Larry Means

Updated: August 06, 2022 at 11:53 PM CST

General Information

Who is Larry Means?
Larry Means

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Status: Mayor of Attalla, AL
Party: Democrat
Birthday: April 20, 1947 77

Contact Information

Known contact information for Larry Means from Attalla, AL.

Education Information

Known educational history for Larry Means from Attalla, AL.

  • BBA, Business Administration, Jacksonville State University, 1970

Political Information

Known political history for Larry Means from Attalla, AL.

  • Candidate, Alabama State Senate, District 10, 2014
  • Mayor, City of Attalla, 1992-1998, 2012
  • Candidate, Alabama State Senate, District 10, 2010
  • Senator, Alabama State Senate, 1998-2010
  • Councilmember, City of Attalla, 1976-1980, 1984-1988

Professions Information

Known professional history for Larry Means from Attalla, AL.

  • Sales Manager, McCartney Construction Company, 1994
  • Supervisor, Gulf States Steel Corporation, 1970

Congressional Information

Known congressional history for Larry Means from Attalla, AL.

  • Chair, Etowal County Metropolitan Planning Organization, present

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Larry Means from Attalla, AL.

  • Board of Directors, Attalla Chamber of Commerce, present
  • Member, Attalla Lions Club, present
  • Member, Attalla First Baptist Church, present

Election History

Larry Means from Attalla, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

View legislative bills that Larry Means has sponsored.

Small wineries, sales and distribution of wine by wineries, wine tasting facilities, direct sale of small wineries' wine, Small Winery Business Viability Act, Sec. 28-7-18 am'd.
Engineers and Land Surveyors, State Board of Licensure for Professional, renamed Engineers, State Board of Licensure for Professional, land surveyors, licensure and regulation transferred to Land Surveyors, State Board of Licensure for Professional, Secs. 34-44-1 to 34-44-16, inclusive, 34-44-30 to 34-44-37, inclusive, added; Secs. 34-11-1, 34-11-2, 34-11-3, 34-11-4, 34-11-5, 34-11-6, 34-11-7, 34-11-8, 34-11-9, 34-11-11, 34-11-14, 34-11-15, 34-11-16, 34-11-30, 34-11-31, 34-11-35, 34-11-36 am'd.
Restaurants, smoking prohibited in, Secs. 22-15A-3, 22-15A-5, 22-15A-6 am'd.
Taxation, purchase of real property used as a residence, exempt from privilege or license tax or recording tax pursuant to Chapter 22, Title 40 of Code of Alabama 1975
Motor vehicles, new passenger vehicle or new truck manufactured within this state, tax rate removed for certain period, Sec. 40-23-2, 40-23-61 am'd.
Abortions, human embryonic stem cell research, human embryo cloning, euthanasia, or physician-assisted suicide, requirement to perform in private or denominational hospital by employees or physicians, prohibited, civil action for damages or reinstatement of employment
Alzheimer's Disease Task Force, established to assess the current and future impact of Alzheimer's disease in Alabama, members, duties, Mental Health Department to provide administrative support, report of findings to Governor and Legislature, termination date
Used motor vehicle dealer, licensing of, definition to include licensees of State Banking Department, Sec. 40-12-390 am'd.
Etowah Co., solicitor's fee equal to fee for Fair Trial Tax Fund, distrib., additional court costs levied, distrib., effective on adoption of const. amend.
Medical Examiners, State Board of, and Medical Licensure Commission, licensure hearings, attorney fees, assessment standard for violations, altered, Secs. 34-24-380, 34-24-381 am'd.
Corrections Department, certain employees who work inside a security fence under certain conditions, compensation increased
Accountancy, Alabama State Board of Public, certified public accountants, requirements for certification, Sec. 34-1-4 am'd.
Agriculture and livestock, regulation of livestock and animal husbandry, sole jurisdiction of Agriculture and Industries Department, State Veterinarian, duties re livestock diseases, etc., exclusive, cruelty to animals, penalties, Secs. 2-4-1, 13A-11-14 am'd.
Income tax, employment, employers hiring persons receiving unemployment compensation or whose benefits have expired, tax deduction authorized, duties to Revenue Department, Reemployment Act
Abortion prohibited except to preserve the life of a pregnant woman, or when rape or incest occurrs, penalties, const. amend.
Supernumerary ad valorem tax officials, cap on compensation increased, Sec. 40-6-3 am'd.
National Voting Rights Museum & Institute, exempt from state income tax and state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Human trafficking, crime established, coercion or deception to perform labor or certain sexual activities, prohibited, criminal penalties
Pharmacy, Alabama State Board of, pharmacists, regulation and licensing, pharmacy and permit defined, Sec. 34-23-1 am'd. (2010-20449)
Alabama Coal Mine Safety Law of 1975, state mining laws extensively revised to modernize and supplemented to comply with federal law to enhance mining safety, Secs. 25-9-31, 25-9-32, 25-9-217, 25-9-380, 25-9-400 to 25-9-407, inclusive, added; Secs. 25-9-7, 25-9-9, 25-9-20, 25-9-22, 25-9-24, 25-9-40, 25-9-60, 25-9-61, 25-9-67, 25-9-80, 25-9-81, 25-9-82, 25-9-83, 25-9-86, 25-9-88, 25-9-131, 25-9-132, 25-9-133, 25-9-210, 25-9-216, 25-9-273, 25-9-276, 25-9-277, 25-9-278, 25-9-279, 25-9-280, 25-9-282, 25-9-360, 25-9-361 am'd.; Secs. 25-9-87, 25-9-153 repealed
Prescription legend drugs, donation of drugs by hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or hospices to charitable pharmacies, authorized, physicians' samples authorized to be donated and transferred to charitable clinics and pharmacies, Secs. 20-3-2, 20-3-3 am'd.
Interstate Compact for Adult Offender Supervision, transfer application fee required, exemptions, distrib. to Pardons and Paroles Board for Probationer's Upkeep Fund, continuous appropriation to board, Sec. 15-22-1.3 added
Etowah Co., board of education, election from single member districts, Attalla and Gadsden excepted, committee of county officials authorized to establish and reapportion districts, const. amend. (2010-20517)
Court costs, additional in certain original contested divorce cases, records, distrib. to Children's Trust Fund
University of Alabama, board of trustees, age requirement altered, Section 264 (Section 264, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Children, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle unless supervised by person of certain age prohibited, penalties determined by first, second, or subsequent conviction and whether child is injured or fatally injured, Amiyah White Unattended Children in Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Building codes, Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, board membership further provided for, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of energy codes for commercial buildings and residential building codes, implementation by counties and municipalities, certain farm structures excluded, residential sprinkler systems requirements prohibited in certain residences, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd. (2010-20221)
Alabama Firefighters Annuity and Benefit Fund, established, voluntary participation established for paid and volunteer firefighters, board of commissioners to administer, funding through voluntary payments with ad valorem tax payments, investment of assets by Employees' Retirement System, qualified service, disability and death benefits, annual audits and reports, duties to Insurance Department
Law enforcement officers, assaults of while performing lawful duty, classified as assault in the second degree, to include off-duty officers employed by a private entity, Sec. 13A-6-21 am'd.
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, new categories for members and former members of U. S. Air Force, Army, Navy, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marines, established, fees, designs by Veterans' Affairs Department
Attorney General, opinions, distribution of electronic copies by e-mail in lieu of paper copies, posting on Internet required, Sec. 36-15-1 am'd.
Energy Policy, Permanent Joint Legislative Committee on, established, members, duties regarding state energy plan, subcommittees, reporting of recommendations to Legislature and Governor, Legislative Energy Policy Office, established
Motor vehicles, new and used vehicles clarified, titles, fees for certain records further provided for, exemption from titling of vehicles authorized, inspections, alternative method of lien release authorized when lienholder no longer in business, Secs. 32-8-2, 32-8-6, 32-8-31, 32-8-32, 32-8-36, 32-8-64 am'd.
Etowah Co., sales and use tax, portion of proceeds distributed to capital projects, use for salary of certified personnel of school systems and Gadsden State Community College authorized during proration, Act 95-284, 1995 Reg. Sess.; Act 2009-302, 2009 Reg. Sess.; Act 2009-591, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Municipalities, municipal courts, court costs for jails, distrib. for municipal jails, Sec. 11-47-7.1 am'd.
Highways and other roads, Alabama Trust Fund, $100 million transferred annually in 2010 to 2020, inclusive, distrib. of portion after appropriation to Transportation Department, portions earmarked for special projects, distrib. of portion to counties and municipalities for transportation purposes, transfers from Alabama Trust Fund to Municipal Government Capital Improvement Fund and County Government Capital Improvement Fund, const. amend.
Motor vehicles, trailers, safety devices required when connecting to motor vehicle, duties to Public Safety Department, penalties
Etowah Co., elected officials authorized to participate in Employees' Retirement System in lieu of supernumerary program, const. amend.
Architects, State Board for Registration of, responsible control, definition altered, title of superintendent changed to on-site observer, restrictive firm ownership and naming requirements removed, disciplinary actions altered, civil penalties, secretary changed to executive director, Secs. 34-2-30, 34-2-32, 34-2-33, 34-2-34, 34-2-35, 34-2-36, 34-2-37, 34-2-38, 34-2-40, 34-2-41, 34-2-42 am'd.
Contracts, no-bid contracts prohibited, exceptions, penalties
Ethics Commission, required to conduct mandatory training program for elected officials
Military, deployed outside United States in combat zone, driver's license, expiration, automatic renewal for one year by Public Safety Department, orders to be forwarded to department, Sec. 32-6-1.1 am'd.
Hunting and fishing, disabled veterans, hunting and fishing license established, continuously valid under certain conditions, issuance fee
Court costs, additional in original divorce cases, distrib. to Court Appointed Special Advocates Fund for Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Network, annual report of transactions to Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House of Representatives
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds

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