America’s Largest Anti-Abortion Group Endorses Tommy Tuberville

On Tuesday, America’s largest group that advocates for anti-abortion policies National Right to Life endorsed former Auburn football coach and Republican Senate nominee Tommy Tuberville over his opponent, Democratic incumbent Doug Jones. Senator Jones has been a stalwart supporter of abortion rights during his tenure as Alabama’s junior Senator.
In a 2017 interview with MSNBC, Jones said, “To be clear, I fully support a woman’s freedom to choose what happens to her own body. That is an intensely, intensely personal decision that only she, in consultation with her god, her doctor, her partner or family, that’s her choice.”
“National Right to Life is pleased to endorse Tommy Tuberville for election to the U.S. Senate,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “Tommy Tuberville supports compassionate proposals to safeguard unborn children and their mothers from the pain of abortion.”
National Right to Life issued the following statement:
“Tommy Tuberville supports the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This legislation would protect unborn children at 20 weeks, a point by which the unborn child is capable of experiencing great pain when being killed by dismemberment or other late abortion methods
Tommy Tuberville supports the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This Act would require that a baby born alive during an abortion be afforded the same degree of care that would apply to any other child delivered at the same gestational age.
Tommy Tuberville opposes using tax dollars to pay for abortion, and he opposes taxpayer funding of abortion providers.
Tommy Tuberville will vote to confirm conservative federal judges to the bench who pledge to interpret the Constitution as it was written.
By contrast, his opponent, Senator Doug Jones, supports a policy of abortion on demand, which allows abortion for any reason, and he supports taxpayer funding for abortion.
Doug Jones voted against the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and thus in favor of allowing abortions to continue on unborn children after 20 weeks who are capable of experiencing great pain.
Doug Jones voted against the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court.” the statement concluded.
Tuberville will face Jones on November 3. Incumbent President Donald Trump, who won Alabama by almost 28 points in 2016, will face former President Joe Biden on that same night.
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