance, with exceptions, Sec. 12-14-5 am'd.
Death Certificates, require funeral directors or other persons authorized by law to file death certificates, to report the death of any citizen over the age of 18 years to the board of registrars of the county in which he or she resides, Secs. 17-4-4, 22-9A-14 am'd.
Corrections Dept., Dept. of Finance, purchasing division, to provide exemptions from purchasing requirements, Sec. 14-7-8 am'd.
Conservation, licenses, hunting and fishing, age exemption, increased to 75 years, currently exempted residents allowed to maintain exemption, certain persons born on or before date granted exemption, discounted fee granted to other born after certain date, conservation authorized to issue military veterans appreciation saltwater fishing licenses under certain condtions, Secs. 9-11-44, 9-11-45, 9-11-53, 9-11-53.1, 9-11-53.5, 9-11-56.3, 9-11-71 am'd.
Voter identification, exemption for religious objection, created, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.
Solidwaste, new municipal solidwaste facilities, approval process by local governing body revised, Sec. 22-27-48.1 added; Sec. 22-27-48 am'd.
Forest Products Severance Tax, provide duel options for taxpayers to calculate, definitions revised, deduction provided, Secs. 9-13-80, 9-13-81, 9-13-82, 9-13-84 to 9-13-88, inclusive, 9-13-93, 9-13-103, 9-13-104, 9-13-108 am'd.
Oil and gas, drilling and production units, pooling of interests, deduction from proceeds due nonconsenting owners, fee of owners who did not receive actual notice, charging against other nonconsenting owners, Sec. 9-17-13 am'd.
Protective arrangement, disabled persons and minors, transfer of oil, gas, and mineral rights authorized, Sec. 26-2A-137 am'd.
Motor vehicles, Alabama Move Over Act, require vehicles to move over when approaching a parked Department of Transportation vehicle, Sec. 32-5A-58.2 am'd.
Driving Under the Influence, ignition interlock requirements, time requirements and period of probation subject to Section 32-5A-191, CA 1975, Sec. 15-22-54 am'd.
Director of the Administrative Office of Courts, appointed by justices of Supreme court, term provided, const. amend.
Administrative Director of Courts, appointed by Supreme Court, 12-year term established, hiring duties established, Secs. 12-2-7.1, 12-5-9.1 added; Secs. 12-2-30, 12-5-2 am'd.
Marriage, contract for, recording by judge of probate, transmission to Vital Statistics office, content of contract, Secs. 30-1-9, 30-1-10, 30-1-11, 30-1-13, 30-1-14 repealed; Secs. 22-9A-17, 30-1-5, 30-1-12, 30-1-16 am'd.
Judge of probate, liability for taking bond or insufficient bond from conservator or personal representative, not liable unless conduct wanton, fraudulent or intentional, Secs. 26-3-13, 43-2-82 am'd.

Governor's appointed cabinet members, salary ranges set by State Personnel Board, salaries of new appointees capped, Sec. 36-6-6 repealed
Baldwin Co.,judge of probate required to be an attorney, probate court authorized to exercise equity jurisdiction in probate cases, const. amend.
Monroe Co., court costs, additional in circuit and district court cases, distrib. to circuit clerk, district attorney, and judiciary
Court costs, fines and restitution, attachment to certain benefits of the Teachers' Retirement System and the Employees' Retirement System, Secs. 16-25-23, 36-27-28 am'd.
Courts, circuit and district, senior status judges, position on, duties, compensation
Drivers' licenses, renewal period, extended to 6 months prior to expiration, Sec. 32-6-1 am'd
Insurance adjusters, licensing by Insurance Dept., applicant employed by state insurance company exempt from examination under certain conditions, Sec. 27-9A-9 am'd.
Hunting on land without permission, penalties revised, fines increased, restitution, forfeiture of hunting gear and firearms, Secs. 9-11-241, 9-11-242, 9-11-243 repealed
Real Estate Appraisers Board, prohibited from establishing fees that an appraiser can charge, Sec. 34-27A-5 am'd.
Marriage, contract for, recording by judge of probate, transmission to Vital Statistics office, content of contract, Secs. 30-1-9, 30-1-10, 30-1-11, 30-1-13, 30-1-14 repealed; Secs. 22-9A-17, 30-1-5, 30-1-12, 30-1-16 am'd.
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, wild animal or birds or bird eggs, permits and fees to collect for scientific or educational purposes, law to apply to wild invertebrate or vertebrate species, fines, Sec. 9-11-231 am'd.
Local bills, advertisement or posting prior to introduction, procedures, amendment further provided for, introduction limited, Sec. 106 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901) am'd., const. amend.

Governor's appointed cabinet members, salary ranges set by State Personnel Board, salaries of new appointees capped, Sec. 36-6-6 repealed
Baldwin Co.,judge of probate required to be an attorney, probate court authorized to exercise equity jurisdiction in probate cases, const. amend.
Monroe Co., court costs, additional in circuit and district court cases, distrib. to circuit clerk, district attorney, and judiciary
Court costs, fines and restitution, attachment to certain benefits of the Teachers' Retirement System and the Employees' Retirement System, Secs. 16-25-23, 36-27-28 am'd.
Courts, circuit and district, senior status judges, position on, duties, compensation
Drivers' licenses, renewal period, extended to 6 months prior to expiration, Sec. 32-6-1 am'd
Insurance adjusters, licensing by Insurance Dept., applicant employed by state insurance company exempt from examination under certain conditions, Sec. 27-9A-9 am'd.
Hunting on land without permission, penalties revised, fines increased, restitution, forfeiture of hunting gear and firearms, Secs. 9-11-241, 9-11-242, 9-11-243 repealed
Real Estate Appraisers Board, prohibited from establishing fees that an appraiser can charge, Sec. 34-27A-5 am'd.
Marriage, contract for, recording by judge of probate, transmission to Vital Statistics office, content of contract, Secs. 30-1-9, 30-1-10, 30-1-11, 30-1-13, 30-1-14 repealed; Secs. 22-9A-17, 30-1-5, 30-1-12, 30-1-16 am'd.
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, wild animal or birds or bird eggs, permits and fees to collect for scientific or educational purposes, law to apply to wild invertebrate or vertebrate species, fines, Sec. 9-11-231 am'd.
Local bills, advertisement or posting prior to introduction, procedures, amendment further provided for, introduction limited, Sec. 106 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901) am'd., const. amend.

Taxation, factor presence nexus standard based on business activity established for purpose of being subject to income taxation in the state, in state residence or domicile for individuals, businesses organized in state are subject to tax, nonresident individuals and businesses organized out of state that do business in the state are subject to state tax on income, Sec. 40-18-31.2 added
Title Insurance, agents, attorneys exempt from licenses by Insurance Department, Sec. 27-25-3 am'd.
Court costs, fines and restitution, attachment to certain benefits and the Teachers' Retirement System and the Employees' Retirement System, suspension of licenses for failure to pay, payment procedures revised, amnesty, Secs. 16-25-23, 36-27-28 am'd.
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, rule prohibiting transportation and release of feral swine, penalty increased, mandatory minimum fine, Sec. 9-11-72 added
Labor relations, employer, employee rights, certain practices prohibited by local governments relating to leave and access to background information and to designate state for federal labor law disputes
Funeral Service, Board of, licensees who may vote on board members limited, Sec. 34-13-20 am'd.
Labor relations, employer, employee rights, certain practices prohibited by local governments relating to leave and access to background information and to designate state for federal labor law disputes
Alcoholic beverages, establish farm winery license
Marriage, license issuance function of judge of probate removed, contract , requirements, contract to be filed with judge of probate and forwarded to Office of Vital Statistics, fees for recording, Secs. 30-1-9, 30-1-10, 30-1-11 repealed; Secs. 12-19-90, 22-9A-17, 30-1-5, 30-1-12, 30-1-13, 30-1-14, 30-1-16, 30-6-11 am'd.
State Employees' Insurance Board, remove members from the State Personnel Board, and create appointments to fill vacancy, Sec. 36-29-2 am'd.
Baldwin Co., 28th Judicial Circuit, additional circuit judge, conditioned on funding for compensation and benefits by county commission, election
Probate, inheritance, ownership of certain inter-vivos assets upon divorce or annulment
Assistant principals, hire and employ similar to contract principals
State Personnel Board, to fix cabinet members and department heads salaries, Sec. 36-6-6 am'd.
Local bills, advertisement or posting prior to introduction, procedures, amendment further provided for, introduction limited, Sec. 106 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901) am'd., const. amend.
Courts, district, small claims division, jurisdiction increased, filing fees remain as were before increased jurisdiction, Secs. 12-11-30, 12-12-31, 12-19-71, 12-19-72 am'd.
Article X, Homestead exemptions, repealed and readopted as a new Article X to the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, const. amend.
Impeachment of state and local officers and officials, Article 7, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, repealed and reenacted, const. amend.
Separation of powers of executive, legislative, and judicial branches, Article III and Amendment 582 of the Constitution of Alabama of 1901, combined into one section, Article III and Amendment 582 repealed and Article III added

Taxation, factor presence nexus standard based on business activity established for purpose of being subject to income taxation in the state, in state residence or domicile for individuals, businesses organized in state are subject to tax, nonresident individuals and businesses organized out of state that do business in the state are subject to state tax on income, Sec. 40-18-31.2 added
Marriage, contract for, recording by judge of probate, transmission to Vital Statistics office, content of contract, Secs. 30-1-9, 30-1-10, 30-1-11, 30-1-14 repealed; Secs. 22-9A-17, 30-1-5, 30-1-12, 30-1-13, 30-1-16 am'd.

State parks, bond issue, park with hotel facility or golf course, exempt from requirement that facilities be operated exclusively by Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Amendment 617, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, am'd., const. amend.
Marriage, contract for, recording by judge of probate, transmission to Vital Statistics office, content of contract, Secs. 30-1-9, 30-1-10, 30-1-11, 30-1-14 repealed; Secs. 22-9A-17, 30-1-5, 30-1-12, 30-1-13, 30-1-16 am'd.

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