Cam Ward

Updated: August 29, 2022 at 2:12 AM CST

General Information

Who is Cam Ward?
Cam Ward

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Status: Out of Office
Party: Republican
Social Media:
Birthday: March 24, 1971 54

Education Information

Known educational history for Cam Ward from Alabaster, AL.

  • , Marshall Memorial Fellowship, 2000
  • JD, Cumberland School of Law, Samford University, 1993-1996 (GPA: 3.0)
  • BS, International Relations, Troy State University, 1989-1993 (GPA: 3.2)

Political Information

Known political history for Cam Ward from Alabaster, AL.

  • Senator, Alabama State Senate, District 14, 2010-2020
  • Candidate, Alabama State Senate, District 14, 2018
  • Representative, Alabama State House of Representatives, 2002-2010

Professions Information

Known professional history for Cam Ward from Alabaster, AL.

  • Executive Director, Industrial Development Board, City of Alabaster, 2001-present
  • District Director, Representative Spencer Bachus, United States House of Representatives, 1998-2001
  • Deputy Attorney General, Office of the State Auditor, State of Alabama, 1996-1998
  • Deputy Secretary of State, Office of the Secretary of State, State of Alabama, 1998

Congressional Information

Known congressional history for Cam Ward from Alabaster, AL.

  • Member, Board of Directors, Shelby County Economic Industrial Development Authority, 1999-2002
  • Vice Chair, Shelby County Legislation Delegation, Judiciary Committee, Education Policy Committee
  • Former Member, Transportation and Energy Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Health and Human Services Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Member, Constitution, Ethics, and Elections Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Former Vice Chair, Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Development Committee, Alabama State Senate
  • Vice-Chair, House Republican Caucus

Organizations Information

Known organizational history for Cam Ward from Alabaster, AL.

  • Member, Hunter Street Baptist Church, Hoover, present
  • Member, First United Methodist Church Alabaster, present
  • Member, American Bar Association, present
  • Member, Alabama Law Institute Executive Committee, 2007-present
  • Commissioner, National Commission on Uniform State Laws, 2005-present
  • Alternate Delegate, Republican National Convention, 2000, 2004
  • Member, Board of Directors, Alabaster Young Men's Christian Association, 2003-present
  • Member, Board of Directors, Alabama Law Institute Council, 2003-present
  • Member, Board of Directors, American Village, 2002-present
  • Participant, American Council of Young Political Leaders, 2000
  • Participant, Spain-United States Council, 2000
  • Executive Committee/Former Vice President, Shelby County Republican Party, 1999-present
  • Member, Board of Directors, Developing Alabama's Youth Program of Shelby County, 1999-present
  • Member, Board of Directors, Leadership Shelby County, 1999-present
  • Member, Board of Directors, Greater Shelby Education Foundation, 1999-present
  • Member, Board of Directors, Alabaster/Pelham Rotary Club, 1998-2002, present
  • Member, Alabama Bar Association, 1996-present
  • Executive Committee, Alabama Republican Party
  • Member, National Conference of State Legislators, Labor and Economic Development Committee
  • Member, Sigma Chi Fraternity

Election History

Cam Ward from Alabaster, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.

Sponsored Bills

View legislative bills that Cam Ward has sponsored.

Rebuild Alabama Act, portion of proceeds redistributed for small business stimulus fund, const. amend.
Call centers, certain terms further defined, to require employers relocating call centers to notify Secretary of Commerce Dept. rather than the Dept. of Economic and Community Affairs director, Act 2019-374, 2019 Reg. Sess., am'd; Sec. 41-23-230, 41-23-231, 41-23-235 am'd.
Juveniles, to further provide when juvenile law enforcement records may be released, Sec. 12-15-134 am'd.
Crimes and offenses, law enforcement officers, crime of making a false statement to a law enforcement officer, created
Employees' Retirement System, retirees and beneficiaries, one-time lump-sum additional payment
Corrections Dept., inmates being released, application for nondriver identification authorized, Sec. 14-10-1 am'd.
Corrections Dept., require the dept. to make quarterly reports to the Joint Legislative Prison Oversight Committee and to provide for the reporting requirements, revise the correctional officers oath of office, Sec. 14-1-21 added; Sec. 14-3-13 am'd.
Crimes and offenses, J.K. Elrod Act, controlled substance murder, crime established, criminal penalties provided
Podiatry, scope of practice expanded to include foot and ankle, Sec. 34-24-230 am'd.
Pardons and Paroles Dept., mandatory supervised release of inmates, apply certain sentencing provisions to certain defendants, add'l compensation to probation and parole officers in certain circumstances, and to provide that certain employees of the Board of Pardons and Paroles be authorized to perform add'l duties, Sec. 15-22-26.2 am'd.
Corrections, to provide deduction of a prisoners sentence upon completion of qualifying programs, require DOC to adopt rules for administration of education incentive time, provide for membership, provide for income tax credit for an employer that employs an individual recently released from incarceration, prohibit agencies from considering an applicants criminal conviction history for consideration of a job under certain conditions, Secs. 14-9-100 to 14-9-108, incl., 36-26-150 to 36-26-160, incl., added
Consumer protection, deceptive trade practices, pyramid sales structure, further provided, Secs. 8-19-3, 8-19-5 am'd.
Appellate procedure in death penalty cases, provide that death penalty appeals cases have priority over all cases, Secs. 12-3-9, 13A-5-53, 13A-5-55, 13A-5-56, 15-18-80, 15-18-82.1 am'd.
Criminal procedure, petitions for DNA testing, procedures and standards revised, Sec. 15-18-200 am'd.
SB 136
Municipal courts, pretrial diversion program, voluntary transfer authorized
SB 76
Supervision of violent offenders, require electronic monitoring for release on bail for certain offenses, Sec. 15-13-2 am'd.
SB 75
Drivers license, suspension, prohibited for failure to pay fines, fees, or court costs, Sec. 32-5A-195 am'd.
SB 72
Class 8 municipalities, weeds, abatement, alternative procedures to declare a public nuisance after prior abatement
SB 71
Motor vehicles, reduced speed school zones, to include schools in a municipality, Secs. 32-5A-181, 32-5A-182, 32-5A-183 am'd.
SB 70
Elections, political parties and independent candidates for statewide office, number of names required to gain ballot access, reduced, Secs. 17-6-22, 17-9-3 am'd.
SB 69
Sexual assault, provide for victim notification, provide for certain rights to victims, Sexual Assault Task Force, created, Sexual Assault Survivors Bill of Rights
SB 60
Bail, to provide for additional offenses that would require mandatory denial of bail, Secs. 15-13-2, 15-13-3 am'd.
SB 59
Bail, criminal cases, const. amend
SB 57
Public records, to create a new Open Records Act, Secs. 36-12-40, 36-12-41 am'd.
SB 50
University of Montevalla, makeup of board of trustees revised to include at least one nonresident member appointed at-large, Sec. 16-54-2 am'd.
SB 45
Crimes and offenses, criminal trespass, unauthorized entry of a critical infrastructure, further provided to include unmanned aircraft systems, Sec. 13A-7-4.3 am'd.
SB 15
ALEA, felony drug trafficking wiretapping, interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications, Attorney General to authorize to apply for court order for intercept and to apply for intercept orders, disclosure of recorded communications, penalties for violations, Secs. 20-2A-1 to 20-2A-15, inclusive, added; Sec. 15-5-40 am'd
SB 14
Expungement, to expand the expungement of criminal records to include convictions of certain misdemenor offenses, traffic violations, municipal ordinances, and felony offenses, to increase the filing fee for expungements, Secs. 15-27-1, 15-27-2, 15-27-4, 15-27-5, 15-27-7 to 15-27-10, inclusive, 15-27-19 am'd.

SB 427
Business entity law, authorizing the creation of benefit corporations, Secs. 10A-12-1.01, 10A-12-1.02, 10A-12-1.03, 10A-12-2.01, 10A-12-2.02, 10A-12-2.03, 10A-12-3.01, 10A-12-3.02, 10A-12-3.03, 10A-12-4.01, 10A-12-4.02, 10A-12-5.01 added; Sec. 10A-1-1.08 am'd.
SB 424
Shelby Co., probate court, recording fees, additional, for probate office, Act 248, 1975 Reg. Sess. am'd.
SB 423
Shelby Co., churches, deadly physical force, use in self-defense or defense of others, const. amend.
SB 382
Crimes and offenses, to amend threshold amounts for theft and receiving stolen property offenses, drug offense, amend sentences for certain drug offenses, create add'l drug offenses, relating to sentencing, clarify community corrections programs, Secs. 13A-12-211.1, 13A-12-212.1, 15-10-3.1 added; Secs, 13A-5-9, 13A-5-10, 13A-5-10.1, 13A-8-4.1, 13A-8-8.1, 13A-8-10.25, 13A-8-18.1, 13A-12-215, 13A-12-232, 13A-12-250, 13A-12-270 repealed; Secs. 12-25-34, 12-25-34.2, 12-25-36, 13A-5-6, 3A-5-8.1, 13A-12-231, 15-22-54, 13A-4-1, 13A-4-2, 13A-4-3, 13A-8-1, 13A-8-3, 13A-8-4, 13A-8-5, 13A-8-7, 13A-8-8, 13A-8-9, 13A-8-10, 13A-8-10.1, 13A-8-10.2, 13A-8-10.3, 13A-8-16, 13A-8-17, 13A-8-18, 13A-8-19, 13A-8-144, 13A-8-194, 13A-12-211 to 13A-12-214, inclusive, 13A-12-218, 40-17A-9,15-10-1, 15-20A-7, 15-20A-9 to 15-20A-18, inclusive, 15-20A-20, 15-20A-23, 15-20A-24, 15-20A-25, 15-20A-29, 15-20A-30, 15-20A-31, 15-20A-32, 15-20A-34, 15-20A-36, 15-20A-37, 15-20A-39 am'd.
SB 372
Taxation, sale of land for unpaid tax delinquent after January 1, 2020, redemption, Secs. 40-10-75, 40-10-76, 40-10-77, 40-10-83, 40-10-121, 40-10-122 am'd.
SB 346
Beer suppliers and wholesalers, regulation of contracts governing, revised, Sec. 28-9-5.1 added; Sec. 28-9-4 am'd.
SB 345
Drug screenings, sale or marketing of human or synthetic urine to defraud a drug or alcohol screening test prohibited, possession, sale, or advertising of adultrants designed to defeat a screening test prohibited, criminal penalties
SB 336
Elections, political parties and independent candidates for statewide office, number of names required to gain ballot access, reduced, Secs. 17-6-22, 17-9-3 am'd.
SB 316
Electricity utility services, to remove sunset provision from Energy Security Act of 2015, Sec. 37-4-150 am'd.
SB 303
Corrections Dept., two-step salary increase for certain employees, to receive payment for any accrued and unused annual leave, bonuses, Sec. 14-1-20 am'd.
SB 238
Appellate procedure, certain legislative entities and officers authorized to file amicus briefs in certain proceedings
SB 237
Open Records Act, est., process for access to public records, provided for, fees, Office of Public Access Counselor in Dept. of Examiners of Public Accounts, est., appointment, duties, appeals process and admin, and judicial remedies, provided for, civil penalties, Sec. 36-12-40 repealed
SB 206
Employees' Retirement System, retirees and beneficiaries, one-time lump-sum additional payment
SB 166
Beer suppliers and wholesalers, regulation of contracts governing, revised, Sec. 28-9-5.1 added; Sec. 28-9-4 am'd.
SB 163
Occupational licensees, process created to allow persons convicted of crime to apply for if granted relief by court
SB 155
Juvenile Justice, provisions relating to the juvenile justice system substantially revised, adoption of policies for absenteeism and school misconduct required, Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Fund, created, Secs, 12-15-102, 12-15-107, 12-15-119, 12-15-120, 12-15-126, 12-15-127, 12-15-128, 12-15-132, 12-15-207, 12-15-209, 12-15-211, 12-15-215, 12-15-221, 12-15-701, 12-25-9, 15-20A-5, 16-28-2.2, 16-28-8, 16-28-13, 16-28-14, 16-28-16, 16-28-17, 16-28-18, 44-1-24, 44-1-36 am'd.
SB 125
Juvenile Justice, provisions relating to the juvenile justice system substantially revised, adoption of policies for absenteeism and school misconduct required, Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Fund, created, Secs, 12-15-102, 12-15-107, 12-15-119, 12-15-120, 12-15-126, 12-15-127, 12-15-128, 12-15-132, 12-15-207, 12-15-209, 12-15-211, 12-15-215, 12-15-221, 12-15-701, 12-25-9, 15-20A-5, 16-28-2.2, 16-28-8, 16-28-13, 16-28-14, 16-28-16, 16-28-17, 16-28-18, 44-1-24, 44-1-36 am'd.
SB 117
Mental health, provide right of appeal for Dept. of Mental Health if court denies petition to release defendant adjudicated not guilty by reason of insanity, Secs. 15-16-41, 15-16-43, 15-16-60 to 15-16-71, inclusive, am'd.
SB 113
Expungement, to allow expungement of convictions if the person has received a pardon, Secs. 15-27-1, 15-27-2 am'd.
SB 111
Capital offenses, requiring juvenile defendant convicted of capital murder to be eligible for parole after serving 25 years, Secs. 13A-5-2, 13A-5-43, 13A-6-2, 15-22-27.3 am'd.
SB 110
Commerce, recapture benefit extended to call centers that relocate out of state
SB 109
Elections, tampering with an electronic voting machine, voter fraud, Election Integrity Act, Secs. 17-17-23, 17-17-24 am'd.
SJR 99
Alabama Open Records Study Task Force, created
SJR 98
Car Surfing Death Awareness Day, July 1 annually, named
SJR 79
Alabama Open Records Study Task Force, created
SB 60
Motor vehicles, reduced speed school zones, to include schools in a municipality, Secs. 32-5A-181, 32-5A-182, 32-5A-183 am'd.
SB 57
Retirement Systems, dependent child, to provide direct retirement benefits be paid to a special needs trust, authorized, Secs. 12-18-156, 16-25-14, 36-27-16 am'd.
SB 53
Drinking water, to set safety and cleanliness requirements for the design, construction, permitting, and operation of certain water distribution facilities, Sec. 22-23-55 added
SJR 52
Autism CARES Act, Congress urged to support
SB 42
Criminal procedure, pardons and paroles, violent offenses, Sec. 15-22-27.4 added; Secs. 15-22-27.3, 15-22-28 am'd.
SB 41
Sexual assault, provide for victim notification, provide for certain rights to victims, Sexual Assault Task Force, created, Sexual Assault Survivors Bill of Rights
SJR 36
Legislature, rescinding all previous resolutions of Alabama Legislature requesting Congress to call a convention pursuant to Article V of U.S. Constitution
SB 32
Crimes and offenses, J.K. Elrod Act, murder, knowingly selling or distributing a controlled substance that causes the death of another, exemption for physicians and pharmacists
SB 31
Municipal courts, pretrial diversion program, voluntary transfer authorized
SB 30
Court costs, docket fee, waiver for substantial hardship, verified statement required, time period to pay up denial of hardship petition, Secs. 12-19-43, 12-19-70 am'd.
SB 29
Class 8 municipalities, weeds, abatement, alternative procedures to declare a public nuisance after prior abatement
SB 28
Municipal courts, mayors and municipal court judges, powers and duties, further provided for, mayor authorized to remit court costs, municipal court judge authorized to issue arrest warrants and hold in contempt of court, Secs. 12-14-15, 12-14-32 am'd.
SB 17
Criminal procedure, crime victims' compensation, Lisa's Law, entity contract, with convicted felons, escrow account for benefit of crime victims created, procedure, Sec. 41-9-80.1 to 41-9-80.8, inclusive, added; 41-9-80 to 41-9-84, inclusive, repealed.
SB 16
Drivers license, suspension, prohibited for failure to pay fines, fees, or court costs, Sec. 32-5A-195 am'd.

SB 388
Sexual Assault Survivors Bill of Rights, created, provide for victim notification, require submission and examination of kit within certain time, create task force
SB 358
Alabama Private Investigation Regulatory Act, private investigator, fees clarified, qualifications, licensing, procedure and fee to reinstate inactive licenses, increase number of hours for continuing education, Secs. 34-25B-4, 34-25B-7, 34-25B-11, 34-25B-12, 34-25B-13, 34-25B-17, 34-25B-18, 34-25B-21, 34-25B-22, 34-25B-26 am'd.
SB 319
Retirement Systems, dependent child, to provide direct retirement benefits be paid to a special needs trust, authorized, Secs. 12-18-156, 16-25-14, 36-27-16 am'd.
SB 289
Electric lines, high voltage overhead lines, operation of equipment, etc, near prohibited under certain conditions, distance increased, warning signs on certain equipment required, Secs. 37-8-52, 37-8-53 am'd.
SB 267
Ethics Commission, enforcement provisions revised, Secs. 36-25-1, 36-25-4, 36-25-27 am'd.
SB 265
Electronic Security Board of Licensure, alarm system installer changed to system installer, bd. authorized to meet via video conference, provide further for persons of bd and exemptions, criminal penalties provided for certain activities, Secs. 34-1A-1 to 34-1A-8, inclusive, am'd.
SB 264
Driving under the influence, pretrial diversion programs, fee to Ala. Head and Spinal Cord Trust Fund, payment provided for, Sec. 32-5A-191 am'd.
SB 263
Crimes and offenses, J.K. Elrod Act, murder, knowingly selling or distributing a controlled substance that causes the death of another, exemption for physicians and pharmacists
SB 256
Income tax, credit for certain qualified clean-burning motor fuel property including motor vehicles propelled by compressed natural gas, liquified natural gas, or liquified petroleum gas, limitation, Revenue Dept. authorized to make rules
SB 196
Crimes and offenses, criminal code chapters 1-4 and technical revisions, corporate entities, criminal liability, criminal facilitation offense created, entrapment defined, Secs. 13A-1-5.1, 13A-1-12, 13A-2-27, 13A-2-28, 13A-2-29, 13A-2-30, 13A-4-6 added; Secs. 13A-1-2, 13A-1-4, 13A-1-8, 13A-2-1, 13A-2-2, 13A-2-3, 13A-2-5, 13A-2-6, 13A-2-20 to 13A-2-24, inclusive, 13A-2-26, 13A-3-1, 13A-3-2, 13A-3-21, 13A-3-22, 13A-3-24, 13A-3-25, 13A-3-27, 13A-3-28, 13A-3-30, 13A-3-31, 13A-4-1, 13A-4-2, 13A-4-3 am'd.
SB 195
Sex offenders, public notice, Sec. 15-20A-21 am'd.
SB 188
Marriage and Family Therapy Board, practice of marriage and family therapy further defined to include diagnosis of mental and emotional problems, certain limitations deleted, Sec. 34-17A-3 am'd.
SB 179
Human trafficking, increase criminal penalties for obstructing enforcement of, Secs. 13A-6-152, 13A-6-153 am'd.
SB 148
Juvenile Justice, provisions relating to the juvenile justice system substantially revised, adoption of policies for absenteeism and school misconduct required, Juvenile Justice Reinvestment Fund, created, Secs, 12-15-102, 12-15-107, 12-15-110, 12-15-117, 12-15-119, 12-15-120, 12-15-121, 12-15-126, 12-15-127, 12-15-128, 12-15-132, 12-15-203, 12-15-204, 12-15-207, 12-15-209, 12-15-211, 12-15-215, 12-15-221, 12-15-701, 12-25-9, 16-28-2.2, 16-28-8, 16-28-12, 16-28-13, 16-28-14, 16-28-16, 16-28-17, 16-28-18, 44-1-1, 44-1-24, 44-1-36 am'd.
SB 87
Eminent domain proceedings, costs, condemnation proceedings filed by Dept. of Transportation, the department pays condemnee's reasonable attorney fees, appraisal and engineering costs if final award is 20 percent or higher than department's offer, Sec. 18-1A-293 am'd.
SJR 102
Second Chance Month, April 2018, recognized
SJR 75
Thompson High School Wrestling Team, commended
SJR 70
Bethlehem Baptist Church, 150th anniversary, commended
SJR 69
PANDA Awareness Day, for certain pediatric health issues, October 9, 2018, recognized
SB 42
Class 8 municipalities, weeds, abatement, alternative procedures to declare a public nuisance after prior abatement
SB 41
Municipalities, ordinances, summons and complaint in lieu of arrest, further provided for, exceptions, Sec. 11-45-9.1 am'd.
SB 40
Eminent domain proceedings, costs, condemnation proceedings filed by Dept. of Transportation to reimburse condemnee's under certain conditions, Sec. 18-1A-293 am'd.
SJR 46
Mike "Doc" Mahan Bridge, on Highway 139 in Brierfield, named
SB 39
Controlled substances, Fentanyl and Fentanyl analogues included in schedule I, criminal penalties for trafficking, Secs. 13A-12-211, 13A-12-231, 20-2-23 am'd.
SB 38
Judges, private, types of cases expanded, Secs. 12-11A-2, 12-11A-4 am'd.
SB 37
Municipal courts, pretrial diversion program, voluntary transfer authorized
SB 36
Court costs, docket fee, waiver for substantial hardship, verified statement required, time period to pay up denial of hardship petition, Sec. 12-19-70 am'd.
SB 35
Sex offenders, obscene materials containing visual depiction of persons under 17 years, disseminating, publicly displaying, possessing, or possessing with intent to disseminate, term further defined, crime of possession, penalties, Alabama Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Act on 1st or 2nd offense, Secs.13A-12-190, 13A-12-192 am'd.
SB 34
Municipal courts, mayors and municipal court judges, mayor authorized to remit court costs imposed by municipal court judge, municipal court judges authorized to remit certain costs upon a showing of indigency, mayor's authority to commute sentences removed, municipal court judges authorized to issue arrest warrants and hold certain persons in contempt of court, Secs. 12-14-15, 12-14-32 am'd.
SB 33
Energy Policy, Permanent Joint Legislative Committee on, membership and duties revised, limit reporting of committee, creation of office deleted, authorized to form advisory subcommittees, Secs. 29-2-270 to 29-2-275, inclusive, am'd.
SB 17
Alabama Family Trust Corporation, compliance with federal Social Security law and rules, provisions for successor life beneficiary deleted, disbursement of remainder including reimbursement for medical assistance, trust not to affect Medicaid approps, Secs. 38-9B-2, 38-9B-3, 38-9B-5 am'd.
Specification Rubber Products, Inc., 50th anniversary, commended

Court costs, docket fee, waiver for substantial hardship, verified statement required, time period to pay up denial of hardship petition, Sec. 12-19-70 am'd.
Workers' compensation, law enforcement officer, firefighter, killed in line of duty, surviving spouse to keep benefits after remarriage, Secs. 25-5-60, 25-5-66, 25-5-68, 25-5-69 am'd.
Emergency telephone service, 911 Fund, distribution to districts on per capita basis, Sec. 11-98-5.2 am'd.
Homeowners' Associations, formation as a nonprofit corporation, required, certain documents to be filed with Secretary of State, Secretary of State to implement a database of such filings, Secs. 35-20-1 to 35-20-14, inclusive, repealed
Prisons, Alabama Prison Transformation Initiative Act, construction of new facilities provided for, Joint Legislative Prison Committee, reporting requirements increased, Alabama Corrections Institution Finance Authority, bonds authorized for prison facilities, construction agreements, renovating and demolishing existing prison facilities, proceeds on existing one mill tax, distribution further provided for, Sec. 11-101A-8.1 added; Secs. 11-101A-1, 11-101A-2, 11-101A-4, 11-101A-8, 14-2-1, 14-2-6, 14-2-12, 14-2-13.1, 14-2-14, 14-2-16, 14-2-19, 14-2-21, 14-2-28, 14-2-34, 28-3-201, 28-3-202, 28-3-204, 29-2-20, 38-4-12, 40-8-3 am'd.
Municipal courts, pretrial diversion program, voluntary transfer authorized
Municipal courts, mayors and municipal court judges, mayor authorized to remit court costs imposed by municipal court judge, municipal court judges authorized to remit certain costs upon a showing of indigency, mayor's authority to commute sentences removed, municipal court judges authorized to issue arrest warrants and hold certain persons in contempt of court, Secs. 12-14-15, 12-14-31, 12-14-32 am'd.
Voter registration, convicted felons, moral turpitude defined for purposes of crimes which disqualify persons from voting, Felony Voter Disqualification Act, Sec. 17-3-30.1 added; Secs. 17-4-3, 17-4-4 am'd.
Child care facilities, church based, licensing required, Secs. 13A-6-29, 38-7-2, 38-7-3, 38-13-2, 38-13-3 am'd.
Sales and use tax, exemptions under sales tax and use tax standardized, sales of photographs and commissioned portraits exempt as a service, Secs. 40-23-4, 40-23-62 am'd.
Transportation Commission, established, members, duties, compensation, appointment of Transportation Department director, department not subject to Budget Management Act, Secs. 23-1-21, 23-1-21.2 am'd.
Criminal procedure, appeals of capital murder cases when defendant sentenced to death, appeal time reduced, post conviction remedies pursued with direct appeal, Fair Justice Act
Family law, paternity, alleged father, testing where mother alleges, by word or publication
Permanent Joint Legislative Committee on Energy Policy, membership and duties revised, fund created for deposit of funds, creation fo office deleted, Secs. 29-2-270 to 29-2-275, inclusive, am'd.
Eminent domain proceedings, costs, condemnation proceedings filed by Dept. of Transportation, the department pays condemnee's reasonable attorney fees, appraisal and engineering costs if final award is 20 percent or higher than department's offer, Sec. 18-1A-293 am'd.
Sex offenders, obscene materials containing visual depiction of persons under 17 years, disseminating, publicly displaying, possessing, or possessing with intent to disseminate, term further defined, crime of possession, penalties, Alabama Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Act on 1st or 2nd offense, Secs.13A-12-190, 13A-12-192 am'd.
Prison reform, periods of confinement for parole and probation violations clarified, mandatory release dates required, identification of alternative community corrections programs clarified, services for veterans, legislative committee reporting requirement extended, Secs. 12-25-32, 12-25-36, 13A-4-1, 13A-4-2, 13A-4-3, 13A-5-6, 13A-8-4.1, 13A-8-8.1, 13A-8-10.25, 13A-8-18.1, 15-18-8, 15-18-172, 15-22-24, 15-22-26.2, 15-22-29, 15-22-29.1, 15-22-32, 15-22-52, 15-22-54, 29-2-20 am'd.
Schedule I controlled substances, Fentanyl and Fentanyl analogues included, criminal penalties for trafficking, Secs. 13A-12-211, 13A-12-212, 13A-12-231, 20-2-23 am'd.
Sales and use tax, exemptions, standardized, certain sales and use tax exemptions, provided, Secs. 40-23-4, 40-23-62 am'd.
Class 8 municipalities, weeds, abatement, alternative procedures to declare a public nuisance after prior abatement
Fiduciaries, Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, adopted, fiduciaries, duties with regard to computer files, web domains, virtual currency and other digital assets, Secs. 19-1A-1 to 19-1A-18, inclusive, added
Deceptive trade practices, action against violations must be brought within four years from the act, Sec. 8-9-14 am'd
Prisons, Alabama Prison Transformation Initiative Act, construction of new facilities provided for, Joint Legislative Prison Committee, reporting requirements increased, Alabama Corrections Institution Finance Authority, bonds authorized for prison facilities, construction agreements, renovating and demolishing existing prison facilities, proceeds on existing one mill tax, distribution further provided for, Secs. 14-2-1, 14-2-6, 14-2-12, 14-2-13.1, 14-2-14, 14-2-16, 14-2-19, 14-2-21, 14-2-28, 14-2-34, 28-3-201, 28-3-202, 28-3-24, 29-2-20, 38-4-12, 40-8-3 am'd.
Judge of probate, counties where judge is an attorney, probate court to have same contempt powers as circuit court, Sec. 12-13-9 am'd.
Medicaid, inmates in co. jails and under juvenile court, Medicaid eligibility suspended, not terminated, temporary reinstatement for med. care, payment of costs

Admission tickets, resale of, issuers, primary ticket sales platforms and secondary ticket exchanges prohibited from engaging in certain activity, use of certain software to bypass security measures on a platform or exchange prohibited, Sec. 8-19E-2 am'd.
Prison reform, periods of confinement for parole and probation violations clarified, mandatory release dates required, identification of alternative community corrections programs clarified, services for veterans, legislative committee reporting requirement extended, Secs. 12-25-32, 12-25-34, 13A-4-1, 13A-4-2, 13A-4-3, 13A-5-6, 13A-5-8.1, 13A-8-4.1, 13A-8-8.1, 13A-8-10.25, 13A-8-18.1, 15-18-8, 15-18-172, 15-22-26.2, 15-22-29, 15-22-29.1, 15-22-32, 15-22-52, 15-22-54, 29-2-20 am'd.
Prescription drugs, federally-qualified health centers authorized to deliver medications to clinics, Sec. 34-23-70 am'd.
Flex loans, authorizing, licensure and regulation of
Education, inappropriate conduct, public K-12, annual inservice training for teachers to recognize behavior of students
Municipality or county, business license tax, home health agency and hospice, tax due only where headquarters or branch office is located, tax not to be levied only because of delivery of service by employees, Sec 11-51-90.4 added
Eminent domain proceedings, costs, condemnation proceedings filed by Dept. of Transportation, the department pays condemnee's reasonable attorney fees, appraisal and engineering costs if final award is 20 percent or higher than department's offer, Sec. 18-1A-293 am'd.
Educator-Student Interaction Training Act, State Superintendent of Education, School Superintendent of Alabama, and AEA required to develop and disseminate one hour of training at annual institute on appropriate and inappropriate interaction between educators and students
Medicaid, inmates in city or county jail or custody of Dept. of Corrections, benefits suspended during custody
Motor vehicles, window tint law, medical exemption for light-sensitive porphyria, applicable to all areas of windshield, Sec. 32-5C-4 am'd.
Psychology, Board of Examiners in, qualifications and membership, inactive license fee, criminal history background checks, penalty for violations increased, obsolete language removed, Sec. 34-26-20 repealed; Secs. 34-26-21, 34-26-41, 34-26-43.1, 34-26-62, 34-26-65, 34-26-66 am'd.
Definition of Moral Turpitude Act, established, crimes which disqualify citizens from voting provided, Sec. 17-3-30.1 added; Secs. 17-4-3, 17-4-4 am'd.
Municipalities, police jurisdiction, not to extend in additional territory after effective date of this act without affirmative vote of municipal council, Sec. 11-40-10 am'd.
Trespassing, critical infrastructure, crime established, penalties
Fraudulent claims, treble damages for persons filing false claims, civil penalties, Attorney General required to investigate and initiate civil actions, retaliatory action by employers prohibited, limitation of actions, Medicaid False Claims Act
Sex offenders, obscene materials containing visual depiction of persons under 17 years, disseminating, publicly displaying, possessing, or possessing with intent to disseminate, term further defined, crime of possession, penalties, Alabama Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Act on 1st or 2nd offense, Secs.13A-12-190, 13A-12-191, 13A-12-192 am'd.
Circuit judgeships, Chief Justice of Alabama Supreme Court auth. to reallocate judgeships to a different circuit after vacancy, study by Judicial System Study Commission to make recommendations
Title Insurance Agents, continuing education requirements met if mandatory continuing legal education requirements are met, Sec. 27-25-4.4 am'd.
Evidence, expert testimony, admissibility, revised, references to requirement that testimony be based on scientific theory, principle, method or procedure deleted, prospective operation, Sec. 12-21-160.1 added; Sec. 12-21-160 am'd.
Business entities, partnerships and limited liability companies, procedures for formation and operation of harmonized, merger, dissolution, Secs. 10A-1-1.03, 10A-1-1.06, 10A-1-1.08, 10A-1-4.26, 10A-1-6.02, 10A-1.6.13, 10A-1-6.25, 10A-1-7.07, 10A-5A-1.10, 10A-5A-4.01, 10A-5A-5.04, 10A-5A-7.01, 10A-5A-7.02, 10A-5A-10.03, 10A-5A-10.04, 10A-5A-10.07, 10A-5A-10.08 am'd.; Secs. 10A-9-1.01 to 10A-9-12.08 inclusive, repealed; Secs. 10A-9A-1.01 to 10A-9A-11.07, inclusive, added
Fraudulent Transfer Act, make applicable to domestic settlements, Sec. 8-9A-1 am'd.
Health Insurance Carriers, provide cost information to enrollees, Alabama Right to Shop Act
Deceptive trade practices, action against violations must be brought within four years from the act, Sec. 8-9-14 am'd
Class 8 municipalities, weeds, abatement, alternative procedures to declare a public nuisance after prior abatement
Municipalities, commission form of gov't under Chapter 44, Title 11, special election procedures, repealed, savings provisions Chapter 44, Title 11 and Article 3, Chapter 46, Title 11 repealed, Secs. 11-44-1 to 11-44-162, inclusive, Secs. 11-46-90 to 11-46-145 inclusive, repealed
Consumer, regulate the lending of money, provide criminal penalties, Alabama Consumer Lawsuit Lending Act
Animals, authorized rabies vaccines, further provided for, possession of large felidae or wolves, prohibited under certain conditions, annual registration fees provided for, penalties, Sec. 3-8-2 added; Sec. 3-8-1 am'd.
Title Insurance, agents, attorneys exempt from licenses by Insurance Department, Sec. 27-25-3 am'd.
Trails Commission, and advisory board, members, terms, commission may be transferred from Department of Economic and Community Affairs to another agency, Secs. 41-23-140, 41-23-141 am'd.
Mitchell's Place, Inc., exempt from sales and use taxes
Taxation, state tax revenues, distribution further provided for, Secs. 9-13-84, 22-9A-23, 22-21-24, 27-4A-3, 28-3-74, 28-3-184, 28-3-201, 28-3-202, 28-3-204, 28-7-16, 38-4-12, 38-4-12.1, 38-4-13, 40-1-31, 40-8-3, 40-21-51, 40-21-87, 40-23-35, 40-23-50, 40-23-77, 40-25-23 am'd.

Admission tickets, resale of, issuers, primary ticket sales platforms and secondary ticket exchanges prohibited from engaging in certain activity, use of certain software to bypass security measures on a platform or exchange prohibited, Sec. 8-19E-2 am'd.
Prison reform, periods of confinement for parole and probation violations clarified, mandatory release dates required, identification of alternative community corrections programs clarified, services for veterans, legislative committee reporting requirement extended, Secs. 12-25-32, 12-25-34, 13A-4-1, 13A-4-2, 13A-4-3, 13A-5-6, 13A-5-8.1, 13A-8-4.1, 13A-8-8.1, 13A-8-10.25, 13A-8-18.1, 15-18-8, 15-18-172, 15-22-26.2, 15-22-29, 15-22-29.1, 15-22-32, 15-22-52, 15-22-54, 29-2-20 am'd.
Prescription drugs, federally-qualified health centers authorized to deliver medications to clinics, Sec. 34-23-70 am'd.
Flex loans, authorizing, licensure and regulation of
Education, inappropriate conduct, public K-12, annual inservice training for teachers to recognize behavior of students
Municipality or county, business license tax, home health agency and hospice, tax due only where headquarters or branch office is located, tax not to be levied only because of delivery of service by employees, Sec 11-51-90.4 added
Eminent domain proceedings, costs, condemnation proceedings filed by Dept. of Transportation, the department pays condemnee's reasonable attorney fees, appraisal and engineering costs if final award is 20 percent or higher than department's offer, Sec. 18-1A-293 am'd.
Educator-Student Interaction Training Act, State Superintendent of Education, School Superintendent of Alabama, and AEA required to develop and disseminate one hour of training at annual institute on appropriate and inappropriate interaction between educators and students
Medicaid, inmates in city or county jail or custody of Dept. of Corrections, benefits suspended during custody
Motor vehicles, window tint law, medical exemption for light-sensitive porphyria, applicable to all areas of windshield, Sec. 32-5C-4 am'd.
Psychology, Board of Examiners in, qualifications and membership, inactive license fee, criminal history background checks, penalty for violations increased, obsolete language removed, Sec. 34-26-20 repealed; Secs. 34-26-21, 34-26-41, 34-26-43.1, 34-26-62, 34-26-65, 34-26-66 am'd.
Definition of Moral Turpitude Act, established, crimes which disqualify citizens from voting provided, Sec. 17-3-30.1 added; Secs. 17-4-3, 17-4-4 am'd.
Municipalities, police jurisdiction, not to extend in additional territory after effective date of this act without affirmative vote of municipal council, Sec. 11-40-10 am'd.
Trespassing, critical infrastructure, crime established, penalties
Fraudulent claims, treble damages for persons filing false claims, civil penalties, Attorney General required to investigate and initiate civil actions, retaliatory action by employers prohibited, limitation of actions, Medicaid False Claims Act
Sex offenders, obscene materials containing visual depiction of persons under 17 years, disseminating, publicly displaying, possessing, or possessing with intent to disseminate, term further defined, crime of possession, penalties, Alabama Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Act on 1st or 2nd offense, Secs.13A-12-190, 13A-12-191, 13A-12-192 am'd.
Circuit judgeships, Chief Justice of Alabama Supreme Court auth. to reallocate judgeships to a different circuit after vacancy, study by Judicial System Study Commission to make recommendations
Title Insurance Agents, continuing education requirements met if mandatory continuing legal education requirements are met, Sec. 27-25-4.4 am'd.
Evidence, expert testimony, admissibility, revised, references to requirement that testimony be based on scientific theory, principle, method or procedure deleted, prospective operation, Sec. 12-21-160.1 added; Sec. 12-21-160 am'd.
Business entities, partnerships and limited liability companies, procedures for formation and operation of harmonized, merger, dissolution, Secs. 10A-1-1.03, 10A-1-1.06, 10A-1-1.08, 10A-1-4.26, 10A-1-6.02, 10A-1.6.13, 10A-1-6.25, 10A-1-7.07, 10A-5A-1.10, 10A-5A-4.01, 10A-5A-5.04, 10A-5A-7.01, 10A-5A-7.02, 10A-5A-10.03, 10A-5A-10.04, 10A-5A-10.07, 10A-5A-10.08 am'd.; Secs. 10A-9-1.01 to 10A-9-12.08 inclusive, repealed; Secs. 10A-9A-1.01 to 10A-9A-11.07, inclusive, added
Fraudulent Transfer Act, make applicable to domestic settlements, Sec. 8-9A-1 am'd.
Health Insurance Carriers, provide cost information to enrollees, Alabama Right to Shop Act
Deceptive trade practices, action against violations must be brought within four years from the act, Sec. 8-9-14 am'd
Class 8 municipalities, weeds, abatement, alternative procedures to declare a public nuisance after prior abatement
Municipalities, commission form of gov't under Chapter 44, Title 11, special election procedures, repealed, savings provisions Chapter 44, Title 11 and Article 3, Chapter 46, Title 11 repealed, Secs. 11-44-1 to 11-44-162, inclusive, Secs. 11-46-90 to 11-46-145 inclusive, repealed
Consumer, regulate the lending of money, provide criminal penalties, Alabama Consumer Lawsuit Lending Act
Animals, authorized rabies vaccines, further provided for, possession of large felidae or wolves, prohibited under certain conditions, annual registration fees provided for, penalties, Sec. 3-8-2 added; Sec. 3-8-1 am'd.
Title Insurance, agents, attorneys exempt from licenses by Insurance Department, Sec. 27-25-3 am'd.
Trails Commission, and advisory board, members, terms, commission may be transferred from Department of Economic and Community Affairs to another agency, Secs. 41-23-140, 41-23-141 am'd.
Mitchell's Place, Inc., exempt from sales and use taxes
Taxation, state tax revenues, distribution further provided for, Secs. 9-13-84, 22-9A-23, 22-21-24, 27-4A-3, 28-3-74, 28-3-184, 28-3-201, 28-3-202, 28-3-204, 28-7-16, 38-4-12, 38-4-12.1, 38-4-13, 40-1-31, 40-8-3, 40-21-51, 40-21-87, 40-23-35, 40-23-50, 40-23-77, 40-25-23 am'd.

State Health Planning and Development Agency, final decisions, appeals to Court of Civil Appeals, exclusive method of appeal, Sec. 22-21-275 am'd.
Bibb Co., sheriffs, additional qualifications, continuing education, expense allowance and compensation
Bibb Co., co. medical examiner, act establishing repealed, Act 99-366, 1999 Reg. Sess., repealed; Secs. 45-4-60 to 45-4-60.17, inclusive, repealed
Bibb Co., co. commission, meeting days, performing work on private property, Secs. 45-4-72, 45-4-74 repealed
Homeowners' Associations, formation as a nonprofit corporation, required, election of board of directors, notice requirements, adoption and enforcement of rules relating to common areas, liens, Alabama Homeowners' Association Act
Condominiums and attached housing, property insurance at 150 percent of actual value required and liability insurance covering common areas, required
County roads, municipalities, assuming control, co. commission required to approve, Sec. 11-49-81 am'd.
Health, terminally ill patients, drugs and devices which have completed phase I trial, right to try under certain conditions
Corrections Department, Investigation and Intelligence Division, search warrants, execution, investigations further provided for, Sec. 14-3-9 am'd.
Debtors, homestead exemption and personal property exemption, increased, Secs. 6-10-2, 6-10-6, 6-10-11, 43-8-110, 43-8-111, 43-8-113, 43-8-115 am'd.
Warranties, New Assistive Devices Warranty Act, remedies
Funeral Service, Board of, certain licenses, 70 or older exempt from license renewal fees, Sec. 34-13-53 am'd.
Debtors, homestead exemption and personal property exemption, increased, Secs. 6-10-2, 6-10-6, 6-10-11, 43-8-110, 43-8-111, 43-8-113, 43-8-115 am'd.
Child support, Uniform Interstate Family Support Act adopted, registration, enforcement, and modification of foreign child support orders, Secs. 30-3D-101 to 30-3D-105, inclusive, 30-3D-201 to 30-3D-211, inclusive, 30-3D-301 to 30-3D-319, inclusive, 30-3D-401, 30-3D-402, 30-3D-501 to 30-3D-507, inclusive, 30-3D-601 to 30-3D-616, inclusive, 30-3D-701 to 30-3D-713, inclusive, 30-3D-801, 30-3D-802, 30-3D-901, 30-3D-902, added; Secs. 30-3A-101, 30-3A-102, 30-3A-103, 30-3A-201 to 30-3A-209, inclusive, 30-3A-301 to 30-3A-319, inclusive, 30-3A-401, 30-3A-501 to 30-3A-507, inclusive, 30-3A-601 to 30-3A-614, inclusive, 30-3A-701, 30-3A-801, 30-3A-802, 30-3A-901 to 30-3A-906, inclusive, repealed
Psychology, Board of Examiners in, qualifications and membership, inactive license fee, criminal history background checks, penalty for violations increased, obsolete language removed, Sec. 34-26-20 repealed; Secs. 34-26-21, 34-26-41, 34-26-43.1, 34-26-62, 34-26-65, 34-26-66 am'd.
Elections, political parties and independent candidates for statewide office, number of names required to gain ballot access, reduced, Secs. 17-6-22, 17-9-3 am'd.
Cosmetology and Barbering, Alabama Board of, schools of cosmetology and barbering, provide training programs above secondary level, Secs. 34-7B-1, 34-7B-26 am'd.
Transportation Department, director authorized to appoint assistant counsel subject to State Merit System, Sec. 23-1-26 am'd.
Court costs, filing fee, expungement of certain criminal offenses abolished, uniform petition for expungement, established, Sec. 15-27-4 repealed; Secs. 15-27-1, 15-27-2 am'd.
Product liability, innovator liability, immunity for damages arising from product not designed, manufactured, sold, or leased by a manufacturer
Shelby Co., judge of probate, vacancies, nominations to Governor by Shelby Co. Judicial Commission, const. amend.
Public contracts, staffing plan for employees of companies awarded public contracts
Consumer, regulate the lending of money, Sec. 6-8-120 added; Secs. 5-19-1, 5-19-3, 5-19-16 am'd.
Corrections reform, criminal penalties and sentencing revised, alternative community corrections programs required, specified treatment and supervision practices by Board of Pardons and Paroles required, criteria for release required, sanctions for violations by parolees and probationers, mandatory supervision periods for inmates, Secs. 13A-8-3.1, 13A-8-4.1, 13A-8-8.1, 13A-8-18.1, 13A-8-24, 13A-9-3.1, 13A-9-6.1, 15-22-26.1, 15-22-36.3, 15-22-57 added; Secs. 12-25-32, 12-25-33, 13A-5-3, 13A-5-6, 13A-5-9, 13A-5-11, 13A-5-13, 13A-7-7, 13A-8-3, 13A-8-4, 13A-8-5, 13A-8-8, 13A-8-9, 13A-8-10.2, 13A-8-10.3, 13A-8-18, 13A-8-19, 13A-9-3, 13A-9-4, 13A-9-6, 13A-9-7, 13A-9-14, 13A-12-211, 13A-12-212, 13A-12-213, 13A-12-291, 14-14-5, 15-8-8, 15-18-171, 15-18-172, 15-18-174, 15-18-176, 15-18-180, 15-18-182, 15-22-24, 15-22-26, 15-22-28, 15-22-29, 15-22-31, 15-22-32, 15-22-33, 15-22-36, 15-22-36.2, 15-22-51, 15-22-52, 15-22-53, 15-22-54, 29-2-20, 36-18-25 am'd.
Court records, access by district attorneys and their employees at no charge, Sec. 12-19-180 am'd.
Electric utilities, transmission facilities, existing suppliers authorized to construct add'l facilities connecting with other electric suppliers, appeals of disputes, Energy Security Act of 2015, Sec. 37-4-150 added
Motor vehicles, window tint law, medical exemption for light-sensitive porphyria, applicable to all areas of windshield, Sec. 32-5C-4 am'd.
Law enforcement officer, eluding, enhanced felony penalty for serious physical injury or death to the pursuing officer, Sec. 13A-10-52 am'd.
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, regulation of public exhibition of wildlife, additional fee authorized, exemptions revised, Secs. 9-11-324, 9-11-328 am'd.
Alabama Open Meetings Act, prohibit serial meetings, to clarify Open Meetings Act applies to meeting of the Legislature, committees, or subcommittees of governmental bodies, penalties, Secs. 36-25A-1, 36-25A-2, 36-25A-3, 36-25A-9 am'd.
Transportation Department Fleet Management Program, vehicles purchased with state funds required to be purchased from dealerships located in state, Sec. 23-1-50.1 am'd.
Municipalities, elections under Title 11, absentee ballots, voting machines, provisions regarding tie votes, Secs. 11-46-32, 11-46-33, 11-46-55 am'd.
Death penalty, execution by electrocution required under certain conditions, Sec. 15-18-82.1 am'd.
Mitchell's Place, Inc., exempt from sales and use taxes

Chilton Co., sales and use tax, co. commission authorized to levy add'l. for hospital, Act 2014-162, 2014 Reg. Sess., repealed and superseded
Alabaster, corp. limits alt.
Public K-12 Education, moratorium on further adoption of common core until 1/1/17, local board of education may opt out and use alternative curriculum, advisory commission created
Sex Offenders, registration and community notification, technical revisions and citations update various sections, petition for relief from employment, residency living restriction, civil division of circuit courts, absconding without registering, penalty, Secs. 12-15-107, 12-15-116, 13A-5-2, 13A-5-6, 14-9-41, 15-18-8, 15-19-7, 15-20A-4 to 15-20A-7, incl., 15-20A-9, 15-20A-11, 15-20A-14, 15-20A-16, 15-20A-18, 15-20A-21 to 15-20A-26, incl., 15-20A-28, 15-20A-29, 15-20A-32, 15-20A-34, 15-20A-35, 15-20A-37, 15-20A-39, 15-20A-40, 15-20A-43, 15-20A-45, 15-20A-46, 15-22-27.3, 32-6-49.24, 36-18-24, 36-18-25, 38-13-2, 38-13-4
Judges, recusals, appearance of impartiality based on campaign contribution, rebuttable presumption if contribution represents 25 percent of total contribution for election cycle, Secs. 12-24-1, 12-24-2 repealed
Debtors, homestead exemption and personal property exemption, increased, Secs. 6-10-2, 6-10-6, 6-10-7, 6-10-11, 43-8-110, 43-8-111, 43-8-113, 43-8-115 am'd.
Firefighters, death or disability for occupational disease for firefighters, no time limitation upon filing a claim for disability benefits, may resubmit claims under certain conditions, Secs. 11-43-144, 36-30-5, 36-30-20, 36-30-22, 36-30-40, 36-30-41 am'd.
Evidence, rebuttable presumption that an emergency call to a law enforcement agency or 911 by a defendant in certain criminal cases is inadmissible
Aggravated theft of property, crime of created, limitations specified, Sec. 13A-8-2.1 added; Secs. 13A-8-3-, 15-3-1 am'd.
Common Core Curriculum Standards, terminated, prior courses of study to be implemented
Oil and Gas Board, oil and gas wells, drainage or production units, regulation of horizontal wells in oil reservoirs and offshore wells in gas reservoirs, Secs. 9-17-1, 9-17-12 am'd.
Alabama Poultry Farm Revolving Loan Fund, established, administered by the Department of Agriculture and Industries, revenue bonds authorized
Municipalities, storm sewer system, regulation, Sec. 11-89C-15 added; Secs. 11-89C-1, 11-89C-2, 11-89C-4, 11-89C-9, 11-89C-10 am'd.
Public officials, rewards for exemplary public service from a third party not considered using his or her position for personal gain, Sec. 36-25-5 am'd.
Virtual Public Schools Act, local boards of education may provide alternative choice for education via the Internet
Water works boards, serving counties other than co., where organized, additional board members, term, compensation, coverage by Ethics Law, notice and hearing regarding rate increases
Juvenile court, adoptions, exclusive jurisdiction of termination of parental rights cases, Legislative intent, Sec. 12-15-114 am'd.
Board of Optometry, practice of optometry through telemedicine provided, Secs. 34-22-80 to 34-22-87, inclusive, am'd.; Sec. 34-22-88 repealed
Motor vehicles, ignition interlock device, reduction of period of license suspension or revocation authorized, distribution of fees collected from defendants opting for installation of device, Secs. 32-5A-191, 32-5A-191.4, 32-5A-301, 32-5A-304 am'd.
Statewide 911 Board, additional members, 911 charges per account limited, application to digital transmission links, clarified, Secs. 11-98-1, 11-98-4.1, 11-98-5 am'd.
Employment regulation, counties, municipalities, or other political subdivision may not require employers to grant vacation or other leave to employees
Workers' compensation, coverage exemption filed only with carrier, limited liability company added, Sec. 25-5-50 am'd.
Sex offenders, convicted of crime with a minor, prohibited within 500 feet of public school K-12 property during instructional hours, Class C felony, Sec. 15-20A-17 am'd.
Law enforcement officers, authorized to issue traffic citations at the scene of the crash for traffic offenses, under certain conditions, additional fines, Sec. 32-5-171 am'd.
Circuit judgeships, Chief Justice of Alabama Supreme Court auth. to reallocate judgeships to a different circuit after vacancy, study by Judicial System Study Commission to make recommendations
Legislative department, constitutional provisions, Article IV Constitution of Alabama of 1901, repealed certain provisions of Article 10 moved to Articles XVII and XVIII, new Article IV added, Amendments 1,12, 22, 26A, 39, 40, 49, 53, 57, 58, 88, 92, 93, 97, 112, 142, 159, 201, 214, 227, 247, 257, 315, 327, 339, 341, 354, 375, 383, 388, 389, 390, 397, 400, 401, 411, 427, 428, 443, 448, 449, 451, 452, 453, 454, 472, 474, 475, 491, 492, 513, 556, 558, 621, 715, 766, 772, 798, 871; Secs. 122, 280, 281, 282 repealed
Elections, write-in votes, procedures to count, duties to judge of probate in co. elections, Secretary of State for state election, Secs. 17-6-28, 17-12-1 am'd.
Taxation, remove Liquefied Petroleum Gas from the decal program, Secs. 40-17-160, 40-17-161 am'd.
Public education employees, salary increase, including K-12 and certain other designated education institutions, liability insurance program to be established by Finance Department in consultation with Education Department
Consumer, regulate the lending of money, Sec. 6-8-120 added; Secs. 5-19-1, 5-19-3, 5-19-16 am'd.
Tax sale property, redemption, payment of excess to persons negotiating redemption or purchasing at a tax sale, further provided for, Sec. 40-10-28 am'd.
Voter registration, board of registrars, prohibited time of registering any person as a qualified elector extended from 10 to 17 days prior to election, probate judge required to print voter list within 10 days of an election, Sec. 17-3-50, 17-4-2 am'd.
Elections, independent candidate and political parties, ballot access, filing fee, Secs. 17-6-22, 17-9-3 am'd.
Criminal history records, expunction authorized upon court order for certain offenses, Public Safety Department required to issue certificates of eligibility, procedures, penalties
Municipalities, business license tax on residential rental property, levy on per unit basis prohibited, Sec. 11-51-90.3 added
Fishing, additional licenses, new resident and nonresident state lake fishing license, new nonresident 3-day license, public fishing pier and annual saltwater fishing pier licenses, disabled 3-day fishing license, Sec. 9-11-56.3 am'd.
Jurors, persons 70 years of age or older authorized to request exemption from jury service, removal from master list of potential jurors, reinstatement
Drivers' licenses, autism spectrum disorder, persons with autism spectrum disorder to have "ASD" displayed on driver's license
Housing Finance Authority, mortgage guarantee fund, use of funds for, alternative housing programs authorized under Home Buyers Initiative Act, guidelines, Sec. 24-1A-44 added; Sec. 24-1A-42 am'd.
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, reduce appeal time, Fair Justice Act
Criminal procedure, new classes of capital offense, Secs. 13A-5-40, 13A-5-49 am'd.
Alabama Open Meetings Act, prohibit serial meetings, to clarify Open Meetings Act applies to meeting of the Legislature, committees, or subcommittees of governmental bodies, penalties, Secs. 36-25A-1, 36-25A-2, 36-25A-3, 36-25A-9 am'd.
Motor vehicle registrations, counties authorized to offer two-year registrations, payment of fees and taxes
Motor vehicles, child passenger restraints, penalties for violations, portion of penalty distributed for vouchers for limited income families, distributed for administration to Health Department in lieu of Head Injury Foundaion, Sec. 32-5-222 am'd.
Government disclosure of certain information regarding purchase of property by state or local government
Airbag fraud, crime created, penalties, enhanced penalties for physical injury, Sec. 13A-11-270 am'd, Sec. 13A-11-271 repealed
Property, Alabama Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act, created
Public works, Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act, public agencies prohibited from entering contracts and making certain awards based on collective bargaining agreements, certain terms prohibited in certain documents, exemptions
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 40-18-100 am'd.
Supreme Court, rules, publication by Secretary of State in Acts of Alabama, requirement deleted, Sec. 12-2-19 am'd.
Electoral voting, electors voting for president unfaithfully, procedures to prevent, Alabama Uniform Faithful Presidential Electors Act
Homeowners' Associations, disclosure of certain financial information to association board by declarant required, maintenance of association records, inspection by members, meeting requirements, enforcement of rules, assessment of charges for violations, liens, Alabama Homeowners' Association Act
Habitual Offender Act, retroactive application of law after 2000 amendment, provision repealed, Sec. 13A-5-9.1 repealed
Municipalities, elections under Title 11, procedures relating to death or withdrawal, absentee ballots, voting machines, provisions regarding the voter, Secs. 11-46-25, 11-46-26, 11-46-32, 11-46-33, 11-46-55 am'd.
Elections, political parties and independent candidates for statewide office, number of names required to gain ballot access, reduced, Secs. 17-6-22, 17-9-3 am'd.
Courts, private judges requirements to serve, former appellate judges eligible to serve, Attorney General, defense of cases brought against private judge, Secs. 12-11A-2, 12-11A-4, 12-11A-7, 12-11A-8 am'd.; Act 2012-266, 2012 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Human Resources Department, public assistance, drug testing for applicants and recipients required upon reasonable suspicion, ineligibility under certain conditions, department to implement, rulemaking authority
Secured Transactions, Uniform Commercial Code, Secs. 7-9A-102, 7-9A-105, 7-9A-307, 7-9A-311, 7-9A-316, 7-9A-317, 7-9A-326, 7-9A-406, 7-9A-408, 7-9A-502, 7-9A-503, 7-9A-507, 7-9A-515, 7-9A-516, 7-9A-518, 7-9A-521, 7-9A-607 am'd; Secs. 7-9A-801 to 7-9A-809, inclusive, added
Transportation Department, director authorized to appoint assistant counsel subject to State Merit System, Sec. 23-1-26 am'd.
Environment, Alabama Drought Assessment and Planning Team established, power and duties, the Monitoring and Impacts Group Subcommittee established, membership, duties, responsibilities
State agencies, Sunset bills, omnibus bill for agencies continued without modification, Sec. 41-20-11 am'd.
Behavior Analyst Licensing Board, established, licensing and regulation of behavior analysts, appointment of members, powers, exemptions, penalties, subject to Sunset Law

Chilton Co., sheriff, transaction fee increased on computer generated business in certain county offices, Sec. 45-11-12 am'd.
Alabaster, pretrial diversion program, city authorized to establish
Alabaster, civil service system for municipal employees established, duties and powers of personnel board, appellate process, penalties, Act 93-493, 1993 Reg. Sess., Act 96-504, 1996 Reg. Sess., repealed
Court costs, criminal cases, entry of judgment by probate judge upon presentment by clerk of court
High school, students required to complete course in information technology ethics phased in with 9th grade class of 2013-2014 scholastic year, Sec. 16-6B-2 am'd.
Public Service Commission, regulation of pipelines for gas and hazardous liquids, penalties for violation of safety standards increased, Secs. 37-4-87, 37-4-96 am'd.
Sexually exploited children, conviction or delinquency adjudication for prostitution prohibited, transfer from juvenile court prohibited, retention of jurisdiction by juvenile court, county services for, required, Sec. 13A-12-123 added
Controlled substances, additional penalties for convictions of, addition drug-related crimes included, driver's license suspension required for additional convictions for drug-related convictions, Secs. 13A-12-281, 13A-12-291 am'd.
Manufactured homes, rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in manufactured home communities, specified, Alabama Manufactured Home Landlord-Tenant Act
Courts, private judges requirements to serve, former appellate judges eligible to serve, Attorney General, defense of cases brought against private judge, Secs. 12-11A-2, 12-11A-4, 12-11A-7, 12-11A-8 am'd.; Act 2012-266, 2012 Reg. Sess., am'd.
Driving under the influence, ignition interlock devices, withdrawal of license suspension for conviction of authorized under certain conditions, license revocations commuted upon installation of ignition interlock device under certain conditions, courts required to notify Public Safety Department of certain convictions requiring interlock device, Alabama Interlock Indigent Fund created, Secs.32-5A-191, 32-5A-191.4, 32-5A-301, 32-5A-304 am'd.
Drivers' licenses, autism spectrum disorder, persons with autism spectrum disorder to have "ASD" displayed on driver's license
Government disclosure of certain information regarding purchase of property by state or local government
Alabama Family Trust, definitions of contributor and settlor added, references to donor replaced with defined terms contributor or settlor, reimbursement upon death of life beneficiary to other jurisdictions for certain public benefits, Secs. 38-9B-2, 38-9B-3, 38-9B-5, 38-9B-6, 38-9B-7 am'd.
Sex Offenders, registration and community notification, technical revisions and citations update various sections, petition for relief from employment, residency living restriction, civil division of circuit courts, absconding without registering, penalty, Secs. 12-15-107, 12-15-116, 13A-5-2, 13A-5-6, 14-9-41, 15-18-8, 15-19-7, 15-20A-4 to 15-20A-7, incl., 15-20A-9, 15-20A-11, 15-20A-14, 15-20A-16, 15-20A-18, 15-20A-21 to 15-20A-26, incl., 15-20A-28, 15-20A-29, 15-20A-32, 15-20A-34, 15-20A-35, 15-20A-37, 15-20A-39, 15-20A-40, 15-20A-43, 15-20A-45, 15-20A-46, 15-22-27.3, 32-6-49.24, 36-18-24, 36-18-25, 38-13-2, 38-13-4
Judges of probate to use same on-line filing system as Secretary of State, Sec. 10A-1-4.02 am'd.
Family law, collaborative law agreements authorized, process requirements, confidential communications, Uniform Collaborative Law Act
Electronic fund transfers, remittance transfer, Uniform Commercial Code applicable if transfer governed by Electronic Fund Transfer Act of 1978, exception, Sec. 7-4A-108 am'd.
Public education, definitions, arrest warrants, public school employees, issuance of arrest warrant for actions occurring while performing official duties, procedures
Elections, crime of paying for or accepting payment for a vote reclassified from Class C misdemeanor to Class C felony. Sec. 17-17-34 am'd.
Elections, absentee ballots, Sec. of State by emergency rule may permit first responders to vote absentee, expenses paid by state, Secs. 17-11-3, 17-11-7 am'd.
Behavior Analyst Licensing Board, estate within Division of Developmental Disabilities of Department of Mental Health, regulation of behavior analyst, exempting membership, powers and duties, subject to Sunset Law
Compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, propane, hydrogen fuel cell, electricity, hybrid technology, income tax credits and other incentives for using vehicles operating such fuels, Alternative Fuel Policy Act, Secs. 2-33-1, 2-33-2, 6-5-345, 32-5A-360, 37-4-160, 40-18-350, 40-18-351 added; Sec. 23-2-150 am'd.
Children First Trust Fund, appropriations from for fiscal year ending September 30, 2014, use of allocation pursuant to Section 41-15B-2.2 and this act, Finance Director to notify each agency of anticipated allocations, quarterly allocations required, appropriations conditional on tobacco revenues, Children First Trust Fund receipts for State Board of Education, transferred to State General Fund for fiscal year 2014
Pretrial Diversion Programs, district attorneys and municipalities throughout the state without local act authorized to establish discretionary pretrial diversion programs, basic operating standards provided for, fees distrib., database of pretrial diversion offender by Office of Prosecution Services, required
Elections, political parties and independent candidates for statewide office, number of names required to gain ballot access, reduced, Secs. 17-6-22, 17-9-3 am'd.
Capital Improvement Trust Fund, bonding authority granted under Amendment 666, increased, payments from Alabama Trust Fund to fund any bond issued, proceeds for maintenance of National Guard armories, const. amend.
Children and incapacitated persons, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle prohibited, criminal penalties, Amiyah White Act
Church, exempt certain buildings used to host volunteers after declaration of a disaster from certain fire codes
Tobacco products, sale, use, possession and transportation by a minor prohibited, notification to parent, Secs. 28-11-2, 28-11-13 am'd.
Highways, Bridges, and Roads, civil liability of engineer or entity constructing with state or county or municipality abated as provided by common law
Misdemeanor offenses, petition for expungement of records authorized under certain conditions, procedures
Health care providers authorized to decline to perform services that violate their consciences, exceptions, Health Care Rights of Conscience Act
Psychology, practice further defined, unauthorized practice further regulated, membership of Board of Examiners altered, continuing education; license renewal, proof of citizenship or legal status required for applicants for licensure, temporary licenses, emergency disaster licenses, reciprocal licensing, fine and penalty for unauthorized practice, civil procedure for enjoining unauthorized practice, certain fees increased, examinations of applicants, disciplinary evidence required by clear and convincing evidence, judicial review of board's orders, complaints of alleged misconduct, Sec. 34-26-45 repealed; Secs. 34-26-21, 34-26-22, 34-26-41, 34-26-42, 34-26-43, 34-26-43.1, 34-26-44, 34-26-46, 34-26-47 am'd
Alabaster, corp. limits, alt.
Pardons and Paroles Board, members increased, diversity of membership, Sec. 15-22-20 am'd.
Ad valorem tax, homestead exemption from local taxes, disabled and person over 65, exemption restored for disabled without regard to income, exemption for persons 65 and over further provided for based on state taxable income, effect to substantially repeal Act 2012-313, 2012 Reg. Sess.; Sec. 40-9-21.2 added, Secs. 40-9-19, 40-9-21, 40-9-21.1am'd.
Aircraft, manufacturers of commercial aircraft or aircraft parts, statute of limitations, statute of repose, forum non conveniens provided in civil liability actions, allocation of fault, Alabama Commercial Aviation Business Improvement Act of 2013
Entities, dormant, exempt from business privilege tax, Sec. 40-14A-44 added
Taxpayers' Bill of Rights, Uniform Revenue Procedures Act, broader "innocent spouse" relief, taxpayer appeals, revenue rulings from Department of Revenue, Alabama Tax Appeals Commission, Secs. 40-2A-3, 40-2A-4, 40-2A-5, 40-2A-7, 40-2A-8, 40-2A-11, 40-18-27 am'd.; Sec. 40-2A-9 repealed; Secs. 40-2B-1 to 40-2B-25, inclusive, added
Sentencing, juvenile offenders convicted of capital offenses and certain non-capital offenses, maximum sentence of life without the possibility of parole for 40 years, Secs. 13A-5-2, 13A-5-39, 13A-5-43, 13A-6-2 am'd.
Business license tax, rental of residential real estate tax, not to be on a per unit basis, const. amend.
Elections, absentee voting, allow any qualified elector to vote by absentee ballot, Secs. 17-11-3, 17-11-5, 17-11-7 am'd.
Tobacco products, sale, use, possession and transportation by a minor prohibited, notification to parent, Secs. 28-11-2, 28-11-13 am'd.
State employees, cost-of-living increase authorized
Environment, Alabama Drought Assessment and Planning Team established, power and duties, the Monitoring and Impacts Group Subcommittee established, membership, duties, responsibilities
Motor vehicles, child passenger restraints, Alabama Head Injury Foundation, 15 percent of funds distributed to Alabama Head Injury Foundation earmarked to cover administrative costs, Sec. 32-5-22 am'd.
Agriculture, irrigation equipment, income tax credit for installation of, qualified reservoir defined, carry forward and pass through of tax credits, further provided for, shareholders authorized to claim pro rata share of tax credit, Sec. 40-18-342 am'd.
Real Property, tax sales delinquent ad valorem tax, excess amounts paid to a person or entity who has redeemed the property, Sec. 40-10-28 am'd.
Local governmental entities, counties, municipalities and political subdivisions, employees included in definition of government entity, Sec. 11-93-1 am'd.
Supernumerary ad valorem tax officials, cap on compensation increased, Sec. 40-6-3 am'd.
Human Resources Department, public assistance, drug testing for applicants and recipients required upon reasonable suspicion, ineligibility under certain conditions, department to implement, rulemaking authority
Common Core Standards, State Board of Education prohibited from adopting or implementing
Architects, registered, engineers and land surveyors, licensed professional, civil action alleging negligence requires third-party certificate of merit affidavit
Elections, computerized statewide voter registration list, residential address of domestic violence victims omitted, Secs. 11-46-36, 11-46-107, 17-4-33, 17-9-15, 17-11-5 am'd.
Attorneys, certain contracts for legal services voidable, recovery of attorneys fees and expenses, Sec. 34-3-25 am'd.
Habitual Offender Act, retroactive application of law after 2000 amendment, provision repealed, Sec. 13A-5-9.1 repealed
Teachers, educational support personnel, and other certified educational employees and student teachers, professional liability insurance, Education Department and Finance Department to purchase or provide by July 1, 2013, rules authorized, Teacher and Education Employee Protection Act
Driver's licenses, suspension based on drug convictions, certain drug offenses deleted from law, certification of act by Governor to U. S. Department of Transportation, Sec. 13A-12-291 am'd.
Certificates of Need, health care facilities, transfer of ownership, includes legal entities, retro. effect, Secs. 22-21-260, 22-21-263, 22-21-270 am'd.
State employees, execution of personal service contract with relative prohibited, nepotism within state agencies prohibited under certain conditions, exceptions, Sec. 41-1-5 am'd.
Judges of Probate, judicial retirement, contributions by counties for the employer's share, Secs. 12-18-1, 12-18-3, 12-18-82 am'd.
Motor vehicles, liens, release of after four years for specified older vehicles, Sec. 32-8-64.2 am'd
Capital offenses, murder of a person with a protection order issued against the defendant, included, Kelley's Law, Sec. 13A-5-40 am'd.
Attorney General, state litigation, contingency fee contracts with private attorneys, regulated, Transparency in Private Attorney Contracts Act, Sec. 41-16-72 am'd.
Retirement, retirees of Employees' Retirement System limited to certain annual amount, annual compensation limitation removed for certain law enforcement officers who are retired, Sec. 36-27-8.2 am'd.
Income tax, tax credit for rehabilitation, preservation, and development of certain historic structures
Joint Committee on Legislative Operations, Senate Committee on Senate Operations, House Committee on House Operations created, authorized to employ personnel of Legislative Reference Service, Legislative Fiscal Office, Examiners of Public Accounts, and House of Representatives and Senate, other administrative functions assigned, Legislative Council, Joint Fiscal Committee, Legislative Committee on Public Accounts, Legislative Building Authority, abolished, Secs. 8-6-53, 8-19C-3, 9-11-68, 9-11-69, 11-100-4, 16-5-8.3, 16-6B-11, 17-11-42, 29-1-22, 29-1-24, 29-2-52, 29-2-200, 29-2-201, 29-4-20, 29-4-22, 29-4-25, 29-4-30, 29-4-32, 29-4-35, 29-4-40, 29-4-42, 29-5-2, 29-5-3, 29-5-4, 29-5-13, 29-7-2, 29-7-4, 29-7-6, 29-7-10, 29-8-1, 29-8-2, 29-8-3, 29-8-4, 29-8-5, 30-3-8, 33-2-185, 34-14B-5, 36-7-24, 36-7-25, 36-13-30, 36-25-4.2, 38-7A-4, 40-2-9, 40-23-203, 41-5-3, 41-5-6, 41-5-9, 41-9-374, 41-9-715, 41-10-44.5, 41-16-27, 41-16-82, 41-19-3, 41-19-3.1, 41-20-4, 41-21-4, 41-21-7, 41-22-3, 41-22-22, 41-22-23, 41-22-24 am'd.; Secs. 29-2-50, 29-2-51, 29-6-1 to 29-6-7, inclusive, 29-7-5, 41-5-18, 41-15-19 repealed
Tax credit, investment in Alabama entrepreneurial business
State Treasurer, State Treasury Operations Fund created for operation of Unclaimed Property program and SAFE program, Secs. 35-12-81, 41-14A-12, 41-14A-14 am'd.
Information Technology, Office of, coordination of information technology of state agencies created, Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology established, power and duties, secretary exempt from Sunset Law, Secs. 16-61D-1 to 16-61D-6, inclusive, repealed; Sec. 41-4-221 am'd.
Alabama Technology Authority, create state entity to coordinate with the Office of Information Technology
Controlled Substances Prescription Database, membership of advisory committee, meetings further provided for, transmittal of information on controlled substances prescriptions, confidentiality of records, funding of database, Secs. 20-2-212, 20-2-213, 20-2-214, 20-2-215, 20-2-219 am'd.
Controlled substances, deceptively obtaining same or similar substance from two or more practitioners prohibited, criminal penalties
Physicians, Pain Management Act, pain management physicians and licensees of Board of Medical Examiners, Medical Licensure Commission, increased powers over pain providers and clincs, Secs. 34-24-1001 to 34-24-1011, inclusive, added
Administrative Procedure Act, rules, approval and disapproval by Joint Legislative Committee, procedures, appeal of disapproval to Lt. Gov., Secs. 41-22-5, 41-22-6, 41-22-22, 41-22-23, 41-22-24 am'd.
Kyle Graddy Act, possession and self-administration of auto-injectable epinephrine by students permitted, Sec. 16-1-39 am'd
Voter registration list, notification to persons purged from voter registration list for conviction of crime by U.S. mail rather than certified mail, Sec. 17-4-3 am'd.
Law Enforcement Agency, state, created, secretary appointed by Governor, law enforcement and investigative, and homeland security functions of, consolidated and reorganized, secretary to serve as chair of the Criminal Justice Information Center Commission, certain Public Safety Funds, created, Secs. 41-9-592, 41-9-593 am'd.
Transportation Department, director authorized to appoint assistant counsel subject to State Merit System, Sec. 23-1-26 am'd.
Conservation and Natural Resources Department, whitetail deer, may be hunted over bait under certain conditions, Sec. 9-11-244 am'd.
Fair Ballot Commission created, membership and terms provided for, require Secretary of State provide explanation of measures and post on website, Alabama Informed Voter Act created
Probation, courts authorized to contract with certain private entities to provide probation services for certain offenses, County and Municipal Probation Advisory Council created, membership and duties, qualifications of private probation officers specified, certain activity by private probation officers prohibited, penalties, confidentiality of records
Driver's Licenses, driving without or while suspended or revoked, subject to custodial arrest and additional revocation, determination of liability in accident caused by unlicensed drivers, restitution
Civil Procedure, certain caregiver volunteers immune from civil action, Sec. 6-5-332 am'd.
Income tax, motor vehicles, purchase of any qualified hybrid vehicle, annual sales tax credit authorized for amount of sales tax paid, not to exceed certain amount, definitions
Tax Credit, vehicles equipped with compressed natural gas (CNG)
Fleet Management Office, established in Transportation Department, statewide fleet management program authorized, personnel and property of Finance Department, Division of Service for the operation and maintenance of transportation pool and state-owned motor vehicles transferred, Secs. 23-1-50.1, 41-17A-6 am'd.; Secs. 41-17-1 to 41-17-9, inclusive, repealed
Foster parents, notice and hearing before foster child removed from home, termination of parental rights, action by Department of Human Resources, custody proceedings, intervention, appointed counsel upon finding of indigency, Sec. 38-12A-2 am'd.
Attorneys, certain contracts for legal services voidable, recovery of attorneys fees and expenses, Sec. 34-3-25 am'd.
Public Safety, Secretary of Public Safety created; Public Safety Fund created, certain investigative and law enforcement function of various state entities consolidated, Department of Public Safety reorganized, Homeland Security Department eliminated, uniform changes by Code Commissioner required
Foreign law, application in violation of rights guaranteed United States and Alabama citizens, prohibited, exceptions, American and Alabama Laws for Alabama Courts Amendment
Firearms, accessories, and ammunition manufactured in this state, under Commerce Clause of U. S. Constitution exempt from federal regulation, Firearms Freedom Act
Secured Transactions, Uniform Commercial Code, Secs. 7-9A-102, 7-9A-105, 7-9A-307, 7-9A-311, 7-9A-316, 7-9A-317, 7-9A-326, 7-9A-406, 7-9A-408, 7-9A-502, 7-9A-503, 7-9A-507, 7-9A-515, 7-9A-516, 7-9A-518, 7-9A-607 am'd; Secs. 7-9A-801 to 7-9A-809, inclusive, added
Accountants, CPA's licensed in Alabama prohibited from charging a contigent fee for preparation of financial document used in a claim in a court in Alabama, Class B misdemeanor
Crimes and offenses, creating the crimes of elder abuse and neglect and financial exploitation of an elderly person in the first, second, and third degree
Supreme Court, rules, publication by Secretary of State in Acts of Alabama, requirement deleted, Sec. 12-2-19 am'd.
Driver's Licenses, driving without or while suspended or revoked, subject to custodial arrest and additional revocation, determination of liability in accident caused by unlicensed drivers, restitution
Secured Transactions, Uniform Commercial Code, Secs. 7-9A-102, 7-9A-105, 7-9A-307, 7-9A-311, 7-9A-316, 7-9A-317, 7-9A-326, 7-9A-406, 7-9A-408, 7-9A-502, 7-9A-503, 7-9A-507, 7-9A-515, 7-9A-516, 7-9A-518, 7-9A-607 am'd; Secs. 7-9A-801 to 7-9A-809, inclusive, added
Energy, Alabama Public Interest Energy and Fuel Research and Development Grants Program, established, funding for energy and fuel projects, Advisory Commission on Public Interest Energy and Fuel Research and Development Grants, established, Public Interest Energy and Fuel Research and Development Grants Fund, established, Agriculture and Industries Department Center for Alternative Fuels to administer, appropriation
Crimes and offenses, trespass on a school bus in the first degree, crime created as a Class B misdemeanor
Corporations, definition, authorization and regulation of a benefit corporation
Legislative costs, appropriation made for unexpended funds, required appropriation repealed, Sec. 29-1-22, repealed

Boats and boating, Conservation and Natural Resources Department, certificate of title required for all vessels and vessel trailers, procedure and requirements, Uniform Certificate Vessel Act adopted, Sec. 33-5-9 am'd
Corporations, definition, authorization and regulation of a benefit corporation
Crimes and offenses, trespass on a school bus in the first degree, crime created as a Class B misdemeanor
Alabama Behavior Analyst Licensing Board, created to license behavior analyst and assistant behavior analysts, duties of board, qualification of licensees, reciprocity, subject to Sunset Law
Reporting child abuse and neglect, all persons required to report with reasonable cause to suspect a child is being abused or neglected, Sec. 26-14-4 repealed; Sec. 26-14-3 am'd
Law enforcement, written report required of accident confidential except for court order, Sec. 32-10-7
Attorneys, certain contracts for legal services voidable, recovery of attorneys fees and expenses, Sec. 34-3-25 am'd
Victim notification, responsibility of Pardons and Parole Board to update contact information of victims of certain crimes specified, Sec. 15-22-36 am'd
Alternative fuels, incentives, biodiesel, cellulosic alcohol, compressed natural gas, use of vehicles using alternative fuels promoted, Sec. 23-2-150 am'd
Elections, party registration required in primary elections, Secretary of State maintain voters affiliation on voter registration form
Tax Credit, vehicles equipped with compressed natural gas (CNG)
Commercial development authorities, formation, requirement that incorporator be a natural person or qualified elector remove; Secs. 11-54-171, 11-54-173, 11-54-174, 11-54-178, 11-54-190 am'd
Service animals, to be certified by trainer and service certificate provided to principal or headmaster of K-12 school before allowed on property, Sec. 21-7-4 am'd; Act 2011-578, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd
Alabama Tourism Attraction Incentive Act, established, tax incentive and capital credits authorized for certain tourism attractions, Secs. 40-9B-3, 40-18-190, 40-18-193 am'd
Bibb Co., sheriff, deputies with 10 years service, authorized to receive badge and commission card and pistol without cost
Insurance, title insurance agents, qualifications and procedures for licensing, written examination, continuing education requirements, Commissioner of Insurance promulgate rules, exceptions, Secs. 27-25-3, 27-25-4 am'd; Secs. 27-25-4.1, 27-25-4.2, 27-25-4.3, 27-25-4.4, 27-25-4.5, 27-25-4.6, 27-25-4.7, 27-25-4.8 added
Attorneys, license fee to be determined by the Board of Bar Commissioners, Sec. 40-12-49 am'd
Uniform Parentage Act, assisted reproduction, spouse of married man or woman regarding to consent to donation of sperm or eggs, Sec. 26-17-704 am'd
Psychology, practice further defined, unauthorized practice further regulated, definitions altered, confidential communications privileged, membership of Board of Examiners altered, continuing education; license renewal, proof of citizenship or legal status required for applicants for licensure, temporary licenses, emergency disaster licenses, reciprocal licensing, fine and penalty for unauthorized practice, civil procedure for enjoining unauthorized practice, certain fees increased, examinations of applicants, disciplinary evidence required by clear and convincing evidence, judicial review of board's orders, complaints of alleged misconduct, Secs. 34-26-1, 34-26-2, 34-26-21, 34-26-22, 34-26-40, 34-26-41, 34-26-42, 34-26-43, 34-26-43.1, 34-26-44, 34-26-45, 34-26-46, 34-26-47 am'd
Fleet Management, Office of, created in Department of Transportation, Fleet manager, cost efficient acquisition, allocation, and maintenance of state owned motor vehicles and facilities, Secs. 41-17-1 to 41-17-9, inclusive, repealed
State Employees' Health Insurance Plan, certain persons serving in legislative, judicial, or executive branch authorized to participate under certain conditions, Sec. 36-29-16 am'd.
Attorney General, state litigation, contingency fee contracts with private attorneys, regulated, Transparency in Private Attorney Contracts Act, Sec. 41-16-72 am'd
Schools, students taught at home by either private tutor or under church school law may participate in public K-12 extracurricular activities, Tim Tebow Act
Crimes and Offenses, prisoners, prohibition against use of social networks
Kyle Grady Act, possession and self-administration of auto-injectable epinephrine by students permitted, Sec. 16-1-39 am'd
Motor vehicles, handicapped parking placards and parking space signs, local authorities authorized to authorize disabled persons to issue tickets, sign designating handicapped parking space not required to include amount of fine, Sec.32-6-233.1 am'd
Children, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle unless supervised by person of certain age prohibited, penalties determined by first, second, or subsequent conviction and whether child is injured or fatally injured, Amiyah White Unattended Children in Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Taxation, exempt certain military personnel from income tax, Jason Barfield Act
Criminal sentences, modification of sentencing standard effective after submission unless rejected, truth-in-sentencing standards to be submitted to Legislature, sentencing standards made presumptive subject to modification for certain mitigating and aggravating circumstances, Secs. 12-25-3, 12-25-32, 12-25-34, 12-25-36 am'd. (2012-20412)
Real property, state, county, municipality, and any other governmental entity appraisal obtained, purchase price must not be more than appraisal
Alabama Construction Recruitment Institute, subject to Alabama Sunset Law, construction craft industry fees, continued collection of provided, Sec. 7 of Act 2009-561, 2009 Reg. Sess., amended to delete expiration; Sec. 7 of Act 2010-220, 2010 Reg. Sess., repealed
Pretrial Diversion Programs, district attorneys throughout the state without local act authorized to establish discretionary pretrial diversion programs, basic operating standards provided for, fees distrib., database of pretrial diversion offender by Office of Prosecution Services, required
Antifreeze and engine coolant, addition of bittering agent (denatonium benzoate) required, exceptions
Income tax credit for qualified research and development expenses for financial institutions and businesses, including owners of pass-through businesses, authorized, Secs. 40-18-280, 40-18-281 added; Sec. 40-16-8 am'd.
Alabama School Flexibility Act of 2012, established to allow local board of education to apply for programmatic or budgetary flexibility from state law and State Board of Education rules
Digital Crime Act, computer crimes, cyberstalking, electronic harassment, phishing, data fraud, and computer tampering, criminal penalties, jurisdiction for prosecution, forfeiture of equipment, Secs. 13A-8-100, 13A-8-101, 13A-8-102, 13A-8-103 repealed
Alabama Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act, to provide a statutory method whereby Alabama courts legally recognize foreign judgments
Mortgages, Alabama Residential Mortgage Satisfaction Act, provides for timely payoff statements and timely recording of mortgage satisfaction, Secs. 35-10-26, 35-10-30 am'd
Elections, corruption of, acceptance or solicitation of contributions from illegal activity, crime established, penalties, Sec. 13A-10-64 added
Methamphetamines, further regulation of the sale of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine products, licensed pharmacies solely authorized to sell, criminal penalties enhanced, membership of Alabama Drug Abuse Task Force revised, Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center to create an electronic drug offender tracking system, Secs. 13A-12-260, 20-2-190 am'd; Sec. 20-2-190.2 added
Highway Authority, issuance of $650 million in revenue bonds for highways, roads, and bridges, Public Road and Bridge Construction Council created, duties to Transportation Department
Pardons and Paroles Board, lesser penalty for parole revocations not based on commission of new crime, Sec. 15-22-32 am'd.
Transportation Department, director authorized to appoint assistant counsel subject to State Merit System, Sec. 23-1-26 am'd.
Secured Transactions, Uniform Commercial Code, Secs. 7-9A-102, 7-9A-105, 7-9A-307, 7-9A-311, 7-9A-316, 7-9A-317, 7-9A-326, 7-9A-406, 7-9A-408, 7-9A-502, 7-9A-503, 7-9A-507, 7-9A-515, 7-9A-516, 7-9A-518, 7-9A-607 am'd; Secs. 7-9A-802 to 7-9A-809, inclusive, added
Public Works, Fair and Open Competition in Governmental Construction Act, establish, public agencies prohibited from entering contracts and making certain awards, certain terms prohibited in certain documents, certain persons prohibited from placing certain terms in certain documents, exemptions
Ethics, define the term de minimis, Sec. 36-25-1 am'd; Act 2010-764, 2010 First Sp. Sess., am'd
Annual sales tax holiday, sales and use tax exemption, certain energy efficient products included, Sec. 40-23-210 am'd.
Crime of Looting, established, penalties, violation would be Class C felony
Unemployment compensation, compensable week further defined, Sec. 25-4-73 am'd
Legislature, basic compensation for members, median annual household income in Alabama, legislators submit signed vouchers for reimbursement, proposed const, amend.
Health benefit plans, group insurance, coverage of autism spectrum disorder to age eight under certain conditions, Secs. 10A-20-6.16, 27-21A-23 am'd
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, veterans, Purple Heart and Medal of Honor recipients and former prisoners of war, and surviving spouses, additional tags without payment of license tax or registration fee, including ad valorem tax, authorized, Sec. 32-6-250 am'd.
Economic Development, tax incentives for certain qualifying projects developing or expanding in state, job creation, retention component, Alabama Development Office and Finance Director to recommend to Governor to approve the project, Alabama Job Creation and Retention Act
Sexual misconduct with a child less than 12 years old, established, penalties
Sodomy in the second degree, defendant guilty of offense only if defendant is two years older than victim, Sec. 13A-6-64 am'd.
Retirement, benefits for state law enforcement officers (state police), overtime pay and subsistance allowance included in earnable compensation for retirement purposes, Secs. 36-21-4, 36-27-1 am'd.
Health Care Compact established, consent of U. S. Congress secured for return of authority to member states to regulate health care, Interstate Advisory Health Care Commission established, membership, duties, terms, funding
Public schools, grades K to 12, classroom supplies, appropriation out of Education Trust Fund, State Superintendent of Education to promulgate rules re
Judicial offices, maximum age for election or appointment to judicial office increased to 75 years, Section 6.16 (Section 155, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Electronic Security Board of Licensure, alarm installers and locksmiths, inspections of unlicensed operations, licensure dates, criminal and civil enforcement, exclude motor vehicle locks and business selling locks, exemption of counties with population of 30,000 or less repealed, Secs. 34-1A-1, 34-1A-3, 34-1A-5, 34-1A-6, 34-1A-7 am'd.; Sec. 34-1A-10 repealed
Trusts, Principal and Income Act, Uniform Law, amend to update, distribution of trusts further provided for, Sec. 19-3A-409, 19-3A-505 am'd; Sec. 19-3A-607 added
Motor vehicles, Insurance, discount for seniors (55 and over) who complete motor vehicle accident prevention course, Sec 27-13-121 am'd
Alabama Economic Development Trust Fund, established, funded by two percent administrative fee from bonds issued by the state, state agencies, or authorities for economic development purposes
Employees' Retirement System, Teachers' Retirement System, or Judicial Retirement Fund, certain active or retired members, forfeiture of employer-paid portion and interest thereon of retirement benefits upon conviction of certain felony offenses, immunity from civil or criminal liability for retirement systems officers and employees for certain actions taken
Controlled substances, Schedule I, cathinone compounds, synthetic cannabinoid, controlled analog substances, included and subject to regulation and penalties, penalties for trafficking in controlled analog substances, Sec. 13A-12-214.1, 13A-12-231, 20-2-23, am'd (2012-20047)
Public schools, grades 9-12, textbooks and instructional materials, Education Department to provide in electronic format to each student as feasible
University of Montevallo, use of nonfederally granted lands for benefit of university, Sec. 16-54-17 am'd
Ethics, further defining "thing of value", allowing gifts to teachers, Sec. 36-25-1 am'd
Public Safety Department, Blue Alert System, established, director to oversee, duties to department, director, and law enforcement agencies, notification when suspect wanted for injuring law enforcement officer or if officer is missing
Alabama Department of Environmental Management, civil immunity to water suppliers who are in compliance or receive an exemption from ADEM, Sec. 22-23-35.1 added
Real Property, tax sales delinquent ad valorem tax, excess amounts paid to rightful owners, Sec. 40-10-28 am'd
Funerals, disrupting, crime further provided for, distance of protest from property line of funeral facility further provided for, Sec. 13A-11-17 am'd.
Cockfighting, penalties increased, presence at cockfights, penalties, confiscation procedures, fines, terms defined, reporting procedures, Secs. 13A-12-4.1, 13A-12-4.2 added; Sec. 13A-12-4 am'd.
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, Legion of Valor member authorized to receive license tag without cost, Secs. 32-6-250, 32-6-251 am'd.
Telephone service, basic telephone service, defined to be consistent with federal regulation and include cell phone service, etc., obligation to provide service removed, exception for certain time, Secs. 37-2A-2, 37-2A-8 am'd
Data processing centers locating in Alabama, certain ad valorem tax and construction related transaction tax abatements authorized, requirements, Data Processing Center Economic Incentive Enhancement Act, Secs. 40-9B-3, 40-9B-4, 40-18-193 am'd.
Veterans, additional tax credits for previously unemployed veterans who became employed or began a business, "Heroes for Hire " Act
Human trafficking, penalties enhanced for subsequent convictions, sex offenders required to disclose Internet service providers, additional fines authorized for persons convicted of human trafficking, Act 2011-640, 2011 Reg. Sess., am'd; Secs. 13A-6-152, 13A-6-153, 15-20A-7 am'd
Public assistance, fraud in obtaining, crime established, penalties, theft of services, knowledge requirement deleted, Sec. 13A-8-10 am'd.
Motor vehicles, text messaging or operating a handheld wireless telecommunication device while operating a motor vehicle on public street, road, or highway prohibited, penalties, law enforcement agencies to report statistical information to Public Safety Department
Private judges, authorized to appoint for circuit and district courts, qualifications, compensation
Health care providers authorized to decline to perform services that violate their consciences, exceptions, Health Care Rights of Conscience Act
Boards and Profession, redefine the term attest, add new sections regarding privity statute of limitations, venue, and expert witnesses relating to accountants, Sec. 34-1-2 am'd; Secs. 34-1-23 to 34-1-26, inclusive, added
Health, Hemophilia and bleeding disorders, pharmacy, insurance requirements, von Willebrand's screening, Public Health to administer, Hemophilia Standards of Care Act
Lifespan Respite Resource Network, established, Alabama Respite Coalition, established
Alabama Veterinary Medical Foundation for the Spay-Neuter Program, income tax refund check-off for voluntary contribution to, duties to Revenue Department
Foreign law, application in violation of rights guaranteed United States and Alabama citizens, prohibited, exceptions, American and Alabama Laws for Alabama Courts Amendment, const. amend.
Underwater Cultural Resources Act, definition of cultural resources amended to specify articles associated with shipwrecks, artifacts defined, recovery of abandoned artifacts not cultural resources in certain locations authorized, Secs. 41-9-291, 41-9-292 am'd.
Ethics, further defining "thing of value", allowing gifts to teachers, Sec. 36-25-1 am'd
Legal notices, electronic publication of legal notices on Internet websites, authorized, statewide website, Secs. 6-8-60, 6-8-62, 6-8-64, 6-8-65 am'd. (2012-20232)
Energy, Alabama Public Interest Energy and Fuel Research and Development Grants Program, established, funding for energy and fuel projects, Advisory Commission on Public Interest Energy and Fuel Research and Development Grants, established, Public Interest Energy and Fuel Research and Development Grants Fund, established, Agriculture and Industries Department Center for Alternative Fuels to administer, appropriation
Property, crimes of falsely removing an instrument from recording and falsely filing instruments against public official, penalties, transfer of proceedings for removal to circuit court, Sec. 13A-9-12 am'd.
Criminal history background checks, Human Resources Department and Public Safety Department, duties clarified, transmission of criminal history reports via FBI-certified channeler, suitability determinations, types considered for reversal, clarified, Secs. 38-13-2, 38-13-3, 38-13-4, 38-13-7 am'd.
Alabama Law Institute, funding, authorized to receive funds from governmental and other sources, appropriation for use for Law Institute purposes, Sec. 29-8-6 added
Elections, political parties, candidates, requirements for ballot access, Secs. 17-6-22, 17-9-3, 17-14-31 am'd.
Alabama Teachers' Planned Retirement Option (ATPRO), optional retirement account for members of Teachers' Retirement System beginning fiscal year 2012-2013
Civil actions, expedited, when damages do not exceed $50,000, Supreme Court to implement rules regarding
Secondary metals recycler, additional records to be maintained, purchases of specified metal property limited, registration with ACJIC, required, database of metal property sales created, criminal penalties, purchase of specified metal property prohibited, Secs. 13A-8-30 to 13A-8-37, inclusive, 13A-8-39 am'd; Secs. 13A-8-31.1, 13A-8-31.2, 13A-8-35.1, 13A-8-37.1, 13A-8-37.2 added (2012-20110)
Foreign law, application in violation of rights guaranteed United States and Alabama citizens, prohibited, exceptions, American and Alabama Laws for Alabama Courts Amendment, const. amend.
Student harassment prevention, reassignment of students to another school, Education Department to post model policy on Internet website, immunity for reporting harassment, Student Harassment Prevention Act or the Alex Moore Anti-Bullying Act, Secs. 16-28B-1, 16-28B-4, 16-28B-5, 16-28B-9 am'd.
Elections, political parties and independent candidates for statewide office, number of names required to gain ballot access, reduced, Secs. 17-6-22, 17-9-3 am'd.

Auburn University, board of trustees, selection process revised, Amendment 670, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, repealed, const. amend.

Rental property, tenants authorized to vacate and terminate rental agreement on dwelling damaged by weather disaster of April 2011, Sec. 35-9A-406 am'd.
Elevator Safety Review Board, regulation of elevators and inspection of elevators in private residences, authority to place elevators out of service, local regulation preempted, Sec. 25-13-18 am'd.
Legislature, compensation, expense allowance authorized by Act 2007-75, legislator may refuse, funds distributed to local boards of education of legislator for school supplies
Search warrants, criminal, issuance by Justice of Supreme Court, judge of Court of Civil Appeals or Court of Criminal Appeals, authorized, Secs. 15-5-1 am'd.
Capital offenses, murder of a person with a protection order issued against the defendant, included, Sec. 13A-5-40 am'd.
Legislative Compensation Commission, established, members, quadrennial recommendations for the compensation and expenses to be paid to members of Legislature, Sec. 29-1-8 repealed; Act 1196, 1971 Reg. Sess., Act 87-209, 1987 Reg. Sess.; Act 90-490, 1990 Reg. Sess.; Act 91-95, 1991 Reg. Sess.; Act 91-108, 1991 Reg. Sess.; Act 2007-75, 2007 Reg. Sess. repealed, const. amend.
Chiropractors, term chiropractic further defined, schools teaching chiropractic required to be accredited by Council on Chiropractic Education, additionally certified chiropractors authorized to prescribe and administer certain drugs and natural compounds, Sec. 34-24-120 am'd.
Indigent Defense Services Office, established as division of Finance Department, director, staff, duties, advisory board in each judicial circuit, compensation of appointed counsel, contract counsel system, public defender office, Secs. 12-19-252, 15-12-1, 15-12-4, 15-12-5, 15-12-6, 15-12-20, 15-12-21, 15-12-22, 15-12-23, 15-12-26, 15-12-27, 15-12-29, 15-12-40, 15-12-41, 15-12-42, 15-12-43, 15-12-44, 15-12-45, 15-12-46 am'd.; Secs. 15-12-2, 15-12-3, 15-12-24, 15-12-24.1 repealed (2011-21181)
Candidates for public office having a minimum age requirement, required to provide certified copy of birth certificate
County roads, forestry harvesting operations, prior notice to county commission, limitations, civil fines, other permits, bonds prohibited, Sec. 23-1-80.1 added
Health, smoking prohibited in places of employment, public places and private clubs, outdoor areas, exceptions, responsibilities of Health Department and State Board of Health, penalties, Smoke-free Air Act, Secs. 22-15A-1 to 22-15A-10, inclusive, repealed
Acts of Alabama, House and Senate Journals, and other official documents, printing, guidlines and time frame established, Secs. 29-1-28 to 29-1-39, inclusive, 29-1-39.1, 29-1-39.2, 29-1-39.3 added; Secs. 29-1-12, 29-1-13 amended and renumbered as Secs. 29-1-26, 29-1-27
Attorney General, makes permissive issuance of opinions, expenses, attorneys licensed outside Alabama authorized to be appointed deputy attorneys general, certain private law offices prohibited, nonmerit employee appointments increased, issuance of subpoenas, criminal prosecutions, official opinions, false statement by Attorney General in investigations, prohibited, penalties, Sec. 36-15-62.1 added; Secs. 36-15-1, 36-15-4.2, 36-15-5.1, 36-15-6, 36-15-9, 36-15-10, 36-15-11.1, 36-15-13, 36-15-14, 36-15-16, 36-15-17, 36-15-21.1, 36-15-60, 36-15-62 am'd.
Class 1 municipalities, waterworks board, interest on deposits, rate provided for, Act 80-327, 1980 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (PACT) Program, limit on cost of tuition for certain PACT plan contract participants, repealed, Act 2010-725, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Secs. 16-33C-17, 16-33C-18 repealed
Entities with tax exempt status operating dental clinics, exempt from Dental Practice Act, required to register with State Board of Dental Examiners, professional employees of clinics to comply with dental licensing law, Sec. 34-9-7.2 added
Solicitor's fee, distrib. of portion to municipal court clerk in certain cases; to provide for a solicitor's fee in civil cases in circuit and district courts, distrib. to circuit clerk and district attorney, Sec. 12-19-182 am'd.; Act 2010-438, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Attorney General, makes permissive issuance of opinions, expenses, attorneys licensed outside Alabama authorized to be appointed deputy attorneys general, certain private law offices prohibited, nonmerit employee appointments increased, issuance of subpoenas, criminal prosecutions, official opinions, false statement by Attorney General in investigations, prohibited, penalties, Sec. 36-15-62.1 added; Secs. 36-15-1, 36-15-4.2, 36-15-5.1, 36-15-6, 36-15-9, 36-15-10, 36-15-11.1, 36-15-13, 36-15-14, 36-15-16, 36-15-17, 36-15-21.1, 36-15-60, 36-15-62 am'd.
Jefferson Co., automobile rental tax, operative date of tax immediately, Act 2001-550, 2001 Reg. Sess. am'd.
University of Alabama, board of trustees, age limit for service increased, Section 264 (Section 264, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Persons, defined to include all humans from moment of fertilization
Cockfighting, penalties increased, presence at cockfights, penalties, confiscation procedures, terms defined, reporting procedures, Secs. 13A-12-4.1, 13A-12-4.2 added; Sec. 13A-12-4 am'd.
Sex offenders, notification and registration, comprehensive procedure for registration by adult and juvenile sex offenders, notification by law enforcement, employment and residency limited, registration fees authorized, Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Act, Secs. 13A-11-200, 13A-11-201, 13A-11-202, 15-20-1 to 15-20-38, inclusive, repealed (2011-21017)
Individual Development Account Program, established in Human Resources Department, created for individuals with low income
Probation, revocation and suspension, technical violations classified on administrative violations, eligible offender and nonviolent offender defined, Secs. 15-22-54, 15-22-54.1 am'd.; Act 2010-753, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Elevator Safety Review Board, administration by Labor Department, funds, use for operation of Labor Department, Sec. 25-13-6 am'd.; Act 2010-597, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Kidney Foundation, Inc., appropriation, operations plan and audited financial statement required, quarterly and end-of-year reports required
Illegal immigrants, presence, employment, and benefits regulated, concealing, or protecting illegal aliens, prohibited, verification of legal status, penalties, Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, Sec. 32-6-9 am'd. (2011-20575)
Entertainment Industry Incentive Act of 2009, qualified production companies, tax rebates further provided for, tax exemptions limited to state portion of sales, use, and lodging tax, Secs. 41-7A-43, 41-7A-45 am'd.
Gambling devices, possession, penalty increased, Sec. 13A-12-27 am'd.
Juvenile court, jurisdiction relating to adoption, visitation, custody, child support, and spousal support, retention of jurisdiction and concurrent jurisdiction in certain circumstances, Secs. 12-15-115, 12-15-117, 38-10-7 am'd.
Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center Commission and the Alabama Criminal Justice Information Center, members, operation, powers, duties, fees, information relating to homeland security, crime of misuse of ACJIC information established, Statistical Analysis Center established, National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact ratified and implemented, Secs. 41-9-590, 41-9-591, 41-9-592, 41-9-594, 41-9-595, 41-9-597, 41-9-600, 41-9-601, 41-9-621, 41-9-622, 41-9-623, 41-9-625, 41-9-630 am'd.
Legal notices, electronic publication of legal notices on Internet websites, authorized, statewide website, Secs. 6-8-60, 6-8-62, 6-8-64 am'd.
Honor and Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE) programs, established as an offender supervision program to reduce probation violations, reports to Sentencing Commission, Honor and Opportunity Probation with Enforcement Act
Disabled, including persons blind and hearing impaired or person diagnosed with autism spectrum, use of service animal in public places, including public or private schools, training authorized of service animal, Sec. 21-7-4 am'd.
Wrongful Death Act, venue by personal representative of deceased, in county where the suit could be filed if deceased were still living, Sec. 6-5-410 am'd. (2011-20341)
Money judgments not based on a contract action, computation of interest further regulated, Sec. 8-8-10 am'd. (2011-20350)
Filing a false lien against public officer or employee, crime established, penalties
Child custody, parenting plan required, requirements, shared parenting unless parent found not fit by court, appellate review, Children's Family Act, Sec. 30-3-158 added; Secs. 30-3-150 to 30-3-155, inclusive, 30-3-157 am'd.; Secs. 30-3-1, 30-3-2, repealed
Civil procedure, admissibility of expert witness opinions further provided for, Sec. 12-21-160 am'd. (2011-20553)
Product liability action for relief against sellers that are not manufacturers, prohibited, Secs. 6-5-501, 6-5-521 am'd. (2011-20347)
Liens on vessels, may attach to watercraft or vessel regardless of domicile of owner or home port of vessel, Sec. 35-11-60 am'd.
Tuskegee University, appropriation
Euthanasia of cats and dogs in animal shelters, gas chambers prohibited, delayed effective date, Beckham's Act, Sec. 34-29-131 am'd.
Criminal bail bonds, bondsmen and professional surety companies, requirements increased, Secs. 15-13-22, 15-13-159 am'd.
Income tax, qualifying employers and qualifying employees authorized tax deductions for 100 percent of amounts paid for health insurance premiums, Sec. 40-18-15.3 am'd.
Agricultural tourist attractions, to be defined by rule and approved by Agriculture and Industries Department, application and renewal fees, directional signs under certain conditions
Small businesses, expansion or construction of new commercial property, noneducational ad valorem tax exemption authorized for certain time period, reappraisal
Income tax, credit to certain manufacturing or telecommunication facilities for construction, upgrading, or expansion of existing facilities and equipment, and retraining of employees
Pardons and Paroles Board, probation and parole officers to provide probationers with periodic compliance incentive status updates, recommendation for unsupervised status for certain probationers under certain conditions, Sec. 15-22-54 am'd.; Act 2010-753, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Drivers' licenses, suspension based on drug convictions, certain drug offenses deleted from law, certification of act by Governor to U. S. Department of Transportation, Sec. 13A-12-291 am'd.
Schools, exercise and recreation facilities, joint use agreements between schools, local governments, and private entities, immunity from liability, legislative findings
Private corporations, railroads, canals, constitutional provisions in Article XII, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, amended and repealed, Sections 229, 240 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901 as amended), am'd., Sections 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 243, 244, 245, 246 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Education Trust Fund, appropriations in education budget act capped, Budget Stabilization Fund, Capital Fund, established, transfer of certain funds to Education Trust Fund Rainy Day Account, transfer of funds from Budget Stabilization Fund under certain conditions, Education Trust Fund Rolling Reserve Act, Sec. 40-1-32.1 repealed
Poll taxes and segregation of schools by race, constitutional provisions regarding deleted, portions of Section 256 and Section 256 as amended by Amendment 111, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, (Section 256, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., Section 259, (Section 259, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), Amendment 90, and Amendment 109, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, repealed, const. amend.
Children, day care providers, leaving child unattended in a motor vehicle unless supervised by person of certain age prohibited, penalties determined by first, second, or subsequent conviction and whether child is injured or fatally injured, Amiyah White Unattended Children in Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Elections, political campaigns, phone banks, fraudulent misrepresentation regarding candidates or committees prohibited, investigation and enforcement by Attorney General, penalties, Sec. 17-5-16 am'd.
Ethics, lobbyists required to report any item excluded from definition of thing of value whatever the actual cost, Sec. 36-25-19 am'd.
Funeral Service, Board of, substantially revised relating to board and operation of funeral establishments and mortuary service, application, renewal, and inspection fees increased, fines for violations increased, Secs. 34-13-1, 34-13-7, 34-13-9, 34-13-11, 34-13-12, 34-13-20, 34-13-22, 34-13-23, 34-13-26, 34-13-50, 34-13-51, 34-13-52, 34-13-53, 34-13-55, 34-13-56, 34-13-70, 34-13-72, 34-13-73, 34-13-74, 34-13-90, 34-13-94, 34-13-111, 34-13-113, 34-13-114, 34-13-115, 34-13-116, 34-13-120, 34-13-130 am'd.; Secs. 34-13-28, 34-13-150, 34-13-151, 34-13-152 repealed (2011-20128)
Graysville, corp. limits alt.
Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, State Board of Health required to classify as controlled substances, exemptions, removed from list of precursor chemicals maintained by State Board of Pharmacy, Secs. 20-2-20, 20-2-181 am'd.
Elections, photo identification required to register to vote, Secretary of State required to issue identification cards to persons without photo identification at no cost, Sec. 17-9-30 am'd.; Act 2010-687, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Foreign law, application in violation of rights guaranteed United States and Alabama citizens, prohibited, exceptions, American and Alabama Laws for Alabama Courts Amendment, const. amend.
Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians supervised by pharmacist, appropriately trained, authorized to provide therapeutic diabetic shoes and inserts
Civil actions against architects, engineers, or builders, statute of repose decreased, Secs. 6-5-221, 6-5-222, 6-5-225, 6-5-227 am'd. (2011-20271)
Criminal sentences, voluntary truth-in-sentencing guidelines, submission to Legislature by 2011 Reg. Sess. and approval, deadline deleted, Secs. 12-25-32, 12-25-34 am'd.
Exceptional children, children with individualized education program (IEP) may be transferred between schools and school systems, Sec. 16-39-8.1 added; Sec. 16-39-8 am'd.
Podiatry, practice of, further defined, Sec. 34-24-230 am'd.
Elections, overseas absentee voting, Electronic Overseas Voting Advisory Committee, established to advise whether secure electronic means of voting available, duties of absentee election manager, overseas voter certificate required, Secretary of State to implement rules
Businesses, certain companies that create jobs, tax incentives authorized, requirements and standards for qualification
Pardons and Paroles Board, notification of victims, procedures changed, supplying contact information for notification, victims authorized to choose not to be notified, Implementation Task Force established for statewide automated victim notification system, Sec. 15-22-36.2 added; Secs. 15-22-23, 15-22-36 am'd. (2011-20727)
Health Care Rights of Conscience Act, health care providers, institutions, and payers right to decline to perform services that violate their consciences, injunctive relief
Pregnant women, umbilical cord blood, education regarding the potential benefits of donations, storage, and use, Umbilical Cord Blood Storage Information Act
Civil practice, Uniform Unsworn Foreign Declarations Act, adopted, use of unsworn declarations under certain conditions if declarant is outside of United States
Psychology, Alabama Board of Examiners in, duties, membership, powers, licensure requirements and procedures, fees, continuation of powers and obligations of board under prior law, Psychology Licensure Act, Secs. 34-26A-1 to 34-26A-6, inclusive, 34-26A-20, 34-26A-21, 34-26A-40 to 34-26A-56, inclusive, 34-26A-60 to 34-26A-66, inclusive, added; Secs. 34-26-1 to 34-26-3, inclusive, 34-26-20 to 34-26-22, inclusive, 34-26-40 to 34-26-48, inclisive, 34-26-60 to 34-26-66, inclusive, repealed
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Controlled substances, children, exposure to by mother, to include child in utero, venue established, presumption of exposure in utero created by positive drug test at time of birth, Sec. 26-15-3.2 am'd.
Motor vehicles, speed limits, local law enforcement officers being prohibited from enforcing speed limits on Interstates and in police jurisdiction, provisions deleted, Act 2010-564, 2010 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 32-5A-171 am'd.
Private corporations, railroads, canals, constitutional provisions in Article XII, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, amended and repealed, Sections 229, 240 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901 as amended), am'd., Sections 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 243, 244, 245, 246 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Banks and banking, Section 247 (Section 247, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd. to prohibit establishment of a bank except by general banking law, to provide for unlimited duration, to prohibit political subdivisions from owning stock or lending credit, and to provide for examination requirements; Sections 248, 249, 251, 252, 253, 254 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Alabama Veterinary Medical Foundation for the Spay-Neuter Program, income tax refund check-off for voluntary contribution to, duties to Revenue Department
Military personnel, on active duty deployed outside of State of Alabama in a combat zone or a qualified hazardous duty area and who are Alabama residents, compensation exempt from state income tax, duties to Revenue Department (2011-20196)
Student harassment prevention, reassignment of students to another school, Education Department to post model policy on Internet website, immunity for reporting harassment, Student Harassment Prevention Act renamed the Alex Moore Anti-Bullying Act, Secs. 16-28B-1, 16-28B-4, 16-28B-5, 16-28B-9 am'd.
Private corporations, railroads, canals, constitutional provisions in Article XII, Constitution of Alabama of 1901, amended and repealed, Sections 229, 240 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901 as amended), am'd., Sections 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 236, 237, 243, 244, 245, 246 (Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), repealed, const. amend.
Veterans, education benefits, qualifications altered, Sec. 31-6-11 am'd.
Municipalities, ordinances, planning, zoning, or licensing of businesses, publication or posting further provided for, Sec. 11-45-8 am'd.
Speed limits on highways, enforcement by municipalities authorized, Sec. 32-5A-171 am'd.
Family law, resolution of certain matters through collaborative law agreement, process requirements, privileged communications, Uniform Collaborative Law Act
Elections, independent candidates for statewide office, number of names required to gain ballot access, reduced, Sec. 17-9-3 am'd.
Campaign finance disclosure reports, electronic filing authorized, Secs. 17-5-8, 17-5-9 am'd.; Act 2009-751, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Businesses, certain companies that create jobs, tax incentives authorized, requirements and standards for qualification
Municipalities, ordinances, planning, zoning, or licensing of businesses, publication or posting further provided for, Sec. 11-45-8 am'd.
Antifreeze and engine coolant, addition of bittering agent (denatonium benzoate) required, exceptions
Shelby Co., 18th Judicial Circuit, additional district judge, election, conditional appropriation
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, disabled veterans authorized to obtain certain other veteran tags at reduced cost, Revenue Department to design decal for tag, Sec. 32-6-354 added

Federal cap and trade regulations, goods produced and distributed only in Alabama (intrastate), exempt from cap and trade regulations
Health care, persons, employers, or health care providers, mandatory participation in any health care system prohibited, const. amend.
Motor vehicles, distinctive license tags, disabled veterans authorized to obtain certain other veteran tags at reduced cost, Revenue Department to design decal for tag, Sec. 32-6-354 added
Assault in the third degree, if assault is committed by a person 21 years of age or older against a person who is less than 18 years of age on school property, school bus, or at a school-sponsored function, penalties increased, Sec. 13A-6-22 am'd.
Court costs in criminal cases, additional in municipal, district, and circuit courts, distrib., appropriation, Sec. 12-19-182 added; Sec. 36-18-32 am'd.; Act 2009-768, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Infants, sudden unexplained infant death, Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation Team, established, duties, coordination of county officials, law enforcement, medical or emergency personnel, immunity, Sudden Unexplained Infant Death Investigation Act
Corrections Department, certain employees who work inside a security fence under certain conditions, compensation increased
Alabama Teacher Recruitment Incentive Program (ATRIP), Commission on Higher Education to provide for leave from program for humanitarian religious trip, retroactive effect
Alabama Law Institute, retired employees, employment with certain Legislative agencies, authorized, Sec. 29-4-6 am'd.
Businesses or public employers, reguired to verify legal status of new employees through federal E-verify program, penalties
Alabama Veterinary Medical Association for the Spay-Neuter Program, income tax refund check-off for voluntary contribution to, duties to Revenue Department
Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, over-the-counter products, sales further regulated, on-line electronic verification system operated by Criminal Justice Information Center, penalties, Drug Abuse Task Force, established, members, Sec. 20-2-190 am'd.; Act 2009-283, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Dental Examiners of Alabama, Board of, fees, quorum, disciplinary actions, appeals, Secs. 34-9-10, 34-9-16, 34-9-41, 34-9-42 am'd.
Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, Inc., exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Health care, persons, employers, or health care providers, mandatory participation in any health care system prohibited, const. amend.
Shelby Co., 18th Judicial Circuit, additional district judge, election, conditional appropriation
Court costs in criminal cases, solicitor's fee assessed in all counties equal to fee for Fair Trial Tax Fund, distrib. for district attorney's office and circuit clerk for administration, application to counties with a local law specified
Criminal sex offenders, residence prohibited within certain number of feet of park or playground, penalties, Sec. 15-20-26 am'd.; Act 2009-558, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Continuous sexual abuse of a child, crime of established, penalties
Churches, exempt from state, county, and municipal sales and use tax
Elections, person who is convicted of certain election offense prohibited from serving in certain capacities
Human trafficking, coercion or deception causing a person to work or to perform services having financial value or to perform certain sexual activities, prohibited, criminal penalties, Representatives Jack Williams and Merika Coleman Act (2010-20826)
Obscene material involving children, disseminate further defined, material that constitutes possession of visual obscene matter further provided for, Secs. 13A-12-190, 13A-12-192 am'd.
Class action lawsuits filed in Alabama, plan for undistributed funds to be distributed to Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Department if class members cannot be located, or if distribution to class is not economically feasible, or if class members do not make a claim to the class funds
Antifreeze and engine coolant, addition of bittering agent (denatonium benzoate) required, exceptions
Trails Commission, established in Economic and Community Affairs Department, promotion of Alabama Trails System, advisory board established
Lifespan Respite Resource Network, established, Alabama Respite Coalition, established
Vital statistics, fetal death of stillborn child, mother or father may request Certificate of Birth Resulting in Stillbirth, Brooklee Act, Sec. 22-9A-13 am'd.
Civil action for damages against convicted drug dealers for death of individual, established
Elections, computerized statewide voter registration list, residential address of domestic violence victims omitted, Sec. 17-4-33 am'd.
Elections, board of registrars, prohibited time of registering any person as a qualified elector extended from 10 to 14 days prior to election, Sec. 17-3-50 am'd.
Elections, absentee voting, persons authorized to apply for and vote by absentee ballot or emergency absentee ballot include spouse or primary caretaker of physically ill or infirm person or spouse or primary caretaker of person requiring emergency medical treatment certain number of days prior to election, Sec. 17-11-3 am'd.
Eye care providers including optometrists and ophthalmologists, health insurance policies or plans, prohibited from requiring provider to purchase certain supplies, Access to Eye Care Act, Sec. 27-56-4 am'd. (2010-20388)
Elections, absentee voting, application and vote by commercial carrier authorized, Sec. 17-11-3 am'd.
Elections, absentee voter and provisional absentee voter, identification at time of application required, reidentification of inactive absentee applicants provided for, Secs. 17-9-30, 17-10-1, 17-10-2, 17-11-9 am'd.
Menacing and reckless endangerment, crimes of, penalties increased, Secs. 13A-6-23, 13A-6-24 am'd.
Alabama Residential Energy Code Board changed to Alabama Energy and Residential Codes Board, Model Energy Code replaced with Alabama Energy and Residential Codes, adoption of modern building and energy codes in compliance with federal law to be implemented by counties and municipalities, board members increased, certain farm structures excluded, sprinkler systems provided for, Secs. 41-23-80, 41-23-81, 41-23-82, 41-23-83, 41-23-84, 41-23-85 am'd.
Public education employees and law enforcement officers, offenses committed in the line of duty, arrest warrants, procedures for arrest
Corrections Department, certain correctional officers authorized to participate in Deferred Retirement Option Plan after meeting certain requirements, Sec. 36-27-170 am'd.
State of Alabama, counties and municipalities prohibited from issuing business licenses without proof of citizenship or legal status in United States
Commission on Higher Education, chiropractic scholarships, use of funds for certain advanced courses at colleges and universities in this state, Sec. 16-5-11 am'd.
Municipalities, ordinances, planning, zoning, or licensing of businesses, publication or posting further provided for, Sec. 11-45-8 am'd.
Occupational tax, levy by county or municipality, prohibited, const. amend.
Child custody disputes, procedures for prevention of child abduction, credible risk for abduction factors, applicable to certain international abductions, emergency measures, Uniform Child Abduction Prevention Act
Businesses, certain companies that create jobs, tax incentives authorized, requirements and standards for qualification
Littering, rebuttable presumption of criminal littering provided for, enforcement by county license inspector and solid waste officer, distrib. of fines, Sec. 13A-7-29 am'd.
Greenhouse gas emissions, state agency prohibited from adopting or enforcing a state or regional program to limit or regulate motor vehicle fuel economy or from implementing a cap and trade program without legislative authorization
Federal law enforcement officers, permission of sheriff or Attorney General required before conducting arrest or search and seizure, district attorney required to prosecute violations, supremacy of sheriff as chief law enforcement officer of county declared
Income tax, employer's deduction for health insurance premiums, compensation paid to qualifying employees for calculation of employer's deduction further provided for, Sec. 40-18-15.3 am'd.
Elections, independent candidates for statewide office, number of names required to gain ballot access, reduced, Sec. 17-9-3 am'd.
Campaign finance disclosure reports, electronic filing authorized, Secs. 17-5-8, 17-5-9 am'd.; Act 2009-751, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Limited partnerships, Uniform Limited Partnership Act, effective date for certain limited partnerships changed from January 1, 2012, to January 1, 2011, to coincide with the effective date of the new business and nonprofit entities code, Act 2009-621, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.; Sec. 10-9C-1206 am'd.
Public officials or spouses of public officials, names and compensation of those who are employed by or have contracts with a municipality, a county, or the state, public disclosure required, filing with Ethics Commission, Sec. 36-25-5.1 added
Transportation Commission, established, members, terms, compensation, appointment of Director of Transportation Department, Secs. 23-1A-1, 23-1A-2, 23-1A-3 added; Secs. 23-1-21, 23-1-21.2, 23-1-22, 23-1-30, 23-1-34, 23-1-39, 23-1-42, 23-1-50, 23-1-54, 23-1-55, 23-1-58, 23-1-59, 23-1-60, 23-1-61, 23-1-249, 23-1-286 am'd.; Secs. 23-1-41, 23-1-63 repealed
Ethics Commission, granted subpoena power, Sec. 36-25-3 am'd.; Act 2009-225, 2009 Reg. Sess. am'd.
Motor vehicles, text messaging or operating a handheld global positioning system (GPS) while operating a motor vehicle on public street, road, or highway prohibited, penalties
Elections, right of individuals to vote by secret ballot guaranteed, Amendment 579 (Section 177, Recompiled Constitution of Alabama of 1901, as amended), am'd., const. amend.
Short-barreled rifles or short-barreled shotguns, possession, sale, receipt, obtaining, or use, in violation of federal law, prohibited, exceptions, penalties, Sec. 13A-11-63 am'd.

Ethics Commission, members, appointment and confirmation, investigation of complaints, subpoena power, post-investigation referral and status reports by Attorney General or district attorney, Secs. 36-25-3, 36-25-4, am'd.
Ethics Law, lobbying, definition to include activity with any branch of state government, maintenance of electronic database, mandatory ethics training for public officers or employees and lobbyists, certain representation by legislators prohibited, Sec. 36-25-1.5 added
Ethics Law, members of legislature, employment as employee or teacher in other government job, prohibited, exceptions, liability for any compensation received in violation, Attorney General to enforce, Legislative Double Dipping Prohibition Act
Governor, a member of Governor's family, or a member of the Governor's cabinet, prohibited from contracting, lobbying, and working for companies that contract or lobby with the Executive Branch for two years following departure from public service, Sec. 36-25-19 am'd.
Campaign finance disclosure reports, electronic filing required, Secretary of State to maintain electronic database, Sec. 17-5-8 am'd.
Retirement, Employees' Retirement System or the Teachers' Retirement System, future participants, state-paid portion and interest on retirement forfeited upon felony conviction, Retirement Systems of Alabama granted civil and criminal immunity
Elections, public employees, payroll deductions, state and local governmental agencies, including school boards, prohibited from arranging for payments by payroll deduction to political action committees or dues for membership organizations that use funds for political activities, Sec. 17-17-5 am'd. (2010-21197)
Ethics Commission, members, appointment and confirmation, investigation of complaints, subpoena power, post-investigation referral and status reports, penalties, Secs. 36-25-3, 36-25-4, 36-25-27 am'd. (2010-21255)

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