Bradley Byrne
General Information

We do not have an introduction for Bradley Byrne. If you would like to see Bradley Byrne's introduction appear here, please reach out to Bradley Byrne. Are you Bradley Byrne? Fill out our form here.
Education Information
Known educational history for Bradley Byrne from Montrose, AL.
- JD, University of Alabama School of Law, 1980
- Graduated, Duke University, 1977
Political Information
Known political history for Bradley Byrne from Montrose, AL.
- Representative, United States House of Representatives, Alabama, District 1, 2013-2021
- Candidate, United States Senate, Alabama, 2020
- Candidate, United States House of Representatives, Alabama, District 1, 2018
- Senator, Alabama State Senate, District 32, 2003-2007
- Member, Alabama State Board of Education, 1994-2002
Professions Information
Known professional history for Bradley Byrne from Montrose, AL.
- Attorney, Jones Walker
- Former Chancellor, Alabama Post-Secondary Education System
Congressional Information
Known congressional history for Bradley Byrne from Montrose, AL.
- Co-Chair, Singapore Caucus
- Co-Chair, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Caucus
- Co-Chair, Coastal Communities Caucus
- Former Chair, Joint Oversight Committee on State Parks, Alabama General Assembly
- Former Member, Education & Labor Committee, United States House of Representatives
- Former Member, Armed Services Committee, United States House of Representatives
- Former Member, Higher Education and Workforce Development Subcommittee, United States House of Representatives
- Former Member, Rules Committee, United States House of Representatives
- Former Member, Education and the Workforce Committee, United States House of Representatives
- Former Member, Education Committee, Alabama State Senate
- Former Member, Judiciary Committee, Alabama State Senate
- Former Member, Education Budget Committee, Alabama State Senate
- Former Member, Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities, United States House of Representatives
- Former Member, Subcommittee on Legislative and Budget Process, United States House of Representatives
- Former Member, Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, United States House of Representatives
- Former Member, Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, United States House of Representatives
- Former Member, Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces, United States House of Representatives
- Former Member, Subcommittee on Rules and Organization of the House, United States House of Representatives
- Former Ranking Member, Subcommittee on Workforce Protections, United States House of Representatives
- Member, Small Brewers Caucus
- Member, Irish Caucus
- Member, Forestry Caucus
- Member, Assisting Caregivers Today (ACT) Caucus
- Member, National Guard Caucus
- Member, Municipal Finance Caucus
- Member, Air Force Caucus
- Member, Global Investment in America Caucus
- Member, Travel and Tourism Caucus
- Member, Steel Caucus
- Member, Long Range Strike Caucus
- Member, Sportsmen's Caucus
- Member, Shipbuilding Caucus
- Member, Mental Health Caucus
- Member, Republican Israel Caucus
- Member, Pro-Life Caucus
- Member, Prayer Caucus
- Member, Ports Caucus
- Member, Rugby Caucus
- Member, General Aviation Caucus
- Member, Manufacturing Caucus
- Steering Committee Member, Republican Study Committee
Organizations Information
Known organizational history for Bradley Byrne from Montrose, AL.
- Lifetime Member, Alabama Parent Teacher Association, present
- Member, Phi Delta Theta Fraternity, present
- Member, Saint James Episcopal Church, present
- Board Member, South Baldwin Chamber of Commerce
- Former Chair, State Workforce Planning Council
- Member, Brain Injury Task Force
- Participant, Leadership Alabama
- Vice Chair, Economic Development Council, Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce
Election History
Bradley Byrne from Montrose, AL has participated in elections listed below in the state of Alabama.
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