Charles O. Newton

Updated: August 29, 2022 at 1:54 AM CST

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Who is Charles O. Newton?
Charles O. Newton

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Status: Out of Office
Party: Republican
Birthday: July 11, 1947 77

Other Relevant Notes

The below information is relevant to Charles O. Newton from Greenville, AL and was found via our own research, sent to us from Charles O. Newton, or sent to us from readers like you.

  • Switched from Democrat to Republican, 2014

Election History

Charles O. Newton from Greenville, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Charles O. Newton has sponsored.

Trapping of fur-bearing animals, licensing, use of plastic tags on traps and the requirement that the license number of the owner of a trap be contained on any tag, deleted, Sec. 9-11-59 am'd.
Contractors, public works contracts, timely payments, contractor required to timely pay a subcontractor for work completed, Sec. 8-29-3 am'd.
Campaigns, Fair Campaign Practice Act, cross references and terms updated, Secs. 27-2-2, 36-25-1, 36-25-5, 36-25-13, 36-25-14, 36-25-15, 36-25-19, 40-14A-43 am'd.
Motor vehicles, ignition interlock device, reduction of period of license suspension or revocation authorized, distribution of fees collected from defendants opting for installation of device, Secs. 32-5A-191, 32-5A-191.4, 32-5A-301, 32-5A-304 am'd.
Capital punishment, person or entity who participates in an execution or performs any ancillary function shall be confidential, Sec. 15-18-82.1 am'd.
Crenshaw Co., coroner, expense allowance, Sec. 45-21-60 am'd.
Grandparents, visitation with grandchildren, petition procedure and burden of proof established, Sec. 30-3-4.1 repealed
Individuals with disabilities, promotion of employment by state programs and services, Jeff Ridgeway Alabama Employment First Initiative Act
Judge of probate, estates, bond of conservators, executors, administrators, liability limited unless grossly negligent, judicial immunity further provided for, Secs. 26-3-13, 43-2-82 am'd.
Elections, write-in votes, procedures to count, duties to judge of probate in co. elections, Secretary of State for state election, Secs. 17-6-28, 17-12-1 am'd.
Conecuh Co., coroner, expense allowance, prior payments ratified, cost-of-living increases provided

Motor vehicle license tags, renewal when the registration contains multiple parties, only one driver's license or other proof required, Sec. 32-7A-17 am'd.
Judges, circuit and district, nonpartisan election, filing fee, Secs. 17-6-20, 17-6-24, 17-6-25, 17-13-8 am'd.
Veterans, permanently and totally disabled, state income tax, credit for sales tax paid up to a certain amount
Butler Co., sheriff authorized to sell certain abandoned, unclaimed, or stolen property, and firearms, notice, record keeping requirement, distribution of funds for law enforcement purposes
Armory Commission of Alabama, proposed const. amend., bond issuance in amount of $50,000,000 authorized for commission for building and maintenance of Alabama National Guard armories, pursuant to authority of Amendment 666
Crenshaw Co., Superintendent of Education to be appointed by the co. board of education, Sec. 45-21-100 repealed
Crenshaw Co., sales tax, co. commission authorized to levy additional tax for certain time period, distrib. for volunteer fire departments and public safety, referendum
Work release program, county jail, portion of inmate's gross wages used for sheriff's department, Sec. 14-8-37 am'd
Capital offenses, appeal directly to Alabama Supreme Court, Sec. 13A-5-53 am'd.
Hunting licenses, disabled veterans, military appreciation hunting license, three day trip event hunting license authorized, Secs. 9-11-44, 9-11-49 am'd.
Criminal justice employees, including judges, district attorneys, law enforcement officers, etc., protection against disclosure of personal information, disclosure of by State Ethics Commission prohibited, Secs. 36-25-4.3, 41-13-7 am'd.
Gulf State Park, Legislature to approve sale or long-term lease of any state park property, development, submission of proposals, criteria, review by department, acceptance or rejection, proposal exempt from certain statutes, Chapter 14D of Title 9 repealed, Secs. 9-14D-1 to 9-14D-5, inclusive, repealed
Driving under the influence, crime further defined, term "under the influence" defined, Sec. 32-5A-191 am'd
Elections, write-in candidates, procedure for counting write-in votes, Sec. 17-6-28 am'd.
Entities, dormant, exempt from business privilege tax, Sec. 40-14A-44 added
Pardons and Paroles Board, Scottsboro Boys Act, posthumous pardons for certain convictions prior to 1932
Private Investigation Board, established, licensing and regulation of private investigators, members, terms, powers, vacancies, subject to Administrative Procedure Act, civil and criminal penalties, Private Investigators Licensing and Regulatory Act
Firefighters, death benefits for beneficiaries or dependents of a firefighter, firefighter defined to include a firefighter who is employed by the state or any of its agencies, Sec. 36-30-1 am'd.

Butler Co., sale of draft or keg beer by properly licensed retail licensees, authorized
Oil and gas, portion of the annual proceeds of the oil and gas production tax to the State Oil and Gas Board of Alabama and the Geological Survey of Alabama, Sec. 9-17-31 am'd
Public records management, membership of state and local record commission altered, Secs. 41-13-20, 41-13-22 am'd
Finance Department, state officials and state employees, travel expenses, affidavit requirement on travel removed, Sec. 41-4-57 am'd
Sheriffs, certain additional qualifications
Legislative Compensation Commission, established, members, quadrennial recommendations for the total compensation to be paid to members of Legislature, Amendments 39 and 57, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, am'd.; Section 49, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, repealed; Sec. 29-1-8 repealed; Act 1196, 1971 Reg. Sess., Act 87-209, 1987 Reg. Sess.; Act 90-490, 1990 Reg. Sess.; Act 91-95, 1991 Reg. Sess.; Act 91-108, 1991 Reg. Sess.; Act 2007-75, 2007 Reg. Sess. repealed, const. amend.
Work release program, county jail, portion of inmate's gross wages used for sheriff's department, Sec. 14-8-37 am'd
Judges, circuit and district, nonpartisan election, filing fee, Secs. 17-6-20, 17-6-24, 17-6-25, 17-13-8 am'd.
Timber and forest products, crime of willful removal of timber and other forest products by deception, Class A misdemeanor, Sec. 9-13-60 am'd.
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 13A-8-10 am'd.
Elections, write-in candidates, procedure for counting write-in votes, Sec. 17-6-28 am'd.

Admission tickets, for benefit or event for charitable purposes, resale for amount in excess of price printed on face of ticket, prohibited, Sec. 8-19E-2 am'd.
Foreign law, application in violation of rights guaranteed United States and Alabama citizens, prohibited, exceptions, American and Alabama Laws for Alabama Courts Amendment, const. amend.
Conecuh Co., board of education, authorized to insure school buildings and property in State Insurance Fund or in an insurance company
Health care providers, physicians, etc., requiring disclosure regarding firearm ownership, prohibited, medical record inclusion of firearm information or disclosure of information about firearm ownership, prohibited, civil penalties, exceptions
Timber and forest products, willful removal of timber and other forest products by deception and failure to disclose to owner quantity and type of timber harvested and owner not compensated for all timber designated Class A misdemeanor, Sec. 9-13-60 am'd.; Act 2010-704, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Dental Examiners of Alabama, Board of, dentists and dental hygienists, regulation and licensure, substantially revised, Sec. 34-9-7.2 added; Secs. 34-9-2, 34-9-3, 34-9-5, 34-9-6, 34-9-6.1, 34-9-7, 34-9-8, 34-9-9, 34-9-10, 34-9-13, 34-9-15, 34-9-15.1, 34-9-16, 34-9-18, 34-9-20, 34-9-21, 34-9-22, 34-9-24, 34-9-26, 34-9-27, 34-9-28, 34-9-40, 34-9-41, 34-9-43, 34-9-44, 34-9-60, 34-9-63, 34-9-82, 34-9-89 am'd. (2011-20608)
Elections, write-in candidates, registration with judge of probate or Secretary of State prior to election required, compliance with Fair Campaign Practices Act and State Ethics Law required, procedure for counting write-in votes, Sec. 17-6-28 am'd.
County commission, county solid waste disposal service, volunteer fire department exempt from fees, Sec. 22-27-3 am'd.
Judges, circuit and district, nonpartisan election, filing fee, Secs. 17-6-20, 17-6-24, 17-6-25, 17-13-8 am'd.
Motor carrier, broker, or freight forwarder, fuel surcharges of, certain fuel cost disclosures and fuel cost reimbursements required, false or misleading information prohibited, certain information regarding timber and timber products required, Good Faith and Fair Practices Act
Stalking in the first and second degree, aggravated stalking in the first and second degree, crimes further provided for, Tracy's Law, Secs. 13A-6-90.1, 13A-6-91.1 added; Secs. 13A-6-90, 13A-6-91 am'd.
Agricultural tourist attractions, to be defined by rule and approved by Agriculture and Industries Department, application and renewal fees, directional signs under certain conditions (2011-20698)
Legislative Compensation Commission, established, members, quadrennial recommendations for the total compensation to be paid to members of Legislature, Amendments 39 and 57, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, am'd.; Section 49, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, repealed; Sec. 29-1-8 repealed; Act 1196, 1971 Reg. Sess., Act 87-209, 1987 Reg. Sess.; Act 90-490, 1990 Reg. Sess.; Act 91-95, 1991 Reg. Sess.; Act 91-108, 1991 Reg. Sess.; Act 2007-75, 2007 Reg. Sess. repealed, const. amend.
Notaries public, fees for notarizing documents, provision removed, Sec. 36-20-6 repealed
Presidential preference primary election, date changed, provisions relating to when election day same day as Mardi Gras deleted, Sec. 17-13-100 am'd.

Conecuh Co., board of education, authorized to insure school buildings and property in State Insurance Fund or in an insurance company
Old Federal Road Task Force, established to assess and promote Old Federal Road as a historical trail, members, duties, compensation, reports to Legislature and Governor
Judges, circuit and district, nonpartisan election, filing fee, Secs. 17-6-20, 17-6-24, 17-6-25, 17-13-8 am'd.
Child custody, child who is certain age may choose custodial parent, exceptions, presumption that child may designate custodial parent
Butler Co., sheriff, pistol permits, fee increased, Act 97-594, 1997 Reg. Sess. repealed; Sec. 45-7-230 repealed
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, over-the-counter products, sales further regulated, on-line electronic verification system operated by Criminal Justice Information Center, penalties, Drug Abuse Task Force, established, members, Sec. 20-2-190 am'd.; Act 2009-283, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Income tax, estimated individual and corporate payments to conform to federal system, individual estimated tax payment threshold increased, corporate estimate tax payment threshold decreased, Secs. 40-18-80, 40-18-80.1 am'd.; Secs. 40-18-82, 40-18-83, 40-18-83.1, 40-18-85 repealed
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Timber and forestry supplies, theft of timber or harvesting equipment and any felony involving unauthorized harvesting, removal, transportation, or disposal of forest products, procedures relating to seizure of certain motor vehicles and equipment further provided for, delivery to regional forester, Secs. 9-13-221, 9-13-222, 9-13-223 am'd.
Elections, write-in votes, counting further provided for, Sec. 17-6-28 am'd. (2010-20016)

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