Controversial AL Pastor Dean Odle To Run For Governor

Qualifying for Alabama’s 2022 Governor race runs from Jan 07, 2022 – Jun 07, 2022 but that hasn’t stopped Dean Odle of Cusseta, AL from announcing his plans to seek Alabama’s highest office.
Odle will be holding an official announcement and press conference to kick off his Republican campaign on September 17, 2020 at 2:00 PM CST in Opelika, AL. The event will be held in person but also live-streamed for those that wish to not attend.
Who Is Dean Odle
Dean Odle is the 53-year-old founder of Fire & Grace Church in the Auburn/Opelika area and has lived in the state for nearly all of his 53 years according to his campaign’s about page. He describes himself as not a “stick-my-finger-in-the-wind” politician nor is he interested in being wealthy or selling his soul to sell out the people of Alabama.
Odle’s issues page of his website lists a variety of issues his campaign will concentrate on, including traditional Republican issues such as pro 2nd Amendment, Pro-Life, anti-taxation, and supporting farmers, though many of these pages at the time of this article being published lacked any detailed information. The more controversial sections of Odel’s website, however, are detailed and cover issues such as the New World Order, Anti-Vaccination, and COVID-19.
Controversial Views
Odle’s more controversial views include the New World Order, which is the hypothesis of a secretly emerging totalitarian world government. Odle also is a staunch anti-vaccine advocate, claiming that vaccines are responsible for brain inflammation and autism in children. When it comes to COVID-19, Odle believes that the virus came from a Chinese bioweapon lab in Wuhan, China. He is also a staunch anti-mask advocate, against the Alabama statewide shutdown of businesses and believes the cure for the virus has already been found, pushing the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine as the cure. There are also social media posts that have been found where he references QAnon, the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, and his belief that the Earth is flat.
New World Order
Odle has dedicated an entire page of his campaign’s website to the New World Order which you can read here. His social media accounts have also made references to the NWO.

Odle writes extensively on his Anti-Vaccine page about his fears of Government mandated vaccines and his view that vaccines can be linked to brain inflammation and autism in children. He also shares his disdain for vaccines through his social media.

Odle also writes extensively on his COVID-19 page about the virus. Among the views he holds is that the virus was created in a bio-weapons lab in Wuhan, China, the virus is being used to further the New World Order and that people are being manipulated into fear “like the Nazis did their people against the Jews.”

On Odle’s social media posts, he has referenced that a cure exists with the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine and made a statement referencing the virus as the “Bill Gates plague.”

Other Controversial Views
Odle also holds other controversial views which he does not list on his website but expresses via social media. Odle believes the Earth is flat and that organizations like NASA lie to the American people. He expresses support for QAnon as well as has posts claiming Pizzagate as true. He also references Alex Jones’ Infowars multiple times. Below is a collection of those social media posts we discovered while browsing Odle’s social media accounts.
Brent Wilson was born and raised in Huntsville, Alabama and is the Owner and Chief Editor of
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