Tommy Hanes
General Information

Tommy Hane's roots run deep in North Alabama. His family has been in Jackson County for over a generation. He believes hard work and persistence is what make our country great.
Tommy is a retired fireman, with 25 years of service. He is also a two-time Fireman of the Year.
An avid hunter and sportsman, Tommy spent 49 years as a commercial fisherman. He also knows the needs of our farmers.
Tommy and wife, Rhonda, have been married for over 43 years. They live in Bryant, AL.
Education Information
Known educational history for Tommy Hanes from Bryant, AL.
- Graduated, Central High School, 1970-1973
Political Information
Known political history for Tommy Hanes from Bryant, AL.
- Candidate, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 23, 2018
- Representative, Alabama State House of Representatives, District 23, 2014-present
Professions Information
Known professional history for Tommy Hanes from Bryant, AL.
- Fire Captain, Chattanooga Fire Department, 1986-2011
- Commercial Fisher, Self-employed
Congressional Information
Known congressional history for Tommy Hanes from Bryant, AL.
- Former Member, Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) Legislative Oversight Commission, Alabama State House of Representatives
- Former Member, Economic Development and Tourism Committee, Alabama State House of Representatives
Election History
Tommy Hanes from Bryant, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.
Sponsored Bills
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