Dave Thomas

Updated: August 06, 2022 at 11:26 PM CST

General Information

Who is Dave Thomas?
Dave Thomas

Dave served two terms as a state legislator from 1994 to 2002; after stepping away from politics in 2002, he began work as president of Alabama's Premier Service Company, a family-owned commercial power washing business.

Dave was elected Mayor of Springville in 2020, and after observing the limits and a need for improvement in state government, he's thrown his hat in for the May 24th Republican Primary for Governor of Alabama. Running on a platform set to emphasize freedom and liberty, while making the forward movements Alabama must take in various policy sectors, Dave hopes to be the candidate that stands out most for voters in their choice this May and November.

Status: Mayor of Springville, AL
Party: Republican
Social Media:
Birthday: May 12, 1965 59

Contact Information

Known contact information for Dave Thomas from Springville, AL.

Education Information

Known educational history for Dave Thomas from Springville, AL.

  • BBA, University of Montevallo

Political Information

Known political history for Dave Thomas from Springville, AL.

  • Mayor, City of Springville, Alabama, present
  • Representative, Alabama State House, 1994-2002

Professions Information

Known professional history for Dave Thomas from Springville, AL.

  • Owner, Alabama's Premier Service Company, 2002-present
  • Owner, TB & Associates

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Dave Thomas from Springville, AL.

  • Former President, Springville Parent Teacher Organization

Election History

Dave Thomas from Springville, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

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