Curtis L. Travis
General Information

Born and raised in the Sawyerville community, I am a graduate of Akron High School in the Hale County School system. After high school, I furthered my education to become a graduate of the University of Alabama, with a Bachelors of Science degree in Petroleum Engineering. I have also done additional work to complete a Master of Science degree in Environmental Engineering.
I was married to the late Dr. Jimmie Clark-Travis and we have two beautiful children: Ava and Justin. Ava is a 2021 graduate of the University of Alabama in Huntsville in Elementary Education, now employed by Huntsville City Schools. Justin is currently a sophomore at Jacksonville State University.
As a father, community member, assistant pastor, builder, retired field representative, and manager, I know how important serving is. I have had the pleasure to serve as a volunteer member of numerous boards and organizations in many different roles, with the highest honor being my service to the church.
The question often arises, “How can I continue to make a difference?” I believe that helping people through representation in state government is one of the most impactful ways that one can be of service. My pursuit of District 72 is irrespective of status, salary, or spotlight. It’s all about service—service that is sincere, genuine, and intentional. Service that demands a better District 72 for all, not just for some.
The message of this campaign is "Competency, Determination, and Skills to move all of House District 72 Ahead!”
As a product of District 72, I am a firm believer that this district is unparalleled. I have had the pleasure of working in the esteemed Bibb, Greene, and Hale Counties for more than 17 years as a field representative, developing relationships with many community members. The people of this great district deserve a representative who knows them, who will advocate for the best interest our communities, and who will be their voice for change.
I will make it my duty to be that voice. I will work with municipal and county officials, as well as other state representatives and senators to provide the representation that the people of House District 72 deserve.
I believe that there are advantages and opportunities in District 72 that can be utilized to bring significant and substantial changes for a better community going forward. With your help and support — together — we will make it happen.
Contact Information
Known contact information for Curtis L. Travis from Tuscaloosa, AL.
- Official Email: Unknown
Election History
Curtis L. Travis from Tuscaloosa, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.
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