Bob Rogers
General Information

Bob Rogers was born September 24, 1951, in Indiana with a hometown in Fairmount. He graduated from Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, and attended Troy State Nursing in Montgomery, Alabama.
He served 30 years with the State of Alabama in law enforcement, he is a certified Teacher and Electrical Contractor.
He and his wife Clair have 2 sons, a daughter, and a granddaughter. Bob and Clair worked together as musical directors for 2 years at Bridgeview Baptist Church, Montgomery, Alabama, and are current members of Floyd Baptist Church, Floyd, Alabama.
Bob performs music with The Montgomery Recreators and The Upbeats. Bob and Clair enjoy membership at The Montgomery Bridge Club and are members of the Auburn Knights Orchestra Alumni Association.
Education Information
Known educational history for Bob Rogers from Montgomery, AL.
- Attended, School of Nursing, Troy University
- Graduated, Ball State University
Political Information
Known political history for Bob Rogers from Montgomery, AL.
- Candidate, United States House of Representatives, Alabama, District 2, 2016, 2020
Professions Information
Known professional history for Bob Rogers from Montgomery, AL.
- Former Employee, Law Enforcement, State of Alabama
Election History
Bob Rogers from Montgomery, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.
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