Sam Givhan

Updated: August 07, 2022 at 12:12 PM CST

General Information

Who is Sam Givhan?
Sam Givhan

A native of Dallas County and a seventh-generation Alabama farmer, Sam lives in Huntsville and practices real estate and business law. He represents community lenders, developers, builders and homeowners associations, and the City of Huntsville.

Sam has served in multiple positions for the Alabama Association of Habitat for Humanity Affiliates and for Habitat for Humanity of Madison County, of which he was president. He is a current Local Life Director of the Huntsville Madison County Builders Association and a member of the Huntsville Rotary Club.

A graduate of Auburn University, Sam also received his law degree from the University of Alabama in 1994. Since then, he has divided his time between practicing law, managing his companies, volunteering in his community, working in both local and state politics and raising six children with his wife Heather.

Status: Alabama State Senator for District 7
Party: Republican
Social Media:
Birthday: February 23, 1967 58

Contact Information

Known contact information for Sam Givhan from Gurley, AL.

  • 11 South Union Street, Suite 735
    Montgomery, AL 36104
  • Phone: 334-261-0867
  • Official Email: [email protected]

Education Information

Known educational history for Sam Givhan from Gurley, AL.

  • JD, University of Alabama School of Law, 1991-1994
  • BS, Finance, Auburn University, 1985-1989

Political Information

Known political history for Sam Givhan from Gurley, AL.

  • Candidate, Alabama State Senate, District 7, 2018, 2022
  • Senator, Alabama State Senate, District 7, 2018-present

Professions Information

Known professional history for Sam Givhan from Gurley, AL.

  • Owner, SHG Development, present
  • Owner, Houston Land Company, present
  • Attorney and Shareholder, Wilmer and Lee, Professional Association, 2005-present

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Sam Givhan from Gurley, AL.

  • Chairman, Madison County Republican Party, present
  • Leadership, American Heart Association, present
  • Local Life Director, Huntsville Madison County Builders Association Board, present
  • Member, Huntsville Rotary Club, present
  • Member, Sunday School Teacher, and Basketball Coach, Whitesburg Baptist Church, present
  • Senior Vice-Chairman, Alabama Republican Party Executive Committee, present
  • Former President, Habitat for Humanity of Madison County
  • Various Positions, Alabama Association of Habitat for Humanity Affiliates

Election History

Sam Givhan from Gurley, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Sam Givhan has sponsored.

Relating to the Legislature; to amend Section 29-1-4, 29-2-41, 29-2-41.2, 29-2-80, 29-2-81, 29-2-83, 29-2-201, 29-4-70, 29-5A-22, 29-5A-46, 29-6-1, 29-6-2, 29-6-3, 29-6-7, 41-5A-16, 41-9-370, and 41-9-374, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide further for the date the Legislature convenes during the first year of a regular session; to provide additional time for the Contract Review Committee to review a contract and provide further for certain types of professional contracts; to provide further for property owned by the Legislative Council; to provide contingencies if a vacancy occurs in the Office of the Lieutenant Governor; to provide further for the role of the Code Commissioner and duties of the Legislative Council and Legislative Services Agency; to revise membership of the Joint Legislative Committee on Finances and Budgets; to provide further for tax expenditure reports made by the Legislative Fiscal Officer; to revise when members of the Legislative Committee on Public Accounts are elected; to repeal 29-5A-24 and 29-6-6, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to obsolete duties of the Legislative Reference Service and the Legislative Council; to repeal Sections 17-16-50 through 17-16-53, Code of Alabama 1975, relating to the contested election of a legislator; and to delete obsolete language and make nonsubstantive, technical revisions to update the existing code language to current style.
To adopt and incorporate into the Code of Alabama 1975, those general and permanent laws of the state enacted during the 2021 First Special Session, the 2021 Second Special Session, the 2022 First Special Session, and the 2022 Regular Session as contained in the 2022 Cumulative Supplements to certain volumes of the code and 2023 Replacement Volumes 13, 13A, and 13B; and to adopt and incorporate into the Code of Alabama 1975, the 2022 Cumulative Supplements to local law volumes; to make corrections in certain volumes of the cumulative supplements and replacement volumes; to specify that this adoption and incorporation constitute a continuous systematic codification of the entire Code of Alabama 1975, and that this act is a law that adopts a code; to declare that the Code Publisher has certified that it has discharged its duties regarding the replacement volumes; to expressly provide that this act does not affect any 2023 session statutes; and to specify the duties of the Secretary of State regarding the custody of the cumulative supplements and replacement volumes.
Relating to the State Treasurer; to create the Alabama Local Government Investment Pool Program within the Office of the State Treasurer to allow state and local public entities to deposit monies in an investment pool administered by the treasurer; to provide parameters for investments; to authorize the treasurer to take certain actions to administer the program; to establish the Alabama Local Government Investment Advisory Board and provide for its membership and duties; and to provide further for the Office of the State Treasurer's travel expenses.
Relating to rights and remedies of a purchaser of real estate sold at a tax sale; to amend Section 40-10-82 of the Code of Alabama 1975, to provide limitations of actions that may be brought in circuit court to resolve certain issues related to real estate sold for the payment of taxes and to limit the period of time for a land owner to file a motion to redeem real estate sold for the payment of taxes, to challenge the validity of a tax sale, or to pay a court ordered judgment and costs.
Relating to the State Health Officer; to amend Section 22-2-8, Code of Alabama 1975, to revise appointment of the State Health Officer; to require certain emergency rules, orders, or directives issued by the State Health Officer to be approved by the Governor and a copy filed with the Secretary of State before the emergency rule, order, or other directive has the full force and effect of law; and to make nonsubstantive, technical revisions to update the existing code language to current style.
Relating to municipalities; to add a new Article 3, commencing with Section 11-54B-80 to Title 11, Chapter 54B, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide that Class 3 municipalities may establish self-help business improvement districts.
Relating to judges of probate; to amend Section 35-2-57, Code of Alabama 1975, to specify the method for a judge of probate to record that an electronic map or a plat has been vacated.
Relating to the probate code; to amend Act 2022-427, 2022 Regular Session, now appearing as Sections 43-8-213 and 43-8-215, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide for the jurisdiction of certain will contest proceedings that have been removed from the probate court to the circuit court.
Relating to guardians ad litem; to amend Section 15-12-21, Code of Alabama 1975; to increase the compensation for an attorney appointed to serve as a guardian ad litem in certain juvenile cases.
Relating to gross income; to amend Section 40-18-14, Code of Alabama 1975; to exclude hours worked above 40 in any given week from gross income.
Relating to building codes; to amend Section 27-2-39, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide for a portion of fees and taxes collected by the Department of Insurance to the Alabama Residential Building Code Fund; to designate Sections 34-14A-1 through 34-14A-20 as Article 1 of Chapter 14A of Title 34, Code of Alabama 1975; to amend Sections 34-14A-1, 34-14A-2, 34-14A-7, 34-14A-12, 34-14A-20, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide for the establishment of the Alabama Residential Building Code and its authority; to further provide for the practice of residential home building; to further provide for the duties of the Home Builders Licensure Board; to add Article 2, commencing with Section 34-14A-41, to Chapter 14A of Title 34, Code of Alabama 1975, to establish the Alabama Residential Building Code Division within the Home Builders Licensure Board and provide for its duties; to establish the Alabama Residential Building Code Fund in the State Treasury and provide for its administration; to add Article 6A, commencing of Section 41-9-175, to Chapter 9 of Title 41, Code of Alabama 1975, to establish the Alabama Residential Building Code Advisory Council and provide for its membership and duties; to amend Sections 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-84, 41-23-85, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide for the change of the name of the Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board to the Alabama Commercial Energy Code Board and further provide for the membership of the board; and to provide requirements for certain local building codes adopted or amended after a date certain.
Relating to courts; to increase the mileage reimbursement paid to jurors.
Relating to nonprofit homeowners' associations; amending Section 35-20-5, Code of Alabama 1975, to remove the requirement that certain duplicative filings shall be submitted to the Secretary of State.
Relating to parole; to amend Section 15-22-28, Code of Alabama 1975, to provide that a prisoner is not eligible for parole of he or she has been duly charged with a new offense that has not been disposed.
Relating to the Alabama Medical Liability Act of 1996; to amend Section 6-5-549.1 of the Code of Alabama 1975, to provide that the term "health care provider" as used in that act and the Alabama Medical Liability Act of 1987 would include emergency medical services personnel and any emergency medical provider service.
Related to the Alabama Unconscionable Pricing Act; to amend Sections 8-31-3 and 8-31-4, Code of Alabama 1975 to authorize the Governor or the Legislature to specify the affected areas and time periods to which the prohibition against imposition of unconscionable pricing would apply.
Relating to the Teachers' Retirement System and the Employees' Retirement System; to amend Sections 16-25-26 and 36-27-8.2, Code of Alabama 1975, and to add Sections 16-25-25.2 and 36-27-8.3 to the Code of Alabama 1975; to temporarily revise the eligibility and compensation of retirees of either system for participating in either system after retirement.
To provide for an additional circuit judgeship in the Twenty-third Judicial Circuit comprised of Madison County; to provide for an additional circuit judgeship in the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit comprised of Autauga, Chilton, and Elmore Counties; to provide for an additional circuit judgeship in the Twenty-eighth Judicial Circuit comprised of Baldwin County; and to provide for the authority of the judges and for the compensation and benefits of the judges.
Relating to the Military Family Jobs Opportunity Act; to amend Section 31-1-6, Code of Alabama 1975, as amended by Act 2022-92, 2022 Regular Session, to extend professional license reciprocity to spouses of United States Department of Defense civil servants; and to make nonsubstantive conforming changes to the law.

Campaign Finance, candidates, failure to timely file statement of appointing committee, forfeits qualification to run, Sec. 17-5-4 am'd.
Schools, failing, scholarships for students assigned to in order to attend another public or nonpublic school, income tax credits for contributions to scholarship granting organizations increased, Sec. 16-6D-9 am'd.
State Health Officer, order issued in response to outbreak of a disease has full force of law if approved by Governor and filed with Secretary of State in state of emergency, Sec. 22-2-8 am'd.
Elections, voter fraud, election offenses, revising and consolidating election offenses, Secs. 17-1-6, 17-1-7, 17-1-8, 17-9-50.2, 17-9-52, 17-17A-1, 17-17A-2, 17-17A-10, 17-17A-11, 17-17A-12, 17-17A-30, 17-17A-31, 17-17A-40 added; Secs. 17-17-1 to 17-17-56, inclusive, repealed; Secs. 17-1-5, 17-9-50 am'd.
Home building, Alabama Residential Building Code Advisory Council, established, provides for powers and authority, provides for adoption of Alabama Residential Building Code, establishes Alabama Residential Building Code Division within the Home Builders Licensure Board, Secs. 27-2-39, 34-14A-1, 34-14A-2, 34-14A-7, 34-14A-12, 34-14A-20, 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Courts, criminal cases, virtual hearings, objections by defendant, Secs. 15-26-1, 15-26-2 am'd.
Criminal procedures, to revise the statute of limitations for misdemeanors in certain circumstances, Sec. 15-3-2 am'd.
Education, issuance of professional educator certificate to individuals completing approved alternative teacher preparation programs, further provided for, St. Board of Education to adopt policies, Sec. 16-23-3.01 added; Sec. 16-23-3 am'd.
Death sentences, Governor required to provide prior notice when granting a reprieve or commutation to Attorney General and to family member of victim, const. amend.
Redistricting, legal challenges against statewide plans, establish venue before 3-judge panel to hear challenge, Sec. 29-1-2.5 am'd.
Small Business Relief and Revitalization Act of 2022, cancellation of indebtedness income exempt from income tax, financial institution excise tax and corporate income tax due date extension, certain business tangible personal property ad valorem tax exemption, deposit of certified funds with Revenue in lieu of one-time surety bond for licensure, average monthly sales tax liability for estimated payments increased, Secs. 40-16-3.1, 40-18-39.1 added; Secs. 40-9-1, 40-23-6, 40-23-6.1, 40-23-7 am'd.
Counties and municipalities, investment of certain funds in commercial paper and banker's acceptances, authorized under certain conditions, Sec. 11-81-21 am'd.
Abuse, registry for individuals convicted of certain crimes against elders, require certain care providers to query the registry, criminal penalties, Sec. 38-9-8 am'd.
Controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, exception for items used to test for the presence of fentanyl drugs, Sec. 13A-12-260 am'd.
Taxation, income tax, exclusion of enhanced federal child tax credits from American Rescue Plan Act from calculation of federal income tax deduction for tax year 2021, extension of the due date for certain taxpayers, Secs. 40-16-3.1, 40-18-39.2 added.
Credit union administration, examiners, travel expenses to be set by the adminstrator, Sec. 5-17-7 am'd.
Corporations, stock, issuance in fractional shores reg., issuance of scrip in bearer form prohibited, Sec. 10A-2A-6.04 am'd.
Courts, Twenty-third Judicial Circuit, Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, Twenty-eighth Judicial Circuit, additional circuit judge, compensation and benefits
Judges, to further provide for the initial appointment to a newly created judgeship, const. amend.
Flags, prohibits state agencies or institutions from purchasing American flag or Alabama State flag manufactured outside the United States
Governor, granting of reprieves and commutations, notice to victims required under certain conditions, const. amend.
Public contracts, exemption from certain bid requirements for certain educational entities providing meals under the Child Nutrition Program, Secs. 16-13B-2.1, 41-16-51.2 added.
Income tax, optional standard deduction amount and adjusted gross income range allowable for maximum optional standard deduction and dependent exemption, increased, Secs. 40-18-15, 40-18-19 am'd.
Relating to income taxes, to provide that up to $6,000 of taxable retirement income is exempt from state income tax for individuals 65 years of age or older, Sec. 40-18-19 am'd.

State parks, Alabama State Parks Enhancement Authority created and authorized to issue bonds for support of state parks, const. amend.
Taxation, due dates for certain taxes, revise excise and income taxes dute dates to coincide with due dates for federal taxes, Dept of Revenue to delay due dates for filing certain taxes for taxpayers
Family leave and adoption, reduce period for relinquishment of parental rights for child placed for adoption from five days to four days, provisions for family leave time for adoptive parents and biological parents to care for child in certain cases, Secs. 16-25-11.12, 26-10A-13, 36-26-35.2, 36-26-36.2 am'd.
Real Estate Commission, method for appointing members revised, live virtual online education courses provided, definitions, exemptions from regulation further provided, Secs. 34-27-2, 34-27-6, 34-27-7, 34-27-8, 34-27-32, 34-27-35, 34-27-36 am'd.
Elections, requires implementation date of any legislation affecting conduct of general election to be at least six months before general election, const. amend.
Alcoholic beverage manufacturers, transfer of alcoholic beverage in bond from another location to manufacturer for certain retail sale authorized, Sec. 28-3A-6 am'd.
Health, require health care facilities to allow one caregiver or visitor to patients or residents, subject to reasonable restrictions
Voting fraud or illegality, voting more than once, in any election held within the state, appplication of penalties to include elections held outside the state, Secs. 17-13-24, 17-17-36 am'd.
State holidays, Robert E. Lee Day observed on second Monday in October, Sec. 1-3-8 am'd.
Small farm wineries, authorize to sell to consumers or distribute to retailers
Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, phase out of retail sales of alcoholic beverages, alcoholic beverage sales and distribution of proceeds, Secs. 28-3-280 to 28-3-286, inclusive, repealed; Secs. 28-3-43, 28-3-53.1, 28-3-53.2, am'd.
Courts, Twenty-third Judicial Circuit, Nineteenth Judicial Circuit, Twenty-eighth Judicial Circuit, additional circuit judge, DeKalb County, district judge, compensation and benefits, election
Financial transactions, contingencies provided if the London Interbank Offered Rate is discontinued, Secs. 5-28-1 to 5-28-5, inclusive, added
Notary publics, instruments in writing acknowledged via remote notarization before July 1, 2021, ratified and validated, use of remote authorization, authorized, Sec. 36-20-73.1 added
Covid-19 Recovery Capital Credit Protection Act of 2021, created, employment and wage requirements for qualifying projects extended, compensation amounts for exemption purposes increased, Sec. 40-18-19.1 am'd.
Veterans' Affairs, State Board of, adding a Gold Star Family member to the board, updating existing code, making nonsubstantive, technical revisions, Sec. 31-5-3 am'd.
Hunting, feral swine and coyote hunting at night permitted with an appropriate license under certain circumstances, Sec. 9-11-235 am'd.
Legislature, to call itself into a special session under certain conditions authorized, const. amend.
Election, clarifying the distance from a polling place within which an individual may not campaign, Sec. 17-9-50 am'd.
Highway, roads, and bridges, contracts or subcontracts for public works, provisions requiring a party to indemnify another party for damages caused by the other party prohibited
Motor vehicles, driving offenses, administrative suspension periods revised for certain driving offenses, Secs. 32-5-192, 32-5A-195, 32-5A-304 am'd.
Agricultural lime, required to be labeled with relative neutralizing value as defined, Secs. 2-23-2, 2-23-4 am'd.
Sweet potato, official state vegetable, designated
Wallace-Folsom Savings Investment Plan Act, ACES Program, name of and name of Admin Fund and savings accounts changed to AL Comprehensive Education Savings Program, definitions clarified, Secs. 16-33C-3, 16-33C-10 am'd.
Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact, established to authorize licensed psychologists to practice on a limited basis among compact member states
Taxation, certain tax credits, advance refunds, and other economic relief payments under the CARES Act excluded from income taxation, Alabama Taxpayer Stimulus Freedom Act of 2021, Sec. 40-27-1 am'd.
State Health Officer, order issued in response to outbreak of a disease has full force of law if approved by Governor and filed with Secretary of State in state of emergency, Secs. 22-2-8, 31-9-8, 31-9-13 am'd.
Corporations, AL Business and Nonprofit Entities Code, subtantially amended to clarify relationship between chapters and various sections in Tilte 10A, Secs. 10A-1-5.18, 10A-2A-2.01,10A-2A-8.30, 10A-2A-8.31, 10A-2A-8.42, 10A-2A-8.43, 10A-2A-8.59, 10A-2A-9.01, 10A-2A-10.06, 10A-2A-10.07, 10A-2A-10.08, 10A-2A-11.01, 10A-2A-13.01, 10A-2A-16.01,10A-3-1.05, 10A-8A-4.10, 10A-8A-8.06, 10A-8A-8.09, 10A-8A-8.10, 10A-8A-9.01 added; Secs 10A-1-1.02, 10A-1-1.03, and 10A-1-4.02, 10A-2A-1.40,10A-2A-1.41, 10A-2A-2.02,10A-2A-7.20, 10A-3-1.02, 10A-3-2.02, 10A-3-2.03, 10A-3-2.09, 10A-3-2.21, 10A-5A-1.02, 10A-5A-2.01, 10A-5A-2.02, 10A-5A-7.02, 10A-5A-7.04, 10A-5A-7.05, 10A-5A-7.06, 10A-5A-7.07, 10A-5A-11.10, 10A-5A-11.12, 10A-5A-11.13, 10A-5A-11.14, 10A-5A-11.15, 10A-8A-1.02, 10A-8A-8.02, 10A-8A-8.07, 10A-9A-1.02, 10A-9A-2.01, 10A-9A-2.02, 10A-9A-4.06, 10A-9A-4.07, 10A-9A-8.02, 10A-9A-8.06, 10A-9A-8.07, 10A-9A-8.09, 10A-9A-8.10, 10A-9A-10.01 am'd.
School of Cyber Technology and Engineering, granted same soverign immunity and participation in Educators Liability Trust Fund as provided for other public K-12 schools, board of education, administrators, and staff, Secs. 16-28A-6, added; Secs. 16-22-4.1, 36-1-12 am'd.
Taxation, exempt state, county, and municipal sales and use tax from certain entities
Coronavirus, immunity for certain entities from claims relating to contraction of or exposure to coronovirus
Airport authorities, sales and use tax exemption, issuance of certificate of exemptions by Revenue Dept., Secs. 40-9-14.1, 40-9-60 am'd.

Counties and municipalities, statewide residential building code established, enforcement, Alabama Residential Building Code, Alabama Residential Building Code Advisory Council, Alabama Residential Building Code Division, Alabama Residential Building Code Fund established, Secs. 27-2-39, 34-14A-1, 34-14A-2, 34-14A-7, 34-14A-12, 34-14A-13, 34-14A-20 am'd.
Airport authorities, sales and use tax exemption, issuance of certificate of exemptions by Revenue Dept., Secs. 40-9-14.1, 40-9-60 am'd.
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact, established to authorize licensees to practice among compact member states
Municipalities, authorized to use electronic records and signatures in the conduct of its affairs, Secs. 8-1A-17, 8-1A-18 am'd.
Madison Co., Twenty-third Judicial Circuit, additional circuit judge, compensation and benefits, election
Wallace-Folsom Savings Investment Plan Act, ACES Program, name of and name of Admin Fund and savings accounts changed to AL Comprehensive Education Savings Program, definitions clarified, Secs. 16-33C-3, 16-33C-10 am'd.
Business and Nonprofit Entities Code, substantially revised to allow corporations to elect to become benefit corporations, update definitions, allow for electronic filing, and provide standards for filing instruments, numerous sections of Title 10A added, amended, and renumbered
SB 174
Controlled substances, relating to Schedule II, adding certain named chemical compounds of Tianeptine, Sec. 20-2-25 am'd.
SB 9
County boards of education, members, term of office from six to four years, Sec. 16-8-2 am'd.

SB 408
Courts, circuit and district judges, qualifications, min times of state licensure to practice law, persons with certain professional disciplinary actions, prohibited from qualification, Secs. 12-11-1, 12-12-1 am'd.
SB 407
Judges, vacancies, initial term of judges appt. to fill, further provided for, Amendment 328, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, am'd, const. amend.
SB 380
Huntsville, ad valorem taxes, for public schools modified to apply citywide in Madison, Limestone, and Morgan Counties at same rate
SB 377
Juveniles, dependency hearing, allow statements to be entered into evidence in cases if they were made by a child under the age of 12 during a forensic interview and pertain to allegations of abuse against the child, Secs. 12-15-301, 12-15-310 am'd.
SB 297
Courts, circuit and district, to further provide for the jurisdiction of the circuit and district courts, Secs. 12-11-30, 12-12-30 am'd.
SB 242
Education, Construction Trade Academy Funding Act, created, Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, required to develop program, ADECA, required to administer program
SB 174
Business entities, revising the Alabama Business Corporation Law, to reflect national standards set by the Model Business Corporation Act, Secs. 10A-2A-1.01 to 10A-2A-17.06, inclusive added; Secs. 10A-1-1.02, 10A-1-1.03, 10A-1-1.08, 10A-1-1.12, 10A-1-3.05, 10A-1-3.06, 10A-1-3.32, 10A-1-3.42, 10A-1-4.01, 10A-1-4.02, 10A-1-4.04, 10A-1-4.06, 10A-1-4.11, 10A-1-4.13, 10A-1-4.15, 10A-1-4.21, 10A-1-4.23, 10A-1-4.24, 10A-1-4.25, 10A-1-4.26, 10A-1-4.31, 10A-1-5.01, 10A-1-5.08, 10A-1-6.01, 10A-1-6.02, 10A-1-7.01, 10A-1-7.04, 10A-1-7.11, 10A-1-7.21, 10A-1-7.31, 10A-1-8.01, 10A-1-8.02, 10A-1-8.04, 10A-1-9.01, 10A-4-2.02, 10A-4-4.01, 10A-4-4.02, 10A-4-5.01, 10A-4-5.04, 10A-5A-10.01, 10A-5A-10.03, 10A-5A-10.04, 10A-5A-10.05, 10A-5A-10.07, 10A-5A-10.08, 10A-8A-9.02, 10A-8A-9.04, 10A-8A-9.05, 10A-8A-9.06, 10A-8A-9.08, 10A-8A-9.09, 10A-9A-10.02, 10A-9A-10.04, 10A-9A-10.05, 10A-9A-10.06, 10A-9A-10.08, 10A-9A-10.09, 10A-10-1.09, 10A-10-1.12, 10A-10-1.15, 10A-10-1.16, 10A-11-1.01, 10A-11-1.03, 10A-11-1.04, 10A-11-1.06, 10A-11-1.12, 10A-30-2.01, 10A-30-2.03, 10A-30-2.04, 10A-30-2.05, 10A-30-2.06, 10A-30-2.09, 10A-30-2.12, 10A-30-2.13, am'd; Secs. 10A-2-1.01 to 10A-2-17.02, inclusive, repealed

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